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Port Angeles, WashingtOn
December 3, 2001
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, .Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziomkowski, R. Johnson, and J. Hordyk.
Public Present: R. Rogers, G. Gleason, L. Nutter, L. Lee, F. Ducceschi, C.
& C. Field, F. & E.J. Beckett, F. Charles, R. James, D.
Jacobs, T. Price, L. Ruud, K. Monds, V. Adams, C. & M.
Wanner, J. Bohman, J. Hedin, M. Kalahar, B. Baldwin, C.
Petersen, E. Kane, D. Kari, K. Rogers, L. Beil, and S.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Williams.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked that two items be placed on the agenda: the 8~ Street
PLACED ON THIS OR Repair, added under Other Considerations as Agenda Item 1.7; and the dinner honoring
FUTURE AGENDA: the retiring Councilmembers, added as Agenda Item 1.8. Manager Quinn asked that a
Change Order for the Francis Street Park Project be added as Agenda Item D. 1 .under
the Finance Section.
Jean Hordyk, 1122 East 9~, referred to an Ordinance regarding new membership fees
for the Senior Center. Mayor Doyle indicated that Ms. Hordyk could speak to this issue
under the Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings section of the Agenda.
Kathe Smith, 607 E. 4th Street, asked Mayor Doyle to explain the Council agenda order
of business for the benefit of first-time visitors, particularly the Olympic PeninsUla
Bicyclists. Mayor Doyle explained Council procedures and the public hearing schedule.
FINANCE: 1. Francis Street Park Project Change Order 3
Francis Street Park Project Mayor Doyle summarized the recommendation and asked for comments from staff.
Change Order 3 Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler indicated this change order had to do with
landscaping work to prevent erosion, as well as installation of the playground area.
After clarification from Parks & Recreation Director Connelly regarding sources of
December 3, 2001
FINANCE: funding, Councilman Campbell inquired what remained to be done to complete the
(Cont'd) Francis Street Park. Director Connelly responded there is nothing beyond the current
contract other than some extra items being considered because of erosion.
Francis Street Park Project
Change Order 3 (Cont'd) In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Wiggins expressed concern regarding existing
graffiti and surveillance, and Director Cormelly explained that these concerns are being
addressed by staff and that preventative measures are being considered for these issues
and for those involving skateboarding. Councilmember McKeown then asked for
clarification on City funds involved in the project, and Councilman Williams asked
about clarification on non-motorized vehicles. It was suggested that regulations may
need to be passed to address the issue of skateboarding and that a committee visit the
site to determine whether a prohibition is needed. Councilmembers McKeown,
Williams, and Wiggins volunteered to serve on the committee, and Councilmember
McKeown invited Kathe Smith, as a representative of the Olympic Bicyclists
Association, to meet with Councilmember McKeown to express her and the club's
views on the issue. Councilman Williams moved to approve and authorize the City
Manager to sign Contract Change Order No. 3 in the amount not to exceed $30,000
to perform the additional work as required. Councilmember Erickson seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) City
Council meeting minutes - November 20,2001; 2) Check register - November 26, 2001
- $518,980.37; and 3) Payroll Information -November 25,2001. Councilman Wiggins
seconded the motion. Councilmember McKeown asked for clarification regarding the
proposed placement of Mac Ruddell's name on the memorial wall in the atrium.
Councilman Williams indicated he had the paperwork for that purpose and, following
a brief discussion, it was agreed the Councilmembers would submit a nomination to the
City Manager's office.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Hulett and Erickson had no report.
REPORTS: Councilmember McKeown attended the Commissioner's Work Session regarding the
Boundary Review Board; she complimented Manager Quinn on his presentation and
letter presented at the session.
Councilmember McKeown then briefly reviewed the proposed Human Services
allocations via United Way; the City would again be paying a 2% administrative fee.
By consensus, the Council approved the allocations, and the Council complimented
Councilmember McKeown on her successful work in this endeavor.
