HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/30/1988I CALL TO ORDER
Budget Hearing
Port Angeles, Washington
November 30, 1988
Mayor McPhee called the meeting to order at 5:03 P.M. The purpose of this
meeting is to hear budget presentations by special agencies.
Members Present: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hordyk,
Lemon, Sargent, Stamon.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Clerk Maike, D. Wolfe, T. Smith.
Public Present: J. Ware, F. P. Feeley, M. Harvey, C. Alexander, L.
Ross, A. Bradley, V. Stankey, V. McBride, R. Blahy, P.
Johnson, R. Hansen, G. Swagerty, R. Miller, A. Carr, P.
Simpson, G. Fraker, C. Jones, J. Rogers, W. Hunt, R.
Murphy, L. Hill, C. Hanneman, G. Greathouse, J. Will, G.
Knutson, M. Switzer, E. Grier, L. Brouillard, L. Hurd,
R. Stimbert, B. Gregory, N. Waddell, D. Chamhl, N.
Boyse, L. Gregory, D. Huron, J. Jackson, G. Withers, G.
0. Ralston, R. Weddell, K. Schermer, V. Fitzpatrick,
B. Philpott, S. Torgesen, J. Glass.
1. Budget Presentations
A. Economic Development Council
Kurt Sandell, Executive Director of the Economic Development Council, gave a
presentation to the Council.
After discussion of the matter, Councilman Hordyk moved that the
contribution to the Economic Development Council be $10,000. Councilman
Gabriel seconded.
Councilman Sargent spoke in support of keeping the contribution at the
origipal $12,500 funding, and was not in favor of reducing it to $10,000.
Councilman Stamon spoke in opposition to the motion.
Councilman Gabriel was in favor of the motion.
Councilman Hallett spoke in opposition, as he felt the status quo should be
Mayor McPhee opposed the motion, as he felt it required the people of Port
Angeles pay more than their fair share.
After lengthy discussion, the question was called and the motion failed,
with Councilmen Hallett, Stamon, Sargent and Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Stamon moved that Council approve the full funding of the EDC for
$12,500, as requested. Councilman Sargent seconded.
On call for the question, the motion failed, with Councilmen Hordyk, Lemon,
Gabriel, and Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Gabriel moved to continue the matter to the last item on the
agenda. Councilman Sargent seconded. On call for the question, the motion
carried, with Councilman Hallett and Stamon voting "No
November 30, 1988
B. Human Services /Health Services
Carol Owens, County Human Services Director, presented the budget request of
$115,308 to the Council.
Councilman Lemon moved to approve the funding request for Human Services in
the amount of $115,308. Councilman Sargent seconded.
Councilman Stamon offered a friendly amendment to add a five percent
increase in the funding. Councilman Lemon did not accept the friendly
Councilman Stamon then moved to amend the motion to add a five percent
increase in funding. Councilman Hallett seconded. On call for the
question, the amendment failed, with Councilmen Gabriel, Hordyk, Lemon, and
Mayor McPhee voting "No
On call for the question on the original motion, the motion carried, with
Councilman Hallett voting "No
Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting for a five minute break.
2. Health Services
The budget request for Health Services was $59,360. Manager Flodstrom
presented a brief outline of the proposed budget request. After discussion
of the matter, Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of
the City Manager and the request of the County Health Services Department to
approve funding in the total amount of $59,360, with the understanding that
it may be reduced, pending final outcome of the County budget. Councilman
Hordyk seconded. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
3. Port Angeles Symphony
The request made by the Port Angeles Symphony was for $5,000. Hildegarde
Crawford, representing the Symphony, gave Council a presentation outlining
their budget request.
After discussion of the matter, Councilman Lemon moved to fund $5,000 for
the Port Angeles Symphony, as requested. Councilman Hordyk seconded.
Councilman Lemon supported the motion, as he felt this was a very fine asset
to the City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Hallett concurred with the comments made by Councilman Lemon.
However, he spoke in opposition to the motion, citing the action of the
Council on the Human Services and EDC budget requests.
Councilman Stamon echoed Councilman Hallett's concerns.
Councilman Gabriel stated he felt this was good Ute of the Hotel /Motel Tax
Councilman Hallett, speaking in opposition to the motion, stated he was not
opposed to the Symphony, but he was concerned the Council was allocating
funds or increases only to organizations which bring tourism to the City.
The question was called and the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett
voting "No
4. Olympic Peninsula Travel Association (OPTA)
George Mattson gave the presentation for the Olympic Peninsula Travel
Association on the budget request of $1,250.
Councilman Sargent moved to fund $1,250 for the Olympic Peninsula Travel
Association advertisement and to add that amount to the Chamber's
After some discussion on the motion, Councilman Sargent withdrew the motion.
She then offered another motion to fund $2,250 for this purpose, and add it
to the Chamber's budget allocation. Councilman Gabriel seconded.
After some discussion of the matter, the question was called and the motion
carried with Councilmen Hallett and Stamon voting "No
5. Derby Days
Roger Stimbert presented Council with the budget request of $5,000 for the
Derby Days Association. Councilman Hordyk moved to concur with the
recommendation of the City Manager to fund $5,000 for Derby Days.
