HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/04/1935 ,... 346 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 4, 1935 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call ~howed the following offioers present: Mayor >>~vis, Commissioners Lutz and Easters, Attorney Plummer' and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Polioe Judge Thos. Geisness reported 13 cases tried and $75.00 in fines collected for the month of November, 1935. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Application for Building Permits, the following were granted: ',Angeles Union Food U~rket, Remodel Building, Lot 11, Blk. 15, Townsite H. C, Dunakin, Remodel Building, LoU, Blk. 54, Townsi te $500.00 150.00 I Under the head of Introduction of Ordinanoes the following Ordinance was introduced, read infUll and placed on its first and seoond readings,- AN ORDINANCE creating a Board of Trustees for Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Compensation Fund for the City of Port ""ngeles, and providing for its operation. The Commission examined and allowed the following bills and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Hugo Olson J. R. MoDonald J. H. Thornton Thos. Murray I. C. Groves Fire ilepartment Extra Help Servioes as dog catcher Special Polic e Extra servi oes Meals for prisoners Pay Roll 6.00 25.00 24.00 4.16 12.95 186.96 6' ;l~ ~ WATER FUND Buffalo Meter Co. Marshall Wells 00. Marshall Wells Co. Harris & Schaller Marshall Wells ~o. Ford Meter Box Co. Meter Parts Spikes Nails Supplies ,Matertial & Supplies Meter Resetters 4.49 3.67 7.25 5.84 22.98 87.19 P' I~I ;..J' LIGHT FUND Cut Out Parts 6.75 9.75 1.00 11.00 23 .52 60.23 49.17 47.40 I Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Chas. Payne City Treasurer Gakin & Wickersham Marshall Wells Co. Line Material Co. jLine Material Co. I Line Material 1>0. i LIBRARY FUND First Aid Material Painting Building Tax Regis tra tio n Fee Fuel Wood Material & Supplies II If " ~.,. .,o'l .... City Treasurer Vi vien Hall Ethe 1 Os ter hou t L.l.D. Assessments Extra Help IT II. 51.23 '1} 2.75 IS; 1.75 P. A. E. R. FUND Olympio Printery NeUleton Lumber Co. Nettleton Lumber Co. H. E. Dodge Pacifio Builder & Engineer Eleanmr ~. Alleman Even ing News taper 8~ ~t. Br i~ges Exp ens e ""00 Ollnt Publication Typewriting, eto. Call for Bids 1.00 9.11 187.10 59.08 40.80 53.70 17.22 ,I J{,& - GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Taxes, Lots 9 & 10,Blk.157, Townsite 68.13 ':1 There being no fUrther business the ~ommission then adjourned to meet Thursday, December 5, 1935, at 1:30 p.m. ?J M!-uv7~ )1?~~ Ci ty Clerk. Mayor. I ll.. I