Councilman Campbell reported on the outcome of the most recent meetings of the
Conference Center Review Committee, stating that the interviews with the candidates
for the project went extremely well. During the next meeting, the committee will use
criteria developed and score the projects to develop a recommendation and rationale for
the outcome, after which there will likely be a joint meeting of the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee and the Downtown Forward group on December 17, 2001, to
· consider the recommendation.
Councilman Wiggins acknowledged that the Cascadia Center returned to the Lodging
Tax Committee meeting and that the Committee has asked Cascadia for a pro forma
within the next week.
Councilman Williams attended the City's annexation meetings; he commended Finance
Director Ziomkowski on her financial presentation.
Mayor Doyle represented the Council at the Salvation Army Bell-Ringing Campaign
Kick-off. He also participated in a phone interview with University of Washington
December 3, 2001
CITY COUNCIL personnel regarding a survey on what the community is doing about teen and adolescent
COMMITTEE problems and programs. In addition, the Mayor represented the City at the PADA
REPORTS: (Cont'd) Downtown Dollars promotion, the Chamber of Commerce "Business After Hours" at
Olympic Printers, and the Downtown Tree-Lighting Ceremony. Mayor Doyle then
mentioned the passing of John Spiess, acknowledging his expertise in the building
ORDINANCES NOT Manager Quinn advised the Council that these proposed fee increases were part of the
REQUIRING PUBLIC budget process, and he summarized the nature of the increases.
Jean Hordyk, 1122 East 9th, thanked the Council for allowing her to speak about the
Ordinance Adopting Senior Center fees, expressing concern that the increase for the County residents
Changes in Charges for exceeded that for City residents. She felt that, as a result, the Senior Center would lose
Senior Center Membership members, and she asked that the Council look at the price variation and make the fees
Ordinance No. 3104 equal for both groups. Mayor Doyle responded by mentioning that City residents are
paying the Bonds on the building. Ms. Hordyk reaffirmed her support, but mentioned
that the County members totaled 563 from last year and the Senior Center would lose
some of those members because of the membership differential. Brief discussion
followed, and Finance Director Ziomkowski reviewed for the Council the annual
operating expenses for the Senior Center, totaling $337,000 overall. The fees do very
little to offset the expenses. Following further discussion, Mayor Doyle read the
Ordinances by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing
Senior Center membership fees and amending Ordinance 2789,
as amended, and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously.
Basic Life Support (BLS)
Transport Charges and AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing the
Medic I Disposable Fee basic life support transport charge for non-residents from $250.00 to
Charge $280.00, applying the $33.00 disposable equipment fee to all Medic
Ordinance No. 3105 I transports rather than just non-resident transports, and amending
Ordinance 2274, as amended, and Chapter 8.36 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
OTHER 1. Amendment to 1992 Agreement between the City and Klallam Elwha Tribe
Economic Development Director Smith began by introducing Tribal Chair Dennis
Amendment to 1992 Sullivan who acknowledged other Tribal Council members in attendance, Rosie Francis
Agreement between the and Frances ~Charles. Mr. Sullivan then expressed his and the Tribal Council's support
City and Klallam Elwha of the economic plan and their feelings about the strong working relationship they have
Tribe with the City.