Councilman Hallett seconded.
Councilman Sargent asked whether this was with the understanding this would
be matching funds. Councilman Hordyk responded yes.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
6. Clallam County Museum
November 30, 1988
Virginia Fitzpatrick, Director of the Clallam County Museum, gave Council
the budget presentation with a funding request of $10,000 for the Clallam
County Museum.
After some discussion of the matter, Councilman Sargent moved to fund the
Museum $10,000 for the 1989 budget year, especially in view of the fact the
funds from the Federal government grant will not be arriving until August,
1989. Councilman Stamon seconded.
After discussion of the motion, the question was called and the motion
failed, with Councilmen Stamon, Sargent and Mayor McPhee voting "Aye and
Councilmen Hallett, Lemon, Hordyk, and Gabriel voting "No
Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendation of the City
Manager to allocate $5,000 to the Museum with an option for the Museum to
come to the Council during 1989, depending on the status of the Federal
funds, and to request release of additional funds from the Hotel/Motel Tax
Fund. Councilman Gabriel seconded. On call for the question, the motion
carried unanimously.
7. Marine Lab
Pat Burkhardt addressed the Council on the budget request for the Marine Lab
of $6,480
After discussion of the matter, Councilman Lemon moved to fund the request
of $6,480, which would pay for two summer aides. Councilman Hallet
Councilman Stamon suggested extending more funding at about $5 an hour for
having the Marine Lab open on weekends, Friday gnd Saturday evenings, in
April and May, and maybe later into the month of September, for a night-
time program at the Marine Lab. She offered a friendly amendment to fund an
additional $1,000. Councilmen Lemon and Hallett concurred.
After discussion of the motion, the question was called and the motion
carried unanimously.
8. Tourism and Convention Association of Clallam County (TCACC)
Pat McCauley, President of the Tourism and Convention Association of Clallam
County (TCACC) addressed Council on the requested funding of $35,760 of the
TCACC's budget presentation.
After some discussion of the budget presentation, Councilman Hallett moved
to authorize the requested funding of TCACC in the amount of $35,760.
Councilman Stamon seconded.
November 30, 1988
Several business people from Port Angeles, Sequim, and also the Forks area,
addressed the Council to speak in support of TCACC, requesting Council
honor their request for additional funding.
After lengthy discussion of the motion, the question was called and the
motion failed, with Councilmen Hordyk, Gabriel, Lemon, and Mayor McPhee
voting "No
Councilman Stamon moved to fund the TCACC at a funding request of $35,000.
Councilman Hallett seconded.
Councilman Hordyk called for the question.
Councilman Stamon stated as a point of courtesy if there is a motion on the
floor, it ought to be discussed briefly.
Mayor McPhee stated the question had been called; therefore the motion needs
to be acted upon.
Councilman Stamon stated two thirds must be in majority for calling for the
Mayor McPhee called for the question regarding calling for the question,
stating to close debate does require two thirds majority. However, he ruled
this to be a frivolous motion, being an almost precise duplicate of the
previous motion, and that it is done for delaying purposes, and that it
would require a motion on the part of a Councilmember in the majority of the
previous motion to reconsider.
Councilman Stamon appealed, as she did not believe this was offered as a
frivolous motion, but as an attempt to find another funding source.
Mayor McPhee stated there is an appeal to reject the Chair's ruling. He
called for those in favor of the appeal. Councilmen Stamon and Hallett
voted in favor of the appeal. Councilmen Gabriel, Hordyk, Lemon, Sargent,
and Mayor McPhee voted "No
In view of the impasse, Councilman Sargent moved to delay consideration of
the TCACC budget request until the hearing of the Chamber of Commerce
presentation. Councilman Stamon seconded. On call for the question, the
motion carried, with Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, and Mayor McPhee voting
Councilman Stamon moved to fund the EDC at the requested level of $12,500.
Councilman Hallett seconded. On call for the question, the motion failed,
with Councilmen Gabriel, Hordyk, Lemon, and Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Hallett moved to delay consideration of the EDC budget until
after the presentation for the Chamber of Commerce and the TCACC, and the
EDC on Saturday, December 3rd. Councilman Stamon seconded.
Mayor McPhee requested there be a limit of the discussion from TCACC and the
EDC. After some discussion of the motion, the question was called and the
motion failed, with Councilmen Lemon, Gabriel, Hordyk, and Mayor McPhee
voting "No
Councilman Lemon moved to authorize funding of $10,000 to the Economic
Development Council. Councilman Gabriel seconded. On call for the
question, the motion failed, with Councilmen Hallett, Stamon, Sargent, and
Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Hordyk moved that consideration of the EDC and the TCACC be
delayed until Saturday, December 3rd, without additional public input.
Councilman Gabriel seconded.
Councilman Hallett spoke in opposition, as he did not feel it was
appropriate to limit the public's opportunity to speak.
Councilman Stamon concurred.
On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Hallett and
Stamon voting "No
Councilman Hordyk moved for adjournment. Councilman Lemon seconded and the
motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
Clerk Mayor
November 30, 1988