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Port Angeles, Washington
December 3, 1985
Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Gerberding, Quast, Schermer,
Members Absent:
Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk.
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, G. Booth, J. Marsh,
J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose.
public Present:
J. Hallett, F. McPhee, J. Cornell, G. Mattson, C. Miller,
B. Chandler, S. Wilson, B. Colter, F. Lorentzen,
C. Brown, A. Brown.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as
received the minutes of the November 19, 1985, regular meeting. councilman
Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept, with the exception of Item No.
2, which he moved to Item VII 2.A.l on the regular Agenda, the items listed
under the Consent Agenda, including (1) Request for payment to CH M Hill of
$1,428.67 for work on the Environmental Impact Statement on2 Westside
Annexation; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board;
and (4) Vouchers of $262,9l5.0l and Payroll of 11-17-85 of $213,333.54.
Councilman schermer seconded and the motion carried.
1. Riddell, Williams Payment for WPPSS Representation Authorized
Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize payment of the November 15, 19B5,
Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $l,030.16. Councilman Stamon
seconded and the motion carried.
Starnon inquired as to the status of the sewage
This was placed as a late item on the agenda.
Presentation of Certificates to Ken Loghry and Dave Ellefson
Mayor Whidden announced that this item would be postponed to allow the
recipients to be in attendance at the meeting. Councilman Quast commended
the Public Works Department for their valiant effort in fighting the snow.
councilman Starnon added commendation, not only to the Street Crew but also
members of the Water/Sewer Division and members of the City Light Crew.
Councilman Gerberding included his appreciation, particularly since he had
voiced concern last year.
Mayor Whidden then read a letter of commendation addressed to Public Works
Director Pittis from Erl Hansen, Executive Director of the Port Angeles
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December 3, 1985
Chamber of Commerce. The commendation was for early-morning snow removal
completed by the Public Works Department. Public Works Director Pittis re-
viewed with the Council the costs of the snow removaL Councilman Quast
instructed staff to send a letter of "thank you" to Olympic National Park
for the use of their snow removal equipment. Public Works Director Pittis
emphasized what a tremendous amount of assistance the use of this equipment
had been.
2. Public Hearings
Campbell Avenue Sewer LID Preliminary Assessment Roll
Boundaries to be Adjusted
Following a presentation by Office Engineer Ken Ridout, which included a
review of letters of protest for the LID, the first letter of protest was
from Platt, Irwin, Colley, Oliver, Miller & Wood, Attorneys at Law, repre-
senting Marvin Johnson, 1358 Campbell Avenue. This protest was based on
the fact that Mr. Johnson had purchased access to the City sewer system,
enabling him to hook up to existing sewers. The second letter of protest
was from Mabel Kraft, based on the fact that property owned by her also had
access to City sewer, and on the fact she did not intend to build on the
property. Mr. Ridout stated that both these properties could be removed
from the District, as they could hook up to existing sewer. Mr. Ridout
also announced that protest letters had been received from Floyd Gabriel
and Bryce E. Lorentzen. Mr. Ridout stated that most of the letters pro-
tested unequal distribution of costs in the LID. A letter had also been
received from Petersen & Associates, land surveying, on behalf of Ken
Casady, requesting a delay in the Council's decision on LID 207, to enable
him to analyst the effects, as he had recently purchased property in the
area of the proposed LID. DuriFlg discussion, Councilman Quast felt the
County Health Department should inspect the properties included in the
proposed LID to ascertain the exact condition of the septic systems of
these properties.
Mayor Whidden then opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Craig I
Miller, attorney representing Marvin Johnson, addressed the Council, sup-
porting the written protest already filed. He reiterated the fact that the
property had access to the City sewer and the LID would result in no bene-
fit to Mr. Johnson.
Bob Chandler of l423 Eckard Avenue spoke in support of the LID. He stated
that a problem had existed with the sewage in that area for over three
years. However, he noted concern over the cost allocations. He requested
more information on the proposed LID. He also requested the City pay a
percentage of the LID.
Sue Wilson, Sanitarian with the Clallam County Division of Environmental
Health, addressed the Council. Ms. Wilson stated she had been working on
this project since late 1983, early 1984. She stated that a septic evalua-
tion had been done in November and December of 1983, verifying a problem on
one of the properties. She stated she had not been able to look at the
systems on the Johnson and Kraft properties, but had received complaints on
potential failing systems on those properties. She stated a health hazard
currently exists in the area. The only long-term solution was the
installation of a public sewer, in Ms. Wilson's opinion.