Brian McGuire, 1855 Day Island Boulevard, Tacoma, introduced and described the
Elwha Landing and Cultural Center to be located on Ediz Hook, providing a cultural
center, yacht marina, pavilion, public and private parking, and a park area in
conjunction with the trail area. Mr. McGuire indicated the property would go into
Tribal Trust Land for the use of the Elwha. The Cultural Center's design, to be done
December 3, 2001
OTHER by the Elwha in conjunction with David Dicks and the design group of Michael
CONSIDERATIONS: Benjamin, will be open to the public during normal operating hours. Discussion
(Cont'd)' followed, and Mayor Doyle commented on this great economic development
opportunity. Mr. Smith noted the Port and EDC staff members are very supportive of
Amendment to 1992 the concept, and he expanded on how the marina could impact the City. Councilman
Agreement between the Wiggins clarified that the Elwha Act enables the Tribe to acquire 600 feet on Ediz
City and Klallam Elwha Hook. This amendment would extend the footage to 1600+ feet and, once approved,
Tribe (Cont'd) the Elwha will approach the Federal Government with regard to an amendment to the
Elwha Act. Mr. McGuire pointed out that, if the agreement is approved, it would be
valid now instead of waiting for federal funds to be released. Additionally, Mayor
Doyle pointed out that the development plan would be subject to City approval.
In that this is the first time the proposed amendment has been reviewed by Council,
Mayor Doyle suggested that action be deferred to the next Council meeting. Mr. Smith
concurred with the Mayor, emphasizing that approval of the amendment would be
followed by the Elwha Tribe working toward revisions to the Elwha Act. Mr. McGuire
interjected that the Elwha will request that the land be transferred from the Federal
Department of Transportation to the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Councilmember
Erickson indicated she was comfortable with taking action this evening. Therefore,
Couneilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the amendment
to the 1992 agreement between the City and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe.
Couneilmember MeKeown seconded the motion. Prior to the vote, Attorney Knutson
mentioned the change in the amendment regarding the proposed parking facilities and
hours of operation and the change to "Public Works & Utilities Department" from
"Light Department" on page 51. Councilmember Erickson agreed to the corrections,
as did Couneilmember MeKeown. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
unanimously. Tribal Chair Sullivan introduced Mr. Ralph Kopanski, the Elwha
Economic Development Planner.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Ordinance Adopting 2002 Budget and Amending the 2001 Budget: Mayor Doyle
OTHER: summarized the memorandum in the packet, and Manager Quinn briefly reviewed the
2002 Budget Ordinance, noting that one of the largest increases in this $66,994 Million
Ordinance Adopting 2002 budget was for the purchase of power. He felt the good news was the fact that the
Budget and Amending the City's tax rate had decreased. Mayor Doyle reopened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.
2001 Budget
Ordinance No. 3106 Councilman Williams thanked Director Connelly for supplying information regarding
the Centennial Trail grants, and he inquired about their inclusion/relationship to the City
budget. Following a brief explanation by Director Ziomkowski, Mayor Doyle asked
for comments from the audience.
Tamson Harmon, P.O. Box 2376, Port Angeles, based on her previous years'
involvement in government and budgetary preparation, thanked all those involved in
preparing the Port Angeles budget. She then mentioned the amount of the total budget
and monies set aside for proposed projects and expressed sorrow for the discontinuation
of the D.A.R.E. program and the Sunday closure of the public pool. Ms. Harmon urged
the Council to find the funds necessary to fund D.A.R.E. and to keep the pool open,
especially in the interest of the area's youth. She concluded by saying she would be
attending more Council meetings in the future. Mayor Doyle responded by mentioning
the High School's John Philip Sousa concert and agreeing that the youth are, indeed,
a great part of the community. Councilmember McKeown added that City funds are
dispersed via United Way to many local groups which involve young people and which
are a form of prevention. Ms. McKeown related the major reasons behind cutting the
D.A.R.E. program and the alternatives the City is providing. Ms. Harmon suggested
that the monies in the budget that are being held for possible future projects would be
December 3, 2001
PUBLIC HEARINGS - better spent on current needs-not necessarily on convention centers and parking areas.
(Cont'd) E.J. Beckett, 421 East 12th, a local business owner, expressed her support for the
Waterfront Trail extension through the Rayonier Mill site.
Ordinance Adopting 2002
Budget and Amending the Mara Mowery, 678 Gellor Road, on behalf of the Clallam County Heritage Board,
2001 Budget (Cont'd) expressed the Board's desire to restore the Carnegie Library. Mayor Doyle assured Ms.
Ordinance No. 3106 Mowery that the Council would wish to hear her comments during the "Other
Considerations" portion of the agenda.
