HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/02/1954 ,....- . ..--- 420 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Decanber 2 1 !P.!!...- .... . ...... ,...... "",~... ....... m" .... The City COWlcil met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. and was called to order by Ha;yor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the iollcming present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Sandison,.powell, 1I'01fe ani Hc- Fa~den, City Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns ani Clerk Law. It was mo~d by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Miss Powell. All voted Aye. . Motion carried. ' Under the' head of unfinished businesS', bids to furnish premium gasoline and diesel fuel for City lJepartmentt during the year 1955 were received as' follows: ,.- UNION OIL 00. OF CALFJRONIA: Posted tank wagon price at time and place of deli very less $.01:. Curr- ent price $.263 and.$.23. Diesel Fuel, per gallon $.15, .145, and .14. -'. STAlIDARD OIL CO..OF CALIFORNIA: Posted priceattime andplace of delivery, less $.Ol per gallon. Current price, &.262 and .24'. _ Maximum price, .252 and .23. Diesel Fuel, Maximum per. gallon for 400 gal. or over, $.13, discount 1 cent. .. , THE TE:G\s COMPANY: Sky Chief, Eth,yl, posted price in effect less .021 per gal. Diesel fuel, posted price in effect less $.015. Current net price $.241 and $.125. SHELL OIL COMPANY, E. A. JENSEN, JOBBER: Posted price~at'time and place or delivery less $.015 per gal. TIDEldAl'BlASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY: Posted price at time and place of aelivery less $.0131. Current posted price, $.24 an:! $.262 which quoh is maximwn. Diesel fuel: Pested price at tilM and pla ce of diiivery, less ;01 per gallon; RICHFIElD OIL COMPANY: Posted price at time and place of , delivery less $.01. MaXimum quoted, $i23 an:! $.255. .Diesel,fuel,. maxinmm, $.14. CITY FUEL CO., DIESEL oil, 14~ per. gal., firm. Fuel' oil (p.a. 300) s~ per gl!l.; firm. PENINSULA FUEL CO., Stove oil, P. S. 100, i~6; diesel fuel,.furnace oil, p. S. 200, 15~; fuel oil, p. 'So 300, $.OS. ' It was moved by Councilmen McFadddn that the offer by The Texas Company to furnish ,gasoline and diesel fuel be accepted. Seconded by Co,!"cilman Brown am! carried. One bid was recBi ved from Del Guz.zi Brothers for the pruchase of 121 lots as advertised. Amount bid was $50.00 per lot. It was moved by Councilman BDown that the 'bid be accepted subject to terms and conditions as provided in publication. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. By reque st of Manager Vergeer, withdrawal of Lot- 11.. Blk. 410 was approved by the Counci 1, this being. owned by private party. tln:!er the head of new business, it was moved by 60uncilman Brown that budget reports of City Depts. for the month of October be approved. Also reports of the Ligllt an:! .'ater Departments. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye.' 110tion carried. It was then moved by Councilmen Brorn that the report of the Police Department for November be approved am filed. Seconded by Councilman Powell ani .carried., I Police Chief Kochanek requested in writing that a transfer of $350.00 be permitted from the current Budget item of Fumigator to New CBm!lra, all being within the same classification. It was moved by Council- man Brown that the request for transfer be granted. Seconded by Council man McFadden. All voted Aye. I Motion carried; , Claims paid November 19 in total amount of $15,413.92, were filed for Council approval. It was moved by Councilman Powell that claims be approved as paid. Secomed by Councilman Woile and carried. Ben Church, employee of the Stre~t Dept., filed written request that the Council consider extending his working time, as he will have attained retirement age next January 8th. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the Council comply with policy previously established regarding retirements. Motion seconded by Councilman McFadde~ and unanimously carried. A property owner appeared before the Council regarding possibility of sewer installation in the vicinity of ;Uth, 12th, A., B, and C Sts. Hr, Vergeer reported that due to property improvement, contemplated development by Del Guzzi Brothers, also recent, legislation concerning property value and Local Improvement Ditricts; prospects for the sewer district appear very favorable. Manager Vergeer announced the probable. appearance of Don Morrison, local sanitarian, and Alvin.,C. Koch, State Health Dept., at the next meeting to discuss pollution control and IJewage disposal problems concern- ing the City.. Mayor Smith advised that aninvitation is extended by the Ground Observer Corps for tile Council to meet with that organization December 10 in the GAR hall. By request o~ Manager Vergeer, it was moved' by Councilman McFadden that the following j;wo resolutions be included and made of ,record in Council Proceedings. Motion secomed by Courtcilman Wolfe. All members voted llo'e. Motion carried. I'T I RESOLUTION 286 A RES6~UTION for the exchange of property to. aid in. the construction of streets and improvements in . the City of Port Angeles and the industrial development area of thc Port of Port Angeles. I WHEREAS, the CITY OF PORT AIDELES has compiled plans and specifications for the improvement of Front ! Street and Marine Drive, .all of which will be of material benefit to the industrial development area of the l PORT OF PORT ANGELES and will be of material assistance to development of said area by the PORT 'OF PORT iMIGELES, and of benefit to the properties now owned by the PORT OF PORT ANGELES, AND . ..~.. 'WHEREAS, in order that such right-of-wa;y be provided it is necessary that certain property now 'owned bYI .' the PORT OF PORT ANGELES be exchanged for property now owned and' controlled by DAVID MASTERS, now, therefore" .. . WHEREAS, in order to promote said improvement by the City it is necessary that thtotl'ORT Or PffiT ANiELES I provide certain properties for right-oil-wa;y, and . ,.. 