HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/03/1951 198 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 3, 1951_ "'" . ."... ...."'. ".,,~,.. ....""..... ...... Special Election of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, conducted November 27, 1951, as shown 'by the canvas of Poll Books arrl Absentee Ballots. PROPOSITIOli NO. 1 PROPOSITION NO. 2 Council-Mana~er Plan Fluorida tionof the of City Goverr1"nent Water S)l!lply Precinct No. For Aga inst For Against -- 1 94 19 60 49 2 1.'\3 44 86 90 3 97 26 57 63 4 81 19 52 46 5 75 25 56 59 6 116 50 55 90 7 108 27 65 68 8 79 14 44 47 9 95 51 53 75 10 61 57 54 65 11 56 10 26 20 12 84 25 56 69 15 94 52 55 95' 14 38 22 27 55 15 107 48 75 85 16 120 24 68 75 17 59 50 29 60 18 87 24 57 55 19 40 8 21 26 20 111 17 55 71 21 72 26 55' 65 22 78 16 40 48 25 42 12 24. 3.0 24 47 24 54 55 25 45 18 25 58 26 61 24 31 55 Totals 2,058 648 1,172 1,500 Absentee lla Hots 15 4 12 7 I I According to the above canvas, Proposition No.1, Council-Manager Pla~ of City Government carried, and Proposition No.2, Fluoridation of the City Water Supply by the method of Fluoridation, was ded'eated, results beint: determined lrf ballots cast for and against the Propositions. ,G'.~ Cit Clerk ICity V otingBy Precincts I I CITY MANAGER FLUORIDATION preCI~ct.....n~.'... ~e1 ~9 ~O ~9 Tot~llIot~ , 2 ............. 133 44 86 90 178 I 3 97 26 57 63 ] 23 I 4 81 19 52 46 100 5 78 23 36 59 100 6 .... 116 30 55.~ 90 147 7 .... 108 27 65' \. '68 136 8 79 14 44:',Zi 93 9 95 31 53'01> 7~. 127 10 61 37 34 63 99 11 .............. 36 10 '26 20 46 l 12 84 23 36 69 ]07 13 .......... 94 52 53 93 146 14 .............. 38 22 27 33 60 15 ............. 107 48 73 8:j ] 1i6 16 .............. 120 24 68 71i ]44 17 ............_ .59 ,..30 .' .,29 ..no ", 89 18 ....,...."..... 87,# '2~ ~." :., '.,~~. ..M-...:.. .,J '. '19 ..............40 . 8 21 26 48 . 20 .,............]1] '17 '. 55 71 ]29 ( 21.......4..,.. 72 26 .33 65 ] 00. 22,. .............. 78 . 16' 40 48 H4 23: 42 12 24 30 55 24 47 24 34 35 72 25 ........._... 43 18 23 38 61 26 61 24 31' 53 86 'Total ........2.058 648 1;172 1.500 2.721 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 199~ December 3 19_5l "". . .,,,., ".... ...""... ...."........ .... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Ta,y10r, Attorney Truntbul1, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Urner the head of applications for building permits the follOwing were granted: BUILDING PERMITS: -<3~ -35 o. <HI 'W..D. Grant Build double garage, Lot 1, Blk. 290, Townsite $ 500.00 Del Guzzi Bros. Build six room house, Lots 20 & 19, Blk. 109, Townsite 13,000.00' ,Wayne Williams Construct 4 room house, Lot 11, Blk. 37, Norman R. Smith Addition 8,000.00. 14l11!tin Prasalowicz Reshing1e house, Lot 14, B1k. 268, Townsite 150.00, iah~;te;a~~~~~ton ~l~a~i~;~ ~a~~~!, s~ ~'e~~ti~ ~~~~~, p~~ tt~d~. 