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Port Angeles, Washington
December 1, 1992
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:02 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilman
Members Absent: Councilman Wight.
Staff Present: J. Pomeranz, B. Upton, B. Collins, T. Smith, and D.
Forks City Council: Mayor Haberman and Councilman Ice.
Staff Present: P. Olbrechts.
Sequim City Council: Mayor Beggs, Councilwomen Barry and Corbett,
Councilmen Greathouse, Johnston, Mauck, and
Staff Present: O. Miller and L. Muirhead.
SPECIAL MEETING: Growth Management
Growth Management Mayor Hallett welcomed all those in attendance and, after introductions, asked that
Deputy Mayor Sargent, who has been active in the Growth Management process,
lead the discussion. Deputy Mayor Sargent was pleased this meeting could be held,
as it has been a goal of the Port Angeles City Council to meet with various entities
in an effort to have ongoing communications and cooperative efforts. To that end,
with limited budgets and a need to maximize resources, she encouraged the sharing
of ideas and solutions.
Deputy Mayor Sargent referenced a workshop conducted recently in Seattle, which
was co-sponsored by the Department of Community Development, Association of
Washington Cities, Washington State Association of Counties, and National
Association of Industrial and Office Parks. She introduced Port Angeles Planning
Director Collins and asked him to provide a summary of the workshop contents.
Director Collins distributed information pertinent to the workshop and identified
certain growth management issues under discussion: land supply analysis, urban
growth area policy, and private property rights. In the ensuing discussion, Director
Collins indicated the growth management rules and regulations must be adhered to
by the municipalities; however, he felt the Growth Management Act does allow for
local discretion. It was pointed out that emphasis must be given to striking a balance
in terms of size; cities must not try to restrain growth, but should allow for and
encourage it. At the same time, however, sprawl is to be decreased and sensitive
areas protected. _
Lengthy discussion followed with regard to the Urban Growth Areas to be
determined by the County and the fact there should be not problem if the UGA is
acceptable and the municipality is able to step up and meet the minimum UGA. Also
considered were the growth projections as set forth by the State and then distributed
by the County in terms of percentages. Director Collins noted the present
projections reflect 60% rural population and 40% in the cities. It is hoped this trend
will be reversed. Further, Director Collins cautioned the group to not place too
much faith in the density figures at this time, as they will change from location to
location. It was pointed out the human factor must be considered, as many people
choose to avoid living in heavily populated areas.
With regard to private property rights, Director Collins indicated there will probably
be a great deal of input from the public. Many property owners will feel they have
lost their private property rights, particularly since the GMA decides how land will
be used. Consideration was given to the required services which must be provided
December 1, 1992
Growth Management as a result of annexation. If a city is unable to provide the services, the annexations
(Cont'd) may not be welcome. The Comprehensive Plan must be completed and adopted by
July, 1993. The County must have designated UGAs by that date as well.
In the closing comments, it was agreed future meetings of this type should be
conducted as they prove to be extremely helpful to all concerned.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:06 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson, and
Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilman
Members Absent: Councilman Wight.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, S. Ilk, B. Titus,
D. Sawyer, and Y. Ziomkowski.
Public Present: D. Somers, L. Beil, B. Haselton, and J. Michalczik.
PLEDGE OF Led by Marcia Logan and Theresa Beatty's Camp Fire Group. Members present:
ALLEGIANCE: Alisha Aki~, Andrea Clapshaw, Nicole Beatty, Amber Wheeler, Kimberly Logan.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: November 17, 1992. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
November 20, 1992. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried
by a majority vote, with Mayor Hallett abstaining.
Councilman Nicholson moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
November 21, 1992. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion.
Councilwoman Sargent asked for an addition to Page 4, Human Services, where Ms.
Dawley and Mr. Lawson reported that the Committee had chosen three areas of
focus: crisis, intervention and treatment. She asked that the following be added:
'It was noted that the City's request for prevention to be one of the focus areas was
apparently not addressed." In addition, on the last page, Marine Lab, Councilwoman
Sargent wanted a sentence added that she had commended the Marine Lab for the
significant improvements made, both inside and out. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Mayor Hallett abstaining.
CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Sargent reported on her attendance at the Council on Aging meeting
COMMITTEE in Seattle. Several hours were spent this afternoon reviewing the plan for the Fire
REPORTS: Station.
Councilman Schueler attended a Health Advisory Committee meeting today. Due
to County budget cuts there be a direct impact on Health Services. The City
w~~be more involved in deliberations concerning the use of City funds.
Councilman Braun reported on the Fire Station meeting this afternoon. Preliminary
plans were reviewed, and he is certain Port Angeles will have a f'me and workable
station. Councilwoman Sargent commented that touring other fire stations was
helpful in designing the new station.
FlNANCE: None.
D~cember 1, 1992
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (I)
Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (2) Vouchers for
November 25, 1992 of $502,042.67; and (3) Payroll for November 22, 1992 of
$315,670.42. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
ITEMS FROM THE Mayor Hallett referenced a letter submitted by Chief Glenn to the Juan de
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ Fuca/Northern Puget Sound Regional Safety Committee. The City wants to go on
STAFF TO BE record supporting and recommending that there be designated anchorage areas in Port
CONSIDERED OR Angeles Harbor specifically for the anchoring of oil tankers. This will, hopefully,
PLACED ON A prevent future incidents such as the Arco oil spill. It was moved by Councilman
FUTURE AGENDA: Braun that the Mayor sign and send this letter. Councilman Nicholson seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Hallett reminded Council that a special meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday
at 7 p.m. for the purpose of budget review. After discussion, it was agreed the
meeting time will be changed to 6:00 p.m. In addition, there will be a Utility
Advisory Committee meeting on Monday at 4:30 p.m.
Mayor Hallett asked to be excused from the remainder of the meeting. He departed
the Council Chambers at 7:15 p.m., and Deputy Mayor Sargent continued with the
rest of the meeting.
Attorney Knutson announced there is a need for an Executive Session to discuss
litigation for approximately 20 minutes.
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Public Hearings 1. Annexation Request
Annexation Request ANX 91(IO)I - ROCKFORD/ANDREW, Eckard Avenue: Request to annex
approximately 5 acres east of Mt. Angeles Road from the Campbell/Eckard
alley to the Eckard/Leighton alley.
Deputy Mayor Sargent reviewed the information provided by the Planning
Department, and Planning Director Collins distributed copies of a request from the
applicant to continue the hearing to December 15, 1992. Deputy Mayor Sargent
opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. No one appeared to speak to' the issue.
Councilman Nicholson moved to continue the hearing to December 15, 1992.
Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
1993 Budget 2. 1993 Budget
Deputy Mayor Sargent opened the public heating at 7:25 p.m.
Joe Michalczik, 520 W. Third St., asked if Council would be taking comments after
tonight. He reserved the right to comment at the next meeting.
There being no further comments, Deputy Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing
at 7:27 p.m.
Law Enforcement B. Ordinances not requiring public hearing
Advisory Board
1. Law Enforcement Advisory Board
Deputy Mayor Sargent asked Police Chief Ilk to summarize the proposal before the
Council for a Law Entbrcement Advisory Board. Chief Ilk explained that, unlike
other departments in the City, the Police Department has not had the advantage of
an advisory board to provide citizen input. With an advisory board available, it is
hoped better services will be provided to the community and, hopefully, problems
can be solved quicker. It is an opportunity for the officers to get to know the
citizens, as well as a means to obtain the pulse of the community in order to be more
Councilman Braun asked if there was a downside to this issue. Chief Ilk responded
there may be an internal perception of major changes to come in the department.
December 1, 1992
LEGISLATION: However, any changes would occur through a gradual process. There is significant
(Cont'd) support in the Department for this advisory board. Chief Ilk indicated there may be
changes in the way the department conducts its work, in terms of scheduling and the
Law Enforcement like. He cited specific examples of changes which might come about. In addition,
Advisory Board it was noted that most complaints from the public have to do with "quality of life"
(Cont'd) issues.
Councilman Ostrowski expressed concern with the proposed composition of the
Board and the possibility that a majority of the citizens could reside outside the City.
Chief Ilk pointed out that members would have to be either City residents or work
or attend school within the City. This is a common ordinance used by other cities.
