HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/02/1986I CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Whidden called the special meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of interviewing candidates for the vacancy on the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission. Candidates interviewed included Lucille Celestino, Jim Lunt, Jeanine Farris, Larry Frederick, and Jim Jones, Jr. II CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING Mayor Whidden called the regular meeting to order at 7:07 P.M. III ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hesla, McPhee, Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: Staff Present: Public Present: IV MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 2, 1986 Councilman Hallett. Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, D. Fortner, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn, D. Wolfe, A. Rose, M, Campbell, J. Abram, B. Coons, L. Cochrun, B. Becker, R. Becker, and K. Curtis. H. L. Kiiski, V. Percival, S. Fryar, M. Lemon, C. Alexander, L. Huffman, R. Lorentzen, S. Boyd, G. Pettit, M. Robinson, J. Reed, L. Lee, L. Sunny, L. Fuller. Councilman Stamon amended Register Page 625, Item 5, first line, to read: "Councilman Stamon abstained due to potential conflict of interest." Councilman Stamon then moved to accept and place on file the Minutes of November 18, 1986, as amended. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 25, 1986. Councilman McPhee seconded, adding to the end of 'the next to the last paragraph: "Councilman Quast left at 7:10 P.M. On call for the question, the motion carried. V FINANCE 1. Request Payment to Riddell, Williams of $1,662.31 for Legal Representation on WPPSS Issues Councilman Quast moved to authorize payment of. the November 19, 1986, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $1,662.31. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 2. Consideration of Bids for Mini -Van for Fine Art Center Councilman Stamon moved to concur with Finance Director Wolfe's recommenda- tion to reject all bids and authorize staff to re -bid with revised specifi- cations, allowing consideration of a new or used (1984 or newer) mini or full -size cargo van. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following brief dis- cussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. VI CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Quast moved to accept the items under the Consent Agenda, including (1) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (2) Vouchers of $272,980.57; and (3) Payroll of November 16, 1986, of $224,538.88. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following brief discussion, on call for the question the motion carried. 629 6 3 0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 1986 VII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA None. Fire Chief Larry Glenn introduced the new Fire Marshal, Bruce Becker. Councilman Stamon added Item No. 12 to the Agenda regarding Continued Meetings with County Officials. VIII LEGISLATION 1. Presentation of Certificates of Competency to Ron Becker and Kevin Curtis Mayor Whidden presented Certificates of Competency from the Department of Social and Health Services to Water Distribution Specialists Ron Becker and Kevin Curtis. 2. Public Hearings A. Clallam County Physicians' Service Rezone Request RZ- 86(7)3 Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing. Bill McDowell, 101 West Front Street, Suite 103, attorney for the Clallam County Physicians' Service, spoke in favor of the rezone as recommended by the Planning Commission. Vina Percival, 2000 Lewis Road stated she had no objection to the rezone. Mayor Whidden then closed the public hearing. Councilman Quast inquired about sidewalks being included in the develop- ment. Assistant Public Works Director Rose responded. Councilman Quast then added a condition to assure sidewalks are provided for patrons. Following brief discussion, Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2420 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles reclassifying property located on the southwest corner of Second and Vine Streets from RMF to OC. Councilman Hesla moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing the following findings: (1) Given the lack of large parcels of commercial land and the surrounding uses, the rezone to Office Commercial is an appropriate use of land in the City; (2) The central location of the parcel will pro- vide access to clients, including senior citizens; (3) The Office Commer- cial District is similar to surrounding uses and compatible with adjacent residential development; and adding Councilman Quast's condition for side- walk requirements. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. B. Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems Fire Chief Glenn spoke to Councilmembers and..statff in support of the proposed ordinance and cited personal experiences. He stated he had heard both sides of the issue and respected the feelings of both sides, and urged passage of the ordinance requiring the installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems in all new residential construction. He then answered Councilmembers' questions. Following discussion, Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing. Rex Gerberding, 539 West llth Street, spoke in favor of the proposed ordi- nance but urged Councilmembers to be cautious in having the installation of the system mandatory. His concern was with possible negative reaction to such installation being required. Jerry Jackson, 1905 West Seventh Street, was opposed to the new installa- tion of sprinkler systems, stating he felt it would add to the cost of building a home. John Spiess, 114 East Eighth Street, spoke as executive for the Homeowners' Association and stated the Association was against the ordinance at this time due to the effect of increased insurance costs. He stated the Asso- ciation was also concerned with the costs in relation to affordable hous- ing. Some discussion followed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 