Francis Beckett, 421 E. 12th, spoke on behalf of the trail extension through the Rayonier
Mill site. As a business owner, he feels it necessary to open the trail. Mayor Doyle
informed Mr. Beckett that the Rayonier matter would appear on the agenda after the
Carnegie Library issues.
There being no further testimony, Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 7:35 p.m.
and read the Ordinance by rifle, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising the budget for the fiscal
year ending December 31,2001, adopting the budget for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2002, providing for a cost of living
increase for certain city employees, and amending Ordinance 3070.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilman Williams asked if the
budget would include funding for the trail if it were to move forward; Director
Ziomkowski confirmed that it would, if the Council made that decision. A vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
OTHER 2. Carnegie Library Project - Renovation or Restoration
(Cont'd) Following the Mayor's review of the packet information, Councilman Wiggins
broached the issue of Federal and State funding and the fact the City could proceed to
Carnegie Library Project - a certain point with renovation and then apply for funding for restoration. Ensuing
Renovation or Restoration discussion and clarification determined that such applications would likely result in a
two-year waiting period, with no guarantee that funding would be available for
restoration. Manager Quinn noted that some grant funds have been frozen, so he felt
the City should move ahead and perhaps designate a certain element of the project for
restoration. He further expressed the opinion that the building should be completed and
put to good use as timely as possible. Councilmember McKeown asked the Mayor if
the Council could receive public comment on the issue.
Mayor Doyle then referenced letters just submitted to the City, the first being from the
Clallam County Historical Society Executive Committee expressing support for the
City's staff recommendation for the renovation of the library, adding as much
restoration as possible with available funds. The second letter submitted was from the
Clallam County Heritage Advisory Board recommending restoration of the Carnegie
Library facade to its original appearance. Following a brief summary by Manager
Quinn, Councilmember McKeown suggested that a review committee be developed to
advise the Council on the renovation with possible restoration. Director Cutler advised
the Council that Stuart Bonney, Olympic Designs Works, has had a significant amount
of experience in restoration and has been engaged with the local Historical Society as
well as those on the State level about aspects of the Library. Councilmember
McKeown felt a review committee, once the Council makes a decision, could oversee
December 3, 2001
OTHER the renovation/restoration.
(Cont'd) Mara Mowery, 678 Gellor Road, returned to the podium to speak on behalf of June
Robinson, President of the Clallam County Heritage Advisory Board, who wanted to
Carnegie Library Project - go on record as being in favor of restoration of the Carnegie Library. She supported the
Renovation or Restoration suggestion of a review committee and stated that people are waiting to see that
(Cont'd) something is done. Ms. Mowery indicated there had been a bond issue approximately
twenty years ago that promised restoration and money was to have been put aside for
that propose. She stated that it is more cost effective to restore than to un-do renovation
for the purpose of restoring. Finance Director Ziomkowski recalled that the election for
the Library bond issue was passed in 1994. Manager Quinn offered to research this
matter to discover the correct wording as to whether the funds were directed toward
restoration or improvements.
Frank Ducceschi, 531 E. Ahlvers Road, Vice President of the Historical Society,
addressed the resolution the Historical Society passed that day, a copy of which had
been provided to the Council, agreeing with the compromise of proceeding with
renovation in order to complete the library project. Mr. Ducceschi expressed the
Society's support of the City's dilemma and suggested that the staff keep in mind the
possibility ofrestoring windows, doors, cabinets, etc. in the future. Following questions
and answers from Councilmembers, Mr. Ducceschi closed by stating that the Society
would like to see this project finished.
