HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/01/1976 209 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 1, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7;30 P.M. I I ROLL CALL I Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Wray, Members Absent: Councilman Ross. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, J. Honnold, P. Reed, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, R. Parrish. Guests Present: M. Baker, H. Cabe, R. Hague, L. Sunny, L. Roline, Mr. & Mrs. A. Underwood, R. Leetham, C. Bruder, J. Bruder, ~. Baron, J. West, J. Chapman, E. Grover, R. Young, R. Niichel, H. Pearson, C, V. Basom, M. Crawford, H. Pemberton, L. Switzer, R. Wells, M. Dunlap, J. Hordyk, L. Watts. II I MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the November 16 and 23, 1976 meetings be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. I a. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the call for'bids on the official printing for the City of Port Angeles for 1977, Councilman Buck seconded the motion and it carried. b. Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the call for bids on fur- nishing gasoline, diesel fuel, and lubricating oil to the City of Port Angeles during 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 2. Boulevard and ilL" Improvement Project. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $1,661.18 retainage to James Bruch, Rt. 3 Box 228, Port Angeles, Project Contractor, as re- commended by City Engineer J. B. Warder. The thirty day period since com- pletion and acceptance has elapsed, clearance has been received from the Department of Revenue and the Department of Labor and Industries, and no liens have been filed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 3. Payroll, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $103,574.11 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA. I L. Sunny discussed with the Council the possibility of the Council passing a Resolution urging local citizens not to burn extra lights during the coming holiday season. Mr. Sunny felt this energy conservation measure would help reduce the percentage of oil the United States imports from other countries. The Council advised Mr. Sunny that our electrical energy source is hydropower and any energy savings realized from his suggestion would be insignificant. J. Bruder joined in the discussion and stated people could save $3.00 a month on their utility bills by turning their hot water heaters off at night. :dO CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 1, 1976 V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA (cont.) Port Angeles Search and Rescue Unit members Ray Hague, Mike Baker, and Herbert Cabe were in attendance at this meeting and presented to the Council the beauti- fully polished brass bell from the U, S. C. G. Cutter Winona. Mr. Hague briefly explained that the boys and himself spent approximately forty-three hours cleaning and polishing the bell to restore it to its present state. Mayor Olson extended the Council's thanks to Mr. Hague~, Mike Baker and Herbert Cabe for the excellent jOb they did on the bell, Mayor Olson then asked for Council approval at $14.54 for cleaning and polishing compound used by the Rescue Unit on refurbishing the bell. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the $14.54 payment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. VI LEGISLATION 1. PLANNING COMMISSION. Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Planning Commission November 22,: 1976 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council. Councilman Haguewood moved to table Council action on the request of Public School District No. 121 for the vacation of Ninth Street from the easterly 1 i ne of Lot 16, Block 250 and Lot 5, Block 309 to the easterly 1 i ne of "M" Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. It is noted the Planning Commission recommended that Ninth Street be vacated from the easterly boundary of "M" Street to the easterly boundary of Lot 16, Block 250 and Lot 5, Block 309 with the following provisions: that a cul-de-sac be provided in the street area of Lots 16 and 5 and that the right-of-way revert to the City if it is not used for school purposes. A Council public hearing must also be held prior to Council action on this request. Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission re- commendation and approve the preliminary plat of Alpine Estates upon the following conditions being met: (1) standard Light Department easements of 10'xl0' centered on the property line between lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 are provided, and (2) all improvements are installed to the specifications of the Public Works Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council. Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission November 22, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and the motion carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - 1977 REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION 'For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Olson read an itemization of the proposed uses of the City of Port Angeles 1977 entitlement of Federal Revenue Sharing monies amounting to an estimated $269,599. 1. Conversion of former Owens Brothers dock into a fishing pier, $ 30,000 2. Purchase 22 lots in the upper Tumwater area as outlined in the Greenbelt Plan. 10,000 3. Purchase a 1976 Volkswagon 9 passenger van for the Senior Center. 6,000 4. Improvements for the Water and Street barns. 10,000 5. Purchase of property to construct a secondary treatment plant 30,000 I facility, if required. 6, Administrative Expense. 1,350 7. Reserve for matching funds to secure grant to construct either a public pier or corporation yard, if these projects are not secured 182,249 under the Public Works Act of 1976. TOTAL Recommended Expenditure $269,599 I I .1 I 21L CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 1, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 2. PUBLIC HEARING - 1977 REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION (cont.) Manager Whorton informed the Council that the recent congressional action extending federal shared revenue legislation through mid 1980 contained a provision that the City must pUblish a planned use report of the funds and hold two public hearings for the purpose of providing an opportunity for all interested persons, especially senior citizens, to express their views as to the allocation of the funds. The City was unable to comply with publica- tion of the planned use report as notification of the new procedures was received after the preliminary 1977 budget was filed. In addition to this public hearing, a public hearing will also be held during the December 15, 1976 Council meeting, with proper notice to the public, Manager Whorton stated. Mayor Olson formally opened the public hearing at 7:55 P.M. and requested comments from the audience. C. Vernon Basom, a member of the Senior Center Advisory Board, requested the Council to consider providing revenue sharing funds for matching a proposed grant that the Senior Center had applied for under the Older Americans Act. The grant request is for the remodeling of the vacant basement of the Senior Center building to be utilized as a workshop and a craft room, for remodeling the room now used by the City paint shop, and for improving the lighting and heating of the east half of the upstairs. The total cost is estimated at $25,000. The grant request, a 25% match, would be $6,000. If approved, much of the work could be done by members of the Senior Center. Leo Sunny expressed the opinion that more funds should be considered for senior citizens primarily in the area of services. J. Bragg spoke in support of developing the former Ownes Brothers dock into a fishing pier for both the young and the older citizens. Margaret Crawford spoke to the Council on behalf of the League of Women Voters. She extended the League's appreciation to the Council for their efforts, particularly on the proposed acquisition of Greenbelt properties. As there was no further participation from the audience, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed at 8:12 P.M. 3. EDII HOOK BEACH EROSION CONTROL PROJECT. 4. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize a Letter of Exemption from the Shoreline Management Act on the Ediz Hook Beach Erosion Control Project since this project involves the strengthening of the existing rock revetment and is being done to prevent further breaching of the Ediz Hook spit. The moti~~~~AS seconded by Counci lman Haguewood and passed by the Counci 1., f 1477 1 CITY OF PORT ANG~L~S VALLEY STREET LID PETITION, NOTICE OF HEARING \ , RESOLUTION OF , INTENTION Mayor Olson read Public Works Director Flodstrom's memorand Paving and Orainage, d" d' t't' t f 'LID 0 I Valley Street 1rectlOn regar lng ape 1 10n reques or a pavlng n LID No. 100 t t h. h th C't b t t' 1 t f 'NOTICE IS HEREBY S ree on w 1 c e 1 y owns a su s an 1 a amoun 0 propel GIV~N th t the City 01 Port City withhold its support of the project, it is questionabl~Angeles. w"ashington. proposes . . ld bt' ff" 1 'd 'toorderthe,mprovementofthe, petltlon cou 0 aln su 1Clent support necessary to va 1 a,area generally known as Valley according to Mr. Flodstrom. I Street by the install~tion of [necessary s~orm .dralns, ~y grading and pavmg certain Councilman Wray moved the Counci 1 authorize the Publ ic Works streets, by constrccting ccrbs and gutters where necessary proceed with the necessary steps for the forma ti on of an LID and by doing all work reqcir~d 1 ' d' in connection WIth 'Sa Id from Second Street to Tenth Street. The motlOn was seconde improvements; all as more Haguewood j particularly descr,bed In . ~mprovement Resolution No. 24,76 approved and passed by At T 1 d' d h C '1 t h h d the City council at the ,City of \ torney ay or a vlse t e aunel at t e proper proce u ~ por' AngeleS on December 1, are initiated within the City are by the petition method ano 1970. h' the , . 