106, Bakers Subdiv. ~gg:~j .Sig Larson Repair floor in kitchen and dining room of Club Cafe, Lot 10, Blk. 16, , l N. R. Smith Addition 1,000.00' l'UDder the head of unfinished business, the Attorn~ reported on investigation regardi~ building permit issued for remodeling dwelling at 109 West Ninth Street. It was his opinion that the Commission has no ,authority to make exception to Zoning Ordinance, and the new addition in question is a direct violation of II the said Ordinance. It was moved by Conmissioner Robinson that the irnividual iSSuing permits be instructed ,to . require a sketch as provided by Ordinance, showing position and height of building. Motion seconded by IMqor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commissioner T~lor informed that he will consult the I Planni.ng Conmission regarding clinic building near the Hospital, also South tincoln Street. A1 Devine appeared regarding an amendment to power contract between the City and C1allam County Housing IAU~hority wherein service to additional units will be added. It was moved by Ma.vor Feeley that amendment providing additional service be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. muien carried. . ICOmmiSSiOner Robinson spoke regarding reguest of PUD No. 1 for the City to pay ]1OrtiGn of severence charge l!a~d to the Puget Sound Power and Light ompaIll". It was moved by C.mmissioner Itobinson that .the Public Utility District be infonned that the City disclaims ~ responsibility of seTerance charge. Seconded IbY ,M~or Feeley. All voted ~e. t(Qti..n carried. lUndeI' the head ..f new business, the re~rt of Police Jujge Phillips for September, showing $1,587.50 fines ,collected, was approved and oraered f11ed. I . ITh~ Engineer requested that the fo11ewing transfers be made in the maintenance and operation classification of the current street budget: I . FrOll.: Equipment Rental, Snow and Ice Removal To: Equipment Rental I' Small Tools and Hardware · , Sewer Maintenance and Repair II It was moved by Collll1lissioner Ta,y1or that the transfers be approved as requested. IAl1 voted Aye. Motion carried. !Ea;IDavidson informed that Lots 15, 16, 17 in B1Glck 303, Townsite, and Lots 5 and 6, in Block 316, Townsite, are available for sale and parties are interested in purchase of same. Also recommended that minimum price "per. lot be fixed at $100.00. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the recommendation be approved and iproperty advertised. Seconded by Ma;yor Feeley. All voted Aye. MOtion carried. [Light Superintendent McLennan informed that according to opinion from the City Attorney, as' provided in to,' "1951 Statutes, transformers may be purchased without calls for bids if the cost and installation does not 'exceed $2,000.00. I ' . Commissioner Taylor requested that bids be published for purchase of a truck chassis for the street flusher. 'Also that bids be published for Gasoline and Diesel for City equipment, and fuel oil for the City building, Fire Hall, and Police Station. It was moved by Commissipner Taylor. that the bids be published and opened December 17. Seconded Qy Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. l Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, t he following was placed on Third and final reading: j ORDINANCE NO. 1266 AN ORDINANCE vacating a portien of a certain alley running through Block