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Port Angeles, Washington
November 23, 1991
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 9:10 a.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Lemon, Nicholson, and
Members Absent: Councilmen Hallett, Ostrowski, and Schueler.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, and Clerk Upton.
Public Present: G. Braun, J. St. Claire, and J. Glass.
Special Agency Special Agency Requests
Clallam County Human Services: Present to submit a request in the amount of
$134,378 for Clallam County Human Services were Gene Lawson and Helen
Dawley. Mr. Lawson explained the process used by the Human Services
Coordinating Council in rating each proposal. He then reviewed each proposal
individually and noted it was the committee's recommendation that no funding be
directed to the Port Angeles or Sequim senior centers.
Lengthy discussion ensued between Councilmembers and Mr. Lawson and Ms.
Dawley, specifically relating to the fact the Senior Center is not a social center, but
rather will be housing various senior services. Councilmembers were of the opinion
the County needs to be made aware of this fact.
Further, it was noted the City of Port Angeles is expected to fund these programs at
a proportionately higher level than the County or the City of Sequim.
Clallam County Economic Development Council: Judith St. Claire, Executive
Director of the EDC, presented a request for $12,500; however, she requested the
prerogative of returning to Council with an additional request during 1992 should the
Economic Development Council fall short of funding. Ms. St. Claire noted this is
the tenth anniversary of the EDC and reviewed its commitment to strengthen the
economic and business base in this area.
Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce: Representing the Chamber of Commerce were
Erl Hansen, Executive Director, and Carol Johnson, Chairman of the Tourist
Promotion Committee. In that the written request for $49,056 included sufficient
detail supportive of the funding, Mr. Hansen and Ms. Johnson chose to not submit
a verbal presentation at this time. They offered to answer any questions; there were
North Olympic Peninsula Visitors & Convention Bureau: Mr. Mike McElrath and
Ms. Joanie Ulsky were present on behalf of the NOPVCB to submit a funding
request of $63,048. They submitted information pertinent to the NOPVCB's efforts
in the arena of tourist promotion, as well as convention sales and service. Ms.
Ulsky advised Council the additional need for funding was in response to the City's
commitment to renovate the Vem Burton Memorial Community Center. It is felt to
be the responsibility of the NOPVCB to support the City with convention sales and
services and, therefore, an additional person would be hired specifically for
convention sales. Other portions of this fimding would be applied to materials to
assist the convention sales.
In the ensuing discussion, Mayor Sargent noted the NOPVCB has stated in previous
presentations that it was actively seeking conventions to Port Angeles. Councilman
Lemon asked if the Chamber of Commerce had any input to offer concerning
convention sales and service on the part of the NOPVCB. Carol Johnson informed
November 23, 1991
Special Agency the Council that the Board of Directors of the Chamber had unanimously voted
Requests: against the addition of a fulltime employee in this regard at this time, particularly in
(Cont'd) view of the fact that the budget for the renovation is not yet in order and there is no
definite date for completion. It was felt to be a premature expenditure on the part
of the NOPVCB.
Break Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 10:19 a.m. The meeting
reconvened at 10:40 a.m.
Port Angeles Symphony: George Pettit presented a request in the amount of $5,000
on behalf of the Port Angeles Symphony. He reviewed the accomplishments of the
Symphony this past year and reviewed upcoming plans, noting the Symphony is
better in size and in quality. The Symphony has enjoyed a sellout crowd the past
two years; however, this has resulted in a somewhat punitive position with the
Washington Arts Commission in that State funding has been withdrawn due to the
success of the Symphony. Funding is needed to support the Symphony's capital
purchases and scholarship funds.
Arthur D. Feiro Marine Lab: The Director of the Arthur D. Feiro Marine Lab,
Terry LaDuron, presented a funding request for $9,432. He advised Council that
the Marine Lab is the center for marine education in the community, and he
reviewed how past funding from the City has assisted in keeping the Marine Lab
open for extended summer hours.
In the discussion that followed, Councilman Wight suggested the Marine Lab
consider instituting a modest increase in the admission fee which is presently $1.00
for adults and $.50 for children.
Worm Affairs Council: Craig Knutson, City Attorney, reviewed a relationship
established with the World Affairs Council by virtue of past visits of foreign leaders
and dignitaries to the Port Angeles area which Attorney Knutson has helped to
arrange. The World Affairs Council, through an agreement with the City, would
arrange five (5) visits per year to Port Angeles. Attorney Knutson noted the Port
Angeles visits have been high points of the foreign visitors' experiences in the United
States. Because the visitors stay in Port Angeles hotels and because such an
arrangement would benefit the hospitality industry, Attorney Knutson suggested it
would be appropriate for a $500 contract to be funded via the Hotel/Motel tax.
