HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/03/1953 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 3651 December 3 19~ I I I I The City Council met in regular sessio" at 7:30 P.M., and was called to o,rde,r by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers showed the follO>(ing present.: l-la;ror, Smith, Councilmen Broom, NeeI', Sandison, Powell, Wolfe, and McFadden; Manager Vergeer, Attorney :?ev~ryt\S and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilm.a.n Y.cFadden that 'minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. '2d by Councilman Powell. All vote.d..Aye. , Motion carried. Under 'the head of unfinished b~iness, public hearing on the assesSllellll roll for L.I.D. No. 164 was oPened. Henry Schulle,r of Harris and S,chuller, express,ed no objections to assessments ,against ,their property but isl I opposed to the C.M. & St. Paul R. R. Co. not having finished condition of their right-of-way. Also cited difficulty of a.cce.ss to garage and adjacent par!d.ng ,lot. This is caused by incomplete improvement of I tra.cks to conform w;i.th the street. Attorney Severyns, advised that the Milwaukee has been notified as to , decision of the Council that the tr!.'ck shall, be paved to conform with street improvement. and in due time if the improvement. is not completed, proRer procedure will be taken. There having been no objections made or filed opposing the assessments, loIanager Vergeer recommended that the hearing be closed. It wae moved by COl1l\cilman NeeI' that the rec~ndation be accepted, the hearing closed and assessment. roll approved, confirmed by ordinance and referred to the City Treasurer for collection. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimous~ carried. Manager Vergeer advised that any changes made 1'rom the originai. assessment roll are property ownership and will no;t invalidate the ;roll. Bids to furniilh trans1'ormers and strpctu.ra;l."quipnent 1'01' the Light Department were received and opened as foll.ows) KUHLMAN ELECTRIC CO., SCHEDULE B. CENTRAL TRANSFORMER CORP. , . $24,200.00 plus sales tax ,21,476.00 Siues Tax, $644.28 30,348.00 Sales Tax ,910.04 ?J.,2j12.00 Sales Tax 638.76 20,747.00 .. 20,842. 00 20,271.00 Add $64.75 c' 5,000 KVA 5,000 KVA 7,500 KVA LINE MATERIAL CO., SCHEDULE A. Schedule B~ Alternate SChedule B. Alt. 2 Schedule C. Alt. 3 Sche!iule A., B., C., Alt. 4 R. & I. E. EQUIPMENT DIVISION: Schedule A. AMERICAN ELIN CORP., Schedule B 5,000 KVA ; , Schedule B , 7,500 KVJ:\ PACIFIC,EL&:TRIC MFG. CORP., SCHEDULE A. LOIlD ELECTRIC COMPANY: , , ,Schedule A., B., C 5,000 Ir{A 7,500 KVJ): MALONEY EL:&:TRIC COMPANY: Sc~edule B 5,000 KVA . ,7,500 KVA I THE MONITOR CONTROIJ..ER CO., BY MAYDVlELL AND HAA.TZELL: I ., ,..Schedule C " . ..15 KV. S.tlitGhgel1-r BRUSH ABOE, INC.: SCHEDULE B. 5,000 KVA 1 . , . ,.' 7,500 KVA GRAYBAR EL:&:TRIC CO., INC. Schedule &. GENERAL mCTRIC COMPANY: Sche<lule A, B, C 19,734.00 20,600.00 Sales Tax, 3618.00 26,106.00 Sales tax ,783.00 17,930.00 , 78,902~51 Sales Tax $2,367.06 85,561.42 Sales Tax ,2,566.83 24,397.00 Sales Tax $731.91 31,181.00 Sales Tax ,935.43 30,480.00' Sales Tax, 3914.40 23,650.00 30,050.00 69 KV SWitchi~ Structure, $17,099.12; Sales Tax $512.97 82,634.00 Sales Tax $2,479.02 89,418.00 Sales Tax ,2, 682.54 58,632.00 Sales Tax 1,758.96 65,416.00 Sales Tax 1,962.48 82,698.00 Sales Tax 2,480.94 89,482.00 Sales Tax 2,684.46 Schedule B and C 5,000 KVA 7,500 KVA 5,000 KVA 7,500 KV~ WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP: Schedule A, B, C 5,000 KVA 7,500 KVA J ROUER - SMITH, WECO DIVISION: '_ ,. " .. Schedule A 69 KV Swithcing Structure, $20,500.00 Sales Tax included I . Schedule C 15 KV Switchgear, 29,865.00, I DELTA STAR EL:&:TRIO DIVISION BY SHAFFER AND NELSON: I " , Schedule A. 69,KV, Swj,tcl)ing Stru.ture 20,990.00 plus Sales Tax I PENNSYLVANIA TRANSFOREMER OOMPANY: .. , '. . .Scbedule B , 5,000 KVA 24,355.00, Sales Tax $'nD.00 7,500 KVP, 31,178.00, Sales Tax ,909.00 , WAGNER EL:&:TRIC CORPORATION: j Schedule B., 5,000 KVA 7,500 KVA 24,394.00, Sales Tax 731.82 31,178.00, Sales Tax 935.34 ALLIS-GHAUIERS MANUFACTURING CORP: Schedule A, B, ,C 5,000 KVA g8,820.00, Sa],es Tax 2,364.60 , 7,500 KVA 85,599.00, Sales Tax 2,567.97 Schedule B & C ,5,000 KVA 57,830.00, Sales Tax 1,734.90 I ,7,500 KVA 64,609.00, Sales Tax 1,938.27 '\ Man,ager Vergeer recommended that all bids be. tabled and awarding of contract postponed until the next , meeting, when the bids will have been tabulated and copies of the tabulation sent to the individual i bidders. It was moved by C011I!cilman McFadden that the recommendation be approved and bids tabled, contract ! to be awarded at the next mee.ting. