HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/04/1952 ,. 292 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington December 4, 19~ ,,".. """"..,,,.,,,,,'",,, .""......" .... The City CO\.incil of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7'30 P. M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call revealed the following officers present' Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sancli.son, Powell, Wolfe, and IkFadden, Manager Vergeer and Clerk Law. Councilman Brown moved that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Fowell and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish one Motor Patrol Grader for the Street Department were submitted as follows: Feenaughty Machinery Company, one Huber Maintainer, $4,196,80, net. A. H. Cox an:! Company, one Allis-Chalmers Model "0" Tandem Drive Motor Grader, $4,735.00 plus 3% sales tax. Representatives of the companies cited merits and abilities of the equipment offered. ~lanager Vergeer informed that the Huber Maintainer did not comply with the specifications and that the shorter wheel base did not lend itself as well to the requirements of the Street Department. &r. Vergeer then recommended that the bid by A. H. Cox and Company be accepted. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the recommendation be approved and bid by A. H. Cox and Company for Allis-Chalmers Model "0" Grader be accepted. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. One bid was received from Harold S. Buck for purchase of Lots 1 to 18 Incl., Blk. 434, Townsite, in amount of $1,215.00. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the bid be accepted and property sold. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~~nager Vergeer discussed purchase of a Billing-Accounting fiachine for the utilities departments, bids for the same having been previously published and opened. Also exhibited forms used showing operations accomplished by the Burrough~ and National Cash Register machines, informing that both systems are approved by the Division of Municipal Corporations. After discussion and study concerning operation and results required, it was mcved by Councilman Brown that the bid submitted by the Burroughs Company in amount of $4,535.81 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion oarried. Under the head of new business, the Council considered as to whether or not the alleys in L.I,D. No. 161, where sewers are being installed, should be closed; thereby enabling abutting property owners to excavate their sewer service trench and lay service pipe, oonnection of which must be done bylicensed plumbers. Manager Vergeer informed that some property owners have time and opper tunity to do this work, thereby reducing 'cost. It was moved by Councilman Wolf e that after acceptance of the contractor's work alleys be closed while individuals are digging their service sewer trench, closure to be for definite period of time not to exceed one week, the connection to lateral sewer to be installed by licensed plumber only. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The Council also discussed whether or not the City should intervene in the Fublic Service Co!l!lllission hearing regarding telephone rates, the same to be conducted in Seattle on December 17, 1952. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the notice of hearing be filed for future reference, Second ed by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Manager Vergeer informed that Mr. Thorgrimseon, bonding attorney of Seattle, will be in the City tiednesday Dec. 10, concerning problems in connection with the Arterial Street ImprovernentProgram and will meet with the Council rellarding the project if they desire. Members of the Gouncil expressed desire for meeting with the Attorney. The Manager was instructed to arrange time and place for the meeting. The Manager reported that action has been taken regarding renewal of the City I S Insurance policies. That the matter has been settled to the satisfaction of all concerned. Mayor Smith received a letter from Miss Volborg Duckstad regarding the recruiting of hostesses for the U.S.O. at Forts Worden and !8'lagler, and requesting views and opinion on organization of the same. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by V.ayor Smith that Councilman Brown appear at Radio Station K.O.N.P. Friday morning at 10:00 A. M., for discussion regarding the same. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer informed that Kermit Goodman is interested in purchase of property abutting on City owned Mcrse Creek gravel pit. The Council was questioned as to whether or not the City would object to agreement with Goodman to use the Ci~rs right-of-way if the City is privileged to use outlet OVer the property 'Mr. Goodman contemplates purchasing. The Council agreed to consider the matter when an agreement in writing is present ed. No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. O. G. ;LCUA/. tl Clerk ;yf:;,L b Mayor 1:\\'I'I'.'TIII~ 'I'll ni'lJIJI.:ns l~idfl will 1)(0 "N."j\'('rj ull to :':00 p, ,L on .fnn. 2 1~1;-,3. :It t1w 1'111" ('i,'~-k'!< orriN'. f"i~' Bhlg., 1-10 ".. FnliJl. ~l.. 1',,1"1 Alllo;~1>~:<. \"ash. to fUllli:<h "110' 1'i11lt"1 tl'uck for th(:. City !,lJ:rlll \)1'1'1.. 10-."1; lrl\.d~'-!n of nnl'. l!HI Jntl'l'llatillnal llif'K-llP. ~....d;11 KI.%i:l. ~~ ~: }~: JI)~~~;~~'~~~I~ .... l I I I I.