HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/01/1955 ~472 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 1 195_L '"'' , ",.", ""M, m"~"_ ........ ..... ..... 1 The City Counci:l met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by l~or Smith. Roll call re- vealed the following officers present: Ma.Yor Smith, COWlcilman Brown, Neer, Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe arid McFadden, }lanager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns ani Clerk Law. lIt was moved by Councilma11 Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconied by COWlcil- man McFadden ard carried. Urder the head of unfinished business, COWlcilconsidered agreement between the City and F. H. Jarnagin whereby the contr.:rotor would be paid an additional' $6,000.00 for labor not anti-eipated in L.I.D. No. 167, Front Street, Cherry Street and alley. Manager N ergeer read agreement. and infDrmed of meeting with the Port Commission and contractor, also the Attorney, arid all considered the transaction proper. The follmdng R,esolution was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 21-55 . , , A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor and City_ Clerk to e,nter int 0 a subsequent and collateral agreament j with F. H. JARNAGIN in connection with the contract covering the construction of sewers, roads and paving entered into December 23, 1954. ' . WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles did on the 23rd da.r of December, 1954 enter into a certain contract covering the construction of sewers, roads and paving in the City of Port Angeles in the total arnoWlt of $51,787.90, and WllEREAS, certain unit prices were not specified for the work necessary to complet e the contract and certain additional' costs incurred, and - lmEREAS, the agreed price for the past extra work h,as been arrived at for the sum of $6,000.00 and it is necessary that said subsequent and collateral agreement include conditions relating to future extra ,,'Ork, : if necessary. NOI~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT Al'GELES as follows: , 1. 1'11at the Ma.Yor ard City Clerk be, and they are, hereby authorized to enter into a subsequent and collateral contract covering the services of the contractor as performed up to date and by said contract to make settlement with the said F. H. Jarnagin for the sum of $6,000.00 and that said contract may further provide that the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles shall be the sole judge as to the existance of conditions necessary to be carried on by force account in accordance with specifications ard requirements l of the City Engineer. / I "W~ _.. '" C,__ "'..... """ ", '''''''"'' ....,..,~ " "',..... "'" ""'P''', "'" "'" ..", , arid Clerk authorized to execute collateral contract agreement after the same has been signed by the Contract- or. 11otion seconded by COWlcilman Brown and carried. It.... Under the head of Communications, the following were read before the COWlCil: U. S. Department of Justice, by J. Edgar Hoover,.Notice of Presentation to Police Chisf Kechane!,:, ldiploma certifying his successful completion of training course at F.B.I. National Acadell\l'. -, Recommendation from the Park Board that all funds accrued in the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund be deposited in a Saving and Loan' Association- to earn interest until such time as needed. IRecommendation by par~' Board that no rental fee be charged aI'll' Civic Organization for use of Ciyic Field for II activities ,[here admissions are used for betterment of any civic purpose or project. Organizations to pa.r arv added expense for utilities or special cleanups. Not to interfere with paying of City taxes on admissions as governed by Ordinance. It was moved by Councilman Neer that recommendation for deposit of Perpetual C~re Funds be approved, and recommendation concerning Civic Field rentallE tabled Wltil further 'I :infonnation is available. Motion seconded by COWlcilman Sandison and carried. !A. E. Rotchford, Secretary of vlashington Public S~rvice Commission infonned in writing that Natural Gas Corporation of vlashington has made application for Certificate of Public Convenience ani necessity to loperate a gas plant. It was decided that if the Gas Corporation continues to operate as at present, no !objections are in evidence, but if changes are contemplated, the Council should be informed. I . IUmer -the head of new business, claims paid Novembe'r 21 and December 1, in total amount of $47,602.37, were filed for approval. It was moved byCouncilrnan Brown that claims be approved as paid. - Seconded by 'Councilman Matthieu. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . - .. - Light and \~ater reports showing operation of those departments for January through October were filed for COWlcil approval. It was moved by COWlcilman BrOl'lU that statements be approved. Seconded by COWlcilman Neer and carri ed. I -It was moved by Councilman Brown that the report showing activities of the Police Department during November be approved and placed on fi le. Seconded by COWlcilman Sandison. All voted Aye. _}lotion carried. I' '. '.It was moved by Councilman McFadden that month~ budget reports showing operations of City departments be ;approved and placed on file. ,Seconded by COWlcilman Matthieu and carried. Ra,y Petersen representing Del Guzzi Brothers appeared with sketch showing replat in Suburban Lots 49 ard 50, , being vfest of M Street between Eighth and Tenth Streets and to be known as West View, requesting approval I 'of replat and petition. After explanations and due consideration, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that I petition be approved and granted, the date of hearing set for January 5, 1956, and notices delive,red. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ~nager Vergeer reported on progress of substation at Ninth and Francis Streets, the same to be energized in the near future. I ' "aino Saari inquired if the City has progressed in improving the water systelll and elimination of turbld :condition during excessive rainfall. Mr. Saari cited advice of the Health Department to boil the water and 'asked if this was due to bacteria content. Also cited rumor that r.eservoir,supp~ was low, a firefighting hazard exilted 'and the Coast Guard water service was inadequate. It was the opinion of Mr. Saari that aoequate water system and filter plant is more improtant to the City than improved street lighting syst-em ' 'and suggested that surplus funds be used for t hat purpose. . 