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously can!ied. Manager Vergeer thanked the bidders for interest shown am expressed appreciation of the Council for bids submitted. ! The Council received a petition signed by property owners and residents in the vicinity 'of 2.1 and Washington Streets opposing any changes' in the zoning ordinance and construction of an equipment storage building I 'I in this area. Louis, Elterich, contractor and builder, informed th.e council that after showing plans and discussing with- the petitioners, some are o~ opposed to il high board fence and others are only tenants. 1 Manager Vergeer advised that he has met with the Planning Conwission regarding the matter and definite ,decision to amem the zoping ordinap.ce should not.. be mad" /intil the Commission reports back. It was moved I by Councilman Neer that the petition ,be filed with the CityClerk. Seconded by Councilman BroNn. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . \ . ~ I i Under the head of new business, requests for minimums set for certain parcels of property were as follows: ..... ,.. 366 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington TIAt'!p.mhl=l!l" 3 1 L53_ ,,,,,. ""~",~",", ""M.., ...."..,..... ~ Lots 1 to 20 inclu.sive, Block 409, Townsite. It wa~ moved by Councilman Neer that the minimum price for I the lots to b~ fixed at $1,000.00. ,Seconded by Councilman Mcl'adden. All voted lI<1e. Motion carried. Lots 7 to 10 inclusive in Block 451, ,and Lots II to 14 in B;Lock 440, Towniste. :j:t was moved by Councilman \volfe that the min:l.mum be set at $400.00 for the eight lots. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimousl;y- carried. I Requests for transfer of beverage licenses were received as follows: B. lInd M. Grocery, .from Alice Gehrke to A. L. Huse. Salad Bowl, from George A. Pearce and Waldo E. Evans to Joseph ~l. and Lavon C. ,Musch. 'Requests fro transfer l1mng been invest:j.gated and approved by the Police Department, it was .moved by Council- man McFadden they be granted. Seconded by Councilman Powell. , All J!'Oted lI<1e. ~rotion carried. Claims 'Paid November 20 were i'iled for approval by 1;he- Council in total amount of $2,l4l.72. It was moved by Councilm.a.n NeeI' 'that the claims be approved as paid., Seconded by Counc-ilm.a.n Sandison. .All voted ~e. Motion carried. The Council 'Considered a resolution as proposed by the retirement board for adoption of certain alternattaiJI ' concerning the &lployment Retirement System, contributions, matching and reserves of the same. Manager Vergeer explained the system of deduction, city matching and alternate pline proposed. Also cited sub- stantial reserve to city's credit and could see no advantage in making change from the present. system, therefore recommended that no change he made. It was moved by Councilman Wolle that the Manager be authorized to inform the Board of Directors of the Statewide City lilnployees S;i<stem that no changes are contemplated by this City. Motion.seconded by Councilman McFadden. All :voted' .Aye. Motion carried. The folloWing claimS were read for ap roval by the Council: 'L.I.D. N~. l64 Co~truction Fund, fixed est- imate cost: Payrolls, $1,066.05 and El,103.15, Penitisula Herald, :$4.40, Port Tie and Lbr. Co., $72.10. It was moved by Councilman McFadden the foregoing cla.i.mS, be approved and, warrants issued in payment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Brown. ill voted Aye. Motion carried. 'The payroll for period of November 16 - :30 in amount of $1,103.15, havillg been, charged to this fund in errol", by advice and authority of Attorney Ricnard Thorgrimson, this amount' will be transferred by voucher and warrant from the EIlgi.lieer's Dept., Current Expe~e ~ 'to rei1J!burse the: L.I.D. No. 164 Construction Fund. ' ,,' . . - . - . One claim against the "1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund, fixed estimate cost: Port Tie and Lbr. Co., in the amount of $128.75. It was moved'by'Councilman Powell that the claim be apprO'Ted and warrant issued in payment. of same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison.. and' unanimously carried. Refa Priest appeared before the Council with'sketch of replat of PDperty he owns between Liberty and Alder Streets and from 5th Street to the Blvd. The sketch showed replat of area with curved