Bob Colter of 1452 Eckard Avenue inquired if he would be required to hook
up to the sewer even though the public sewer was brought in and he had no
problem. Public Works Director Pi ttis explained that technically the
ordinance required all people within 300 feet of the sewer system to hook
up to the sewer. He stated this might be waived by the Council.
Following further discussion, Sue Wilson noted that County health regula-
tions do not require hook-up to a public sewer system if the current system
is working. Mr. Colter opposed paying $5,000 if he already has a system
that works.
Frank Lorentzen, 1419 Eckard Avenue, felt that if the drain field on the
property with the failing system was extended, the current septic system
would work and the surrounding property owners would not need to be
December 3, 1985
Manager Flodstrom recommended continuing this proposal to allow cost in-
formation to be distributed to property owners; to allow Public Works to
consider including the Casady property; and to look at the benefits to all
of the surrounding property owners.
councilman Quast then moved the Council grant the request for exclusion of
the Kraft and Johnson properties, with the condition that the Johnson prop-
erty hook up to the existing sewer system by June30, 1986, and the Kraft
property hook up to the City sewer system at the time of the issuance of
any occupancy permit for future developments on that property. Councilman
Gerberding seconded. Following ~iscussion, on call for the question, the
motion carried.
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Councilman Schermer t:h,en moved to r,eturn this item to staff for boundary
adjustment recommendations to be co~sidered by the Council at a later date.
Councilman Quast seconded. Cou~cilman Gerberding encouraged the pursuance
of further inspections by the County to ascertain if there were other fail-
ures previously undetected. Councilman Quast encouraged property owners to
inquire about completing the work themselves so long as the work would meet
the specifications of the City. Following discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
Councilman Starnon also urged property owners of the area to pursue the
option of constructing their own sewage system. She suggested a round-
table meeting between property owners in the area and Public Works Depart-
ment staff.
,~ Item No. 2.A.l was then dropped from the Agenda.
Property Declared Surplus
College Marine Lab
six Items Donated to Peninsula
The Council noted that the list of the surplus property available was not
included in tonight's Council packet. Councilman Quast abstained from
participating, due to conflict of interest. Mayor Whidden opened the
public hearing and asked for comments. There were none. He closed the
public hearing.
Following discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to declare surplus and
donate Item No.8, metal file card boxes; Item No. 23, typing stand; Item
No. 24, orange room divider; Item No. 25, IBM Mag Card typewriter; Item No.
33, ~ inch drill motor; and Item No. 36, bench grinder; to the Art Feiro
Marine Laboratory, as requested by peninsula College. Councilman Stamon
seconded and the motion carried.
The Council concurred to continue decision on the other 40 items until the
December l7, 1985, Council meeting. (See 2.B, following Item No. S.)
Request for Water Service Outside City
November 19, 1985) - Denied
Brown (Continued from
C. R. and Audrey Brown addressed the Council. Mr. Brown stated he and Mrs.
Brown had recently moved into a single-wide mobile home on the property
adjacent to an existing house and desired to add a new service for the
mobile home. Following discussion at great length, Councilman Gerberding
moved to concur with the recommendation of the Public Works Department that
this request for an additional water service be denied, stating that a
water source other than the City's main will have to be found to serve any
additional dwellings which might be located on the property in the future.
Councilman stamon seconded. Councilman Quast amended the motion, with
Councilman Gerberding concurring, that if the non-habitable house be torn
down, the Brown's have permission to relocate the 3/4" line and hook up to
the new residence; in other words, that only one service to City water be
allowed on the property. On call for the question, the motion carried.
4. Agreement Authorized Between City and Port Angeles Downtown
Association for Administering PBIA
Councilman Gerberding moved to approve and authorize the signing of the
PBIA agreement between the City and the Port Angeles Downtown Association.
Councilman Schermer seconded. Attorney Knutson explained that he had
several housekeeping amendments, which did not change the general intent of
December 3, 1985
the contract. He reviewed these with the Council. councilman Gerberding
moved that amendments suggested by the City Attorney be included in the
motion. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon thanked staff, the Downtown Association, and Jerry
Cornell for all the hard work and patience that went into the formation of
this agreement.
5. BPA - City Short Term Contract Close-Out Agreement Authorized
Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the Light I
Department recommendation that the City Council authorize the City Manager
to sign the contract close-out agreement. Councilman Stamon seconded and
the motion carried.
6. Resolution Passed Declaring an Emergency for the Purchase of Parts and
Repair of Treatment Plant Clarifier
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
declaring an emergency and dispensing
with the requirement of calling for
bids for the acquisition and installation
of a Sewage Treatment clarifier turntable.
