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Minutes 11/25/1892
j Sftccord of the Proceedings 9f the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington. ~~--/ . /'/ ,~1;~:~~~ :::';<f~~~2!;~.:"e'<'L<)..lti9' /~, ~0'. t(,9J /~ ,I ==~ W_lLliblD~on ~1 ~~'~~~'_;-:- ~ y ~ . /. ' ; .. ~ . Ii 4_<<'/ ~ ~~ _-4-__ \: ~._ ~-;;r7-z;.:-"-"'~'L-----;.:rrd'~~~( LI~~'Li3.<L.=,. :, . /(V'T'./..A?--u~~/??7-?I-,~./--e/'0-a..an/ __~ ~.! L/~,<<.-:rz.7r~r~/'- !! ;/ (~J. ,'. . /00',/ ." . /", / // -:?r' J. /;')-,/i 4;1 .A{;; II / ~.J,/~:e,7,//' ..//,.-"/>1;-1//,,-Z1-,/ ~?//';''''/;:-'?/,,--<''/F<7??/ '//~/;_~?::--?";;:~-j -//_~-c-~-e4-t',// ?tYu.<// .:-l"7~ "I ;;;:' ...... .. . n /"" '/ '- (/ i /;/.,' I , <-U~~J-~~.'< Ii , ,,;;/ I I I I/.! .,/. Ii (/f/v'~I!;(/~'{"H#-)p.t!'47La[a. >'l.hd/c.). ii "". . . ~'. / I ./ P ,,/. -- /9; Z.x.u. . F'" Z^'. ..~~..,t'Jj. {~ed J- v. ,,<<::;';. t .t (~:,r(~- . i // 7~ !i " . ' / , ;6. /' / . I{'hi?'7c-t:wYZt27 i/~"U;'.-rJ-;;V -:;:::v./.e'.t"C"e..J 11 H i',;: ~ i %?....i/7L i !: J'.;' / . "":.' I ,7' ~ . -:l d/--:-Z-r'/ /~"" _~.4~~~~/ #_.1-/...?Z-i:/ ~7/~v<-e.e/:--/--z/; L ?~--;--::f t/uY q~C/';/j~t<--) ,n -<l' "-/' - "'i~... 1/ ./.'_ _ ~ " /~. (. ' &. (>7/zd~~' ~";;r t7 .';2, /7:'7"J- / f-t.VL-;:;(r/ a-n.d? q~Z:/zA.?"7,<<:.d:. - / / / / ,/ 'c1--.1 i' .,// / / / I / l' / jjl. ~ /' ,~_ / /;7 ii :: /~/V1c~''''r:c, /d}'~u" .d<:..:71.-.v<-<"4!L-; /..:fl.A>CF /uu/ /Ub~/U'U77Z/ /~C7U j/"y : :l .:;rJ! _ /! ' :/ /J/ !- --?.-, / / ~::?-"7 :J ::_v;u/.-(/ ?',5znc{.-c/ //",;y'-/ ,/c/Z'1t /c"; ~'''::>I C:f-7/7.;:7./d/;J'/le-;;-z.dL:--:-.c.-- /t:-Z-'7/'7\.....LJ-/f'C?2..; i: /~ /~ ft~;:-z...-!1' a-yz/ -.."'. ::.-dc.:.;.~u--e/;(6crY~~:.;..n-':h cz...-- I, ;/z-<>7-z..a",;:ut;..; 72/ /t'o '~?'7--z.,-!/ _ (r,/,:. e.d;.~;'" /0-z.. /th~"/E'-~'~'-U-//",,,"'/,-/ /./ ~ .' " . - .^ ;;? / '7./ (7 /' f jl. . ': :'..../.0.. .' /{;;?z;./ (/.//"1/(:[/';.1 c'::. "i p;::~7';;t.d/ ;;c'l~.Ck.e) O~~LL1~..c __ b.D c-L7/u/rze-cf::.....,L,,,,/v ~N.d" #:,~.:- Ii, I ,7; (/ ;/ . . / 2/ -- . !. I'Zz;~/-z/. /<<;a...vt-t:e.",~). ..;.