streets and odd shaped lots to COnfOIS with topographic co~tions and provide a possible 157 building sites. The Council expressed no objections to the proposal assuring that it li'Ould be an improvement. tothe City. it was moved by CouncilmanBroWll that the matter be referred to the Planning COJlIJl1i.ssion for recommendations. Seconded by Councilm.a.n Wolfe. All voted !We. I~otion carried. ' . '. lii The Council considered appointment 01' a Civil Service Commissioner to replace Waino Saari who was appointed to serve the unexpired term of Wm. C. Adams, 'resigned, ,tenn expiring Novemberl,?, 1953. It was moved by Councilman Powell that the appointment be'tabled until the nelCt meeting. Seconded by,Councilmm Sanidson. .All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' J. R. McDonald of 14th and Q Streets complained about low water pllellsure and pOOl' service caused by too lIIal\Y' services being connected If.lth ,small main which was original~ installed by private financing. Also informed that the small, main was recentl,y lowered, which at that time should have 'been repk:ed with larger pipe to furnish'adequate service to the added consumers. It was moved by Councilman ~lolfe that the matter be referred to the Manager and \llater Superintendent to get, estimate of cost for installation to provide adequate service. Seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. < The 1'ollowing letters expressing appreciation for services rendered were read as follows: "The school football season, just past, was quite successful and we feel that the City of Port Angeles helped make it so." " ' Mr. Adams and the Civic Field caretaker'were both very cooperative. The field was properlY marked and the playing surface excellent. at all times. \..e appreciate this very much and the fans who are Port Angeles people should be proud of the facilities we offer the outside teams coming to our city." Signed: Harold McLaughlin Athletic Director " "At the November ~th meeting of the Port ,Angeles Rotary Club we were addressed by the Mayor and the City Manager of our city. These men gave us a xeport ,of the accomplishment.s of your honorable boctr for the past year and one half. A motion was made and passed at this meeting -that the Rotary Club should address a letter .to you expressing our appreciation for all you have done to date and offering our whole club I s support for your future - program tor the resident.s of .our city. ' i l Signed: Arthur A. Smith Secretary" ; liOn Sunday, November 22, Ii storm accompanied by extremely high tides in~dated this unit and deposited a large amount of logs, debris and sand on the aircraf.t l'WlWay and parkitll area. Subsequently a short circuit developed in oUr power line which resulted in a, complete loss of power. It is desired to express the deep appreciation of the Coast Guard for the outstanding cooperation of City ~ager G. ~. Vergeer in his untiring efforts both d..,. and night to assist us in getting this unit back J.n~ operahon. Mr. Vergeer personally worked withthe station electrician until late Sunday night and agaJ.n Monday and Monday night, assisting us in repairing our broken, power lines. It is ,desired to point out that the source of electrical failure was in Coast Guard power lines on the Coast Guard reservation and were not city power lines to which Y.... lIergeer's responsibilit;y: is normally limited. In addition, the city made available a raod"scraper, a sweeper and other eq,uipnent. and it is desired to express our appreciation to Mr. Stanley Hawkins, Hr. Red Anderson and J1r. Richard P. Hubbard, who so ably operated this. equipment. Signed: R. R. Johnson Capt, USCG Colll&llding Officer" I I I I I I I , ,- , , i I I i I - i i 1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 367 ~, December 3 19~ '"<. . """", ,.m.., ""..~'""..,."."..... .... It was moved by Gouncilman Powell that the letters be made. of record and the Council add their Seconded by Councilman M:cFadden. All voted Aye. l~otion carried. I , _, !t was moved by Councilman Mcfadden, seconded by Councilman Brown'that the Mayor be authorized to execute an encroachment agreement between the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company and the City permitting the City to maintain and operate a substation upon the.RR right-01'-way south,of its tracks at the Port Comm- ission Dock. Motion unanimous~ carried. " , 1..' Th: re~rt o~ Police Chief Ide for the month of November was submitted for approv. al by the Council., It was'l' r