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun-
cilman Quast seconded. Councilman Gerberding urged staff to review RCWs
very carefully and post this, if needed. On call for the question, the
motion carried.
7. Resolution - Storm Water Runoff Management in Urban Areas
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
concerning storm water run-off management
in urban areas.
Public Works Director Pittis explained to the Council that the Resolution
was in response to requirements promulgated by the 1970 clean Water Act
under which we require an extensive permitting process concerning storm
water run-off management in urban areas. The Resolution requests that the
Clean Water Act include a five-year moratorium on permit requirements and
that durin$ those five years, EPA be required to accomplish a definitive
study to d~errnine and devise a logical, cost-effective, set of regulations
fOP'storm water run-off management in urban areas, based upon the perceivedl
actual amount of pollution carried before permits can be required for
municipal storm water systems. This Resolution is to be sent to our
Councilman Gerberding moved the Resolution be passed as read by title.
Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
8. Interviews Scheduled for Candidates for Planning Commission
A special meeting was scheduled for 6: 30 P.M. on December 17,
interview candidates for the Planning Commission.
1985, to
Declaration of Surplus Property
Manager Flodstrom provided the Council a list of the City's surplus prop-
erty. Councilman Stamon moved that the Council declare the property as
surplus and available for auction and disposal with the exception of Items
Nos. 8, 23, 24, 25, 33, and 36, which have been donated by the City of Port
Angeles to the peninsula College Marine Lab. Councilman Schermer seconded
and the motion carried.
December 3, 1985
Manager Flodstrom announced that the annual Feast With the Fuzz, which is a
benefit for the youth in the area, has been postponed to February 21, 1986,
due to the weather conditions.
Esther Webster Estate Trust Fund Agreement With the City - Draft
Manager Flodstrom presented a draft of an agreement between the City of
Port Angeles and the Esther Webster Estate the Council will be considering
at the December 17, 1985, meeting, for the establishment of a fine art
center at the Esther Webster residence in Port Angeles.
DOE ResponsejSeptage Issue - Ordinance Adopted
Manager Flodstrom referred to a letter received from the Department of
Ecology concerning the City' s concerns with the current septage issue
problem and asked if the Council, based on this information, would be
interested in considering the amended ordinance which had been presented at
the previous meeting, changing the date for the termination of the City's
acceptance of septage into the system to May 20, 1986. Councilman Quast
moved that whereas the City of Port Angeles had received the requested
letter from the Department of Ecology and thereby held not liable, septage
dumping may resume upon repair of the clarifier and be extended to May 20,
1986. Councilman Gerberding seconded, amending the motion with concurrence
from Councilman Quast, adding two conditions as follows: (1) A sampling
technique be developed to detect violations; and (2) If said violations
occur, the City Council be notified at the next regular City Council
meeting. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Mayor Whidden then read Ordinance No. 2364 by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, regulating the discharge of
septic tank, cess pool, holding tank,
chemical toilet, portable toilet and privy
wastes into the public sewer system; and
amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2324 and
Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2358.
Councilman Quast moved the Ordinance be adopted as read by title. Council-
man Schermer seconded. Following discussion, the motion carried.
Mayor Whidden requested that a copy of this Ordinance be forwarded to the
Manager F10dstrom announced that there was a need for an executive session
to discuss matters of litigation, lasting approximately 30 minutes.
Councilman Gerberding requested that the ordinance limiting terms of City
Council members be placed on the agenda for the December 17, 1985, council
meeting; and requested information from Planner Carr regarding the
information he is soliciting on a hearings examiner.
Councilman Gerberding also inquired of Planner Carr regarding the City's
current administration of the grant for the Lincoln Street Landing project.
Councilman Quast requested that the City look into the possibility of
assisting the Bonneville Power Administration in clearing one of their
access roadways.
councilman Quast requested that all citizens, especially during these poor
road conditions during the snow season, remove all their large vehicles
from the public rights-of-way in order that the snow plows and emergency
vehicles can proceed through the streets effectively.
Councilman Quast also commended Parks Director Marsh on a letter of appre-
ciation received from the High School athletics director complimenting the
Parks Crews on keeping the fields in good, playable conditions even under
severe usage.
4 '1-7
December 3, 1985
Councilman Schermer requested that the City Attorney provide Council with
additional legal information concerning the issue of limiting Council
Mayor Whidden directed the Council's attention to information contained in
the Information Packet regarding the current status of the Lincoln Street
Landing project and the loan closing. and the letters to the Federal
government regarding the City's use of the Morse Creek artillery range.
Councilman Stamon thanked Finance Director Orton for the third quarter I
financial report which was in the Information Agenda.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 9:01 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 9: 20
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