HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/02/1937 "lIl 547 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington December 2, 1937 193_ I I I I' I The Commission met in special session at 10:30 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previoussession were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Mrs. "alter Elves, RemOdel House, Lot 3, Blk. 27, N. d. Smith's Jubd. 500.00 Frank pollow, Remodel Pwelling, Lot 28, Blk. 58, P.S.C.u~ Subd. of Sub. Lot 23 500.00 Under the Head of Reading and Passa~e of Ordinances, the folloWing ordinance was read by title and placed on its third reading: AN ORDIN~~CE creating and establishing a Board of Trustees of the Port Angeles Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, fixing its powers, Uuties and lliembers, creating a Firemen's Relief and ~ension Fund, and adopting and approving Chapter 39 of the Session Laws of the State of WaShington for 1935 and all laws of the State of Washington applica91e thereto, ~and declaring an. emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading' and adopted. Seconded by Commiss ioner Henson. On roll ca II all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. !Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 21 oases tried and $124.00 colleoted in fines for jthe month of November, 1937. Report ordered filed. I Under the head of New Business,- It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the Oi ty Ulerk be instructed to issue a oall for bids for the construction of an inner sidewalk railing on the Eighth Street Bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creek Gulohes. All bids to be accompaied by' a oertified cheok of not less than 5% of the amount of the bid and be received by the City Clerk up to and ,not later than 10 A.M., December 15, 1937. Motion seconded by Commissioner Henson. On fraIl oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The ~ommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants draWn for same: CURRElrT EXPENSE FUND Fire Department 'Q.uick Print cifio Tel & Tel Co. " 11 /I n /I .A. Conorete Products Co. !Irving i. Kaveney \T. R. MoDonald Pacific ,Tel & Tel ~o. n. L. Jones Glenn's ~ervi~e Station Lannoye's Auto Re-Build ~he TeXaS Company ~vening News Press, Inc. Olympic Printery !Eveliing--News ~lympiC Stationers bTY STREET FOND b. L. Sarff ~arry ..:. Johnson Port Angeles Iron Works ['lATER FOND I Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Hooker Electrochemical:Co. Filion Lumber Co. ~eattle Plumbing SUpply Co. Palmer Supply CO. LGHT FUND 'eorge l'aylor Ity Treasurer Automotive Parts Serviee Westinghouse Electric Supply I II II rt Fellerbaah Paper Co. Philip E. Keene Pacific Tel & Tel Co. rUiCk l:'rint LIBRARY FUND I G:i ty Treasurer :Packer-~cott Co. ~: Tl IT 11 f. C. Millington The H. R. Huntting Co. Inc. reatt1e Post-Intel1igencer PayRoll 129.00 Binding Book 1.00 Servic e 1.25 " 1.3:) Stamps 1.00 Gas & Oil 301.26 " II 76.15 Pipe' 58.98 Siren 15.00 Hauling Garbage 5.00 Service 5.15 Special Police 24.00 Oil, etc. e.50 Repairs 16.00 Gas 75.eO ~upplies 13.25 " 6.80 Publications 17~p:.. 21. 98 Supplies 13.10 Fillng Saw , ' 1.00 Hauling Gravel ,,- e50.00 Repairs 1-60 9.10 Servic e 4.25 ' Chlorine 14.87 Lumber t 7.64 Drills '1\0',- 27.69 Fittings 25.70 Remodel Offic e Bldi1;. 871.80 Cash Payments 34.07 Lamps 37.80 Co. Materials 89.56 It 5.62 Adding Machine :Paper 7.70 "rehi tec t t&.- 100.00 Service J Igtf 15.87 Printing ce.24 L.I.D. Assessments 45.92 Supplies 3.25 " 6.10 Subscription 12.00 Bindin g 3.36 Subscription 9.50 ~ II""" 548 Deoember ;,:. 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193__ ... James". Caven The Ilashington Bind cry Kaufman-Leonard 00. Jenni1u Norris Herman Goldberger Agn ecy Gaylord Bros. Inc. J. R; MoDonald Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. Labor & Material Binding Rubber Matting Petty Cash Periodicals Supplie s Hauling Garbage Servioe PARK FUND Charles Elzner Labor Under the head of Reports from Ci~y Offioers the following report was read:. November 24, 1937 ! To the Honorable Ma,y or and Port Angeles, '.lashington 0ity Commission Gentleme n: i~ ]~ ~ 4.75 101.57 30.98 3.50 157.95 10.57 6.00 4.25 18.00 I I I herewith submit the first monthly estimate, November, of material furnished and labor performed by ~eorge Taylor, contraotor, on the alteration of the city build ing. 30~ completion of contraot price of $2906.00 equals $871.80. Very truly yours, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer the foregoing Engineer's report be accepted a Vlarrant in the sum of $871.80 to George On roll call all members voted aye. The It was moved by Commissioner Masters that and the City Ulerk be instrueted to issue Taylor. Seoonded by Commissioner Henson. Mayor declared the motion oarried. There being no further business the Uommission then adjourned. 17~ c'ity C1er k ~~ Ma yor I I ,I