moved by Councilman Brown that the report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman l~olfe. ,All voted Aye. Motion carried.. . . . ~ l'Manager Vergeer read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the City Library.. The lette~ states that after I . ,u.",,- _"...U@ ... by t."" uU@, "" .... ,,,,,", '''ill @ ,~"d .. ""'" """", .. ili. ""'._ ion of museum facilities to the ,Library. K. O. Erickson had previous~ offered two donations of $7,500.00 each, these to be used for construction 01'. an, addition to the present library building with proviso that lone room would be reserved for relics of, pioneers. It was the opinion of some Council members that the I.Library Board would glad~ accept the donation for building :improvement, but if, the museum must be included Ithey would prefer one room addition without proviso. Councilman McFadden suggested that the Council take no action without further consideration with the Library Board and Mr.ERickson. After further discussion jit was moved by Councilman Powell that the Council go along with rep~rt and recOllllllendation of the Library Board. Seconded by Councilman ,Brown. On .roll call, Councilman Sandison. :Wolfe, Brown, and Powell. voted ; Aye. Councilmen Mcfadden and Neer and Mayor Smith voted No. The Mayor declared the moMon carri,ed. l'i'he Co~cil 'considered a jo~t ;greement betw~en the city"oi Port J.ng~les, .county of Clallam, SeliUim, and 'Forks, whereby the municipal subdivisions will combine financial euppcrt- of Civil Defense organization. It :was moved by Councilman McFadden that the agreement be approved' and tbe Mayor authorized to si8n the same. 'Seconded by Councilman BrOwn and unanimous~ carried. ~ ' I 'pliler the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the follow.!,ng was read by tit.le and placed on 2d and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 131.7 . 'AN OIlDINAll:E pertaining to regulation.. and control of dogs and cats and other pet animals, prescribing new license fees, and amending Sections One (1), and, Xhree. (3) of Ordinance No. 1221 and adding Section Nineteen (19) to Ordinance no. 1221. ~ _ ' . _ I .. . - -. .. . - . ,- , :It was moved by Councilman Nolfe that the foregoing ordinence be passed second and' final reading and adopted. Seconded by. Councilman McFadden. All voted Aore. Motion carried. , ' commendations.1 I Under the head of introduction and'reading or Ordinances, the f<!llowing was introduced and read in full for c;onsideration by the Council: ' I ORllINANCE NO. 1318 IAN ORDINANCE approving and. confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improv<llllent District No. 164 ()f the City of Port Angeles created. by Ordinance No. 1306, passed May,21; 1953, which ordered and proidBd for the imwovement of certain streets in the City of Port Angeles; by the construction and laying therein of necessary storm sewers and the ,laying and 'cbnstI>1ction of concrete pavement and integral curbs along the side of said concrete pavement where required, all in 'accordance with Improvement Resolution No. 164 .., the City of Port Angeles and the plms an'd specifications adopted by "the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, ordering the levy and collection 01' assessme,nts against the property benefited, I and creating a speci~ local ,improvement f'und to be known as ~OCal Improvement District Fund No. 164- It was moved by CouncilJDan Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be ,approved and adopted. Seconded by , ,CounCilman McFadden and unanimously carried. i jThere being' no further business the meeting was. declared adjourned. I (), f!. 'L~~ 'I City ,Clerk , 7j~~d;}fL ~r ~ 1<0...."" 0.. IULJl ] BE.oUa PROPERT'1: NOT1CE Is herebj" glven'J.hat the"1 City of port Angeles ",,'ut sell to, .the highest and best bidder thE tol. jIowlnj;\' de~crlbed propertl'.. to-wit: ~ loot_ 1 to ~ 1:J:l.oltud.., :BIOd:"4.09-. I '1'oW1lJ1~. JIln1mIDll plic., '1,000.00 t loot. "1 to 10 hclw...,. :iIlOt.:t '451, TowulCte. 1 Loti! 11 to 14 IDc1usi..... :ilock ..w.o. r Townsite. X1nbnum prloe lu ~ eiWht 10u. ttOO. , Notice Is further gh.~m that seal. ed bids for the- aboye described gl~:er~?~r~VI~t ~e red~~l'e~IlI~Y u~~li 5:0{l o'clock P. M., January '1, 195-4,. and not later. Each bid - must bel accompanied by n deposHe of not ktss than 10% at amount bid or the (JUer will not be considered. The City' CouncIl reEervcs the right to rf'je-ct '.any or all bids. . J. E. LA"', City Clerk j :p:Ul~ll~h~~. December 1(1., 17, U63, ....