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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 25rd,
The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.~., and was called to order by ~~yor Feeley. Officers
present were' Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law.
Uinutes of the ]X evious session were read and approved.
\Jnder the head of applic,l'tions for license renewals the following were granted,
I /100-
Taylor Heating &. Plumbing Co. ~ster Plumber
J. VI. Caven Plog. & He3 ting Co. Master Plumber
~(ildred I,arson Beauty Shop deauty Operator
Nason's Cafe Restaurant
'Nason's Ca fe Music Machine
Nason's Cafe Soft lJrink
Wallace 8arber Shop bar bar Shop
~oe Woods Barber Shop Barber Shop
:Permanent Wave Shop Beauty Shop
~. L. Johnson Second Hand Dealer
Plympic Recreation 5 Amusement Machines
~OlymPiC Recreation Music Machine
lympic Recreation Soft Drink
, lite Beau t:1 Shop Jeauty Opera tor
~nder the head of unfinished business, pursuant to bids published to furnish premium and non-premium
gasoline and diesel oil for City Departments during the year 1950, the following were submitted:
Shell Uil <corp., iJon-premium gas, posted price at time of delivery, less It cents per gal.;
Premium gas, posted price at time of delivery, less 1 5/4 cents per gal.;
Diesel Oil, posted price at time of delivery.
Standard Oil Co. of Calif., Premium and non-premium gas, posted price at time of delivery,
less li cents per gallon.
Diesel fuel Oil: 40 to 199 gaL, $.129 per gal.; 199 to 599 gal., $.lN per gaL;
400 gal. or more, $.119 per gal.
Richfield Oil Corporation: Fremiur.l and non-premium gas, seller's posted price at time of deliver,',
less It cents per gallon.
Diesel Oil, $.119 per gal.,- or less ~ per gal. below the posted tank wagon price.
The Texas Co., Premium gas, posted consumer price on date of delivery, not to exceed $.2255 per gal.
Non-premium, posted consumer price OJ! date of delivery, not to exceed $.206 per gal.
Tide Water Associated Oil Co., Flying A (I{egular) ~.221 less $.01; Flying A (Eth~'l) ~.241 less $.01.
For deliveries into duyer's storage, additional discount, $.0025.
City I~el Company' Diesel Oil, posted price at time of delivery, $.119 per gallon.
It was moved by Commissioner liobinson that the bid suhnitted by The Texas COr.l?a"y to furnish premium and
non-premium gasoline be'accepted, and that the bid for Diesel Oil submitted by the Richfield Oil Corp.
be accepted. ~otion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
131ds to furnsh transformers during the year 1950 for the Light Distribution Systell'" were opened as follows;
li"I." ..
General Electric Companyl
4 - 10 KVA, each $142.80;
8 - 15 KVA, each 182.28;
12 - 25 KVA, each 252.00;
5 - 57t KVA, each 550.12;
4 - 50 KVA, each 404.04;
- 200 KVA, each 1,151.64
Alterrates to Item 6
5 - 167 KVA, each 1,018.92
5 - 250 KVA, each 1,458.92
Westinghouse Electric Supply Company:
4 - 10 [VA, each 142.80
8 - 15 KVA, each 182.28
12 - 25 KVA, each 252.00
5 - 57~ KVA, each 550.12
4 - 50 KVA, each 404.04
,~lternates :
5 - 167 [VA, each 1,018.92
5 - 250 KVA, each 1,438.92
Hangers for 10 to 15 KVA, ea ch $3.56
Hangers for 25-37i and 50 KVA, each t5.88
Kicker ilrackets for 10 to 15 KW. @ ~1.26
Line Material Co.,
4 - 10 KVA, each
8 - 15 KVA, each
12 - 25 KVA, each
5 - 57~ KVA, each
4 - 50 KVA, each
5 - 200 KVA, each
P.lternate, Item 6.
5 - 167 KVA, each
Cross arm mounting
h9 ngers included.
