HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/27/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 343" November 27, 1935 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and I.llerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Mrs. Lawrence Earl, Garage, Lot 13, Blk. 63, Lewis & ~mstick Bubd. ~~1 K. O. Erickson, Woodehed, Lot 1, Blk. 268, Townsite Under the head of New Business the follmwing resolutions were introduced: 75.00 150.00 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT CANCELLATION OF LEASE WHEREAS, Clallam County has heretofore leased the City of Port Angeles for park purposes the tract of land described as all of Block 455, together with other property, and it appears that Clallam County now requires the said property for a definite purpose; and WHEREAS, No improvements of ~ny kind have been made and no money expended upop. said property by the Gi ty 0 f Port Angeles, and it appears to be a desirable thing for the said Clallam County to repossess the said property, and a satisfaotory document providing for the oanoellation of the said lease as to the aboveedeacribed property only has been presented and approved, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the cancellation of the, lea~e as to said property be and the same is hereby accepted and that the Mayor and vi ty vlerk be and the said offioers are hereby authorized to execute the said canoellation of lease on behalf of the City Commission; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, an emergency existing, this resolution take effect immediately upon its adoption by the Commission. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the above resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION TO EXECUTE LEASE FOR UTILITIES DEPARTMENTS 1mEREAS, It appears that it is neoessary and desirable to lease suitable spaoe for the storage of supplies and for the handling of truoks for the Utilities Departments of the City of Port Angeles, and lease :!"or one year has been negotiated Ivith the Puremaid Dairy Products, Inc., for the use of their building on Eighth Street, Port Angeles, described as follows: Lots 3 and 4 of Block 267 of the Town- site of ?ort ADgeles, Washington, at the rate of $40.00 per month with certain options for renewal and such lease is just and fair and should be executed; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED That the City CQmmission do aocept the lease of the said property as ordered and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said lease on behalf of the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That, an emergency existing, this resolution shall take effect on its adoption. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the above resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried, kll!' -imlli"<,jxcmenl :i lit e COI1- ~tnlch,d 'undl'l" the COl1tl'lICt );"I"U- € ------$J VilllOlll" of P\\'.\ F'01'1ll "0, 1,!l, dnt- I LEGAL I'UBLICATIONS I ,'r1 .Ttlly 22: 1 !13r., :1.':; :un(,l1d~d, Hu]tJ~ :0- ":) ;\l]d He,~till\thJlls lelatlng ta aPllli- XO'l'JeJ'~ '1'(1 t:'OS'l'nAt~l'OHS ~:Ults llnd 111'ojeds \lIiller the 1~l1ler- r;;5~>' L~~~\~'f r~~:~;~~~!'I~~~O~hl~ctill~~' th~e~}i1~~IJ~ct{tl~~iIJ~ltl~: d;~;,r:\:~'~11~~ 11~~~'e~~Gl~~jtt~~t~~~,.I~r;e ~1~i1~~ .si:;.~~~1 ~~~~~~;I;;~I~llll~ ~~~r~u~'(I ;~~~, ~~t~~~~;'- Elnplo~'m(>nt !-:('I'VlC'e (;'\atlonnl Re-i nesdll.',. 1>,"l..":elllher :n ']ll:!;;, Snld elliP0~~i~l~~1\v~''V~]~~c~''HO,n~C'fS will' bids will thl'a lw Ol)~lled at no ['any ,t, 1ll'oviRlon limitillfC cmplo;y-i Imel'tlng of thl' CIO ClJmmJsslon to '.mt'nt IIf 1:11101' 10 ~ ]10111'8 IH~I' (lflY~ be held ilt 1U a 1TI Ull ~nld Xuliem- i aud laD hOlll':;; lh:r 111Ol1th pel' IlIdi-l ~~e~ ;~; 11~;;' l~l~ tlFll,~lll~~~~I~~:~~~~;. \'I~\~~;:ntioll i" '-':llk,1 ~() till! r:H~t~ i :BUild[ng. [..111('01n sne('.t l)('hrtlellj tlm" llUt ]UI:iS .1lI'.Il\ UIC III III illlUlI1 I.. ~~j~~~(l iiUd Third streets, Port An- ~~~7e J~;~~~:~.J;;;~;cI:~~(;I~lil:j~tr;l~jOJ~"e~f:, TJlC WO]'I{ for which saW bills arc PIlI}lle :\\~r})"]n; 11I1I!