HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/25/1936 ,.. 446 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 25. 1936 193_ It... '""'" .. .....u.. 0"" n.... ...1r""'t"., .","'u,. noa The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.H. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissi Oners Beam and Masters, ~ttorney Conniff and ~lerk Havkins. ,The Minutes of theprevious session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permi ts the follovling Vlere granted: Tim Gors~gn er I Serviee Station, Lot 1 Elk 167, Townsite Remodel Service StatiJIl, Lots 8 & 9, Blk 30, N.R.Smith Sub. Construct Dwelling, Lot 7, Elk. 421, fO\'msi te " " Lot 16, Elk 71, Townsite Garage Lot 17, Blk 340, Townsite 6,ooo.or 500.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 125.00 I The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT E;D?ENSE FUND Standard 0101 Co. n n Gas " D. Masters Thos. N. Hibbins Street Dept, Engineer Dept. Grease Gas Car Hire Salary Pay Roll It 11 v.. 11~11 'IIA'rfIR FUND City Treasurer Purmaid Dairy Hers ey Kft;. Co. A. G. McKnight ':Iater Department Bus ines 8 :&.'ax Rent "tore Bldg. Meter Parts Garage Rent Pay Roll LIGHT FUND City Treasurer Graybar Electric Co. ~estinahouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Evening News Albert S. Knight ~o. S. H. './hi te L. ~. Guy Chas Beam Light Department Business Tax Ma ter ial & ;;iu TInli es Meters & Part's' Advertising Meter Boxes Car Hire Janitor Garage Rent Pay Holl ~ 1,'\ ~1 CEH":'rSilY FUND -------- Albert rt Lanctot Salary There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?J,>>YJ~~ ?\0~ Ci ty Cler.Jr !.iayor 16.06 7.42 83.53 10.45 83.53 ;o~.OO 13b.OD 710.98 300.00 I ....(, ,.... 1,,03 4')0.66 40. rr' J. GO 3.00 860.00 657.09 ;018. ;01 ;01..51 13.;00 39.9l :35.00 5.00 3.00 1161. 50 I 100. 00 I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 25, 1936 193_ ----- ..'.. ~ """"Y, ..'..n..... ..."O~..... ."'~T.".. .,... Pursuant to dtatute Mayor Davis, Commissione~s ,Beam ~nd Masters and City Clerk Hawkins, together with Arnold Levy, Chairman of the Board of Vounty Commissioner~, Prosecuting Attorney Joseph Johnston And County Auditor Rollin E. Bowles, the Clallam ~ount~ Electio Board, met in joint-session and canvassed the returns of the City Primary Elec~ion held in the City o~ Port ,\n"elee on Nove"lber 2:3, 1936. The result of said canvass and of the said returns is set forth in the fol10~ine certifioat ': . , ' OFFICIAL CANVASS OF CITY PRIMARY ELECTION ~ I Tltis is to certify thai pursuant to Statute, the undersigned, N. "1\1. Hawkins, eu)' Clerk of the 'Cit). of I Port Ang~lp.s, Wa..~hingtoll, on No,..cmbet25. 193G.at 10 a.. Ill. of said day, met the County Election Board of IChtllam Countv,. and the City Commls~loriof ~ort Angelci:;, Washington; in joint sessio.n and canvassed the re- , turns of the City Prima.ry Election 'heJ~ in. said City of Port Angeles, on No'\'ember 2.~, lM6, filr t.he. nomil1a~ ltion of Ma.yor anI Commis:;;ioncrs, and that the vaLe cast fOl' each candidate for Mayor tmd CommisSlonel'S In I the vat'lolls ]1recincts of said cUy -at said priniary election was as follows: I I ELECTION RETURNS COMPLETE BY PRECINCTS ' I I -~ I MAYOR . COMMISSION E:RS I I ~ ~ c U ~ j I U ~ 1:. ~ 3i~ ~ 0 ~ ~ tl ai i 'E E U' ~ 1 .E ,!!. ~' ..~ % !j " I <~ E~ .!!l~ '~ ~~ .: x -c.:; ~~ U =" ~ l~ 5 ~~ .~ :E ;3:E ~~ " ~ ,~ '<Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ;= j ~ ,J'recmct '1...1 181 82 19 1 12 2 8 5 ~~I 14 81 76 li. 5 6 55 43 ;Precinct 2..., 241' 611 1'0 50 10 17 : 8 34 34 81 75 9 4 16 24 28 Precinct 3"'1 ' '9 34 10 19 14 18 15 5 19 6 81 42 13 0 6 20 18 rPteciIlct. 4... 27 94\ 36 74 0 40 16,25\ 55 56 37! 106 31 7 18 44 18 ;Precinct 5.. ! 44\ 67 40 40 19 42 18 17 65 16 171 66 '41 6 38\43 36 . Precinct 6...,1 29 79 37 69 i~1 41 29 31154 221 23 ]04 28 18 22 ' 38 i 40 ,Precinct 7,..,! 381 102 51 82 43 25 55 102 27\ 21 102 57 9 20 581 35 Precinct 8...! 2~1 38 35 38. 9 27 7 17 35 10 17 491 17 8 7 101 17 ,Precinct 9...1 127 74 SS 15 6" 21 38 1161 311 231 113 811 34 2,11 47i 49 OJ ,Precinct 1O.'l 311 128 52 68 ' 16 39 12 26 89' 11 27 128 89 57 "1'"1" Precinct 11.:.. 381 100 70 61 22' 60 17 38 1021 181 30 131 36 24 23 47 44 Precinct 12,.. ,I 741 83 3459 '30' 48 25 44 62 27)22 110 40 13 50 44 56 IPrcc!nct 13....1 81 121 181 6 91' 8 9 8 14 4 2 16 12 7 7 5' 12 iPrecll1ct 14...,1 611 561 171 541 16 431 231 231 461 32 20 73 33 10 291 27' 30 I ' TOTAL,'..I 42511063!50317261213:5~1~~1.~6~18161 30812631119115051202128]i51,Oi~ 'I .." It appears from ~he result of saJd canvass that Ralllh E. Davis alld Cromwell. Sta.cel. were nomina:tcd fur lMayor.and thllt DIl"".jd A. Maste~, )'L'eu P.,Henson, Sidney E. Ba.rnes. and William B. SmiUl were nominated forCommlssio:ncrs. and their,names ~,.jll be placed un the ballot f.or the respective offices at the General Mu- nicipal Eleet:lon to. be held. December ,5, 193G, , . .- \Vitness fi1y'l1andand-Orncial"-S~lthis 25th day of November. '1936. __ .~~ __ N. n1. HAWKINS, Cit~. Clerk. Date1 this ~5t~ day of November, 1935 n ?7Y1~ , , Ci ty ~le,'k 447 ., ~