'd \ A public earlng on onglnated method and also explalned the proce ures to be fo proposedimprovemenlswill be j instance Iheld before the City Coc"cll in \ . the Port Angeles Coun-cll Chambers. 134 W, Front Slreel, \Port AngeleS, WaShington. at 7:00 P,M. on )a"cary 19, 1977, I Any person who may ~eSire : to file a written protest With the : City Clerk should show on Stich I protesl the Lol and Block or r other description of his, f properly. Marian C Parrish, , Ci'y Clerk City of Port AngeleS I Pub.: PJo;~.A4~9f~~~'9~~Shingto" ... I 211 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December I, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 2. PUBLIC HEARING - 1977 REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION (cant.) I Manager Whorton informed the Council that the recent congressional action extending federal shared revenue legislation through mid 1980 contained a provision that the City must publish a planned use report of the funds and hold two public hearings for the purpose of providing an opportunity for all interested persons, especially senior citizens, to express their views as to the allocation of the fUnds. The City was unable to comply with publica- tion of the planned use report as notification of the new procedures was received after the preliminary 1977 budget was filed. In addition to this public hearing, a public hearing will also be held during the December 15, 1976 Council meeting, with proper notice to the public, Manager Whorton stated. Mayor Olson formally opened the public hearing at 7:55 P.M. and requested comments from the audience. I C. Vernon Basom, a member of the Senior Center Advisory Board, requested the Council to consider providing revenue sharing funds for matching a proposed grant that the Senior Center had applied for under the Older Americans Act. The grant request is for the remodeling of the vacant basement of the Senior Center building to be utilized as a workshop and a craft room, for remodeling the room now used by the City paint shop, and for improvin~. _the~___. and heating of the east half of the upstairs. The total c/ ~ at $25,000. The grant request, a 25% match, would be $6,0( ., : much of the work coul d be done by members of the Seni or Cei EE69'm ~3)10~E, J ~96E-lip , 3UeOa IOJeJ 1 S66t-lit UUI4S .11138 i Leo Sunny expressed the opinion that more funds should be p66l-m u!ew 3!UJe3 ~ citizens primarily in the area of services. I 9rL9-lit 4:>e3, eJpues I . . 'ijI~el fiUI451J pue 6UlWWIMS J. Bragg spoke 1 n support of developl ng the former Ownes Brt' uo s41eq' ,;.'t 'SWOOJP3Q 3aJU a fishing pier for both the young and the older citizens e^'peJlle 5!41 U! 5em1ee,,' . f5U1I.au~d .ua:l:lp 1.nl-14rleaq p~ , ' . , I Margaret Crawford spoke to the Councll on behalf of the Le~. UMOP MOl 41!M 00>'0\$ 'M3!^ She extended the League's appreci ati on to the Counci 1 for t~' 'pe:>ue=l 'eeJ" }l33ll;) A~ particularly on the proposed acquisition of Greenbelt prop! 'OOi't~$! I -aW04 al!qow e 4UM no^- JO: . , ,3411" lie OllO,C1N.,,, e pUl As there,was nO,further partlclpation from the audlence, Ma 1 the publlC hearlng closed at 8:12 P.M. 13S^Jluno:>le3UV'~:>Olse~ IS,U:)E! l-/lL 'saJuiJ!ual\uoJ-d, -;:)^I 3Sn 'OOS'~E$ '3WOH 01'05! ~t.u!ed MaU-JeaN 'oSJ-R sLueq .e PUI:' swoo.Jpaq t IS03IA 'co): ~ nnl3H 6upueu!l J~ 'OOS'~E$ 'a:>eldaJ!! 'WOOJ 6u! IIn;j "..Jtal4U.;l:J 6u!ddOLtS JO!_ ~ 'WOOJpaq E 5!411a6 53:)1~ I 3^OSIf 5'1 !lNI:)N'1NI:t M e r"it' Oi)JOW pue palueM 'S^e~ :)aJ "sa:)eldaJ!I z:: 'S4~E!'q 'Yez:1 3. EOIZ HOOK BEACH EROSION CONTROL PROJECT, 4. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize a Letter of Exer Shoreline Management Act on the Ediz Hook Beach Erosion Coni this project involves the strengthening of the existing roc! being done to prevent further breaching of the Ediz Hook sp' seconded by Counci lman Haguewood and passed by the Counci l.i I VALLEY STREET LID PETITION. . I Mayor Olson read Public Works Director Flodstrom's memorandum requesting Council direction regarding a petition request for a paving LID On Valley Street, a street on which the City owns a substantial amount of property. Should the City withhold its support of the project, it is questionable whether the LID petition could obtain sufficient support necessary to validate the prQject, according to Mr. Flodstrom. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Public Works Department to proceed with the necessary steps for the formation of an LID on- Valley Street from Second Street to Tenth Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood. Attorney Taylor advised the Council that the proper procedure by which LID's are initiated within the City are by the petition method and the Council originated method and also explained the procedures to be followed in each instance. 212 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 1, 1976 VI ' LEGISLATION 4. VALLEY, STREET LID PETITION (cont.) The Council discussed the proposed project with Manager Whorton, Public Works Director Flodstrom, Attorney Taylor and area residents A. Underwood, J. Bruder, E. Grover, and H. Pearsons. Facts established during the dis- cussion included the determination that the proposed LID would be Council I initiated by Resolution, all Valley Street_ residents but one favor the for- " mation of an LID for paving Valley Street, the Engineering estimates will determine the scope of work, possibility exists of need to extend water and sewer lines from 8th Street to 10th Street, and the plan at this time is that the LID would follow the existing roadway. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Anderson ab- staining. 5. LEASE RENEWAL. Councilman Wray moved Joe Baron's lease renewal request be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. The Council discussed with Manager Whorton, Public Works Director Flodstrom, and Mr. Baron the conditions of the lease and the rental rate charged for approxi- mately 40 acres of grazing land located in the Morse Creek watershed below the dam, known as the former Combat Range. Areas remaining to be resolved are the method by which the City acquired this land, should the property be put up for auction, established standards and rates for rental ,or grazing land, and justification for a specific rental rate. Councilman Hordyk moved the matter be tabled until these questions are answered. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I 6. GAMBLING TAX EXEMPTION REQUEST. This Agenda Item remained on the table. 7. FRANCHISE - PORT ANGELES TELECABLE. Councilman Hsguewood moved Port Angeles Telecable's request for a rate in- crease in 1977 be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by Council- man Buck and carried. Attorney R. Niichel, representing Port Angeles Telecable, Inc., addressed the Council and presented information which in his opinion was justification for the firm's request for (1) a telecable subscriber rate increase of 25.4% in 1977, and (2) that the City Council consider amending Franchise Ordinance No. 1799 to delete the requirements of rate control pursuant to recent FCC regulation changes deleting this requirement. It is noted that this subject was tabled at the November 16, 1976 Council meeting to allow time for the City Council and Management staff to analyze P. A. Telecable's request. In addition to Attorney Niichel's letter of request in reference to Port Angeles Telecable, Inc. rate increase, dated November 8, 1976, the City Council also had before them for consideration Finance Director Orton's comprehensive analysis of the firm's request. Mr. Orton analyzes in depth (1) recent I amendments to FCC Rules and Regulations governing operations of and technical standards for cable television operation franchises, (2) competitives rates at the national and state level, (3) 1976 rate increases in Washington State, and (4) the financial condition of P. A. Telecable, Inc., since 1974. Mr. Orton's report provides an advisory recommendation that P'. A. Telecable's present rate request is justifiable from all aspects stipulated in our Ordinance No. 1799. J. Bruder spoke in opposition to any increase in P. A. Telecable's sub- scriber rates. I I I 213 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December I, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 7. FRANCHISE - PORT ANGELES TELECABLE (cont.) Councilman Hordyk moved the Council hold a public hearing at the December 15, 1976 Council meeting to provide an opportunity for the public to ex- press their views on P. A. Te1ecab1e's request for a subscriber rate increase from $5.50 to $6.90 and that this one public hearing serve to comply with Ordinance No. 1799, Section 14(3) and Ordinance No. 1818 re- garding rate structure changes and FCC Requirements. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. 8. 1977 ARTS IN ACTION FAIR. Mayor Olson read a letter from Les Ro1ine, Arts in Action Chairman, re- questing Council permission to use Laurel Street for their annual 1977 Arts Fair to be held July 17 and 18. There is an urgency for early approval as the fair date and location must be submitted to the State Art Commission by December 31, 1976, according to Mr. Ro1ine's letter. Councilman Hordyk moved the request be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. Councilman Haguewood recommended the Council table this matter until Council members have an opportunity to check with Laurel Street merchants regarding any possible problems associated with the fair being held on Laurel Street. The Council discussed last year's fair with Mr. Roline and Manager Whorton with Mr. Whorton reporting that no complaints were received during or after the fair was held. Councilman Buck moved the request be tabled to the December 15, 1976 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. 