Westinghouse Electric
4 - 10 KVA, each
8 - 15 KVA, each
12 - 25 KVA, each
5 - 57t KVA, each
4 - 50 KVA, each
Al ternates,
5 _ 167 KVA, each
5 - 250 KVA, each
Corp. :
Kicker Bracket for 10 to 15 I,VA, $1.26
Kicker Bracket for 25, 37t and 50 KVA, ~1.68
"T" type Hangers for 10 and 15 KVA, $5.56
"T" type hangers for 25, 57t anei 50 KVA, $5.88
North Coast Electric Co.~
4 - 10 KVA, each
8 - 15 ".VA, each
12 - 25 KVA, each
5 - 57~ KVA, each
4 .. 50 KVA, each
Al terna tes :
5 - 167 KVA, eacb
5 - 250 KVk, each
complete V/ith oil and
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 25rdL continusd
I General Electric Suppl,' Corp.:
I 4 - 10 l\I/A, each 142.80;
, 8 - 15 KVA, each 182.28;
12 - 25 KVA, each 252.00;
5 - 57} K'lA, each 550.12;
4 -.50 KVA, each 401.04;
5 - 200 KVA, each 1,151.64
I Alternates:
5 - 167 KVA, each 1,018.92
5 - 250 KVA, each 1,458.92
Pump & Equlpment Company:
l1aydwell and Hartzell:
4 - 10 KVA, each
8 - 15 KVA, each
12 - 25 KVA, each
5 - 57i KVA, each
4 - 50 KVA, each
5 - 200 KVA, each
R. E. Uptegraff Mfg.
4 - 10 KVA, each
8 - 15 KVA, each
12 - 25 KVA, each
5 - 57~ K\!A, each
4 50 KVA, e'acb
5 - 200 KVA, each
Complete 7~th oil
and crossarm Hangers.
10 KVA, each
15 KVA, each
25 r.VA, each
37~' KVA, each
50 KVA, each
200 KVA, each
Sta te Tax not
inc luded
Star l:achillery Co.:
4 - 10 KVA, each 156.95
8 - 15 KVA, each 171.51
12 - 25 KVA, each 239.40
3 - 5'1} KVA, each 506.16
5 - 50 KVA, each 380.25
5 - 167 KVA, each 940.76
5 - 200 KVA, each 1,085.64
Accessories and Hangers included
Vlagner J<;lectric Company:
I 4 _ 10 KVA, each 142.80
8 - 15 KVA, each 182.28
12 - 25 KVA, each 172.00
5 - 57~ EVA, each 550.12
5 - 50 KVA, each 404.04
5 - 167 KVA, each 1,018.92
5 250 KVA, each 1,458.92
Complete with all standard accessories
Allis-Chalmers ~fg.
4 - 10 KVA, each
8 - 15 KVA, each
12 - 25 r.VA, each
5 - 37i KVA, each
4 - 50 KW., each
5 - 200 KVA, each
lJangers included.
Co. :
Graybar Electric Co.,
4 - 10 KVA, eech
8 - 15 KVA, each
12 - 25 KVA, each
5 - 571 KVA, each
4 - 50 KVA, each
5 - 200 KVA, each
Hangers - 3.56 and
167 KVA, each 1,018.92
, 250 KVA, each 1,458.92
lIt wes moved by Commissioner RObinson that the bids be referred to the Light Supt. for checking and
,contract awarded at the next session. Motion seconded by Co~issioner Taylor. All voted Ay~. Kotion
!Carried. .
,I,lr. "Holt appeared in behalf of Meter Advertising Company regarding use of meter standards for advertising
purp05e"S. Attorney Trumbull informed that contract must be handled by franchise which revision cannot be
"concluded and passed until the next session. The attorneys were inst.ructed to draft a satisfactory
franchise for the same.