Mike Doherty, 617 South B, thanked the Council for its partnership with the Historical
Society and for moving ahead on this project. He expressed hope that the renovation
would not entail changes that are irretrievable, and he also addressed the impact of these
buildings on tourism and promotions, emphasizing that the Society also has a concern
that the building be put to proper use so that it may remain a landmark of the
Councilmember McKeown moved to direct the Public Works & Utilities Director
to proceed with the preparation of construction documents to accomplish the
renovation of the Carnegie Library as presented in the packet as a renovation
project with as much restoration work as can be accomplished with appropriated
funds. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion. Mayor Doyle, before the
vote, stressed that the issue is finishing the project and urged Staff not to delay in
contract negotiations. Councilman Williams also referred to past projects that had been
delayed; he stressed the importance of not completing renovations that cannot be
undone in the future. The Councilmembers debated the merits of the motion, seeking
clarification as to its intent. After further discussion, Clerk Upton read the motion was
originally set forth by Councilmember McKeown. Councilman Williams, upon
clarification, stated he would vote against the motion. Councilmember McKeown
called for the question. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 1, with
Councilman Williams voting in opposition.
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting.for a break at 8:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:35 p.m.
Waterfront Trail Extension 3. Olympic Peninsula Bicyclists Support for Waterfront Trail Extension Through
Through Rayonier Mill Rayonier Mill Site
Based on a request by the bicyclists at the previous Council meeting, Mayor Doyle
opened discussion. Representing the Real Estate Committee, Councilman Hulett
reviewed the issue of fencing required along the trail and the prevailing question as to
whether grant funds could be used for a temporary trail. Director Connelly stated that
staffis currently working on the most cost-efficient manner to complete the trail which
involves an easement of 7,000+ linear feet. The City has a grant in place for $250,000,
December 3, 2001
OTHER with City matching funds of $50,000, but once these funds have been appropriated for
CONSIDERATIONS: completion of the temporary trail, the funding agency will consider the trail to be
(Cont'd) permanent. If, in the future, the route moves or the property is sold, the City cannot ask
again for federal funds. Director Connelly then summarized the details of the trail and
Waterfront Trail Extension cost-estimates for improvements, stating that sufficient funds are available to complete
Through Rayonier Mill the trail.
Rich James, 2813 East Bay Street, the County Senior Transportation Planner, was asked
by the Peninsula Trails Coalition to inform the Council about current progress on the
Trail and the need for the linkage. Mr. James complimented the Council for the work
on trails within the Peninsula. After reviewing current work being done, he explained
that not much work remained on the Rayonier site since the County had completed a
portion; he concurred with Director Connelly that remaining work could be done at a
very reasonable cost. The most expensive part of this project is the fencing, which can
be moved at a later date. Mr. James stressed the importance of completion because of
the tourism value, and he closed by urging the Council to complete the project.
Cam Field, 123 Forest Avenue, representing the Board of the Olympic Peninsula
Bicyclists, presented a petition to the Council showing 586 signatures, 82% of which
belong to City residents, and he asked the Council to open up the Rayonier properties
with a temporary floating easement. Mentioning the diversity of people interested in
cycling, Mr. Field stressed the impact this trail would have on tourism and the economy.
Following questions from the Council, Mr. Field concluded by stating that the cyclists
are very supportive and giving of their time to volunteer and assist in maintaining
current trails and that they would, in response to the Mayor's question, be very willing
to assist in the clean-up of the Rayonier site.
Jeff Bohman, 3753 Canyon Circle, President of the Board of the Peninsula Trails
Commission, began by acknowledging those in the audience in support of the trail and
urging the Council to move promptly on the completion of the easement agreement and
the trail. Because the City, through agreements with Rayonier on the disposition of the
site, worked to ensure that there was a provision for a temporary easement, which
constitutes a culmination of that effort on the City's part, it would be inconsistent for
the City not to proceed and complete the trail. He then urged the City not to center on
the issue of "temporary," but to look at the larger issues of support during the interim
period. Mr. Bohman then disclosed that the Coalition is ready to assist the City and
other partners in getting the trail completed and that they are looking forward to
working with the City on the remaining investment.