1 I ti b t .' Dr. McFadden advised that the Health Department keeps close check on water supp~ and at no me was ac ena present. Manager Vergesr cited requirements for spending City turds as provided by Statutes governing. I Also emphasized that at no time during the recent high water was the rese:voirs ~o" in 'iater su~p~, nor was there a firefighting hazard. Also that the Coast Guard water supp~ lS not inadequate, haV:Lng a pressure of 120 pounds. It was also questionable if a ;tiltering system .would be thoroughly efficient during exoess-I ,ive turbidity, the cost of such system being e$rbitant. }la;yor Smtih informed that an inspection of thl! 110rse Creek watershed has been planned for some time and he expects to accomparv the Manager and l,ater I Superintendent on such inspection next week to try and determine cause of excessive turbidity. ' 1 ' I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~~el " 19_ "'0. . .".." .o..n. '''''''''' ."....., moo ..... By Request of 11t. Vergeer, the CoW1cil approved a speci~.meeting December 22, at which time bids for street lighting system will be opened. l<Lvor Smith announced that recruiters and equipment for National Guard will be in the City next week. COWlcilman Neer questioned as to disposition of petition for sewer district on South B Street between 12th ard 14th Streets. Mr. Vergeer replied that this project is contingent upon Del Guzzi development when the two may be coordinated. Police Chief Kochanek reJXlrted two accidents in the City for National S~ Day, one being hit and run, the other a logging accident. at 5th and C Streets where logs were accidentJ.,y discharged. Council extended co~endations to the lionS Club for sponsoring serVice 'award llinner for City Ehployees, also to the Mamger for time an<; effort arr:a~ng sam~. It was moved by Councilman'Matthieu tnat a letter be sent to the Lions Club and Don Cornell expressing appreciation for services rendered. Motion seconded by COWlcilman BrO\'ffi and carried. " , 'l, Unde; the head of introduction of ReSOlutions, 'the following was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. fu!-55 ' A RESOLUTION authoriz~ the transfer of budget items as set forth in the Street Fund, Police Depart- ment Furd B.l)d, Light Department Furd for the year 1955. Said transfers to be made within the same class- ifications in each department.' ., . l'JHEREAS, it is fourd that 1-lithin the classification of }faintenance and 'Operation 'of the Street Fund said budgetary iten:s dq not correspond to the needs of said department for the year 1955, and within the item of Current &pense Fund in the Police Department under Capital classification it is necessary that a transfeJ:; be made ,in order to meet the requirem~nts of said department, 'and that a oudgetarj transfer be made within the 11aintenance and Operation classification of the Light Department. NOVI, 'frlEREFOl1E, BE I'l; llESOLVE;D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 1HE CITY OF pqRI' ANGELES that transfers of certain items of the budget .for the year 1955 for the items ,Ii thin the classification of }laintenance and Operation of the Street Fund, wi thin th~ Current Expense Fund of th'e Police Department,' and wit bin the Maintenace and Operation classification of the Light Department be made as follows:' - 1. That there be transferred within the 11aintenance and Operation classification in the budget of the Street Department tl]e following i terns: From -"Gas, Oil & Grease" From _IIG4I.S, Oil & Greasel1 From -"G&s, Oil and Grease" From -'%quiprnent Rental" to"Sewer Repair, liafntenance" to Maintenance & Supplies :to Auto, Truck & Equip. Repr. to "Auto, Truck & Equip. Repr. , 25.39 1,500.00 974.61 400.00 2._ That there be transferred the budgetary itemS ,ii thin the Current EXpense FWld of the Police' Department ,within the Capital classification the ~oll~w:i,ng items: From -"N",~ Patrol Car" to "Office Equipment" , From _"In Se,rvice Training" to "llept. Supplies & Equip." From -"Prisoners Medical Ep" to "Dept. Supplies & Equip." 400;00 266.00 500.00 , j. ' That there be transferred Department the follQw:i,ng items: From -"Building & Grourd" From -"Carrier Current Equip" within the l1aintenance and Operation Classification of the Light to "Advertisement '& Misc." to Tools & Misc. EquiJ:'" " 300.00 . 500.00 It was moved by Co~ci~ McFadden that the foregoing resolution be approved ani adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. J.lotion - carried. No further business appearing, the meeting was declared -adjourned. O,r:~ (j "' rA-e~~ LEGAL PUBLICATION CALL FOR BIDS ; Proposals will .be received at the office of the City Clerk. 140 West; Front str.eet, Port Angeles, Wa..--h- ington. .on the complete new instal. lation of one hundred twenty eight (128) thirty foot steel lighting stand- ards. eqUIPped with transformer bases, upsweep ,brackets and 20J- 000 lumen m~cury vapor lumi- oaires, includmg footings, under- ground wiring, etc.. up to 5:00 o'- clock P. M. Decem~er 22, 1955. Plans and speclflcaUons furnish- ed upon request; CITY OF PORT ANGELES By G. S, vergeer Pub: ~~.M9~n~f~r 13551' prop~~~LwJl~~ r~~ed at tJtt off1ce of the City Clerk, Clty HaM. Port Angeles, Washington up to and not later than D 'p.m. January .5, 1!l5B for furn1"ihing comprehensive pnbli.c lIabmt~i and proper4-" da.m- age msurance covermg all proper- tiB" and aU opera.tions of the City of Port Angeles, Wa.'Shington and also for furnishing flre transporta- tions and theft insurance on the City owned automobiles. prol!osal 1orm- indlcating the kind .of policies that will be accept- able, and a list of the present ex- : posures upon which to base the premium charges may be ~ecured .from the CIty Clerk, at his Office] in Port Angeles, WMhington. Thr: City Council reserves the right to reject. any and all bids, or to waIve any fol'malities, if, in their O.Pinion., ,the b~t interests O.f Ole City wm 'be served thereby. J.' E. LAW . City Cle:k Pub: b~~t. ~nf:~ls~5;f.a~~~_ ~ 473