Inc. :
404 .04
The Commission again discussed a proposal for refunding the Industrial Water Revellue ilonds, and it Vias
,moved by Commissioner Robinson t.'Ja t due to la ck of sufficient infonnation concerning rehabilitation of the
Municipal Water Syste:r" the proposal for refunding the Industrial 1later Revenue Jonds be rejected.. l~otion
'seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
commissioner Taylor reported on repair and replacement of defective ceilincs in the Fire Hall, and
I recommended tha t the Architect be instructed to inform the Contractor to proceed with ceJ.ing defect
using "Rockwood" as substi. tute. Recommendation approved.
'IUnder the head of new lllsiness, J.:oford Smith informed the Cor:unission that he had purchased lots near
Second and Cherry Streets and opened a private driveway for an alley, which the public is using. It was
his opinion that if the driveVla;;' is to be a public thoroughfare, the City should purchase lots. The
I'matter Vias referred to the Engineer.
:'The Park Board presented a petition requesting vacation of Third Street between Francis and Race Street5,
(thereby confonning wi th the Erickson Agreement. It was moved by Commiss:.onel' Robinson that the P:ttorney
'oe instructed to present a resolution fixine date of hearing for the said vaoation. Motion seconded by
Co:mnissioner Taylor. All voted j.ye. Motion carri.ed. The Park Joard also requested by petition that "(;"
'I Street betweeJ: 6th and 7th Streets, and that portion of the alley east of "G" Street between 6th .nd 7th
Streets je vacated. This petition was referred to the Engineer's Lepertrnent.
"l':~' . NO'I'lci.:O nto )I,~n"
Xot;icoc I!': here!).}' gl\:ell that ldrl
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Charles We~ster, of tha 1vening ~ews, appeared befOl~ the Co~~issiqn protestir.g I'
use of parking meter standards for advertising. hlso advised the Comrn~ssion thst ,
other means of raisins revenue should be considered, but if the City is going into
advertising l:JUsiness) a fifteen or twentj' per cent return is not sufficient when
the 18rger percentage goes out of the Cit;;', therefore should look for a better
proposition. On behalf of the evening >lews, Mr. Webster steted a protest against
using rreter standards for advertising. Conunissioner Robinson infonned that the
Commission ha s no desire to hurt an~r local fir:;1s or individuals, and it was his
understanding that the looal merchants will have preference if advertising
program is adopted.
The Commission instF~cted that oids be pu~lished to fUrnish fuel oil for the Fire
Hall, Police Station, and City Juilding) bids to be opened December 7th. It was
also moved by Cormnissioner Hob ins on that bids be pu;,lished for one bookkeeping
machine for the Light and Vlater Lepartments, .bids to be opened December 14th.
',lotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted !lye. !!.otion carried.
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were introduced:
BE IT RESOI?IED b;;' the City Gommission of the City of Port Angeles:
FIRST, That the puolic health, interest and convenience of the City of Port
AI~eles require, and it is the intention of the City Commission of the City of
". 604
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 25rd, continued,
Jport Angeles to order the following improvements in the follo>/ing described portions of the City of Port !
