HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/26/1951 '" 1.96 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 26 193.1- '"<,. .._U...'M...."..,,, ...."" moo ~ IThe CorrJr,ission met in regular session at 10,00 A.I'\., and "as called to order by rwtinz Mayor Robinson. ,Officers present were: Acting r1layor Robinson, Cornrr.issioner 'taylor, Attorney Tr:.unbull, and Clerk Lavl. ~iinutes of the previous sessi0n were read and approved. I lundeI' the head of applications for building f.€rmits the following were granted: 13UIlDING PERHITS: IE. I. Rennick ii. F. Laird 'Stan Yoder I ,under the head of unfinished business, it was moved by Commissioner T9Ylor that the agreement between the 'City and School District Ho. 17, pronding for payment of the City's Contribution for the Mcreational 'frbgram, be submitted to t he Board of Jirectors of District I~o. 17 for proper signatures. {'lotion seconded \DY Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion Carried.. ~olice Cheif Ine filed "~th the Comc,ission,'a letter frcR J. 'c. Claypool, District Engineer, advising that ris Department ,Jill make necessary traffice en!;ineering study of the intersection at -"ighth and Cherry Stredts ~c determine ifminiml~, warrants are in evidence for requested installation of a traffic sit;nal. It was -rnoved by 8onurdssioner Taylor tilat the matter of equipment inspection as discussed at the previous session be rerer~ ed to the Folice Chief ana .~ttor-ney J and if necessary, an Ordinance be prepared .3'cabling the City to i.lake proper equipment inspection. and thereby decrease traffic hazard. i'~otion second.ed by Cor;nissioner ~obinsonl J~ll voted l~'e. Motion cal'rieda I I . ,Under the head of new business, Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 requested that the City pay jJercentage d: ~sevcrance charge effected Hhen Puget dound Power and Light discontinmd service. It was moved bJr Conunissioner ~obinson t"at the matter be referred to the Attorney to ascertain if the City is legally obligated. ~econdJ ~d.by Corrrissioner Taylor. All votea Aye. Motion carried. I ' ~It "was also moved oy Comr:"d.ssioner l1.obinson that an agreement between the Cit.y and Crown Zellerbach Corp. for Use of nine power poles by the City be approved. Seconded by Cormnissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. ~;otion :barried. [':ai-tin ?ri\selowiez anpeared regardinr, a building permit Previously approved for remodeling residence at ~09 ~',rest Ninth Street. It appears ttiat construction as planned w111 not t~TOVlde seven foot clearance .from' \>roperty line as required in the Fi.r~t Residence District. It '''6S moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matt.er be referred to the Attorney and Engine~r. ~econded "by Commissioner Robinson. J-;ll voted A;re. ~i:otion carl'ied. I Under the head of reading and ;Jassage of Ordinances, the followiq: were placed on third and final reading: i . 1 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget of the City of Porl Angeles for the ,fiscal year 1952, and neClaring an emergency. I . . '. "J Xt ~as coved ~ Commissioner Robinson that t~e foteg~ing" Oriin~86e be passed third and final reading and ~doPted. Sec~nded by. "Commis~.i~~er, T~y~or.. ~,wt,e,d Ay~. " ;'loti't\l ~,,,rrt~~.. , '. .... ;,~ :.; l,~ '~:"l~ i' ~~".. ,.,".,..c-OWJ~.N,A~C.~ Nq, c~265 I " hr6Ri5i~1\NCE confirming the estimates of expenditures for the City of Port Angeles for the year 1952), and fixing tax levies for said year as heretofore made-and ,levied by the City Commission 'of the City of J-'ort Ang-eles meeting and sitting for such purpose on'tne first da,y-of-ectober, 1951, and declari,ng an emergency., I . r I ... ,",l~r Jf 1 C{-l't.~~.J ... ~ ...' \,.' .' ^.' ~. ".,.,.,\- "' ~ ')f ~t., )"las r~,o\''i'd b-.f '~olJ1l\\is,si"l)~Ij.Robinson that the fOI-egoin!; Elrdinance be passed third and final'reaaing and adopted. Seconded by Conuni ssioner Taylor. All voted "ye. JlIotion carried. lundeI' the head of ir,troduction and reading of Ordinances, the followi~ ~ia~ placed on first and second' r reading: I I I IAN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of a certain alley l~nning through ~lock Three Hundred Thirty-five (335) of 'Ithe Townsite of Port Angeles. It "as moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. ,Seconded tJ.J COJIlllissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 110tion carried. I jThe Commission exdllltned and approved the follm-ri.ng claims and ordered 1ie.rrants issued in payme:1t of same: CURRENT EXPEllSE FUND: ~,/p."f ::Headrick Repair Service :Natural Gas Corp. of Wn. IBussing Office Supply Pioneer, Inc. [ ,d-rJ CITY STREET FUi'/D: /1>' \/estern Tractor and Equip. Co. iPuget Sound Navigation Co. '\'iATER FUND: ,,~o:).l 'Remington Rand, Inc. ICity Light Dept. feattle Radio Supply Co. ,Grinnell Co. of the r acHic puget Sound Navigation Co. ~arris and Schuller Build kitchen and bedroom to existing dwelling, Lot 14, Blk. 392,iownsite Single g"rae;e and workShop, \: k ~f Lot 2 & all of" Lot 3, Elk. 192: TOI'ffisite :lepair and remodel interior of building, Lot IS, Elk. 22, 70wnsite $ 1,COO.OO SOO.OO 2,COO.00 ORDINANCE NO. 1264 ORDINANCE IlO. police car repair gas-police and firehall storage binder-police court treasurer 15 cash books ^ " 33.58 5.85 4.12 213.09 wheel nub freight charges 2.34 13.16 1 & w bills refund from water dept. 266.78 4.80 3.18 I 116.36 3.31 25.85 batteries l,ipe fittings freigh t charges sheet metal work .... I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,,<. . ...... MM. '''''~'''. ...."... moo .... LIGHT BUND: ~~5'.11 Remington Rand, Inc. r.eonard Pederson Graybar ;;;lectric Co. Maydwell and Hartzell L.l.D. NO. i59:'= Albi no V. Gasilio November 26 ( continued) 19.2L 1 & w bills expense transf. insulators Jio further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned. 15% retailw Oil curb and gutter contract v . c: :z cw.r. (J City Clerk ~~~ ') Ot- ";:6'~ i 97 ., 266.,78 4.49 290.46 63.98 460.56