HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/26/1947 II IJ I, I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 399 November 26. 19~ ~The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.lJ.., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call Ishowed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson . ,'and. Clerk Law. I IMinutes of the previous session were read and approved. I ' Under the head of ~pplications for building permits and J.icenses, the following were granted: I' "" r 500.00 Building Permits: ~, Mrs. Madge Nailor Remodel, remove porch, repair foundation; Lot 2, Blk. 18, L.B.Stratton Add. Uack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Let 15, Elk. 110, E.C. Bakers Add. ~A. M. Beutler Build One Room onto Garage; Lot 5, Blk. I, Hartt & Cook Sub. 'll. M. Hendrickson Remodel Present Dwelling; Let 9, Blk. 107, 'l'ownsite Edward Eldridge fuild 5 More Units onto Auto Court; Let 8, Elk. "5, Townsite A. 1.. Grant Service Station, Concrete Slabs, Drive In; Lots 5, 6; Blk. I" Wm.& Cramer J. E. Patten Build Shed for Storage; Lot 17, Blk. 148, Townsite VOO., C. Gellor Remodel, Add Bathroom, Lower Sewer, Put in furnace; Lets 54-56, Elk. 58, I ' P.S.C.C. 'JaCk DelGuzzi Build 7-Room Dwelling; LQt 18, Blk. 544, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Build 6-Room Dwelling; ~ Lots 8-9, Blk. 551, Townsite 'Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Let 15, Elk. 110, Bakers Add. 'Sig, Larson Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 7, Blk. 142, TOI'ffisite ,Sig. Larson Build 4-Room House; Lot 8, Blk. 142, Tovmsite o La il 4-Room Hous . EiG 1 w2 j. 1.censes. err lor. e ~_ ar r op .. as er c r~cl.B " . 4< 11."" Frederick's Electric ,~o.OO-SwiriliaIl!l 's tfuaic & RadiQ Shop I Under the head of unfinished Ill?iness, and pursuant to notices priblisMCf, ids were opened on Studebaker 'chassis a,nd Ford Panel. Bids submitted were: For Studebaker Chassis, Lester Davis, $300.00; Tony Fred- : I~riekson, $265.00; R. C. Becker, $260.00; County Hi-way Dapt., $150.00; Roy Pike $111.00. Ford Panel Truck, Ii H. C. Eecker, $280.00, Paul Roberts, $151.50; Ben J. Hill, $160.01; Roy Pike $140.50. It Vias moved by . ., Commissioner Johnson that the bid of Lester Davis of $S00.00 ,for Studebaker Chassi~, and bid by R. C. l IBeCkSr, $280.00 for Panel be acceptod. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. J IBids to furnish transformers for the Light were submitted by companies as follows: ' General Electric Co., I Line 1~terial Co., Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., General Electric Supply Corp. ,The items as submitted ~Iere: Item I, 5-7~ K.V.A. @ $125.~8. Item 2, 15-10 K.1T.A. @ $146.16. Item 3, 55-15 K.V.Jl.. @ $185.64. :U:tem 4, 15-25 K. V .P.. ct $257.88. There being no difference in the bids, it was moved by Commissioner Steele t.hat the bids be referred to Light Dupt. I-ean to award contract according to delivery date. Motion secoIl!led by 'Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i The heard.ng date on petition for vacation. of portions of Alder Street was set for December 5, 1947, and the Engineer was instructed to notifY N.r. Phillips to present petition with nemes of property ovmers and description of abJtting property. i 500.00 II 5,000.00) 250.00 I 300.00 5,500.00 12,000.00 I 150.00 1,800.00 i' 9,000.00 8,000.00 i 6,000.00 J 4,000.001 4,000.00 I pnder the head of new ,business the report of Police Judge Taylor for the month of October shoydng 128 cases tried and $2,415.00 fines collected was approved and ordered filed. A request by the City Treasurer for permission to cancel the contract of James 