3 1 December 2, 1986 Jim Reed, Blue Mountain Road, stated he was building a home for a client and said the cost for materials and installation did not concur with the quoted cost of 75 a square foot. He was in favor of the sprinkler system but felt the homeowner should receive a deduction on taxes for having the system installed. Mike Lemon, 1026 West llth Street, expressed concerns with looking at older homes rather than newer homes and also with the mandatory requirement. He felt the installation of the systems should be on a voluntary basis. Carl Alexander, 1712 West Fifth Street, stated he lived in an older home and that the proposed ordinance, if enacted, would be of no benefit to him. He spoke in support of a new fire station on the west side of town. Dick Lorentzen, 3707 Park Knoll Drive, inquired of Fire Chief Glenn as to why the change. Fire Chief Glenn stated it was a change in technology. Discussion followed. Fire Prevention Specialist Jeff Abram then addressed the Council. He pre- sented a sample sprinkler head that would be in actual use if installed in a home, described its functions, and gave specific details of how it would work in actual use. He then answered many of the questions the public had asked, as well as further questions from Councilmembers. Discussion fol- lowed at some length. Leo Sunny, 127 West Third Street, inquired about insulating the sprinkler system to prevent freezing. Fire Chief Glenn was a method of insulating the pipes to prevent freezing. Mayor Whidden then closed the public hearing and read the title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, requiring the installation of automatic fire sprinklers in all new residential construction and creating Chapter 14.26 in the Port Angeles Municipal Code. such lines of stated there Ordinance by Councilman Stamon moved that "we consider rather than the enacting of the Ordinance making it mandatory for single family residences, that they be sprinklered at this point, that we instead enact codes that allow in- stallation to be voluntary for a period of one to two years to allow us more time to further investigate and to work out some of the gliches that had been pointed out to us tonight, particularly in the area of insurance "I would, however, include in my motion that we do require mandatory sprinklering for multi family residences." Councilman Schermer seconded for discussion. Councilman Schermer expressed his concerns with comparable values of homes. He felt a sprinklered home would not necessarily have a higher market value. He also expressed concerns with model home standards. He felt the concept of considering multi family. as.,,a first step was good. Councilman Schermer also encouraged the Council to proceed with caution. Councilman McPhee stated he was in favor of Councilman Stamon's motion until Councilman Stamon included in her motion that the installation of the sprinkler system be mandatory for multi family residences. He believed the reasons people lived in apartment buildings were because they were unable to afford a house and were saving money; and stated he was concerned about an increase in rent. Councilman McPhee felt the most probable cause for fires was not being addressed. He expressed favor toward voluntary instal- lation instead of mandatory, and said he liked the idea of the sprinkler system but felt it should not be forced upon the public. Councilman Quast stated the reason he would favor mandatory installation is that the persons who could least afford it would not do it but they were often the ones who most needed it because they had the greatest potential for disaster. He urged Councilmembers to defeat the motion. Discussion followed. Council- man Schermer stated his concern with the exact wording of Councilman Stamon's motion. He also stated he still had some concern with the manda- tory requirement for multi family residences and felt it should be a one year voluntary program. 6 3 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 1986 Councilman Stamon restated her motion: "That rather than enact the ordi- nance before us tonight, that we instead ask the staff to develop for us an ordinance for our consideration at the next meeting which would allow for voluntary installation of the residential sprinkler systems for a period of one year and with the intent that following that it would become a manda- tory requirement; that we also enact installation or codes for the instal- lation for the systems so that even though it were a voluntary installa- tion, they would have to meet certain code requirements "I am also going to include the motion for the requirement that installation in multi family dwellings be mandatory at this point." Additional discussion followed. On call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Stamon, Hesla, and Schermer voting "Aye Councilman McPhee voting "No and Councilman Quast abstaining. 3. Planning Commission Minutes of November 25, 1986 A. Conditional Use Permit Hearing Steve and Robin Fryar Councilman Stamon moved to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a tanning service as a Home Occupation located in the RS -7, Single Family Residential District, located at 206 East Vashon, subject to the following conditions: (1) The parking lot arrangement be subject to review and approval by the City; (2) If the alley is opened up through the entire length of the block, the Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to review at that time; (3) The Home Occupation shall be limited to one tanning bed; (4) The hours of operation shall be limited from 12:00 noon to 8:00 P.M., Monday through Friday; (5) The Home Occupation shall be limited to family members only as employees; and citing the following findings: (A) The proposed Home Occupation does not involve equipment or processes which introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors and other hazards in excess of those normally found in residential areas; (B) Given the proposed size, the Home Occupation does not significantly increase local vehicular or pedestrian traffic; (C) As proposed, the Home Occupation will not be injurious or detrimental to abutting properties; (D) As proposed and con- ditioned, the Home Occupation will not endanger the public health, morals, safety and welfare and it is in the public interest. