HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/02/2003 5105 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 2, 2003 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, E. Kovatch, G. Roggenbuck, L. Dunbar, S. McLain, J. DeFrang, N. Riggins, K. Miller, J. Mason, J. Hall, P. Rose, and T. Nielsen. Public Present: R. Peterson, J. Piths, P. Lamoureux, C. Kidd, V. Rudin, M. Foley, and C. Foley. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Williams. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, 1. Police Department: Police Sergeant Promotion - Glen Roggenbuck: PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Police Chief Riepe summarized the recent promotion of Corporal Glen Roggenbuck to Police Sergeant, after which Sergeant Roggenbuck's wife, Jennifer, pinned the new Police Department badge to his uniform. Chief Riepe then administered the oath of office to Sergeant Promotion- Sergeant Roggenbuck. Glen Roggenbuck Certificates o£Appreciafion 2. Certi~cates of Appreciation for "Citizens for 9-1-1 Committee' Members: for "Citizens for 9-1-1 Committee" Members Mayor Wiggins presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following members o£thc "Citizens for 9-1-1 Committee ": Alan Barnard, Mike Millar, Jim Jones, Jr., Pat Clark, Marjie Myers, Ken Burge, Joe Girard, Jim Borte, Craig RitchJe, and Naomi Riggins. Unable to attend this evening were committee members Bill Lowman, Mike Lasnier, P_honda Rose-Rieker, and Soeren Poulsen. The Mayor expressed the Council's appreciation for the committee's diligence in obtaining passage of the tax initiative to obtain stable funding for the 9-1-1 Center. Committee Chair Alan Barnard offered kudos to the committee members for their commitment throughout the campaign. Councilman Headrick provided the background of the efforts toward a 9-1-1 tax, an effort that commenced with the Law & Justice Committee. Special plaques were then presented to Alan Barnard and Mike Millar in honor &their service as Chair and Vice Chaff of the committee. WORK SESSION: None. -1- 5106 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 2003 LATE ITEMS TO BE CouncilmanBraun asked that the matter ofa Paramedic/Firefighter be added as Agenda PLACED ON THIS OR Item 1.2. Councilman Williams asked for discussion on a matter related to the FUTURE AGENDAS: Waterfront Trail; it was added as Agenda Item 1.3. Mayor Wiggins asked for consideration of a letter to the Department of Natural Resources; the letter was added as Agenda Item 1.4. Manager Quinn asked for two additions to the agenda: Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement Amendments, added as Agenda Item D.4. and Institutional Network Services Agreement Amendments, added as Agenda Item D.5. Mike Svec, 318 W. 4th, addressed the Council concerning the need for City funding in support of youth activities and programs. Mr. Svec, having been involved in what was previously known as the Teen Scene, was disappointed that support for the area youth seems to be faltering. Mr. Svec had intended to ask the Council for funding for another facility similar to the Teen Scene; however, he met with Mr. John Reed, Tempest, who has received some funding through United Way but, absent additional funding, the future of the Tempest organization may be in jeopardy. Mr. Svec felt that Mr. Reed's efforts in support of the area youth should receive City recognition and funding. Manager Quinn indicated he had met with Mr. Svec, and he noted Mr. Svec's position change on funding requests. Councilmember Rogers indicated she would like to see the formation of a youth committee this coming year to work with the Council on the matter of youth activities and programs. Cherie Kidd, 101 E. 10~h, thanked the Councilmembers and staff for their support in answering questions during the recent City Council election. She felt there were six excellent candidates for Council, and she was appreciative of the information shared with the candidates throughout the campaign. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, provided commentaries concerning budgeted revenues, urging caution with the coming year's expenditures. He was concerned with bids submitted in excess of budget estimates, and he expressed support for the Fire Department's purchase of defibrillators. FINANCE: i. Western Public Agencies Group (WPA G) 2004 Agreement and Amend 2003 Agreement: Western Public Agencies Group (WPAG) 2004 Power Systems Deputy Director McLain informed the Council that the City, along with Agreement / Amend 2003 20 other Washington public utilities, has been a member of the Western Public Agreement Agencies Group for several years. The group contracts with two consultants and develops a scope of work for those issues to be addressed during the year. Deputy Director McLain summarizedthe 2004 agreement, as well as the proposed amendment to the 2003 agreement, indicating costs were higher than expected due to the BPA settlement negotiations. He indicated the Utility Advisory Committee had recommended approval, and Councilman Campbell pointed out that the agency has provided very good service, information, and guidelines for a number of utilities in western Washington. He felt it to be imperative to continue engaging their services regarding the purchase and sale of electricity, particularly because the Port Angeles staff is much smaller in relationship to utilities of similar size. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign agreements with Marsh Mundorf Pratt Sullivan and McKenzie, and EES Consulting for WPAG services during the year 2004 for an amount not to exceed $18,000 and amend the 2003 contract amount not to exceed $18,000. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers. Councilman Williams directed attention to the graph on Page 20 in the Council packet, citing the number of customers and energy sales for the Clallam County PUD as compared to the City. He expressed caution that there may be a vulnerability for the City's General Fund should energy sales of any magnitude be lost. Following further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5107 December 2, 2003 Equipment Purchase - Dual 2. Equipment Purchase - Dual Wheel Cab and Chassis for Water Division: Wheel Cab and Chassis for Water Division Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler summarized the recommendationto purchase a dual wheel cab and chassis for the Water Division, explaining that local dealerships had been invited to submit bids. He noted that only one bid was received. Brief discussion ensued, after which Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Cornforth-Campbell of Puyallup, Washington, in the sum of $21,360.40 including sales tax, for a dual wheel cab and chassis. The motion was seconded by Couneilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. Community Trade & 3. Community Trade & Economic Development Grant (CTED) Contract: Economic Development Grant (CTED) Contract Community Development Director Collins provided asummary of the $30,000 grant from CommunityTrade & Economic Development for afundedmandate. He indicated the grant funds would be used to complete the required ten-year update of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Wiggins felt it would be appropriate to write a letter acknowledging the funded mandate, something that is not at all common. Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize.the Mayor to sign the grant documents. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Telecommunications 4. Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement Amendments and Amendments 5. Institutional Network Services Agreement Amendments: Director Cutler informed the Council that the agreement amendments being presented at this time were reviewed and endorsed by the Utility Advisory Committee at a special meeting held the previous day. Power Resource Manager Dunbar, aided by PowerPoint slides, explained to the Council the proposed amendments to both the Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement and the Institutional Network Services Agreement. He indicated the City and Wave Broadband have negotiated changes to the WAN Use Agreement to not require Wave to complete four sections of the I-Net backbone. In exchange, the City will be given access to Wave's underground communications conduits and related structures on Railroad Avenue that would, in mm, be assignedby the City to Capacity Provisioning. Mr. Dunbar showed slides depicting the backbone route at design and after deletions, as well as the specific area on Railroad Avenue where the City would access the underground conduits. Mr. Dunbar reviewed other proposed amendments, such as a public safety VLAN service, dark fiber marketing services for private telecommunications systems, additional interconnection requirements, and additional support services in the form of off site storage and/or remote backup services. Other services include Intemet web design and voice over Intemet protocol support services. Mr. Dunbar indicated there would be public safety fiber optic service drops at City Pier, Francis Street Park, and the Dream Playground. He summarized the associated costs, as well as the interrelationship between the City, Wave Broadband, and CPI based on the agreement amendments. Pete Grigorieff, Regional Manager of Wave Broadband, described how negotiations proceeded in this regard, and he indicated the changes would be of benefit to the City, as there is a real value to accessing the underground infrastructure and conduit. Craig Johnson, CPI, thanked the City for the opportunity to serve the City, the citizens, and the businesses. Discussion followed, and Councilmembers Rogers and Campbell spoke of the value of these agreements to the City. Following further discussion, Couneilmember Rogers moved to approve the amendment to the Institutional Network Services Agreement with Capacity Provisioning, Inc., and the amendment to the Fiber Optic Wide Area Network Use Agreement with Wave Broadband. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. -3- 5108 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 2003 Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:20 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. 