1 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by, the Port Commissioners of Port Angeles that the FOR. T OF PORT ANGELES convey to DAVID A. MASTERS and EDITH M. MASTERS, his,wife, all of that portion of Lots Thirteen (13) an:! !ourteen . j (14) in Block Thirteen (1;) of the original Townsite of Port Angeles lying Easterly and Southerly of the . Southerly line of the proposed Front Street extension or diagonal connecting Front and First Streets as the same is to be constructed by the CITY OF PORT JI,GELES in accordance with present proposed improvement in I exchange for the conveyance by the said :DAVID A. MlISTERS all that portion of Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in.said Block Thirteen (13) lying Northerly and 1.esterly of the Southerly line of said proposed I Front Street extension. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the PORT OF PORT ANGELES convey to the CITY OF PORT ANGELES the following ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 2 19...& "<0 . ......, ...."'. .m'_.~ ....,.". ..... ..... described properties for right-of-w/lf for said improved'mension, to wit: Commencing at the Northwest. (NW) corner of Lot Three 0) Block Thirteen (13) 0 f the Townsite of Port Angeles; thence in a straight line on the Northerly (N) margin of First Street to a point Ten (10) feet Easterly (E) of the Southwest (SW) corner of Lot Eleven (11) in said Block Thirteen (1.3); thence to the Southwest (8\1') corner.of,said Lot Eleven (11); thence along the Westerly (W) ,line of Lot Eleven (11) of said Block Thirteen.. (13), a distance 'of Eighty-four . and Fifty-three hun:lredths (84.53) feet; thence in a straight line to a point on the South (S) line of Front Street five and..E1ght tenths (S.S) feet ~lesterly (W) of the Northeasterly (NE) corner of Lot Six (6) of said Block Thirteen (13); thence Easterly (E) alo~ the Northerly (N) .margin of said Block Thirteen (13) One Hun:lredFive 'and Eight tenths (10S.8) feet to the place of beginning.. Also a triangle in the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Twenty. (20) Block Twelve (12) Townsite of Port Angeles and Vacated First Street as'follows: . Commencing at the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot Twenty (20) Block Twelve (12) ori~nal Townsite' of Port Angeles; thence Northerly (N) along. the Easterly (E) line of Lot Twenty (20) a distance of Thirteen and Ninety-four hundredths (13.94) feet; thence.Southwesterly (SW) to a.point on the Southerly (S) line of said Lot Twenty (20) which point is Fifteen and Eighty Hundredths (15.00) feet'~lesterly (#) of the Southeast. (SE) corner thereof; thence continuing in a straight line into Vacated First,Street a distance of Twenty-four and Fifty-eight hundredths (24.S8) feet; thence Northeasterly (NE) in a straight line to place of beginnil18. . The North (N) twenty-three (23) feet of Lots Eight (8), Nine (9), and Ten (10) in Block One Hundred and Three (103); the North Twenty-three (23) feet of Lots Om (1) to Ten (10), inclusive, .of each of Blocks One Hunlred and Five (103) One.Hunlred and Ten (110).and Om Hundred and Eleven (ill), all in the original Townsite of Port.Angeles; together. 'tli.th that portion of Vacated "B" Street lying between Blocks. One Hundred and Three (103) and Om Hundred and Five (lOS) and that portion of Vacated "C" Street lying between Blocks One ,Hundred and Five (lOS) and.Gne.Hundred and Ten (llO) abutti~ upon an:! a part of the Twenty-three (23) foot strip herein conveyed. lnIere is exclwied from this conveyance and this conveyance is made subject to the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Compan,y. RESOLUTION' NO. . 237 A RESOLUTION' granting to the CITY OF P0RT IiNGELES an Easement for pole line over and across Blocks Thirty-eight OS) and 0,., HWJdred and Four (104) of. the Townsite of Port Argeles. WIlEREAS,.the City of Port AngeJ..es'.has requested an 8asement for'power line runningjl;oom the alley in Block Thirty-eight (3S) Five (S) feet distannt Northwesterly from the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railraod to Third Street.West in the CITY OF PORT /NGEIES, And I'illEREAS, in oroer. to facilitate in the operation.of the electric power systen of the cr'cr OF PORT ANGELES and as a benefit to the Port, IlO1il therefore, IT IS HEREBY"RESOLVED by the Port Commissioners of the PORT OF PORT ANGELES th~t the PORT OF PORT ANJELES grant to the CITY ,OF PORT IiNGElES an Easement for power.li,., running frClll the North line.of the slley, parallel to" and .Five (S) feet distant from the right-of-way line of' the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific across Block Thirty-eight (3S) and Block One Hunlred and Four (104) of the Townsite of Port Angeles to the intersection of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacifie right-of-wa;y line with Third Street West in the llity of Port Angeles. There being nofurther business, the meeting was adjourned. Q. &. ;;e a....v-- tJ City Clerk ?t-'~~ Ma;yor LEGAL f'']BL.(UA'IlON \ CALI. FOR Bm~ proposals will be received by the Cit;\t Clerk up to i:(]O O'Clock: P.M., I',. January 6th, 1955, at 14Ct We s t Front, street- on the sale by the City and purChase by \he bidder of separate houses located on the right of way of the Tumwater Ac- 'f" cess Road. . Bidder shall agree to remove house tsl from their present loca- tion 'Within thirty (30) days from acceptance of proposal. Houses and buUdings for sale.I'H"e I :ocated upon Lots Three ,{31 and , '. Four (4). Block Seventy FIve (76), Lot. Twent:',' (20) Block Two Hun- dred Thirty Eight (238) and Lo~ Five (5), Block eighty Three (8J1. Townsite 01 Po r t Ang~les.. I Washington. . -- . O~p~~y ~1i~Ig~. ~~Of:d:ty n;~;:~;~~ the right to accept O! reje~t any {Jl all proposals. G. S. VERGEER. City Manager. Pub: DM. 24, 29, 19S4rf. 421 \' ~