HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/03/1947 I I" I I I ~ Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 401 .., December 5. 19~ "~"'~",~~n'_'~'~L'"'' ~ 'I'The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.AI., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call .I ,of.of!icers showed the follovling present: Mayor Epperson, Comndssioners steele and Johnson, AttorneJ' Wilson I la~ Clerk Law. - _ ' 'Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I ]linder the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses the following were granted: Bu~lding Permits: /5t,o:<.S ,,' :Jean Hiriart Build Addition to Court for. Office & Bedroom; 1623 East 1st. 1,000.00: i~OW1d Construction & Engr. '1;0. fuild Exchange Bldg. for Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.; Lots 1-2, ~~~te 150,000.001 ,Odo! FellONs Lodge No. 72 Build Retaining Wall; Lot 4, Hlk. 54, Townsite 800.00 'V/illiam K. 1'homas Construct Garage; Lot 14, Hlk. 65, Lewis & Mastic Add. 500 00' ',',IJoseph K. Nelson 1 L t 1 050'.0011 Bui d Garage; 0 s 11- 2, Perkins Subd. ~ ,'C..E. If.atzke Move Steel Bldg.; Lot 1, Elk. 25, N. R. Smith Add. 1, 000.00 i K.-E. Rudolph Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lots 15-14, Blk. 1, Doyles Sub. 4,500.001 IB,'D. ~;ampton Break Out Curb, Put in Driveway & Car Port; Lot il, Blk'T8*RSite 175.00 I -:::. -Litenses: / ~ ' 1Pell1nsula Electroc Co. Master Electrician 10.00 I I - I'LarTJ' Venable and committee met with the Commission to discuss organization of a Friendship. The !layor read 'a letter of instruction outlining a basic campaign for organizing the ship to be known as the Pa citic lIorthwest fChristmas Ship, which the Commission favored supporting and working in co-ordination ,with other lcities. After discussion, it ViliS moved 0/ !.:aJ'or Epperson that the Commission go on record as sponsoring ,this worthwhile Christmas Ship and encourage other Citizens to do likewise. Motion seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr. ,'enable vras appointed as co-ordinator for this area. I ',Mr~. Niemeyer appeared before the Commission regarding light service "ires across her property which ,:interteres with view. Light Supt. Lean agreed to investigate. ! Harry LeGear requested investigation of parking lot on West Front St., reporting conditions of water, mud, anti parking. The request was referred to the street Department. ' XfI'l'ICI:: "'1I InJ)Dl;:lt~ I :!W?'{I()ITeT;:~~el~\,~I~;?~~h~I~,'~','/~f~,~;~; Under the head of Il!lW wsiness Yiater Supt. ])odge recpested thet bids be p.1blished ' tile City or J>lll"t .\llgelc~, at the.> Cil" for the purchase of cast iron water Pl.p:!. Bids to be opened December 24th. The I ;1 ~t;:!Lr.ij,~!~::~t~:;~~ii!,,!~~~:j~, ;1~r ::i~;~n a~s~i:~:~O~~~d f~;d~s: : th~b~::e~:~~~~:ur;o~h~o~;~~e~~:. Bidsj "'ITh,el';' l'omm;"'o,, '''en''-' u". to be opened December 17th. It was moved by Connnissioner Johnson that the calls I, rlg-ht to ]'ejctt fI:I~- 'Jr all 1,id". I t;il~~'Cl,',:~t. for bids be published. Seconded by l!.ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. II,: Pllbllfl~~;'I.II)Z;:;I:I::.~)('I'II~;d!i:J~717. Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by l:-;c;~;(~;rl~j~t. -~~1I] Il~::l.~t'e<!;~,i~~el~)l' ti\~~ the City" the following vrere introduced: ;1' !'~;\~~~;~::,~Ji:':~;\~':',~,~i:i:l(:::,~;,:),~~ George L. and Mal'ytina Drake Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 370, ToY/nsite ! ~;.i~'~~'~ll .~:~~e\~~~tl:;r"-:;;~rclij~l;ar~: Ernest R. Nailor Lot 6J Elk. 15" PSCC rnClll 1t:J (....II(lw:<I: 1,':;fJO lineal feet, i ~;i'~ 211~ i~~~t:, I)~ !':~)IYe;lf2~ ~i~ ~ldf:t~ ~ t~~ -~; ~ d~'llll!o' ~lH~('.t' IlHl~ Ll" ,not;tillcd f,l'om !~th'" c.lty ( 1(>1'1,- 'J hu ('I t.'- ('onUlli""i{l1l 1'1 ::~fel~'~f:;~ lh!,> 1'1g11: lL) I"'je('l ;111,\ "'. i,: ~"it~\,II~;.t': fl:.'I!1.'l,''''d D""" '" ; Ie, I ",. The Commission examined and apprcved the following claims and ordered ymrrants 'issued in payment of the same, fG CURRENT EIPENSE FUND: /t,'l3, 'Olympic Stationers Ic~ty Treasurer IPacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. !,J. E. Law !;Gl.adys B. Carlson ~llazell s Cafe 'Port Angeles Evening News lCi ty Street Dept. i City Treasurer 165.00 175.00' It was moved bJ' Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be approved and' the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. !lotion carried. t\ I 5.3 CITY STREET FUlID: p.. 3 .. Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating ,Tower Super Service :Unit :Crane & Shovel Corp. !Ey~on A. Campbell 'IPOl't Angeles Concrete Products , , pf ,[ WATER HJlID: I ~ '" If , Ralph Davisson City Street Dept. D & B Battery & Electric Stn. H. T. Swanson !Jotor Co. LU\'8as & Vincent Downs Auto Electric Service City Light Dapt. Hooker Electrochemical Co. I Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. ,Angel.as Foundry Co. I Port Angeles Concrete Products Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Hense's Service Epperson & Sons Y/illson Hardware Co. J. 11. Bruch Co. Leon llonpas Office Supplies Light, St. I.ites, Fi.re Hyd., sts & Sewers Services 126, 1627, 1552, 561Y/ E~ense Acct. & Office Supplies Wash. Cities Dist. ,Cities Meet-Dinner Meals for Prisoners Subscription Meohanioal Labor Light, Water, Garbage " 4.8B 1,595.55 25.50, 4.29 1.80 180.25' 6.00' 50.20: 29.0B, I I .B6 50.46 5.75 41.20 25.76 I 497.EO 49.85 4.02 86.01' 1.OB' 1.211 50.5'5 33.80 2.211 18.54' 17.00 4l.?9 1.29' 12.75 19.99 193.50 55.78 Co. Tee & Nipple EquiJIllSnt Repairs Shifter Finger Fueler Installing Sky Lig ht at Sewer Pipe, etc. City Barn Co. State Audit Gas and Oil Spark Plugs Poncho Cover Repair Tire Part s Rent and Lights Chlorine Cement, etc. Shop Work Sewer Pipe Bands Repairs Roofing, etc. Lamps, etc. Ditching Pipe LIGHT FUlID: /~/S:t<f City Street Dept. Loop Auto Wrecking ,eo. D. & E. Battery & Elec. Stn. Mach. I,abor, Oil, Grease, Truck Hire Parts Part s I I 46.45 4:b~ I ..... ,.. 402 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 5, continued, 19~ ILIGHT FUND, continued: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. sta r Ma chi nery Co. Olympic Electric Co. "The Electric :Co. General Electric Supply Corp. Line Material Co. Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Peninsula Electric Co. .3'1 SANITATION I'llND: I fr ' Tower Super Service . Vannausdlo Second Hand Store Samuelson Motor Co. . City Street Dept. Bob's Mobil Service LeRoy Jagger City TreasUlrer J:l- LIBRARY FUND: ]55- Angeles Electric Co. Lowman & Hanford Co. H. H. Van Brocklin Hertzberg '? Wash. Bin:lery A. C. McClurg & Co. Doubleday & ,Co., Inc. State Supt. of Public Instruction ~prt Angeles Evening News Seattle Times Agency Uni versity of Chicago Rowxl Table ,McMahan Fuel Co . City Treasurer ,Pacific_ Telephone & Telegraph Go. :The Librarian of ,Congress : ~'f iPARK WIlD: 19 f , IChas. B. Vail ,School Dist. No~ ~, Recr, Rev. Fd. Middleton Motor Parts Co. ~ity Street Dept. City Treasurer Palli fic Telephone & Telegraph Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Olympic Stationers Felix Gallacci Peninsula Ele ctric Co. The Electric Co. City Light lJept. 5'1 o~t; LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUIID :: 'Puget SoW1d News Co. !American Library Assn. :IDoubleday & Co., Inc. IIA,' C. McClurg & Co. ilCEMETERY FUND: 3 ~_o :i,City Street Dept. 'IL,' 1. D. GENERAL RIND: :Ev~ning News Press L. I. GUARANTY FUND: /11 r<f Ci1>y Treasurer FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: ,.:I. o~7 Kepneth M. Cameron 59 ..l _ Phone Charts Repairs Wiring Accessories Fittings Insulators, Hardware, Meters Connectors, Fuses, Splices Lamps and Splices Express Chg. Plumbing Fittings Parts 2 Sheets in Iron Parts Gasoline Gasoline Car Mileage for November Water Fluo. Lamps One Amiile Fire Ins. Prell".ium 4 v. Newspapers Bourxl Books Books Wash. Te?chers I Manual 1 Yr. Subscription, 2 Copies Daily Subscription Subscription Fuel oil Light, Wa ter, Garbage Servi ce 467 Office Supplies Bulldozing November Payroll; Expense Tools and Hardware Gasoline, Anti-Freeze, Diesel Light, water, Garbage Servi ce 1051 13f''!- !b Re cord, Book Car Mileage for Nov. Conduits 1st Estimate on Traffic Control Contract New Signal Installation Supplies Books Books Books Bo oks Gasoline Reprint s of Legal Taxes Paid There being no further 'wsiness, the session was declared adjourned. Refund: Pension Withheld From April 1, 1947 O.&~. u I l city C!.i'~k. ~{c7i2 ~ 1"...., -,e,., M'y. Y'" 47.19\ 45.841 27.451 1.741 8.52 551.85 : 274.06" 76.671 5.60, 101.78, 45.6:1, 1 71.191 io.50 i2.29 66.88 4.45 22.68 1.60 i 15.60 5.19 98.78 20.60 41.85 2.80 1.00 12.00 18.00 5.00 ill.171 19.71 4.25 5.57, I 55.00; 27.56; 1.291 14.40 91.71; 448' . I 1.24, 25.20 407.41,1 900.00 51.00 ' I 50.85,1 10.00, 5.70 42.50' 5.60' I 1 ~] 1 62.07 I I I I I