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Minutes 11/30/1915
. i { I, II i ? . i' . \ . r l 'i t i ,J ~ ~. I t. 'j ~' . J Ii ~ ~ Ii I , I I. ~ . Ii. ' ~ ,; 'I Proceedings';f City Council of tire City of Port Angeles, Washing;on X\..rn.- ""'^'~ 3 b'h.... 19LL , .--,.~~~~'--""'~~""""'~~ ~ 7J'.Jo.~_\n. ~~~ ~ , 3:c-_~~~~~~~.._.____...______L_____...___________.. .",. ___rt~.~~",-"",-<\~ -t~~~ ~~:~.'\n.~~~. .. ~ . . .... i ~~~.UJ~~._~. d<~..~...~~. ~~o.... ~~ .1.~~..~Att~~,~'at.~~~~'t-~~. -~._..__..- __ _.__ '_'M'_,_",__ T_' _____'._.. _,. __.__._..__ ....._ ___ ___.___._.._~.._.______.__~___._._.___...__.____.__~_.. --.._~ _'_~_~__...__._.__..___ -~~c.b~~~a......~~~~~ ~...N).~. ..'\ - '...- -._..._ __ ".--____..._ _.__.____."'_T..___ .~_.._._,__.._^ __ __.__~.___... .____._____ ..__,___.____._...._____._ .~__ .____.,.__.,.. . '. "~ . ~~~ ot.~~~~'-~~ ~ ~~~.--_..._..-".. . -~.~.~'l-~~-i;..~~~~~~.~~.'J'"'~~ 3..~,\~,~,~~,~~,~ ~~~~'~'~'.\:o~~~. !Jt.~.~~c\~~~.~~. .'~.~::1~ 'N\.~ ~.~~_, 'k.'~_~~...\...~ ~~..~~~'~.~~0-~--t<3\.~~~'\~- . ~. ,~~. -------- .----..... -_.__..-.~_._..._.-- ....-........"--.--......--------..... ~~~~ ~ \::.~~~ .fu~~. ~~~._...n...--...--_._..__.____ ----~_.._.._..- -"-- ._,. - ".' -,.._~-~--..- ._-~.__._.__. -.-----------..-----.-----------------------------.---.- .-.-,,-.-...----------. -----..-.------ .~, .~~~...~~~~~..~n'~.~.~..~.~ .~~...~~-'~-~~.~-~~~~-~~ ~~.-~..~~~-~~ i-""~"t-J~ ...1.~. )t~~~~/iJ4ao ~t:~.~.~\'.~~~~CN3'I~.~~~.~~..:- ~~~~~ '~,~~~J' ~..~._. ......_............._______...m._.... ----.....' ...--'-'..-.-..'-,' .,-- ...-...-.-.-.,--.--- ---- --_._-------..__..__._._.~--.~.__._.__..._....---_.. -.- ---.'----.--.----.-. .------.-...---..-......-.-...---.- .....- ..-- '--.,--.- .... ;".' . . .... . Jh~~~~~~~ ~~~~ -~~~~~~~. ~~~~~ ...ru..,,--~~~~".\X~'~. re.... ~'~~~~~~~~:~~~.~VO-~1"'".-... J..~ ~~~Q n<:t. .l.~, .m.uA..... ~ ~(~.""'.~9... no.Af ~ I. &1",.-. -'-.~'"'.,........_-...__.-~-._--.-_...-.-.._------.- ..'- --"-"-'---'--'-",-,,~-,----~,,+--,--,---+----,- .-..--.-~.-~---._--.-.._ __"_..._.._____.__...__.._~.._... "'..e.,._.. ..__.___ --H.~~'~.~.:n~. &C\~./9js, ..J<:r ~ ~.Th~'ic~ ~~'. ..- ~~'I- '--"'. _...,____m._...._______~_.__._.._..._._...._... ...._ _...______.,.......___............ .:--.-.---.........-..-..-~~~'\~.~ ~~ ot ~.~ ,~i<:r~ .-\. ~~~b~\N..Q'~().3'J.,~.~~~~..~~~-I-"~~~ d~. ~'\ i-. %'....~~____._..._H_____~:-__--~.......--..----..-.~. ,---~36, 7.56.tJO..__._... ~~-~~~......._...8:l:t'__~__/.()b._. _..87/.32. ----" __u...:Qv",~ ~_._.._n..._.'._..n....H___._......_._. "_.... .... ...__SIJIJ.oo ..~ ~.. ~~"...--.. .. "'-..-..-- 'h, _. ._____..___ .. "'.... :l3t. 67. ~~~~-~-~~::=_:::----:~- - :::.::-- . ?- -...---- ""-- . .;:--__...___..___Jo-~___..__._..._____._..______.~.._H__..___ 83, "I./''j...__.. --....--... '--..------ ~.~~ -.....--.....:.-----.--.---~ '.25. ~M.,};j__....._..._...... ..---,.. .-/-_._"--.._-..-.---~ ~---' ,:'.,,;;;7".--'-".~ 7 'ItS...!~.~.-:;:.