In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Wight suggested that Attorney Knutson
contact the Chamber of Commerce and possibly the Port of Port Angeles to
determine if they would be interested in participating in the agreement with the
World Affairs Council and providing a contact person to that effort. Attorney
Knutson agreed to follow-up on the suggestion; he noted it would be advisable for
a governmental entity to be involved with the World Affairs Council in view of the
fact the entire effort is cooperative with the Federal Government.
Port Angeles Fine Arts Center: Frank Platt, President pro tempore, speaking on
behalf of the Friends of the Fine Arts Center, requested funding in the amount of
$3,000. He noted the Fine Arts Center is recognized in art circles throughout the
Northwest and, in its effort to cultivate a larger audience, this funding is needed to
underwrite the cost of the brochure on the Fine Arts Center.
Mayor Sargent inquired as to whether it would be possible for the Center to be open
all week; she suggested it may be possible to gain volunteer assistance in this regard
especially during the summer tourist season. This suggestion will be passed on to
the Board of the Fine Arts Center by Jake Seniuk, Director.
Clallam County Historical Society: Milton Hunt, Board member of the Historical
Society, submitted a request for funding in the amount of $10,000. This request is
for the same amount as this past year, and Mr. Hunt noted the importance of the
Museum in the community. He advised Council that a recent study concluded 87 %
of all tourists visit museums and other historical sites. In the brief discussion that
followed, it was suggested that the Historical Society Board consider the possibility
of establishing a modest admission fee; however, a countering suggestion noted the
importance of a free admission.
.... ~ ~-: < ,~ ~ November 23, 1991
Special Agency Olympic Peninsula Travel Association: The Executive Director of the OPTA, Dan
Requests: Youra, submitted a request for funding in the amount of $2,500 which would pay for
(Cont'd) a full page ad in the Olympic Peninsula Directory and Map brochure of which
180,000 are distributed. In addition, Mr. Youra urged the City Council to maintain
its membership in the Olympic Peninsula Travel Association.
Port Angeles Downtown Association: City Manager Pomeranz reviewed the request
submitted by the Port Angeles Downtown Association for City assistanc~ in the
ongoing cooperative effort to improve the beauty, utility and economic health of the
downtown core area. The PADA requested such assistance through the cooperative
purchase of certain property known as "the Greenery Lot~, a City guarantee of full
payment of dues owed the PADA, City discontinuation of billing for a parking meter
person, and City payment of utilities on downtown parking lot lighting. Further, the
PADA itemized a request for City provision of certain services in the downtown
area, such as, weekly street sweeping and specific landscaping. Manager Pomeranz
advised the Council that the items listed equate to a value of approximately $15,000.
Because the City was co-applicant for the Main Street Program and because the City
will be receiving a settlement from the Landing, it was Manager Pomeranz'
recommendation that consideration be given to establishing the Association as the
administrator of the revolving loan funds. The original grant required that priority
be given to the downtown area, and it was Manager Pomeranz' preference that the
City submit $15,000 in funding to the PADA as opposed to a permanent commitment
agreeing to those issues set forth in the request. It was agreed this matter needs to
be addressed at a full meeting of the Council.
Property Acquisition: Manager Pomeranz reviewed details pertinent to the City's efforts to negotiate for
the purchase of Lots 15, 16 and 17, Block 229 TPA, to provide parking for the new
Senior Center. The property has been appraised at $178,500; however, the sellers
have requested $210,000. The City offered $200,000 which the sellers have
accepted with the condition that $210,000 be paid by the City and the sellers will
donate $5,000 each to the Senior Center. The City has been asked to pay the cost
of hauling the burned house to the Landfill; there is a possibility the Fire Department
can burn the structure as a training exercise. The purchase must be approved by the
State, and the City would pay $500 per month for sixty days with this money being
applied toward the purchase.
Councilman Wight moved to empower the City Manager and staff to execute the
purchase agreement for the property according to the terms outlined. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Nicholson and carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m. At this time, however, Councilman
Nicholson requested that the Council proceed with making a determination as to the
funding levels for those agencies requesting hotel/motel tax funds. Accordingly,
REOPEN MEETING: Mayor Sargent reopened the meeting at 12:15 p.m.
Councilman Nicholson moved to fund those agencies requesting hotel/motel tax
funds at the same level as 1991, with the addition of the World Affairs Council
in the amount of $500 and membership dues in the amount of $535, for a total
1992 commitment of $117,250. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight
and carded unanimously.
- ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 12:16 p.m.