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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
December 3,
1..1olPRINTlNGCO. ~,_24254.~.
I The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. and wa's called to order by Mayor Richardson. Roll calli
: of Officers revealed the following present: Mayor Richardson, Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne ~
; Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law,
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received.
Seconded by Councilllian Thorne and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, one offer was received for the purchase of Lets 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
and 20, in Block 357, Townsite. The bid was submitted by A. G. McKnight in the amount of $900.00 for the
six Lots. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell
and carried.
The Mayor announced appointment of Claud A. Johnson to serve as Trustee on the Library Board, replacing
Donald Lutz, he having served the maximum of two terms.
Engineer Warder submitted for Council approval the second (November) estimate for work done and material
furnished by J. D. Shotwell Co .in 1.1.0. No. 179, amount of estimate being $25,000.00, and fixed estimate!
of $3,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the periodic estimate (November) be approved and I
warrants issued against L.I.D. No. 179 in total amount of $28,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 43/4')(1
per annum, dated December 8, 1959, the proceeds to be deposited in the L.I.D. No. 179 Construction Fund,
and that a warrant be issued on said Construction Fund in favor of the Contractor in payment for work per-
formed. Motion seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried.
Pursuant to request for increased speed limit on West 5th Street and "I" Street Hill, the Police Chief filed
recommendations after proper investigation. The Chief recommended that speed limit on West 5th Street not
be, increased. "I" Street Hill suitable for 35 MPH speed limit:. Also recommended was increase from 25 MPH
to 35 MPH on West 16th Street, from "C" Street to the Cemetery. It was moved by Councilman Smith that
report be accepted and speed limits fixed as recommended. Seconded by Councllman Caldwell and carried.
Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councllman Caldwell that budget reports of receipts and I
expenditures of City Departments be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and :
carried. 'II
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that, claims payable be approved and warrants issued in payment of the 'I'
same. Seconded by Councllman Thorne and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that Payrolls for the month of November be approved as paid. seconde~1
by Councilman Sandison and carried.
I' Under the head of
reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on second, third and final
AN ORDINANCE granting to Jack Chapman a franchise to stretch wires and cables
and appurtenance structures over and under the streets and alleys of the City
of Port Angeles and to maintain and use the same as a coaxial cable distribu-
tion system for television distribution to subscribers' residences and to busi-
ness and public establishments.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the foregOing Ordinance be approved, passed second, third and
final reading and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE specifying and adopting a system or plan of additions to and betterments
and extensions of the domestic waterworks utility of the City of Port Angeles; Wash-
ington; declaring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be; providing for the
issuance and sale of not to exceed $2,000,000.00 p1l' value of water revenue bonds
in one or more series to obtain funds with which 10 pay the cost of said system or
plan; creating a special fund to provide for the payment of said bonds; authorizing
and directing the City officials to proceed with the improvement; and ratifying the
action of the City Councllin heretofore calling for bids on a portion of the improve-
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by Council-
man Caldwell and unanimously carried. .
AN ORDINANCE declaring an emergency and providing for the expenditure of funds not
I' provided for in the annual budget for 1959 to be used to pay expenses in connection
I with the reconstruction of the Morse Creek domestic water pipeline.
II It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Ordinance be pas sed the first reading. Seconded I
I by Councilman Sandison. On Roll Call all members voted Aye. Motion unanimously carried.
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the leasing of Suburban Lot No.4 7, Townsite of Port Angeles,
to the Port Angeles Active Club for charitable purposes.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman
Maxfield and carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
December 3, (continued)
.. . H PRINTING CO. P_2.21<1 aQo>
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the City Attorney of the City of Port Angeles to
flle notices and written stipulations defining with particularity the rights
which the City of Port Angeles is seeking to acquire in the property des-
cribed in Ordinance No. 1439 and those which are reserved to the land
owner, E. M. Morison.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Maxfield and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the Mayor be authorized to execute Lease and Agreement as pro-
vided in Ordinance No. 1446. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned.
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I, -. M. W. SLAN'RARI>
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