After further discussion, Attorney Knutson suggested wording for the ordinance,
Section 2.26.020: "The Board shall consist of nine (9) members, who shall meet the
following criteria, provided that a majority of the members shall be City residents
Councilman Schueler felt the Ordinance needed more work before adoption. He
inquired as to what relationship this may have to a police commission. Chief Ilk
indicated a police commission is generally a political body which oversees the
administration of the department through a commissioner, chief, or department head.
This is not a commission and is not a policy-making board, nor is it a citizen review
board. The proposed advisory board would strictly operate in an advisory capacity.
Manager Pomeranz proposed that, in view of the discussion generated this evening,
it may be advisable to hold a special meeting to consider the various aspects of the
Law Enforcement Advisory Board. By consensus, it was agreed a special meeting
will be held at 6:00 p.m. on December 15, 1992. Deputy Mayor Sargent noted
overall support of the concept, but suggested them is further need for dialogue before
action is taken.
Planning Commission C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Planning Commission Minutes of November 18, 1992
There being no action required by the Council at this time, Councilman Braun
moved to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission of November 18, 1992.
Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Department of Ecology D. Other Considerations
1. Acceptance of Department of Ecology Grant
Deputy Mayor Sargent reviewed information provided by the Public Works
Department where the DOE has approved a grant in the amount of $19,500 for a
facility for recycling oil and antifreeze at the Landfill. The City would provide 25 %
or $6,500 of the estimated cost. Public Works Director Pittis reviewed the past
history of collecting oil and antifreeze in barrels at the Landfill. The approach
involved with this proposal is to sell the oil to a recycler, pay to give it to a recycler,
or use it in an oil-burning facility to heat a building.
Director Pittis responded to Councilman Braun by indicating the storage tanks would
be above ground and would have a containment area in the event of a spill.
Councilman Braun asked about usage costs for City and/or county residents.
Director Pittis explained that the issue would be up to the Council and UAC if the
- Grant is accepted.
Councilman Schueler raised questions particularly related to environmental pollution
when burning for heating purposes. Director Pittis indicated the oil bums fairly
clean, and it can also be reconstituted for generic bulk oil. After further discussion,
Councilman Braun moved that the Grant be accepted. Councilman Nicholson
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Espresso Cart in 2. Espresso Cart in City Hall
City Hall
Concerning the request to place an Espresso Cart in City Hall, Deputy Mayor
Sargent reviewed a memorandum from the City Attorney whereby, in order to accept
the proposal, the City Council would have to enter into a contract, which would
address several issues: (1) fair market value as rent; (2) specifies location; (3)
signage and advertisement. The Washington State Commission for the Blind would
D~mber 1, 1992
LEGISLATION: have to be given first choice for the contract. Also, a Request for Proposals could
(Cont'd) be issued.
Espresso Cart in Councilman Schueler offered to not participate in the discussion, as this is his son
City Hall (Cont'd) making the proposal. Deputy Mayor Sargent inquired as to whether there was
anyone present in the audience who felt Dr. Schueler was in conflict of interest. No
one spoke.
Councilman Nieholson was in favor of the concept, as he felt it would be a welcome
addition. Mike Schueler distributed a written proposal to the Council, and Deputy
Mayor Sargent addressed the matter of location. She suggested the possibility of the
cart being located in the Vern Burton Community Center, as opposed to the lobby
by the main entrance. Other issues introduced for consideration were possible litter
problems, necessary rewiring for 220, rental fees, signage and advertising, and the
fact this would be setting a precedent. Mr. Schueler indicated it was his desire to
not pay rent until after the time he has paid the expense of the 220 line. Further, it
was his wish to be able to sell products on weekends and during favorable weather,
outside the City Hall entrance.
Councilman Ostrowski suggested information be obtained from the hospital
concerning the recent addition of a similar cart. After further discussion, members
of the Council were in agreement that more time should be allowed to consider this
request. Therefore, Councilman Braun moved to delay action on this proposal
until January 5, 1993. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion, which
carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Schuder abstaining.
Break Deputy Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 8:20 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
ADJOURN TO The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. to discuss litigation
EXECUTIVE SESSION: for approximately 20 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 9:10 p.m.
The Council then held a discussion with regard to a Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe
proposal for gambling.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.