Three Hundred Thirty-five (335) of the ,Townsi te of Port Angeles. j . ,It was moved by CODJllissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third ani final read1ng and 'adopted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. [ .under the head of intreduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was read by titale and placed on first and secom reading: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles regulating the installaticm and use of radio antenna and similar devices, providing a penalty and declaring an emergency. 1 . It was moved by Commissioner llobinaon that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by V~or Feeley. All yoted Aye. Motion carried. ~ha CQllDIlission examined and approved the follGwing claims and ordered warrants issued in p~ent of same:. ~URRENT EXPENSE FUND: I ~azells Cafe 152 meals for Jrisoners lITY STREET FUND: IJ '.2!J.M I LID Guaranty Fund lots Nailor Lumber Co. Kraft paper, umber, paint, etc. > r' A. Jensen $ . 36.00 300.00 836.05 fIn ,c;; Seconded ~y Mayor Feeley. ORDINANCE NO. $ 101. 76 I grease 1,156.21 29.98 16.72 ..... r 200 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Declllllber 3 (can't) 51 19_ '"". ...... ..,,~....,,~'"........, m..-~ ICITY STREET FUND (CaN'T) IRandall Kilmer Construction Co. 'Luns Tire IiBtread I bTY SHOP FUND: 'Peninsula Pl,ywood Corp. I 'WATER FUND: S.,2,/..3 'I 'Olympic Electric Co. Willson Hardware Co. :The Texas Co. Homelite Corpn. INai10r Lwnber Co. 'Western Utilities Suppl,y Co. 'E. 'N. Hallgren Co. 'Harold Hibbs Plmbg. 8< Htg. Puget Sourxl Navigation Co. ,Palmer Suppl,y Co. :1 LIGHT FUND: 325.';:1 .'Addressograph Sales Agency Willson Hardware Co. General Electric SuPPlY Corpn. Westinghouse Electric Suppl,y Co. Port Angeles Auto'Suppl,y Co. ITha Peoples Star e Olympic Electric Co. Frank Pollow , .'Cyclone Fence Divn. i SANITATION FUND: 'J anisb Motor Co. I '. ,LIBRARY FUND: 560,;1.3 R. s. & S. Co., Inc. Peninsula Fuel Company ,City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Bussing Office Suppl,y Binfords & Ilett Doubl6dl\Y & Comparv A. C. McClurg and Co. Jean Karr & Co. :Personal Book Sho}>, Inc. Puget Sound News Co. ~Random House, Inc. Herman Goldberger Agency Univ. sf Wash. Instruc. Mat. I LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: Puget Sound News Company I PARKING METER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: M. H. RhOdes, Inc. movements replaced, locks, head I LID REVOLVING FUND: City Treasurer I' No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned. p. G (j ?f:.,(U.A/"' . asphalt mix tires and tire repairs on grader load core blocks lamps hardware and paint oil, gas and grease hose hardware coppersetters pipe fittings valves etc. freight on pipe pipe thread machine add. plates supplies meters heater supplies rain coat hardware move trans!. install fence lock, Sllibls books fuel oil light, water, garbage telephone servic e repair typewriter books books books books books books books magazine subscriptions film rental books documentary stamps thAM1~ or~ 1 JI.ayor, j " . .