Angele", to wit: The improvement of South Pine Street from the present terminus of the tmnk sewer thereon
at the intersection of said street with the alley betweeJl Twelfth snd Thirteenth Streets to a point I
lapproximately 20 feet North of the Southerly margin of Sixteellth Street, oy the construction and laying
,therein of a sanitary trunk sewer, including all necessary laoor and material for the complete constmction
ar.d installation thereof, and certain lateral sanitary sewers connecting with said trunk sewer as follows:
Commencirvs at the Southern terminus of said trunk sewer at a point approximately 20 feet North of the
Southerly boundar-,)' of Sixteenth Street and rumling thence 'ilesterly along Sixteenth Street to a point North
of lot ten (10) in Block Four Humred Forty-six (446) ,and sufficient to properly drain and sewer said illock
'IFour Hundred Forty-six (446), co::unencing at a point in said trunk sewer where the same intersects the alley
running through Block Four Hundred '!\venty-four (424) and four Hundred '!\venty-five (425) aJld rUlliling
71esterly from said point through the' alley through ,Hock Four dWldred Twenty-fiye (425) to a point on the
'f{est boundary line of Lots Ten (10) am Eleven (11) in Jlock Four tlumred Twenty-five (425) and t.csterly
from said point of beginning through the alley running through Block ,"our Hundred Tv1enty-four (424) to a
point in said alley North of Lot Fifteen (15) in said Jlock four hundred Twenty-four (424) sufficient to
l'properlY draiil and sewer Jlock Four Hundred Twenty-four (424) and Lo~s Seven (7), ~ight (8), Nine (9), Ten
I (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (H), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), and Fifteen (15) of said cJlock Four Hundred
'!\venty-four (424), and cOl!'menciD€ at a point in said trunk sevrer where the same intersects the alley
I running throu((h 310cks Four Hundred Seventeen (417), Four Hundred Lighteen (418) end Four Hundred
, Nineteen (419) and running Westerly from said point through the alley running through illock Four hundred
Eighteen (418) and illock Four Hundred Seventeen (417) to a point in said alley South of Lot Three (5) in
Block Four Hundred Seventeen (417) and Easterly from said point of beginning through the alley running
through Block Four humred Nineteell (419) to s point in said alley North of Lot Thirteen (15) in lJlock Four
Hundred Nineteen (41G) sufficient to properly drain and sewer tots One (I), Twc (2), Three (5), Nineteen
. (19) and Twenty (20) L"l Block Four Hundred Seventeen (417), all of "lock Four Hundred Eighteen (418) and
i'Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (ll), Tvrelve (12) and Thirteen (15) in olock Four HUJ,dred Nineteen (419),
, and cormnencing at a point in said trunk sewer where the same intersects the alley running through Jlocks
Three Hundred Ninety (590), Three P.undred Ninety-one (591) am Three Humred ;~inety-two (592) and r;lnning
thence Westerly through the alley running through Blocks Three Hundred Ninety-one (591) and Three Hundred
Ninety-two (592) to a point in said alley South of Lot Seven (7) in "lock Three Hundred Ninety-two (592)
'and running Easterly from said point of beginninG through the alley running thrOtlgh Block Three Hundred
Ninety (590) to a point in said alley South of Lot Nine (9) in Block Three Hundred Ninety (390) sufficient
to properly sevrer and drain Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), and Eleven (11) in alack Three hundred Ninety (590),
all of Glock Three Hundred Ninety-one (591) and Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (5), i'"our (4), Five (5), Six
! (6), Seven (7), Fifteen (15), Sixteell (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) ,
'in Block Three Hundred Ninety-two (592) including all necessary labor and material for the complete construciL
tion and installation of such lateral sanitary sewers, and together with all manholes, fl;lSh tanks, catch I
I, basins, wyes and other ec;uipment and accessories necessary or suitable to cOr.lplete said improvement, all
'work to be done and lnaterial to be furnished in connection with such improvanent shall be in accord with
plans, specifications and maps to be prepared by the Cit,' ~ngineer of the City of J'ort Angeles, adopted
oy the City Commission and filed with the City Clerk of said City.
SECOND, That there be created a local improvement district consisting of the following described property,
to wit, Lots Nine (9), 'fen (10) and ileven (11) in Block Three Hundred lliJl8ty (590); Lots One (1) to
Twenty (20), inclusive, in mock Three Hundred Ninety-one (591); Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (5), ,our
(4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen
(19) and Twenty (20) in Block Three Hundred Ninety-two (592); Lata One (1), lwo (2), Three (5), Nineteen
I (19) and Twenty (20) L"l Block Four Hundred Seventeen (417); Lots One (1) to Twenty (20), inclusive, in
in Block ,'our Hu,,:Jred Eighteen (418); Lots Nine (9), Te:-l (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (15)
,in olock Four Hundred Nineteen (419); Lots Seven (7), i::ight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve
I (12), l'hirteen (15), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) in Jlock Four Hundred Twsnty-four (424); Lots One (1)
to Tl"enty (20), inclusive, in Block Four Hundred l''ienty-five (425); Lots One (1) to Ten (10), inclusive,
in 310ck ,'our Hundred Forty-six (446); all in the linilled States Governllent Townsite of Port Angeles,
;Clallam CQunty, WashiD€ton,
That the Northerly and Southerly boundaries of said district shall coincide with the Northerly and
Southerly boundaries of the most l'lortherl,' and Southerly lots and blocks above described, and the tosterly
and Westerly boundaries of said district shall coincide ~~th the Easterly and Westerly boundaries of the
most Easterly and Westerly lots and blocks above described, and that the above described property constitutes,
as near as may be, all of the territory which can be sewered and drained through such trunk am lateral
i sewers, and which proparty and district shall be specially assessed for the cost and expense of such
, improvement in the manner provided 'rJY law.