1. and Mildred E. Wood on Lot 15, Elk. 375, was granted, thereby permitting resale of ' the same. ~n agreament betYleen the Board of Library Trustees of Clallam County and the City Librar:,- Board regarding rental of City Library books by the County Library was approved by the Commission. under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the follOl'ling was passed third and final reading, and rdopted. ORDINANCE NO. 1190 j AN ORDINANCE Relating to the Cemetery fund; adopting and approving an addition to the City Budget for the year 1948; providing for supervision of the' cemetery; requiring expenditures unforseen; providing for the ~ransfer of the Cemetery fund in and to the CUrrent Expense fund; repealing Ordinance No. 780, and de claring an emergency. I I It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. Ii Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following were introduced, I Jean and Jennie Hiriart Lots 4, 5, and 6, Blk. 4, Hartt & Cooke's Subd. of Sub. Blk. 31, Townsite Ernest R. Nailor Lot 6, Blk. 5, Hartt & Cooke's Sub. of Sub. 8lk. 51, Townsite r It was moved by Corrunissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I rhe Commission elWmined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same Ii CuRRENT EiPENSE FUND: ...... 17 -!I Oi ty Light Dept. fuget Sound Navigation Co. North Coast Chemical & Soap Vlorks aum Turn Staff Puckett's Hedio Service Middleton Motor Parts Co. B. H. Van Brocklin / , 4 '1~ CITY STREET FUND: ~ '1/ . Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. H. H. Van Brocklin ilutomoti ve Parts Service lliddleton !iotor Parts Co. ~ngeles Machine & Welding Works Crovm Zellerbach Corp. I ; 1r. CilllETERY FUND: , . H. H. Van Brocklin , f +- 525.00 'I 175.00 .i Rent Frt; 56884 Paper Towels, Peri'umador Blockettes One Annual Radio Supplies Fan Belt, Tools, Hardware Fire Ins. Premium 50.00 5.24 15.54 5.00 1.24 83.98 62.51 Sand, Gravel, Cement Fire Ins. Premium Parts, Tools Parts, Tools, Hardware Straighten Drum Shaft Roller Chain 16.69 71.75 14.77 i 55.60 I 60.55 44.62 Fire Ins. Premium 6.76 "'-400 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 26th, continued. 19R.. WATER FUND: ..;l.;l. 't _' / a. H. Van Brocklin City Treasurer Middleton Motor Parts co. Wallace & Tiernan Marckmann & Williams Tooker Motor Frt. Co. ~eattle Plumbin!) Supply Co. Rensselaar Valve ~. Fire Ins. Premium Car Licenses, Wire Supplies OfT Solution Fittings Frt. Chgs. Fittings Hydrant LIG!-rr RIND: I 'fo 7 't City Treasurer Por.t ,\.ngeles Thrift Mark et hty Water Dept. Mi~dleton Motor Parts Co. Line Material reo. Westinghouse Elac.tric Supply Co. H. H. Van Brocklin , . I ~ 3f SANIUTION RIND: /5_ I\neeles Machine & Welding Works Middleton Motor Parts Co. Pug~t Sound Navigation Co. Luvaas & Vincent City Trea surer .. 01. 'i PARK RIND: /"1"_ /,Irs. Fred Van Scoyoc Flowers H. H. Van Brocklin. Fire Ins. Premiums Angeles Grave;!. & Supply Co. 5 CU. Yds. Sand I . . J> ~ 7'1 PARKlllG METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL RIND: 'f . ,Puget Sound Navigation Co. Frt.; 57786 Graybar Electric Co., Inc., II tn & in Siemens Martin Strand ~ 3 L. I. GUARANTY wilD: ' I 3(, - l:ity Treasurer Postage, Car Licenses Cleaner Water at Store Cement Hardware Insula tors Fire Ins. Premium Iron Parts Frt.; 54452 Two Flats Repaired Car Licenses Taxes Paid There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. I II I 79.14 II' 5.56 12,.55 4.48 'I 59.88 5.871 82.55 : 94.241 lC .00 1.54 I' 1.90 .88 ' 65.84 ' 17 .55 ' 512 .12 4.55 I .57 . 1.00 4.64 5.00 4.00 ,I 17.4.20 10.04 5.40 93.59 ' 156.58 " I Q, {/ f:. Lr City Clerk &~ ~ u\ ~~ AIJ~vr-_ I. , Mayor ~ 1 1 1 .1 I.