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Quast inquired about the recommendation for a 2A10BC fire extinguisher. Councilman Stamon then added Condition No. 6: Require- ment for a 2A10BC fire extinguisher. Councilman Schermer concurred. On call for the question the motion carried. B. Rezone Hearing City of Port Angeles Councilman Quast moved to set a public hearing for the December 16, 1986, Council meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. C. Conditional Use Permit Hearing Dorothy Soderquist Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a medical personnel referral pool service as a Home Occupation located in the RS -9, Single Family Residential District, located at 1323 Samara Drive, subject to the following conditions: (1) That any potential applicants visit the house from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, or Saturday; (2) One 2A10BC fire extinguisher be installed; and citing the following find- ings: (A) The proposed Home Occupation complies with the Home Occupation criteria of the Zoning Ordinance, Sections 17.86.080, .040, .030. Council- man Stamon seconded and the motion carried. D. Conditional Use Extension Richard and Susan Boyd Councilman Schermer moved to approve a two -year extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a bed and breakfast and graphoanalysis business as Home Occupations located in the RMF, Residential Multi Family District, located at 325 East Sixth Street, subject to the original conditions and findings. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. E. Temporary Use Extension Harvi and Linda Kiiski Councilman Stamon inquired of Linda Kiiski if the recommended eight months was sufficient to complete construction. Mrs. Kiiski stated her original request for twelve months. Councilman Schermer then recommended changing the Planning Department's recommendation from eight months to twelve months. Councilman Stamon then moved to approve the extension of a Tempor- ary Use Permit allowing a single -wide mobile home to be located in the RS -7, Single- Family Residential District until completion of a new resi- dence, located at 712 Viewcrest, for a period of one year, subject to the condition that application for building permit be made, with the caveat to the Kiiskis that this was a one -time extension. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. F. Conditional Use Permit Lydia Huffman Following brief discussion, Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a beauty shop as a Home Occupation in the RS -7, Single Family Residential District, located at 1309 South Laurel Street, for one year, subject to the following conditions: (1) The Home Occupation be limited to one operator and one chair; (2) The hours of operation be from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Monday through Saturday; (3) One 2A1OBC fire extinguisher be installed; (4) A utility easement for the power line be provided; (5) The applicant encourage clients to park in the back and off of Laurel Street; citing the following findings: (A) The proposed Home Occupation does not involve equipment or processes which introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors, and other hazards in excess of those normally found in the residential areas; (B) With the attached conditions, the pro- posed Home Occupation should not significantly increase local vehicular or pedestrian traffic; (C) With the attached conditions, the proposed Home Occupation should not be injurious or detrimental to the adjoining or abutting properties; (D) With the proposed conditions, the Home Occupation should not endanger the public health, morals, safety and welfare; (E) With the proposed conditions, the Home Occupation can comply with the criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. G. Conditional Use Permit Janet Fischer Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow a home decorat- ing service as a Home Occupation in the RS -7, Single Family Residential District, located at 1428 East Second Street, subject to the following conditions: (1) The merchandise on the premises be limited to samples and display items only, and that the products be delivered by the applicant to the client's home; (2) That one 2A1OBC fire extinguisher be installed in the house; (3) No customers be allowed in the basement; and citing the following findings: (A) On an appointment only basis, the Home Occupation will not generate sufficient vehicular traffic to detract from the residen- tial character of the neighborhood; (B) The Home Occupation will not generate noise, dust, fumes, vibrations or odors; (C) The Home Occupation will not be injurious or detrimental to abutting properties. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. H. Conditional Use Extension YMCA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 3 3 December 2, 1986 Councilman Schermer moved to approve a one -year extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing expansion of the existing YMCA structure and parking lot in the RS -7, Single Family Residential District, located at 302 South Francis Street, subject to the original conditions and citing the original findings. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. I. Parking Variance Extension YMCA Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a one -year extension of a parking variance allowing a reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 61 to 40 in association with the proposed addition to the existing structure located at 302 South Francis Street, subject to the original conditions and the original findings. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. J. Rezone Proposal Councilman Stamon moved to set a public hearing for the December 16, 1986, Council meeting. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. The rezone proposal is to rezone property west of Laurel Street and east of 6 3 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 1986 Peabody Street from Residential Multi Family to Office Commercial; either side of Race Street from Single Family Residential to Office Commercial; and between Chase and Peabody Streets from Residential Multi Family to Community Shopping District or Office Commercial. K. Approval of Minutes Councilman Quast moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of November 25, 1986. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. 4. Request for Consideration of Agreement to Contract Programming Services for Power Management System Councilman Quast moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign the professional services contract with Sector Engineering of Bainbridge Island. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. Councilman Quast moved that Council be provided at the December 16th meet- ing with sufficient evidence that would cause the Council to terminate the contract with the Westin Corporation. Councilman McPhee seconded. Coun- cilman Stamon amended the motion to include, to instruct staff to contact the Westin Company and advise them they should not proceed further in satisfying the terms of the contract from their end. Councilman Quast added that, furthermore, the Westin Corporation be informed of Council's decision to stop order effective immediately. On call for the question, the motion carried. 5. Selection of Person to Fill Vacancy on Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission Written Ballots Manager Flodstrom distributed the ballots to the Councilmembers. Council- man McPhee voiced his opposition to voting by written ballot and stated that he was not going to vote this way and expressed his desire to cast a verbal vote. He stated he believed the written ballots vote was against State law. Attorney Knutson cited reference to the Open Public Meetings Act stating it did not prohibit such action, while Roberts Rules of Order specifically provided for it. Following some discussion on this issue, Manager Flodstrom announced Jim Jones, Jr., received the majority of the five votes cast. Councilman Stamon then moved to concur with the majority of the Council and appoint Jim Jones, Jr., to fill the vacancy on the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman McPhee voting "No Councilman McPhee stated for the record that he was going to cast his vote for Jim Lunt. 6. Request to Schedule a Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) Meeting for December (PCB Clean -Up Projects, Morse Creek, MCS, and Falls Creek) Councilman Quast stated only MCS and Falls Creek would be discussed, and the other two items would be discussed after Christmas. Councilmembers then scheduled a UAC meeting for December 4, 19864, at 4:30 P.M., in the City Light Conference Room. 7. Consideration of Amendment to Health Plan Agreement (Due to Recently Passed Federal Legislation) Councilman Stamon moved to approve the amendment to the Health Plan. Coun- cilman Schermer seconded. Following brief discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 8. Ordinance Establishing a Deferred Compensation Fund for Employees Participating Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2421 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a deferred compensation agency fund. Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Coun- cilman Quast seconded. Following brief discussion, on call for the ques- tion, the motion carried. 9. Consideration of Financing Options for Property Purchase at Fifth and Peabody Councilman Quast moved to select Option 4 and issue a short -term general obligation bond anticipation note for a three -year period. Councilman Schermer seconded. Finance Director Wolfe presented Councilmembers with copies of the Limited Tax General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes, 1986, Ordinance for their consideration, together with a draft purchase contract. Councilman Quast recommended having the Ordinance read by title, acting on the Ordinance, and authorizing City Light Director to re -write the purchase contract. Councilman Stamon inquired if this was a standard contract that would normally be enacted. Finance Director Wolfe remarked that it was. Councilman McPhee expressed his concerns with the cost of purchasing the land bringing the final $3.4 million figure over that limit and stated the cost of land was not considered in any of the considerations regarding City Hall. Councilman Stamon noted for the public the project was not over $3.4 million and she called for the question. The motion carried, with Councilman McPhee voting "No Mayor Whidden then read the Ordinance by title, entitled Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Coun- cilman Quast seconded and the motion carried, with Councilman McPhee voting "No ORDINANCE NO. 2422 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the purchase of property, authorizing the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation bond anticipation notes of the City in the aggregate principal amount of $150,000 for the purpose of providing funds to purchase such property; authorizing the issuance of a limited tax general obligation bonds to pay and redeem such notes; providing the form, terms and covenants of the notes to be issued; creating a bond redemption fund for the note redemption account therein; creating an acquisition fund; and accepting an offer to purchase said notes from Boettcher and Company, Inc. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 3 5 December 2, 1986 Councilman Stamon noted the time was 10:00 P.M. and moved to continue with Agenda Items 10 through 12. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried. 10. Authorization for Mayor to Sign City Hall Gonstruction Contract With Fremont Construction Councilman Quast moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign the contract with Fremont Construction for the construction of the new City Hall and the master plan. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman McPhee stated he believed that the contract could not be executed, stating the list of sub contractors had not been approved. He stated that list could not be approved because it was incomplete. Manager Flodstrom stated the list was complete. Councilman McPhee made reference to the minutes of the November 4th Council meeting. Councilman McPhee moved to table the issue until Councilmembers were provided with a complete list, in accordance with the previous motion from the November 4th Council meeting. The motion died for lack of a second. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman McPhee voting "No Councilman Stamon stated the other Councilmembers shared Councilman McPhee's concerns regarding contracting locally, and that staff was aware of those concerns, as well as the contractor, and stated she believed the City would do everything in its power to ensure that as much business as possible would be contracted locally. She noted that a lot of the items 6 3 6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 1986 being supplied for the contractor was not locally obtainable; i.e., eleva- tors, auditorium seating, etc. 11. Resolution Declaring a Public Nuisance and Ordering Nuisance Removed Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 35 -86 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun- cilman Quast seconded. Councilman Stamon requested addresses be provided along with the legal descriptions of the properties. Leonard Fuller, 420 East llth Street, was concerned with exactly what was required of him in regards to cleaning up his property. Fire Chief Glenn gave an account of the property and why it was considered a serious fire hazard. Discussion followed at some length. Councilmembers advised Mr. Fuller to contact the Fire Marshal to determine what needed to be cleaned up on his property. Further, he was advised that if he did not clean it up himself, the City would have to clean it up for him and bill him later. On call for the question the motion carried. 12. Continued Meetings With County Commissioners /Common Goals (added by Councilman Stamon) Councilman Stamon stated she had received a letter from County Commissioner Chairman Evan Jones thanking the Councilmembers for meeting with the County Commissioners previously and indicated an interest to meet again early in January. Councilman Stamon then moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to appoint a committee of the Council to meet with representatives from the County, be it elected officials or appointed officials, to continue discus- sions of various areas of common interest, such as a municipal court, traffic violations bureau, law enforcement, and many other issues that are of mutual concern to the City and the County. She stated her intent for the motion was to ensure and instruct the committee that the Council as a whole would expect the committee to come back at a point next year with positive recommendations and move in a direction other than no motion, and would be urging that the discussion begin on a point of what can be agreed on. Councilman Schermer seconded the motion. Councilman Quast felt the arrangements should be made opposite to Councilman Stamon's motion and felt the meetings should be held as an open session, taking out those areas which could be resolved by staff alone. He also stated that all the other elected officials, all Commissioners and all of the Councilmembers should meet in order to define publicly the problems between the two entities, thereby trying to arrive at a solution. Councilman Stamon concurred with that as an amendment to the motion. Councilman Schermer expressed that he would still like to see a committee formed to itltet with all the elected officials. Councilmembers agreed to schedule the meeting for January 13, 1987. Councilman Quast noted that topics for discussion could include, Solid Waste, municipal court, decriminalization of City ordinances, unified dispatch, and Jail costs, as well as septage and Traffic Violations Bureau. Following discussion, Councilman Stamon restated her motion that Council concur with the letter from the County Commissioners and set a tentative meeting date of January 13, 1987, at a time and place to be determined, to meet with the Board of County Commissioners, City Council, and other elected officials of Clallam County and also staff people from both sides present, to discuss issues of mutual concern to County and City, such as Solid Waste, decriminalization, centralized dispatch, Jail costs, septage, Traffic Violations Bureau, and municipal court. Also that the Mayor appoint a committee of the Council to continue once the issues have been defined; and continue with the mitigation of those issues which the City and County cannot reach an immediate mutual agreement upon. On call for the question, the motion carried. IX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS /LATE ITEMS Councilman McPhee requested a list of the City's memberships, to include the name of the organization, how many memberships, the costs per organization, and the total cost for the City. He also requested a copy of the personnel roster. Councilman Stamon reported that the Tourism Development Board had been disbanded and subsequently, the Tourism Convention Association of Clallam County was formed and the City was invited to become a charter member. Councilman Schermer reported on activities of the City Parking Committee, stating they were negotiating with the Downtown Association with regard to one -hour street parking. Councilman Stamon noted the City Christmas party would be December 5, 1986, 9:30 PM to 1:30 AM at the Eagles Annex. Manager Flodstrom distributed additional information to Councilmembers for the budget presentations on December 6, 1986. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Manager Flodstrom stated there was no need for an executive session. XI ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. cci.„.„ 0 u3241),,, Clerk Mayor Prepared by:JQp CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6 3 7 December 2, 1986