-. - . /h'1 / / / / / / f ~o/'./-'/ ./,. .j'. If /' /.../ '/ /..R"3'C-i-:'(?'~/vv; ~l-/~;:t/ E&Cff]<:.-;;~..e/"a../ / //u/:Z/"t:0U (,-;:/7.// /~vC---C/t~-t:/)'L/ --(.:<!7/ t:Z-r7"l.e;....Ylc;::eL!iZ_...---- ~l{;~/'-[,,~~)/( dJ~'J. crz:r; ,pf' ; /-7/ /~LdU/i /If;" ~~V'2?;f. CZ:4/~~u/}'za?%1~~df;:.:.. , !J;f::/' ~s-?Qy;Y? ;,----:;__~;:>t:.'i.r;;:>:!_~._:.rz::;;;_Zd/./Z4,~&L.e..--~:/.!..e.p:~? , .~ ~ ~ ~. ' ~~(:;nY,' c."<!;'; LL~:e.4/ (?z.d,/(: x..."" ~L;;: {/. /, 1 'JI c/;' ..// './ ../f /./ / ,/ . f ,/.e.-l{,'4~-..n-;:~-:2""{.. (.'V7-'Z-;VvC.t:A....--~ AJ CZ'[:.{7Zcy-/lfh??r;y /:/h:e/ _..0--leb~"Ldb' /-;;'1-" Ii / ,?:/ li // ~ -f /,:,;' . > . il?~;-/ ./ /.t--:,~ ,,-P;; .,/)-:l Z. y- o C-J-7.IY ,{',<.....'.7[,./ "7h,.'.;y ,2'/ ,,.-(//'t-U "/ z:,z,',-?f/~h~;TZ't'~/e~/ J7/l/ ~jY7J!/.z<V.c44~/~ r r; ',g' / ;_, i;f;';, //f '/> / (.~...,/. // /, ~ / ,./ Ii "":1" --'- :IC-'1./4C-"/ c/. ;/./ ; ..':/ '" ,~/. .,~/v,cztL,,:z.. #?.(.L>ZL~ . :1 {/ /-;--~ tf:-----:--~~T--'--(- .,.d_' .'-- )/,-i,;r;'/'/;;.}/O/&1~c./~/ 9)1 ",.I/n"h jhfcM~ /YcAf!:p~/ 4:,-::1-: (;7 ..j .1 '., / jI L- tl ".., cf '/~ d,'/ I /::.I /./ I /!./ I fl. rj- --- ;/ .. .. / /- / //. / :4.-: ".' "/;/.z'Z.~//t-'.P7'"'.".-? -7.<V' (,,-n-Z-Z';c.-vV ./tJ /h':;7/V'. (;/.4/1.';'/ M'C/ ~7./ ~V;.,./~~~!..-~ .,y;-c:/' 1'1 ? . -/:-.{; 4 _." "(1' 1"') /' ../ ,.' , I .- ./.:./,/,1. . / (/ :/' /")"/. /-- - /7/ _/ /' ,;,.,/ / ) 'I.. ,?cv;'-.;.;:.c.V' ':~I'C.:/,1.g',/? ,;',,,,," {';,:r.::.ft-;..J"Zc. C_ ,.{..,t.Cz,r..J. l..;/t-Cf.?-!CP ,.':/:'1."",-:'.--'" i Ii '. t I · dtw, '7/Z~'J ,21~:i?Jt. i:?d';7m~u/;G'.,w(~~~ !I /j<;,-;,~,;""'..r- /i> /t'k4~~11 ft..p'Ca/~..LL/ I! Ii r:;/ /. j jl vT: ~ (l;- . / -/:-: -/ i ;'. .7/k4'i~d/ /C./20/ J',q;.,h'7U-t/ F7r ,y.:irrl/)/ ,,-:"'-r-..'Vi~.(.""(,7>~~C'!J~ / /10 :; I, -/) /i ./ II, ,/ ; /' h ':i !i L~f#t;F';~/ @{1.~d-;.. (~.~t~/.o/-~p(j,~ ?!~- /nN'~~~ :: It/A/ fi.~e;f~". ?41/;4 ,/k ?'WL447//h-e.- ~r~ -:I'-! Ii hVU~d.---;4-J..-7. (A--; ). :i I .. ii _ii l-u----~ -_.~-- -- ,-----~--- il I !i ! r, I ~ I:' I'-,i '.. .\ .1 \ I . ! l I:, J! 1 ~ i.' 11 1: ", ft ,.\ ',...,r {JI,.,....-c--