HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/03/1941 359~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington De cember B. 1941 19_ I I I I J, The Commissioh met in regular session at 10:00 A.Ii. and was called: to order by lIlayor Beetle. Roll call showe'd the following officers present: Mayor .ceetle, Coflll1issioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk' Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge, W. F. Phillips, reported 75 cases tried and $777.00 collected in fines for the month of Noveniba-, 1941. Report crdered filed. Under the head of Unfinished Business: . C'\.I.I. !~()R IUDS rJ NOTICE I~ HERBEY GIVEN That ~ealed bidl3 wilt be received 1) : the CIty Cler]~. of the Cit.;V o( Porti ~ ~;~7]~:~~~f~1~Tl~111f!.~~~51~~~rdt'~~ I en,. of Port An~el,cl', \VaOlhlngtoll..... ~ 'MI~Zodfl f]~~~~~ O~:;h~'\:~:~ oRl~J6tll)J~~ _: llet value 10r tile vnrious Cit~T J.)~"l I ])artments for the year beginnlngl ' .ra~h~rt;ly ~~~miBsioll resenCHi th~j . J'lgl.,.t to f.'.J.ect any a.. nrt. nil iJidS'.!J. I N. l\!. HAWRI:s'S; , City CIQ1'k. .11'U~'!~d .XO\:,_ ~J~c:.. 1-, .~41. . , ii\l (;ALL~~ urns SMkl(l(l bills will lw rr.>cei\'ed by tIle Cltv Cieri.;: of. th(' Cltv of Port An.- geJc.9, WashlngtOll, until 10 A. !It. Decoomber :J, ]941, for tllf' altel'atlol1~ - ('If cl.rtuln room,; in the Firehctll. :I'lanli' :lnn tp(]C'ifi('Rtions mn~" Ile ob- 'tail\l~r't froll\ the Ciq,- Clerk at tlle lCI". Hall. Tilt: City C0Il1.mi1515lon 1'1l1'CI'V(;S the j right to reject any or ~Il hid,;. K ).~, H,\WKI:\::;, !P~_~jli.~~_~d_ I\:~,.?~t?: ~I.~~'k.i, l!lU. '. The Clerk reported that pur suant to call, the following bids were on file: Light Department,. bids on Lamps: Willson Hardware Co., 28% off of billing price 25% n ~ " II The Ele ctric ~o., LeaderDept . Store, J. J. Dailey, Rudy's Radio Shop, 10% off of billing price 5% n" n " Same as II of Standard packages n broken packages above . II of Standard packages broken packages Police Department, alteraticns of certain rooms in Fire Hall: Sig Larson, Wm. Goraegner, $1052.65 102B.75 The City Commission laid the bids over for further consideration. CURRENT EIPENSE FUND The City Gommission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: Port Angeles Evening News City Treasurer City Light Department tl Trea surer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Carbonetti Grocery Wesley Smith Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Treasur er Seattle Radio Supply Fire Departmen t Ci ty Treasurer Pa Dific Tel & Tel Co. Dr. R. L. Gilliam City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Tidewater :Associated Oil Co. CITY STREET FUND Middleton Motor Parts Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Tho s. H. Guptill . WATER FUND Todd Cycle "hop City Light, Dept. n Street Dept. Dan Hurley Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Palmer Supply Co. Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. City Treasurer LIGHT FUND Homer Black Port Angeles Evening News Benj. Franklin Thrift Store City Water Dept. Chas. E. Beam A. W. Ward Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Schlager Bros. IIrs. Sam Rand Olympic Printery Angeles Cooperative Creamery leader Dept. Store Westinghouse Ele ctric Supply Co. General Electric Co. Home Ele ctric Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. Publica tions Postage Ofn ce Rent Street Lights Ligh t and Wa ter Sern ce He fund State Audit Service n 6B.48 1.00 50.00 1157.80 9.BB 4.40 5.00 B16.eo 1.5B 2.92 5.105 2.79 171.00 51.60 9.50 16.48 n.55 1'677'.:1- 4.90 12.51 14.61 8.50 ~ I I,! 8.50 .77 32.67 41. 50 ll.B5 1.03 4.49 ~!> 21. 59" "q- 6.25 B.OO 2.00 2.97 1.90 42.25 1l.75 25.30 lB5.19 246.58 100.79 2.99 n.74 62.9~ ll29.2B 10.4B 6.09 ~ stamps Supplies Volunteer Firemen Pay Roll Light & Water Service Meat Inspection Fees Light and Water City Barn Service D.M. Fuel Parts Sand, Cement & Brick Signs Repairs Rent and Light Gas & Oil Car Expense Cement Caps 1'ools Cash Advanced Garage Rent Adv. Cleaner Water at Store Supt. Expense Car Expense Serviee Decorations Poles Ledger Sheets Cups Sockets Meter Mtgs. & Parts Meters Wiring ~pplies Cutter r-360 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .. - T~"~ .. "U",,~.. ........~ n"TlOflt<lS. _.IHTPO. DD..OC December B, 1941 19_ Light and Water Bills 487.89 Bolts & Transformers ?~ 228.58 Transformers B42 .72 Cas h Advanced -:h'd 5 41.25 Emergency Help 5.13 Repair llownspout 7.42 Emergency Help 2.25 n n 6.25 9.45 Light and Wa ter 9.75 Service 4.25 Garbage Disposal 7.00 S"bs cription 9.50 n IB.OO Magazine 2.50 Towels, etc. 11.38 Book 2.32 II 8.67 3.50 11. 74 6.60 f) 98.10 'J-I f - Light and Water 25.04 Service 2.65 Lights and Water 46.88 Tubes, etc. ~17;. 15.30 Recording Deed 1.50 Recording Deed 2.40 Lumber 7.BO Remington Rand, Inc. Line Material Co. d tl City Treasurer LIBRARY FUND Mrs. Florence McLane Harris & Schuller Mr s. Nina Na Hor Mrs. Mildred iaton 1~s. Jennie Francisco City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. McDonald & crown Seattle Post-Intelligencer The SEattle. Times Vealer Columbia University'Press Zellerbacll Paper 'Corp. J. K. Gill Co. Of Wahington The 3unior Literary Guild II II " n The Macmillan Co. II II n The Puget ^ Sound News Co. PARK FUND City Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. GU~RANTY FUND City Treasurer REVOLVING FUND City Treasurer CITYWIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Under the . head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, t.he United States Army has mde a reqJ. est for the use of all that part of "0. Street north of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way and all that part of West lOth Street west of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way for Federal Defense purposes, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to do all things possible to aid and assist in the Federal Defense Program, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, that the United States Army be granted the privilege to use all that part of "0" Street north of the :chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way and all that part of West lOth Street west of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way for Federal Defense purposes during the war. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. . There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. '/7 ~Tt)/a.;ch; ,'t J \ . City Clerk 7d1~ Mayor .... I I I I I