2004 Budget Hearing: OTI-IER: Finance Director Ziomkowskiinformed the Council that the public hearing scheduled 2004 Budget Hearing for this evening would be the third hearing on the 2004 budget. She indicated the Ordinance No. 3152 Finance Committee had met six times on the budget, and she thanked the members for their diligence and hard work. With the use of PowerPoint slides, Director Ziomkowski reviewed the 2004 budget Ordinance, incorporating changes to the preliminary budget as presented at the last Council meeting. The final budget being proposed for approval is $75,135,152 or 10% more than the 2003 budget and 13% more than the 2003 amended budget. She indicated that the major changes to the budget included $365,000 for the recently formed Stormwater Utility, as well as the approved 1/10 of one percent sales tax for emergency communications. The final budget recommended for the General Fund is $14,149,740, which includes various purchases of equipment and vehicles, changes in the equipment replacement policy, a decrease in the PenCom allocation, and the addition of Street Lighting, which is being transferred to the Street Division. Other changes to the General Fund were delineated by Director Ziomkowski, to include personnel changes, Fire Union arbitration costs, and other departmental expense decreases. Revenues for the General Fund reflected a decrease in property taxes, a Stormwater Utility Tax, the cost allocation to Utilities for an Assistant Engineer, and an increase in interest revenue. Director Ziomkowskireferenced the request from the Firefighters for added personnel at a cost of $70,000 - $75,000. It was recommended that the matter be approached for consideration in the 2na Quarter of 2004. Councilmember Rogers clarified that consideration can be given to the addition of a firefighter; however, it must be understood that nothing is definite in that regard. Councilmember Erickson agreed, noting the need to determine how much revenue will be generated from third party billing. Director Ziomkowski reviewed in detail the changes to other funds in the budget, such as a $50,000 increase in Street, an increase in PenCom of $138,000, a decrease in the Electric Utility of $16,125, an increase in Water of $20,519, and an increase in Wastewater of $46,473. She reviewed other changes, including an increase in Solid Waste of $13,725, the addition of $365,000 for the Stormwater Utility, as well as other changes in Equipment Services and Self-Insurance. Discussion ensued concerning funds for Capital Improvements, and Director Ziomkowski estimated there may be $130,000+ from the 2003 budget that can be directed to capital. Following further brief discussion, Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Jamie Mason, Fire Captain, thanked the Council for considering additional personnel for the Fire Department, noting his disappointment that action wasn't taken at this time. He indicated that Council's consideration of an additional position would greatly help the department. Cherie Kidd addressed the Council, urging an understanding of the needs of public safety in the interest of the entire community. Director Ziomkowski clarified that the Fire Department budget is not part of the $75 million but, rather, it is part of the $14 million General Fund and, as such, the Department cannot receive funding from any source other than the General Fund. Councilman Williams reiterated his earlier concern about the vulnerability of the General Fund based on power sales. -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5109 December 2, 2003 PUBLIC HEARINGS - There being no further public testimony, Mayor Wiggins closed the public hearing at OTHER: 7:45 p.m. He read the Ordinance by title, entitled (Cont'd) ORDINANCE NO. 3152 2004 Budget Hearing Ordinance No. 3152 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising the budget (Cont'd) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2003, adopting the budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004, providing for a cost of living increase for certain city employees, and amending Ordinance 3131. Councilmember Erickson moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Headriek and carried unanimously. Administrative 2. Administrative Amendments to Land Use Ordinances (Zoning, Subdivision, Amendments to Land Use Permit Process): Ordinances Director Collins advised the Council that the proposed amendments were administrative changes to the Code regarding land use related to Zoning, Subdivision, and Permit Process issues. He recommended that the public hearing be continued to January 20, 2004, as the changes have been submitted to the State in a 60-day comment period. Responding to Councilman Williams, Director Collins indicated the Community & Economic Development Committee could review the amendments at a meeting on December 12, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. Councilman Williams asked that the meeting date be revisited. Mayor Wiggins opened the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. There being no public testimony, Councilman Braun moved to continue the public hearing to January 20, 2004. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Williams sought clarification concerning the first paragraph on Page 5 of the November 18, 2003, City Council minutes. It was his recollection that the Council had agreed to continue the December 17 Council meeting to December 18 for deliberation on the fluoride SEPA appeal. Following discussion, it was agreed the minutes were accurate as written. Questions and answers ensued concerning the Check List, and the Council agreed to defer to a later date the appointment of a City Council representative to the Comprehensive Plan Citizen Advisory Committee. Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Minutes - November 18, 2003; 2.) Expenditure Report ~ November 21, 2003 - $460,435.76; 3.) Electronic Payments - November 21, 2003 - $109,445.00; 4.) Recommendations for Appointments to County Advisory Boards and Committees; 5.) Appointment to Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission; 6.) Centennial Trail Fencing Contract; and 7.) Appointments to Comprehensive Plan Citizen Advisory Committee (appointment of a City Council representative deferred to a later date). The motion was seconded by Councilman Headriek and carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Rogers was pleased to report that she and Economic Development COMMITTEE Director Smith attended the Governor' s Economic Development Conference, at which REPORTS & time the Clallam County Economic Development Council, with the Clallam NetWorks CALENDAR: Program, was given the Governor's Award for partnership in economic development. She has been busy working on business recruitment and is hoping to be able to announce shortly a newbusiness coming to Port Angeles. Councilmember Rogers has also been working with Qwest Communications, who has announced Voicemail services for the City of Sequim, so the entire Peninsula served by Qwest is on the same parity of services at the same price benefit as Puget Sound. Further announcements 5110 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 2003 CITY COUNCIL are forthcoming regarding the Centers of Excellence at Peninsula College and COMMITTEE associated private sector funding. Mayor Wiggins, referencing the Governor's Award, REPORTS & felt this may be an opportunity for the Council to recognize the work of the Economic CALENDAR: (Cont'd) Development Council. Councilman Braun reported on his attendance at the Public Safety Committee meeting, at which time the group saw a demonstration of the proposed cardiac monitor / defibrillator. Councilman Headrick reported that he and Manager Quinn had met to discuss a revenue sharing agreement with the County. The City had earlier rejected the County' s proposal and is preparing a counter proposal. Councilman Williams attended a meeting of the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization, at which time the first public/private right-of-way use agreement was approved with the Jamestown S'KlallamTribe. Councilman Williams felt that such an agreement provides an opportunity for other such air right agreements. The meeting also involved an update of the Hood Canal Bridge project. Councilman Williams also attended a meeting concerning the Kalakala, and he attended Port Angeles Forward, at which time discussion was held on the Port/DNR clean-up of Railroad Avenue. He announced that the Port Angeles Business Association had selected Cherie Kidd to observe City Council meetings. Councilmember Rogers added that, following a meeting with a representative from Merritt + Pardini, further costs on Gateway are being obtained with the hope of moving the project forward to construction in the near future. The committee can then be sunset. Mayor Wiggins reminded the Council of the City Christmas Party on December 13. ORDINANCES NOT None. REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: Resolution Declaring Sole Source for Two Cardiac De. fibrillators: Resolution Declaring Sole Fire Chief McKeen presented information relative to thc proposed purchase of two Source for Cardiac cardiac defibrillators from Zoll Medical Corporation via a sole source Resolution. Hc Defibrillators introduced Paramedic John Hall who would later assist in thc presentation, and hc Resolution No. 12-03 provided background information on the specialized medical equipment, which is one of the most critical pieces of equipment in terms of life-saving efforts. ChiefMcKeen described the medical capabilities afforded by this latest technology, which has been designed to improve patient outcomes. He provided background information on thc City's defibrillator capabilities in the past, and Paramedic Hall then used PowerPoint slides to compare the technological improvements in the Zoll equipment. He related how the Zoll equipment most closely meets the needs of the Fire Department, as Zoll is the only company authorized by the Food and Drug Administrationto label its Bi- Phasic wave form as superior for difficult patients in ventricular-fibrillation or atrial- fibrillation. The Zoll model provides the smallest and lightest cardiac monitor / defibrillators, and all other paramedic agencies in Clallam County use the Zoll equipment, providing standardization that will prove to be beneficial during mutual aid or a mass casualty event. ChiefMcKeen reviewed funding for the purchase, noting the third party billing system enabled the purchase in the Fire Department's 2003 amended budget. Chief McKeen indicated that written quotes were obtained from other competitors in order to determine the appropriateness of the equipment cost. It is anticipated that two of the Department's four cardiac monitors / defibrillators will be replaced every six years. Eachunit has a life expectancy of twelve