HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/24/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "11II 545 November 24. 1937 193..__ 1 1 1 I' I The Commission met in regular session at 10 i'.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following ~embers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Gonniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the prev10ussession were read and approved. Under the head of ~pplioations for Building Permits the following were granted: C. L. MoCarty, Construct Garage, Lots 28, 29 & 30, Perkin's Subd. John Sandas, Build Platform, Lot 2, Blk. 15, Townsite 100.00 50.00 The Commission examined and allowed the following elaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPEWSE FUND Pioneer Inc. Supplies 10.65 CITY STREET FUND Washington Asphalt 00. Union Oil Co. WATER FUND 15% Retained on P. ;" City Projeo~? 1157.88 Gas 11'& ~ 20.80 Pay ROll $<1 231.00 Hydrant Pump 26.58 Tax 'il5b - 598.96 Tax 719.63 Expense Acoount 30.69 Insurance on ranges 1t50 1937 Code 1.74 Swi tches 146.88 Publications 4.31 Materials b~ 43.39 " /63'1 -' 40.14 Meter Boxes 43.35 Wa ter Departmen t Akron Brass & Mfg. Co. City Treasurer LIGHT FUND City Treasurer S. H. Vihi te J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Nat'l Board Fire Underwriters Line Material Co. Edison Electric Institute Bean Electric Co. Line Material Co. Albert ~. Knight Co. Under the head of New Business, C. .~.\lolverton, Chief of Fire Department. r~ported that at a regular meeting of the Fire Department, Virgil L. Johnson and carlO. Jacobson were elected to membership in the Volunteer Fire Department and had passed their physical examination. There being no objec~ions the Commission approved and confirmed the election of said Virgil L. Johnson and "arl O. Jacobson as members of the Volunteer Fire Department. Under the head of Introduction. of Ordinances the following ordinance was intrOduoed, read in full, and passed its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE creating and establiShing a Board of Trustees of the Port Angeles Firemens' Relief and Pension Fund, fixing its Powers, Duties and Members, creating a firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, and adopting and approving Chapter 39 of the Session Laws of the ::ita te of WashingtD n for 1935 and all laws of the ~ta te of Washington applicable. . thereto, and deelaring an emergency. Under the head of Introduction of ReSOlutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ':'HE I1v1PROVEMElfT OF 4th STRE:!:T FROM K STREET TO 11 STREET; M STREET FROM 4th STREET TO 5th STREET; L STREET FROM 5th STREET TO 7th STREET; K STRE:!:T FROM 5th STREE'r TO 7th STREET;6th STREET nOM I STREST TO 11 STREET; 7th STREET FROM H STREET 'TO H STRE1~T; 5th STREET FRCM LINCOLN STREET TO CHASE STREET;' 6th STREET FROM LINCOLN ST~EET TO PEABODY STREET; CHASE STREET FROM 7th STRE3T TO 5th STREET; 9th STREET FRa~ RACE STREET TO Ca~~BERS STREET; RAILROAD AVENUE FROM OAK STREET TO LINCOLN STREET: OAK STREET FROM FRONT TO RAILROAD AVSlnJE; LINCOLN STRSET FROM FRONT TO RAILROAD AVENUE. RESOLVED that the City 0f Port Angeles improve 4th jtreet from K Street to M Street: M Street from 4th ~treet to 5th ~treet: L ~treet from5th Street to 7th Street; K ~treet from 5th ::itreet to 7th Street; 6th Street from I Street to M ~treet: 7th Street from H Street to M Street; 5th ~treet from Lincoln ~treet to Chase Street; 6th Street from Lincoln street to Peabody Street: Chase Street from 7th ~treet to 5th Street; 9th jtreet from Raee Street to Chambers ~treet; Railroad Avenue from Oak Street to Lincoln Street; Oak ~treet from Front Street to Railroad 4venue: Lincoln Street from Front Street to Railroad .'venue, with a one course screen gravel surface, acoording to the Standard Speoifications of the ~tate of Washington, Department of HighVlays, for Secondary Highways. adopted by the State of Washington and approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the cost of said improvement be paid out of the City Street Fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1937 and out of a~ other fund or fUnds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all 'members voted aye. ~he Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission then adjourned to meet November 30, 1937, at '10 A.M. ~~ /'~~' ?J.?/!I~ Ci ty Cler k Mayor ~