I'THIRD: A me~ting of the City Comnission of the City of Port Angeles to be held on Wednesday the 28tj) day
of December, 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., at the Commission Room of the City of Port Angeles, at
215 South Lincoln Street in said City, are hereby fixed as the date, time and place for all psrsons
desiring to object to such improvement to appaar and present such objections, and all such persons are
hereby notified to be and appear a t such time and place and then and there present any objections to such
improvements that they may have.
tOURTH, That the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is hereby directed to give notice of the date,
Ii time and place of the hearing of objections to such improvement as above fixed to each owner or reputed
O;'ller of each lot, tract or parcel of land, or other property specially benefited by such improvement, bJ'
mailing to the owner or reputed own.er of the property as s hO'in on the tax roils of the County Treasurer, at
the address shown thereon, a notice setting forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the total
estimated cost and the estimated benefits to the particular lot, tract or parcel, and the date of hearing
before the City Conunission, at least fifteen (15) days before the date of such maring, and to publish
this resolution in at least two (2,) consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City of Port
:1 Angeles, the date of first publication to be at least fifteen \15) days prior to the date fixed herein for
'the hearing of cbjections to such improvement.
1'1 FIFTH: That the nature of the improvelll8nt herein contemplated is such that the special benefits conferred
on the property are not fairly reflected by the use of the termini and zone method of assessing the cost of
special benefits as provided in Section 15, of Chapter 98, of the Laws of IDll as amended by Chaptar 155,
of the Laws of 1947 (Remington's !levised Statutes, Section 9565, 1947 supplement). Each lot, tract or
parcel of land within said improvement district shall be assessed an equal portion of the cost and expense
of such improvement, the amount of which assessment shall be ascertained by dividing the total amount of
the estimated cost and expense of such iBprovement by the total number of separate lots, tracts or parcels
of land included vdthin such improvement district. 'fne City lcngineer of the City of Port Angeles is hereoy
directed to submit to the City Co:n.llission of said City at or prior to the date hereiil fixed for the hearing
II of objections to such improvement the estimated cost and expense thereof and a statement of the proportiun-
ate amount of such cost and expense which should be borne by each separate lot, tract or parcel of land
within the proposed assessment district, together with a statement of the aggregate valuation of the real
- ,
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Noy-"mber 25rd. contin\l~
"-..._.._._."._ M.,.,"_
estate, exclusive of improvements, wi thin said district according to the valuation last placed upon it for
the purposes of general taxation, and certifying in detail the local improvement assessments outstanding
and u"paid against the propert.\r in said district, if any, exclusive of assessments for diking, draining,
sanitary fill or for filling any street to the established grade over any tide flats or tide lands, or for
storm or sanitary sewers or water-mains} if any, and vnth a diagram or print showing tLereon the lots,
tracts and parcels of land which will be specially benefi ted by sllch improvement and the estimated amount
of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each sllch lot, tract or parcel of land, and to
furnish to the City Clerk of said City such infonnation as may be necessary for the giving by him of the
notice of hearing as herein providsd.
It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing resolution fixing date of rearing be adopted.
Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
It appearing to the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that certain surface waters are being
, drained and cast upon these certain premises known as Ocean View Cemetery ovmed and operated by the City of I
Port Angeles and located within said City, and that said surface waters and drainage have caused enensi ve I
I and damaging erosing to said premises and endanger life and property, and that steps should be taken by
Ii the City to alleviate such condition and prevent further dallBge by the constmction of flood control works
; consisting of.a flume Dr culvert 400 lineal feet in length, constructed of 36 inch concrete pipe and
; running in a Northerly direction from Eighteenth 5treet in the Gity of Port Angeles, commonly known as the
Cemetery Road, through the eroded portion of such cemetery premises to a point 400 feet more or less
Northerly from said Cemetery Hoad, together with a concrete header at the intake end of said pipe or flume
and a concrete aprun at the discharge and thereof, and covering said pipe vn th backfill adequate to protect
the same from damage, and the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles having estimated the cost of such I
flood control works to be the S"ffi of $6,666.00, and the said City being desirous of entering into a
contract vn th the State of 7fashington by and through the Director of Conservation and Development of said
State for the purpose of baving the said State Df Washington bear 50% of the cost of said project in the I
manner provided by law, and the said City nct having sufficient funds available ,for the complete construc-
tion of said flood control works) no'", therefore, !
! m IT HESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that the said City construct a flood :1
I control works as above described through the damaged and eroded area in Ucean View Cemetery in the Gity of
Port Ar.geles; the estill'.ated cost of said project being the sum of ii6,666.oo, and that the said City not
having sufficient funds availa~le to cOr.Jplete the construction of said flood control works that a contract 'I
be entered into in wri ting betvreen the City of Port Angeles am the State of Washington, by end U,rough the!
Director of Conservation and Developnent of .said State, whereby the said State of Washington agrees to I
reimburse the City of Port Angeles in an amount equal to 50;;: of the cost of construction of said project, I
and b~' and through the j)irector of Conservation am Developnent and other proper officers of said State to I
suparvise the construction and installation of said flood control works, all in the manner provided by law.
II BE IT HESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles: i
I That the public safety, convenience and necessity of the City of Port Angeles requires that there be made
I" survey of the origin and destination of motor vehicle traffic moving il~o, out cf, through and within the
iCity of Port Angeles.
I .
I That the City of Port Angeles is without funds to conduct and complete such a survey.
That the State of Washington, acting by and throt;gh its Director of Highways, be, and hereby is, authorized
to conduct and complete a survey of the origin and destination of such traffic or such portion thereof as
shall be necessary or advisable at a cost to the City of Port Angeles of not more tnan 25% of the total
cos.t of such survey, and that the City of Port Angeles enter into such contract as may be appropriate with
the State of "i1ashington acting b.y and through its Director of Highwa~'s to conduct and oomplete said survey i
or such portion thereof as may be necessary or advisable.
It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing two resolutions be approved and adopted. ~econded
by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The. Com;nission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same:
iOWenSBrOlliers One Waterproof Light
'OlYJT.pic Laumry & Cleaners dlankets Cleaned
iDeines Studio 2 Cans Heplenisher
,City Treasurer Licenses
'F..L.R. Service Parts'" Labor
Aiken Mot ors Parts
Port Tie", Lumber Co. Lumber
!YIATI:H YJND: /S:<' +:5
i~e.mueliiOIl11otor Co. -
)~ultigraph Sales P.gency
'Hensselaer Valve Co.
ic. N. Hallgren Co.
iMo~gomery Ward & Co.
iLIGHT FUND: ;: / 3 0
;J.lultigraph Sales Agency
~Ci t;y lrreasurer
IPaufic Shoe Repair Shop
'IWestinghouse Electric~ Supply Co.
'PARK f"UND: .;{.37f is
~Hayden ~~orris..... Oven Temperature Control
City Treasurer Reimburse L'uaranty Fund for lots used for Parks" Playfields
l~tate 'ireas., Nash. ~tate Highway Uept. Acct. Striping Streets
IThere being no further business, the session ~as then adjourned.
I ~ 8 c i:.J.,,~w-,
t~:l~~r s
Pipe Saddle
Cash for Stamps
8.10 I ,
7.47 i
2,567.58 I
City Clerk
r Mayor
i ,~