9. AWC LEGISLATIVE LIAISON. Councilman Haguewood moved Manager Whorton be designated as "legislative liaison" to serve as the primary contact person between AWC and the City regarding legislative matters. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. The Association of Washington Cities is initiating this communication procedure as a means to keep local officials better informed and thereby enable them to communicate more effectively with their legislators and AWC regarding their concerns over pending legis- lation. 10. REPORT/LICENSE RENEWAL. Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the October Report for the Cla11am County Humane Society and the Liquor License Renewal for B & M Grocery and Albertson's. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and and passed by the Council. 11. LATE ITEMS. Commendation Letter. Mayor Olson read a letter of commendation received from Richard Carpenter of Sacramento, California for courteous service extended to his family by the Port Angeles Police Department and a local business, Jiffy Cleaners, during a recent visit to Port Angeles by the Carpenter family. C1al1am County Governmental Conference Agreement Resolution. Manager Whorton explained that this date Ken Sweeney delivered a Resolution pertaining to the Governmental Council's project to do a study on the im- pact of major new industry on Port Angeles and Cla11am County. The City's contribution toward this project if $412.00 in cash plus in-kind services. The County Resolution is for the purpose of providing a special account in the Office of the County Treasurer and all members participating in this effort are required to sign in agreement, Councilman Buck moved Mayor Olson be authorized to sign on behalf of the City the County REsolution entitled, "A Resolution Establishing a Special z14 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 1, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 11. LATE ITEMS (cont.) Conference Account and Providing for a Loan and Repayment and Interest Rate Terms." Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and the motion carried. I 1977 Proposed Budget. Manager Whorton reported an error exi sts in the num- ber of personnel in the Street Department Budget. Instead of requesting 19 personnel for 1977, the accurate number is 18. Recap: 1975-20; 1976-16 permanent plus 1 CETA; 1977-17 permanent plus 1 CETA (replacement of 1 equipment operator on night crew.) Civil Service Commission Replacement: Councilman Hordyk moved Emerson Lawrence be appointed as a member of the Civil Service Commission to replace George Wood who resigned effective October 15, 1976. Councilman Wray seconded the motion and the motion was passed by the Council, Surplus City-Owned Property. Councilman Hordyk recommended that any surplus City-owned property be put up for bid. The Department of Public Works will provide a report to the Council on this matter. J. Bruder informed the Council of an unsatisfactory condition that exists on a City owned lot on Valley Street; Manager Whorton will investigate this matter. Litigation Over Right to Remove Gravel. Attorney Taylor requested an Executive session to discuss the Gravel Pit Lawsuit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. VII ADJOURNMENT, The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:12 P.M. ~(!,/~ City Cl erk ~7~ Mayor ' I .. --...-.-.--- . I 12576 ., NOTICE OF I CALL FOR 81 DS PUBLIC PRINTING NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by I the Port Angel es City Clerk, I City Hall. 140 W. Front Street, Port Angeles, WaShington, unlil 2:00 P.M. December 13. 1976, for the oflicial printing lor 'he City 01 Port Angeles for 1977. Publications to be published in regular issues at the newspaper awarded said contract, Bids to be submitted on a "charge per folio flOO words)" basis. The Cily Council reserves Ihe right 10 rejecl any or all bids. Marian C. Parrish City Clerk Pub.: Dec. 5, 10, 1976. a d (, 112176B NonCE OF ~ No PUBLIC HEARING .\ G'\tE~'~,:'at IS .HEREBY I Will be heid b/n,"u:"c hearing " City COuncil 0 e ~rt Angeles i i~et~ee~~er 1.. 1972. at ~d~~~,<;;' 'N, Front ~~~~ Chambers a, 134 01 Prov'd e, for the purpose all !n;~~e~~ O:PortunFty for es.peciarfv Seni~r C'tpersons, express the.r . I ,zens/ to orally or i . ~Iews. eIther a/focatio n Wrltmg, as to the S200.000 nT~:'eapproXimatelY I Revenue Sh ' " Federal II fiscal Year ,:~;~g monies for ~ , Marian C. Parrish ,I I Pub.: Nov 21 ~ City Clerk " L-. '.~1976. f' - , ~------- :1