>;i lJC pai(l on' G11~W~~~.s i~)ll t'E'I~rl~~~f!~;\~~~.~~npO~:t ~~~~ ~ th~~'. tW~Od~l~t~J(J,~' withdmw hi" hid' g-eles, O\'C]' Vllliey (:I'eel, ~ul('ll n.n(j.~ Il.rtel' tI](> 110U1' set !Ol' tlH! O]ICllingq Tllll1watC'\' Cl'<'ek ]!:ulcll, P U 1)!1 c- tller~fJf. 0:" b!.'fol'e awal'd (]f eOll-~ ~~~,~,~l~ !r\fi,~:1:.~:(:~1~1~~t;:il~~E~I" CI{~: ~~ 1 I f~~~]~ll ~~ll;I~~i ~~~lj~i~~I;~I; ~~l~~';;~;Y::i .\11 !d,ll:> s~lIdl l!l' .H'co:np"nlc\l b~", ':>hl"il~I'~] frlJlll till' City 'Ch'rl;: UI,')III It c"l'tll')(~'l check for 1) .ller cent oL t1('Pofflt~ng' the Slim or $;;",00 whldl' tllQ amount or t]Hl l>ld, InCluding' i'~l1111'WIll'lle ]'PfUI)(j(hl if .t116 plallf!.~ lligllest alterm'tes, Bhuuhl the sue. am] I"l!l'cjfjcati{Jn~ .'I11("'l'I~~lIl"lled .to: l ~~~lt~~~1 b;l~~~r"rurl~:lsl;u:t.r~;i~~f~~hi~\l'~'; ~,llj~ Cl.;!'k I)dol"c the. lJi(l15 are opcil-.i I 1lf',"f.Ol'mnnN!' \)('IHI within lU 11f1YSI TJ.1C ell.... C0I1I111ission .Of "aid City.: 1'11]~~er c:c~!~rfl,.:~W~\~eck( S~ll;~ll C~~ltJ;"o~~: ~lt7;JdC; the r1L.\hL to reject an.... orl fl'lted ~B ll'1uirlaterl (]amagell, Thel' ]):It,'L! till!' ~th dll~' of XovulllhlW" sU('('('fl!'ful hidd,~r slmll he Tt'qulrco. 11~::;5' at J'()!'t .\lll-l"cles, "-IlRhingtoll,1 lO file a Ilc.f'-'l"nHlllt.:c 1,ond ill the . I>.v O]'dC'\', of 'h. ('U,' """00''';00, J !'u]! 1111l0unt of the- Ctlllll'act pdee" .N_ .;'11. l-I,\'VK.lX~, \\'hlc]l bon!l sl1l'111 \)(" rUI'n]f;hN! b\' nl (:i1.\" (:lel'k 1 ,F~i;iti~; _'\\~~~~],J~~~\r1!~~'~((h'tl,~:'~\6n~ 'u~,e i l.'u h. ",,0\',' II ~;~I\tl~~;~h~:;' '\\"il~h, ~...,--- Pursuant to the following call for bids for the reoonstruction of the 8th Street Bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creek Gulohes, the Clerk reported bids on file as follows: Angeles Gravel & Supply Go. Deposit $6,000.00 Olympic File ~riving Co. Deposit $6,000.00 S. S. Mullen Deposit $6,000.00 Bid $114,856.40 Bid $115,719.45 Bid $116,801.00 The bids were referred to the City Engineer for checking. ~ ".. 344 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington --Hovember 27. 1935 193_ The Engineer returned the bids after cheoking, the bids in detail being as follows: B' 0.$ .,OPE.IED Nt'V. Z7-f93 S ~-cI'TY OF p()RrANG~J.E5 8 t S r: e f? I DG I?S. ?'WA PRO JEe T- v.rosh. 124 t:t ilTFM I i , "/ r z .3 13 .4 Q/JAJl/T/TV { ~. . .~ I.JO .,'<1 ':>" ' . ,\I':; (Y , \~'1Q..:-..v ~ '(r "" ! " l.JQ:'t'~ i~' "\ I. ~ ~~' t \i' CJ"() UH"~ . ..U/ ~ .. u. Lon t 13IDDERS shp~1 Nt'./ , , , 0(; V \. ~~ Y t ...r ') '0' I InllT I J :3 .c. I 3.d~ % 42 3 ~..2. 3 ~c' , ~. J .s'(J f'P 2~ ~ .4-0 .J ~' .75' ,S() .]0 .~'O t .lib I (J.!: I .. 0 ~ 71 '7 s I a 'q~ I 10 '..!' 24.61 3 {l v~ z. '2 () ~, J ~.; t' (, . 3G~ .75 .t(. .75 24.'= I' II : 11 /31 n j 17" 37.s0 ~'f.Z 5" 5/~ lib ~ /1.0 ~ .,. 1()6' - 10 I IS~ Ii) Ie .3/ ,30 .3 .:- .2'; ,Z :> .25 .0 (. .OS '/, .61 1 J) 1,'1 If \ I:;c. The matter of awarding the contract was deferred for further oonsideration. The Oommission examined and allowed the following bills and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Street Department Pay Ro 11 180.27 I aity Treasurer L.I.D. Assessments 54.01 S. J. Lutz Traveling Expenees 30.95 Harris & Sehueller Water Tank for Barn 13 1.50 City Treasurer \Va ter ~16 ... 385.00 D. A. Masters Car Hire 25.00 WATER FUND State Treasurer Bus. Tax 468.62 Wm Brennand Rent 12.00 E. R. McKnight Garage Rent b'" 3;00 Wa ter Department Pay Roll /01) - 590.00 LIGHT FUND MoHugh & Peterson Tires & Repairs 34 .75 State Treasurer Bus. Tax 644.79 ..... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 27, 1935 193_ 345 ., .rani tor Service Garage Ren t Car Hire Pay Roll 5'" . - 1"1~"" L. T. Guy Chas. Beam S. H. \7hite Light Department CEMETER Y FUND I A. T. Filion PARK FUND Park Department P.A.E.R. FUND W. H. ROdgers pay ROll Pay Roll There being no further business the ~ommission then adjourned. Supt. of Framing Yard I I I I ?7,Jn1~ Ci ty Clerk. /;/ 1.... , /{"o~ / / Mayor. '. 5.00 3.00 35.00 1010.00 100.00 72.91 67.50 ..4