years. Following a brief question and answer period, Mayor Wiggins read the Resolution by title, entitled -6- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5111 December 2, 2003 RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 12-03 (Cont'd) A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Resolution Declaring Sole Washington, designating Zoll Medical Corporation as the sole Source for Cardiac source for acquiring cardiac monitor/defibrillators for the Fire Defibrillators Department and declaring an exception to normal bidding Resolution No. 12-03 requirements. (Cont'd) Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. OTHER 1. Council Compensation Changes and Medical Benefits: CONSIDERATIONS: Manager Quinn indicated the matter of health insurance benefits for elected officials Council Compensation has been discussed in general terms by the Finance Committee. He noted that elected Changes and Medical officials are eligible as a designated class of employees to participate in health benefits Benefits and, because of the timing related to instituting such benefits, he felt it would be helpful to further discuss the issue before the end of the year as the Council could not implement something of this nature if it affects their current term of office. Lengthy discussion followed with Councilmembers seeking clarification to different aspects of the policies and regulations. Manager Quinn indicated there would be four Councilmembers who would be eligible for such benefits in 2004. Different alternatives and approaches were discussed, and Manager Quinn emphasized that, according to the AWC policy, any level of participation below 50% would result in termination of policy benefits. Therefore, it is essential to obtain the participation of a minimum of four Councilmembers. Councilman Williams felt that the ability to access health care is the basic question. Other peripheral issues relate to how the premium i~ paid. After further lengthy discussion, it was agreed by consensus that the matter shoul~l be rife/red to the Finance Committee for further review and deliberation. Paramedic/Fir~fighter 2. Paramedic/Firefighter: As a follow-up to discussion held during the Budget presentation, Councilman Braun urged the Council to consider the addition ofa Paramedic/Firefighter in mid-2004, as he felt additional personnel is imperative. Councilmember Rogers indicated the need for additional personnel is an issue for other departments, and she felt that such consideration should be all inclusive. Brief discussion followed. Waterfront Trail 3. Waterfront Trail: Councilman Williams referenced the portion of the Trail through the Rayonier site, which had been open from dawn to dusk during the summer months. The hours are remaining the same during the winter and, when approached, Rayonier officials had asked for a letter requesting an extension of the hours from 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Kathe Smith, a member of the Trails Advisory Committee, approached the podium and informed the Council that the matter had been discussed with Parks & Recreation Director Connelly, who had indicated a willingness to sign the letter of request on behalf of the City. Ms. Smith was pleased that the City would be a co-signatory. DNR Letter 4. DNR Letter: Mayor Wiggins introduced the matter of a draft letter from the City to the Department of Natural Resources concerning the DNR Sustained Harvest Calculation. He indicated that Economic Development Director Smith had agreed to attend a hearing tomorrow evening on the City's behalf. The letter would be made a part of the public record for DNR's consideration. The Mayor felt that Alternative 5 would best serve the City in terms of employment in the area, and it would not prove to be injurious. 5112 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 2, 2003 DNR Letter (Cont'd) Councilmember Rogers indicated that area organizations, such as the Economic Development Council and the Chamber of Commerce, were asked to support Alternative 5. Councilmember Rogers moved to approve the letter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. INFORMATION: Manager Quinn announced upcoming AWC Workshops for Newly Elected Officials: February 5, 2003, in Lynnwood and February 6, 2003 in Lacey. Existing Councilmembers are invited to attend as well. He noted the inclusion in the Information Agenda of status reports on Public Works projects. Jack Harmon approached the podium and thanked the Council and Department Heads for their efforts in preparing the Budget. He felt there are many citizens who are appreciative of the hard work in preparing the Budget. Secondly, Mr. Harmon referenced the receipt of the Sponsor of the Year award from the Unlimited Light Hydroplane Race Association. The award was presented in conjunction with the recent hydroplane races in Port Angeles, and Mr. Harmon indicated to the Council he had accepted the award on behalf of the entire community. He extended his appreciation for the City's assistance in making the hydroplane races such a successful event. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter for approximately one-half hour. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:00 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Lyto~lerk ~ -8-