HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/02/1994 2903 CITY coUNcIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 2, 1994 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order SPECIAL MEETING: at 6:20 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Braun, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, and Ostrowski. Members Absent: Councilman Schueler. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, L. Glenn, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus, and Y. Ziomkowski. Public Present: None. 1995 Proposed Budget Manager Pomeranz distributed information Pertinent to gambling taxes. Referring to a question asked at the meeting of November 29, 1994, Manager Pomeranz stated that the .5 % decrease in gambling taxes on punchboards and pull tabs resulted in an approximate $15,000 loss of revenue. Manager Pomeranz informed the Council that there will be approximately $275,000 left over after completion of the Senior Center project. Attorney Knutson researching the legality of forming a facility maintenance fund with this money. The Fire Station project also has a small surplus at this time; however, that project is not yet completed. It is projected that there will be a deficit of $50,604 in the hotel/motel tax fund. Acting Finance Director Ziomkowski pointed out that this includes $6,000 for advertisement for retirement community promotions. The Council will need to consider this deficit at the time allocations are made to the various agencies. Manager Pomeranz then reviewed an analysis of the General Fund and explained why some positions had to remain vacant, at least temporarily. Councilman Ostrowski requested that the Council revisit the issue of the Planning Department's vacant position. He reminded the Council that the position of Senior Planner was only temporary, and was created as a result of the Growth Management Act. He felt that the Assistant Planner position should not be filled and the current Senior Planner be utilized to maintain current service levels. Mayor Sargent polled the Council on returning to the original Planning Department staffing level of three, which was unanimous. Manager Pomeranz pointed out that the Planning Department is busier now than it was in 1990, and it will take reorganization of current staff to maintain an acceptable level of service. Couneilmember McKeown expressed concern over the length of time it will take to process permits if the department is understaffed. It was suggested that the permitting process may have to be modified. It was the general consensus of the CoUncil that this position and associated funding should be removed from the 1995 budget. Manager Pomeranz stated that there is $13,601 left from the Convention Center construction, and he suggested the Council give some thought to how it would like to see this money spent. Some suggestions included furniture, new carpeting for the meeting rooms and grading the area where the two houses were removed. This matter will be brought back to the Council for consideration in January. ' Under Capital Project Funds, Manager Pomeranz pointed out that $10,000 has been allocated for a telephone system feasibility study. This is very important and must be acted on immediately, as the phone system has failed twice recently. Councilman Braun suggested that rather than spend this money on a study, why doesn't the City survey other businesses and perhaps add or subtract from a known program. Manager Pomeranz will research whether this can be accomplished without a feasibility study, and if not, the study will have to be done. Manager Pomeranz then reviewed Enterprise Funds. At Manager Pomeranz's request, Light Director Titus summarized recent discussions held with BPA whereby it is projected there will be a rate increase of 13 - 15% in October of 1995. In addition to .the BPA increase, the City is anticipating a rate - 1 ' 2904 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 1994 1995 Proposed Budget increase Of its own due to the expected outlay in its Capital Improvements. Director (Cont'd) Titus reviewed the Capital Improvements and pertinent details. Manager Pomeranz stated that several departments had requested new PC's; however, as the Finance Department has recently purchased four new PC's with higher capacities, the four old PC's will be recycled to other departments, thereby decreasing the budget. At Council's request, Acting Finance Director Ziomkowski explained that the Finance Department needed new software and memory upgrade, which was quite expensive. It was more cost effective to purchase four new PC's that included the needed software, as opposed to purchasing the software only and installing it on the old machines. The old PC's can be used for other purposes. Manager Pomeranz reviewed the Water/Wastewater Fund and asked Public Works Director Pittis to review the department's capital outlay and capital improvement projects and answer any questions the Council had regarding these items. Public Works Director Pittis explained that part of the $750,000 budgeted for the Downtown Watermain and Sidewalk Replacement Project will come from the Public Works Trust Fund Timber Impact Loan money. This does not having a matching funds provision and has deferred payment for five years at 1% interest. The loan has a timeline, and this project will have to be started in 1995. Director Pittis then reviewed the Solid Waste Fund. There are no capital improvements scheduled for Solid Waste in 1995; however, the prep work will begin for closing the current cell being used at the landfill. Manager Pomeranz reminded the Council that it is very possible that the City will have to have its garbage hauled in the near future. There is a lot of work and planning to be done in 1995 to prepare for construction of a transfer station in 1996. The City and the County will have to discuss how to approach this issue. Manager Pomeranz moved on to Internal Service Funds and under Equipment Services, the Council was pleased to note the purchase of a backhoe. A brief discussion was held regarding the restoration of the old fire truck. The City has received many positive comments on this expenditure, and restoration will greatly increase the value of the truck. Manager Pomeranz reported that ARCO had given the City approximately $4,000 toward the purchase of a fire boat. The City will be purchasing a used fire boat, and the funds are not necessary for the fire station construction as it has come in below budget, Manager Pomeranz suggested that the ARCO money be used to defray the expenses of the firetruck restoration. He has discussed this with ARCO, who feels the City should use the money for whatever purpose best serves the community. Manager Pomeranz reviewed Information Systems and the Self Insurance Fund, which has been greatly improved thanks to the City switching to health insurance coverage through the Association of Washington Cities. Manager Pomeranz then briefly reviewed the Fiduciary Funds. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.