~I:'~'~~~"F;(.;;~' ~~~~~ !!ealf'd' 'iO'J'l(~p, (W If,l.:"-Rl:\:{: . ' ,u~U'un: OJ'.' ~Al.I': JLEGAL PUBLICATION hj~/I~~'111 \e r('c~i~t"d by thl" City' us .-\!"!'''~~S''''~;\''I' ROI.1. I\:otl('" ,oj" hl'P'Il:-" I'p,'en ,tlw! tli" Clcl'k of lite ['Ity ~,f Port Angel".-.l,I, X<lliN'i<< hP-rph.. J<'iVPn lhal. 1h" ('It!>" of 'Pm:! ..~llg.-.I"B w'lI ::,.11 1111' ~OTlCE TO 'n.ODF:Htll V.'~..llhJ"io)\, untll 1 ():()I) u.m" D('('C!ll-j Cltv ('olm;lh'"illll <ir till' r.ity uf Port f"ltoWI~I~ ~'t"l\l'rll,(>,\tl1:,~p~rt~"i"-:\'lt:, NO,IIi'_!- Js- !wrf<h;." gIV""1 "1.1ult s!;al~ ~{~ir:~(~? ~~:Il~~ ;~i)/y, Iltl~"~.'lIl~'r~l/lf'I~I'(~\~;"; i~:~:~~'~I'''~~:~~II]tW~)llll a~Il'I~\~~g;rr'~ljJ;;~~ >:,'!,t:foO:7t i.:I~~\I\ :ll~~l~f!. ~l ~i;I~',I~~I~l; j rWe~k(:~cW~,~I,l)(;i \.;c~~tY!(J:~( ~~If''!~i~l: :)t"d'>t PI'l':ll'lnwnt, "IIi' ll'u,~k cah: q,' Cit,r Em=::lnc<"'r in J~u(,ltl IlllllfO\'\:- , ~ '.!, . _, \"ash~IHl'toll. unlll }fl:OGJL.jyl.. I"I-c'~m. :In,t. ('I,"o.l.,lll~ AJsn IiIif' 'hub;l nllLl 'hun". m1ent l)ll'tri,d ).<(j. 1 r.lI or tll" t'ity lOr ',llti1m:1;" t'll.... .t.O.hlhP Illt~hf'~.~. !I1~ h~r 1 l. J !:Hi I.. nnd.llll~ IIlLC~rt'J .plrl1bh hox, '-llll~'l\.!.', tour-fivf' (<t-~J ('UbIC P()I.to\nKI"II'~,fi:tld'hcnringlol\ehc](1 lel'-". ....., Of,!:'<!I':.~~,( lfLl.!>I":_r for l~e J'nJl('(~ HtatlOJ1. i'lr.. :ltnll"n, ~1l~~~,;_';I~I~~"Yr].~~.,~ ~',lll(lll":\~l~1 iIJ/I~\~1 ~~r ~:8WI.a;'i :~; I~~~ll' ~1\'~~ J?'~I~:~'\~ ~~~;;,ti~~?gfl\~~'~j~';,~t(H";~~{':~~I~~t-1 ~~~/';)t9~;~u.]lhl~n~~~~!'i~~L'.~IU~'f>~,?r,~~~ tile Ilf>w;d tr\1I'];: l:ah. and .('ha,,"'is. A..;\-1'., af.' N'i"l' Cl'mllll".~ir;n' Room ..r f'rl, "'-"t."th,'" -oft'i~_drJ.h(" ,(.I'~ (.f'rh Q(l th'" TIs-ht tu; I'('j",l'~ !I.~,\; 'or,nll l'I.ls, tl:~~~~l'~~ j~~~i",~1~~"fj"IJ~le~tl.a~~~~rll:ii, iJ:;rt~h~?~~~1.\7~R1~t-..1{()~~hl~~ fi~I~~()?I; :,I~~~\?~ ';hn:i ~': ~ '\~lf~f'k: Xli ~J~ t~~~~' T'Ub1iP,i~'i>al;.. I ~:'~~':~I;h:'l~ .~, \~:'I'~~:;1. ~j,"i" o'rl'ti~'~~~~~t hl~I~{1 l~rII13~1~~_~~:n;:~ ~t~~..t~'U(~;~'~,~ll;;,n,~;;,~\"~~~:\;r;;~:r~~'~I:;(']1 e~~I~~(~ }::~;~. (l~~lll;lli~'8i()n Tf'>:l'l'Y"!'l 01,' ;;[~:~~:~ ~:,:~!i:,;~;;:;:'~~:;'~,;~ ~i~;:~ : ~(l!:':~{~f;~~tt~f;~~;~;~~~~{~~1~ ::':~~::~S~;f:;;;::::'~';:;::~;;~:',;::::~: N(ltjg~YJ't(~~t'~~. g~~~~,?~'i~;1 IH"lllt'(1 a~lIdl' 31]('11., R~-t, nnd u,'rJH th:tr SUi'll hirl~ 'wIll I,,' l'l'L'C'I",'d b~' the CJt~. ~,~ftt:f?~~~"lI~t,nn~::I';;fri'\~~~111:r1::~(~;,;111~ ~\;f;:~~~t;\t~~~\iiE~1'(;~~~~:1~1~t~f~~~~' ~Ollfl1'll1 ~ahl.nlt'lI hi ~Jt'llman"t'. (\fWb"'I' 1'; 19~t. to /'lI)'nl'lh -for I'lH~ ;'\11 ]H'!I.lJ I, ,\11" I\lll .-t 1[; ~J~& ;'~e~,fA~llll~]~~.L:~ IU~~~J - ~;~'I:!:~I~I~ i';'I,:,o:,.,1~:t~;,hl'n\~,I;:~[;.,<~.:.i~.:<..':"t.,:~r',.'\,:,\,;,:,;.,l.:,e.z[,'\,n:'\'I:,"',':\h,,",.'t":",''',,C:'I~n{(,l,'.;:,';.,)l ;~l~:;,i~~:'R~I~J'~r~~~r~~l_:J~~!:l)lE~?l~,:~. ,." (J ~~,. ,.lr.. al~::~~~iI:it i~1';:n~;~~7,'71~'1~~~~k, PLlhli:-:h"d: Ul!l'I'lllh.'l' 'j, '0, .11Jill.. .... City Clerk $ 105.48 324.69 8.24 '4.41 55.651 30.90 23.38 , 5.~7 30.35 28.00 22.81 14.68 605.64 8.62 13.85 .40 9.72 7.771 5.10 13.65 52.60 I 213.58 3.67 1.95 92.02 I 10.83 12.01 2.58 , 2.74 ' 17.20 I , i?2b I 9.47 16.47 4.64 20.61 202.95 49.50 1.37, 81.69 .55 I I I I