Gary Gleason, 2211 E. 7~ Ave., speaking personally through his work on the Non-
Motorized Advisory Committee and as a member of the County's Trail Advisory Board
and member of the Planning Commission, urged the Council not to negate the work the
County has been doing and to utilize the existing funds. Mr. Gleason stressed that the
work should first center on the l~nnis Creek Road section into the City. Because of his
own personal use of the trail, he also stressed the completion of the Francis Street Park
access. Using a personal trip as a comparison, it was Mr. Gleason's opinion that upon
completion, the continuous trails located within the PeninSula would bring in tourist
Benson Kalahar, 328 West 14th Street, presented his point-of-view as a younger member
of the community and as one who, upon completion of his education, wishes to return
to the community. Mr. Kalahar stated that many good things could come from the
completion of the trail: a method of transportation, a source of income for the City, and
a source of pride for residents.
Following a clarification of the connection to the Waterfront and Centennial trails,
Councilman Williams moved to direct staff to make the appropriate applications
December 3, 2001
Waterfront Trail Extension to modify the grant so that funds could be used appropriately through the
Through Rayonier Mill Rayonier site. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried
(Cont'd) unanimously.
Serenity House Rezone 4. Serenity House Rezone 01-05: Consideration of Findings and Conclusions in
Denial of Rezone Request
Following Mayor Doyle's reading of the recommendation, Councilmember Erickson
moved to allow Serenity House to withdraw their rezone application REZ 01-05.
Couneilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Prior to the vote, Councilman
Williams noted that he would abstain from the vote because of appearance of fairness.
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 0, with Councilman Williams
Athletic Field 5. Athletic Field Improvements to Lincoln Park by North Olympic
Improvements to Lincoln Baseball/Softball
Park by North Olympic
Baseball/Softball Following a reading of the recommendation by the Mayor, Director Connelly informed
the Council that the proposal submitted is consistent with other improvements by these
organizations at Lincoln Park, which is one of the most heavily used parks in the entire
Parks system. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the construction of new
scorebooths at fields 6 and 7 and a permanent dugout at field 5 at Lincoln Park.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
2002 Council Goals and 6. 2002 Council Goals and Objectives
After a brief explanation of changes in the City Council Goals, Objectives,
Programs/Projects, Manager Quinn offered the Council time until the next Council
meeting to review changes. After a brief discussion, the Council chose to defer the
recommendation until the next Council meeting, December 18, 2001:
Eighth Street Repairs 7. Eighth Street Repairs
The Council placed the Eighth Street repairs on the December 18,2001 Council agenda.
Dinner Honoring Retiring .8. Dinner Honoring Retiring Councilmernbers
Councilman Wiggins announced a dinner at the Downrigger on January 8, 2002 at 6:00
p.m., to honor the retiring Councilmembers. The dinner will not be a City expense.
INFORMATION: City Manager's Calendar / Project Status Report
Manager Quinn brought two items to the Council's attention for consideration: 1) He
will bring a proposed revision of City Council committee assignments to the Council
at the December 18t~ meeting to be passed on to new Councilmembers; 2) Council
needs to appoint a voting representative to the Chamber of Commerce. Karen Rogers
will attend the Chamber Board retreat December 14, 2001. Manager Quinn also
mentioned the AWC workshop for new Councilmembers on January 15th & 16th in
Everett & Tacoma and the Employee Christmas party December 14th.
Mayor Doyle mentioned Councilmember McKeown's preparation of City Manager
December 3, 2001
INFORMATION: evaluation forms. She will mail them this week.
Councilman Williams mentioned the cancellation of the Gateway meeting until January
3, 2002 at 8:15 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
D:~'~ayor /~j B--~-cky J. ~p~, Ci~ Clerk" /- -