HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/30/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'!II 77 November 30, 1932 193~ 1 1 1 I, I The Commission met in regular session at lO a.m. ,and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of New Business,- The following resolution was introduced,- RESOLUTION TO SELL PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE ,VlliEREAS~ The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real estate, to wit,- Lot Three (3),Blook Three Hundred thirty-five (335),Townsite of Port Angeles,Clallam County ,Washington, whioh property was aoquired by the foreolosure of delinquent local improvement assessments under the provisions of Chap. 275,Session Laws of 1927,and, WHEREAS, One W.D.MoMahan has made an offer to purchase said property for the sum of Thirty-one and 62/100 ($31.62) Dollars,payable in aash on delivery of deed,and : WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and that the offer is fair va~ue and equals the amount of the delinquent improvement assessments. :THEREDORE,BE IT RESmLVED That the said offer be acoepted and that the city sell the said property to the purchaser for the sum herein set forth subject to any other valid liens thereon; that the City Att;orney,be.instructed,toprepare a deed conveying the property to the purahaser and t'hatth,e .City 'Tre'asUirer be !i.uthor.:l:zed to exeaute the said deed in aacordance with the provisions of this resolution in Chapter 275, Session Laws of 1927,and that the same be delivered to the purshaser upon reaeipt of the purchase priae. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be adopted and that the Mauor and City Clerk be instructed to exeoute said deed in aaoordanoe with said resolution. Seaonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll aall all members voted aye. The Mayor dealared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following alaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Street Department street Department street Department J.W.Robertson Current Expense Fund Pay roll Pay ro 11 Pay roll Plumbing Inspeator Light Fund Pay roll Pay roll Clerk hire Salary Colleator tIS 1'1.. '1Da~'i $ ~3.7 " 150.00, 709.9~1 25.01 570.37, 193.5q ll.28 75 od 15:6d I 904.23 Light Department Light Department - Sales Division Buford Sandquist IV.1'.O'Day J.~i.Robertson Water Fund Water Department Pay roll Under the head of New Business the following Resolution was introduced,- Recolution Be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Whereas,it appears to the City Commission that for a considerable portion of the year 1933 the services of both a City Engineer and street Superintendent at full time will not be required. It fUrther appearing that on acoount of limited amount of construction and other improvements within the city,the servioes of a Building and Sanitary Inspector at full time will not be required. ~ . It further appearing that it is necessary and desirable to curtail all possible expense in the administration of city affairs. Therefore,be it resolved,that from and after Deaember 31,1932,the duties of Street Superintendent shall be assigned to and taken over by the City Engineer. I That the present Assistant Engineer in oharge of streets be assigned as working foreman of the street orew. I That the City Engineer shall perform the duties of Building and Sewer Inspector. Be it fUrther resolved that the offioe of Sanitary Inspector be and the same is hereby declared to beoome vacant from and after Deoember 31,1932,and the duties of said offioe I be assigned to and taken over by the Chief of the Fire Department. It was moved by Mayor DaVis that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared motion carried. There being no further business the Commission then adj70u ed. [/)~ j" ?77l1,1~ City Clerk Mayor ...oilI