HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/01/1943 r- 586 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 1. 1945 19_ lIr.... The minutes of the preVious session were re~d and.. pproved. The CODIIisslon lIlet in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by lIByor Rohinson. Roll call showed the following officers present: J/ayer Robinson, Cormnissicners Beam and Masters and Clerk Hawkins. Under the head of New Business's 1 I I The matter of the "Lions Club" project for the erection of an "Honor Roll" sign, bill-board type, for l1et-1 1n8 the names of ~11 men and women who have gone from Clallam County into the military serVice of the 'Ii United States during World War No.2, came up for consideration. ! 'I It was IDOved by Colmllissioner Masters that the said "Honor Roll" project be ~pproved and that it be erected I' in the Park just sOllth of the Fire Hall under the superVision and direction of the Chief of the Fire Department. Seconded byllayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. . Under the head of reading and passage of Clrdinances the following ordinance was placed on its final read- ing and adopted and approved: AN ORDIliANCE relating to places of refuge, defining such places, requiring a license for the operation thereof, providing for the inspection and approvsl of suchplaces, adopting certain regulations, proViding for appe81s and declaring an. emergency. It was moved by CnIIIissioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by !.layor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The J/ayor declared the notion carri ed. The ColllDission examined and allned the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EJPENSE FUND Pollce Department Street n J. R. I!cDoaald Fire Department City Treasurer John H. Thatcher Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. n n n 11 11 Pay Roll n n Servioes ae dog catcher Pay Roll Light & Water Radio Repairs & Parts Service Supplies Service " Ci t;r Treasurer n " Light & Water n " . Todd Haller Pacific Tel & Tel Co. n " n " tock & Keys Service " Home ~lectric Co. n " " Batteries " (7",,1 Westinghouse Elecric & Mfg. Co. Repairs CITY STREET F UND Street Department Pay Roll WATER FUND Water Department City Light Dept. Willson Hardware Co. Automotive Parts Service WilJller' e Cafe Pay Roll Light Service Miscellaneous Supplies Battery lIeals LIGHT FUND City Water Dept. Willson Hardware Co. " " Water Service Office Expense Lamps Service . Gasoline Material Materials {l. ~ p.c./"" Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Associated Oil Ce. Line Material Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply LIBRARY FUND Cit;r Treasurer IIrs. Gertrude Church Pacific Tel & Tel to. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. The Grolier Society, Inc. Geylord Bros. Inc. New l!ethod Beok Bindery, Inc. Demco Library Supplies American Library Asa'n United Janitor Supply Co. The FUget Sound Nns Co. Wilcox & Follett Ce. Light & Water Extra Work SerVice Repairs & Parts Books Supplies Binding Supplies Book Jam tor Suppliea Books Book "1/ 2r~ PARK FUND Park Dept. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Penineula fUel Co. Oi ty Treasurer " " Pay Roll Sem De Fuel 011 Light & Water " tI II ).1' , :rl,.. SO.OO 160.00 25.00 48.00 10SO.65 23.00 10.05 10.46 7.00 4.75 105.14 45.92 5.94 2.85 16.66 59.81 7.79 41. 94 75.55 977.50 ., 7" )\~ 68.00 51.87 5.66 8.09 7.ll 1.90 1.54 122.36 27.80 57.SO 59.45 12.21 10.10 10.80 4.25 7.43 94.80 18.95 2.56 5.20 2.50 15.27 85.04 2.07 DJ. 140.00 2.75 8.21 22.06 56.99 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 587'" December 1. 1945 19_ L.I.D. REVOLVING FUND City Treasurer Taxes 67.25 There being no further business the Commisssion then adjourned. I 11.fY1:1J~ City Clerk ~/O(~ lIayor I I I I OJ .....