HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/04/1950 :1 1 I I 71 " Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December I.. 19--5.9_ ""...."....."....."",,..'",.,...."'.. ~ I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers pr~sent were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Under the head of application,!> for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: .1 Building Permits: S 5 {) (J 0 "'- \ 0.. B. Tully Construct Duplex and Garage; S2 Lots 8-9, Blk. 181, Townsite 10,000.00, I Charles R. Gallacci Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 15, Blk. 51., Townsite 10,000.00, I DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 2, Blk. 332, Townsite .9,000.00 Petersen & Craver Construct Dwelling; S2 Lots 9-10, Blk. 85, Townsite 7,000.00: N.W. Improvement Co. Siding on Existing Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 2137, Townsite 725.00 N.W. Improvement Co. Siding on Existing Dwelling; Lot 15, Blk. 161, Townsite 1,275.0~ Citizens Bldg. Corp. Construct Pent House on Roof of Olympus Hotel; Lot 7, Blk. 16, N.R.Smith Add. 8,000.00 Ray'\1arren Construct 5-Room Dwelling & Car Port; Lot 9, Blk. 102, Townsite 9,000.00' Licens es: .3Y 03- I Recreation Grill Music Machine 8.00 Port Angeles Recreation I. BOI"ling Alleys 30.00' l'Under the head of unfinished business, Commissioner Taylor reported that after checking bids to furnish a I crusher plant, more time is desired to inspect certain attractive offers and requested another week to check equipment being considered. Decision on bids was postponed until the next session. Bids to furnish for the Park Department, one truck, half-ton capacity, were submitted as follows: H.T. Swanson Motor Co., Studebaker 1951, $1,596.50; Port Angeles Motors, G.M.C. 1950 PiCkup, $1,503.80; Aiken Motors, International, Series L-llO, $1,698.1.7; Janish Motor Co., 1950 Dodge, $1,585.12. All bids were referred to Supt. Adams and the Park Board for study and recollUllendations. Claim for damages by defective water meter, to their ladies' powder room, "as again filed by Aerie No. 483, F .O;E. Attorney Trumbull informed that although not in proper form, the claim might get by. The claim "as ,referred to the Attorney. !Mr. A. B. Crowley submitted another offer for the house and lot at 109 East 14th Street in amount of , $4,500.00, down payment of $500.00, balance in eighteen months at prevailing interest. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission accept the offer and that the City enter into contract agreement I with Mr. Crowley regarding sale of the propei:ty. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted, Aye. I Motion carried. Under the head of new business, Attorney Joseph Joh~n and Hugh Hankins, Exalted Ruler,of Naval Lodge INo. 353, B.P.O.E., appeared before the Commission, requesting that the City officially accept the playfield ,on Pine Hill now being sponsored by the Elks, and make arrangements for vacation of the alley through the !block in which playfield is being constructed. It was moved by ~or Feeley that the City officially : accept the playfield and that proper procedure for vacation of the alley be authorized. Motion seconded by : Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IDO~ M. Sleeper, Director of Evening School, requested in writing that I.th Street between Lincoln and Peabody iStreets, and Chase Street between I.th and 5th Streets be blocked to traffic from 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. on : consecutive Saturdays from November 11th to December 23rd. This is a precautionary measure for benefit of : adult beginner's driving classes and other motorists. The request being approved by Police Chief Ide, it .1' was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be granted and Sleeper so notified. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Claim for court costs in case of ~Iilliam MacDonald, appealed to Superior Court and acquitted, was filed in amount of $26.60. The Commission instructed that the claim be paid from miscellaneous item in the Current Expense Fund. . The Commis sion also instructed that bids be published and opened December 18th, for the furnishing of fuel oil during the year 1951 for the Police Station, Fire Hall, and City Building. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants I . ,,-, : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: .2. {,3 7 - I Rec. Revolving Fd., School Dist. 17 'Peninsula Herald :F. O. Reed Harry Kochanek ,Aiken Motors I Zellerbach Paper Co. I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. I Natural Gas Corp, of .Iash. I CITY STREET FUND: 3!;l... If l I The Toggery I Nailor Lumber Co. 10 & B Battery & Electric Stn. Luvaas Tire-Retread Service I __15 ,WATER FUND: 7?!:> _ i Coast .lide Supply Co. ICity Light Dept. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. H. E. Dodge I Samuelson Motor Co. '\Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Automotive Parts Service Harris & Schuller Olympic Electric Co. . I Nailor Lumber Co. Tower Super Service 'I Hooker Electrochemical Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. I Taylor Heating & Plumbing Co. issued in payment of same: I 2,500.00 5.10; 13.46 18.17; 4.91. 21.751 70.61 3.60 I 63.98 11.51.\ 15.111 291.81.1 I 12.881, 5.13 13.01, 13.93' 7.89; .64 58.02 6.18 2.371 18.94 .80 52.77j 577.83 5.56: Summer Recreation Program Printing Traveling EXpense Traveling Expense Cycle Repair Towels, Tissue Phone Servic es Gas Hip Boots, Coats, Hats Lumber 2 Motors, Lamp Kit Tires, Re-tread J ani tor Supplies Lights at Reservoirs Phone Service Car Expense, Supj:;. Truck Parts Parts Truck Parts Repairs Switch Nails, etc. Demurrage on Tank Chlorine Tubing Fit tings ..... ,..-~. m 72 .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"<. . '""", ."'~, "....0... ..."..,..... ..... :LIGHT FUND: ,3,t(.3:z.... W 'Angeles Shade & Linoleum Co. :City Treasurer ;Pac1fic Tel. & Tel. Co. 'Samuelson Motor Co. .R. L. & R. Service ~Shell Oil Co. IRemington Rand, Inc. 'Automotive Parts Service Eugene E. 11illiams IA. ,L. Chapnan (City ~later Dept. ',Carey & Kramer Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 'westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 'Line Material Co. I 'LIBRARY FUND: ,Peninsula Fuel ~City Treasurer :G~lord Bros., Inc. 'Library Servic e j'Evening News Press Demco ".Luxor . Lighting Products, Inc. ;Bussing Office Supply Plympic Stationers Wash. Saw Filing & Grinding Works 'Lee Hodson Hertzberg's Wash. Bindery Goldberger Agency Puget Sound News Co. Binfords and Mort 1ersonal Book Shop, Inc. 'Ladies Home Journal ;'I.eibel, Carl J. ,David A. Lawyer 'H. W. 1>1ilson Co. :Shorey Book Store ;Doubled~ & Co., Inc. McClurg & Co. 'PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: rAngeles Machine & Welding Works !Janish Motor Co. pames Hardware Co. ,Harris & Schuller 'Wheeler Hardware &.Furniture 1 :LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: ipuget Sound News Co. I There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. 1/ 13() ~ Co. Co. 31 f..! J. t ~J,~ !/ City Clerk XoilN' ~"~I~lCoI!;;~O i:!~~le~hat sea\ed' 1 hid:> will hr> rl.\CelYCfI hy the CIty C1C'I-k of llla l.:ity o( l'<lrt Angck~, . ""r.dl,.'Untlt'JO:OO 12'81... l)ccetl~ber lS'. :~;~1,iN:;"~~111{:,i~rl'ptC~~:.lr~w~~~~ ;~d eil'" 'lll\;J~ma:r'l'?:~~h .Q\\' dUl'lng tho :r......::il.. ~r,JF..'T'J~,..';~~.~~l~!:Jc:;l. l"c~(Jrvcs the ~l~r&~~..:.iM'^~~t{y~b~~.k.bld$. Puhl\slled:oJ;1:ct.eml.'oer 8, 1:>, 1950. December 4th, continued. Repair F;Loor Postage Phone Service Parts Repair Radiator Gas Parts for Machine Battery, etc. Car Expense Car Expense, Building Water at Sub.-stn. Professional Services Tools Tape Connectors Oil Light, 1vater, Garbage 2 Book Displayers Acetate Tapes 100 3x5 White Newsprint Pads Paste Fluorescent Lamps and Starters 2 Office Chairs Binder and Paper Brinding Knives Travel Expense Bookbinding Magazine Subscriptions Books Book Books Caree r Booklets Books Books Book Books Books Books 11- ~;l.. - Cut Off Concrete Bits Axle Shaft, Oil Seal Ext. Cord Galv. Box Machine Bolts Books 19_5_0_ Inspector / p~ do ~'1/ 7.73 3'.00 70.43 4.71 5.92 2.54 3.86 . 25.48 28.98 27.23 3.00 3,000.00 24.91 16.73 207.96 44.00 10.04 1.65 9.08 5.15 4.50 1.8.21 82.71 1.65 .77 10.65 72.06 182 . 85 42.85 ill. 52 .94.39 2.10 5.80 11.00 28.00 2.15 17.10 52.68 4.12 8.20 2.26 5.41 2.77 31.81 Mayor I I I I