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Port Angeles, Washington
December 4, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Quast, Schermer,
Members Absent:
Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk.
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. French, J. Marsh,
L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, T. Smith.
Public Present:
C. Morgan, J. Reese, L. McPhee, S. Vorous, J. Cornell,
S. Fahnestock, D. Davison, G. Stamon, G. Mattson.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as
received the minutes of the November 20, 1984, meeting. Councilman Whidden
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) EDC billing of $656.88 (10/30-11/26) for
Community Development Block Grant administration; (2) Request permission to
release retainage on Hazard Elimination Project - $2,260.25; (3) Corres- I
pondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (4) Vouchers of
$l,005,939.29 and Payroll of $207,313.40. For the sake of discussion,
Councilman Whidden seconded. Following discussion of a lease payment to
the U. S. Coast Guard for property on Ediz Hook, fire insurance, and repair
of banners, on call for the question, the motion carried.
1. Presentation of Awards to Duane Wolfe and Carleton Rudolph from
Washington Finance Officers' Association
Mayor Duncan presented the certification awards from the Board of Directors
of the Washington Finance Officers' Association certifying Duane Wolfe and I
Carleton Rudolph as professional finance officers. "Bud" accepted.
Congratulations, Duage and Bud!
2. Public Hearings
A. 1985 City of Port Angeles Preliminary Budget/1985 Revenue Sharing
Mayor Duncan opened the publiC hearing and asked for comments from the
audience. Finance Director Orton noted that the purpose of this public
hearing was to discuss the 1985 Preliminary Budget and the 1985 Revenue
Sharing Budget. There were none. Manager Flodstrom informed those present
that information would be available in order that the Council consider
adopting the 1985 budget on December 18, 1984.
December 4, 1984
3. Planning Commission Minutes of November 28, 1984 Accepted
Councilman Whidden moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commis-
sion minutes of November 28, 1984, as written. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
4. Letter to Washington State Department of Transporation Regarding Draft
Environmental Impact Statement Addendum on Long Range Ferry System
Mayor Duncan referred to a letter which was being sent to Duane Berentson,
Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation, Marine
Division, with copies being sent to Senator Paul Connor, Representative
Dick Fisch, Representative Barney McClure and Governor-Elect Booth Gardner,
voicing continued concern over the Department of Transportation's long
range ferry system plan and the Department's lack of communication and
involvement with local entities. She stated that there was another open
house scheduled for December 10, 1984, in the Port Townsend City Council
Chambers to further discuss the DOT's long range plan. Councilman Quast
informed those present that there was also a meeting Monday December 17th
at Traylor's with State Representatives and the major plaintiffs in the
Hood Canal Bridge case. He suggested that the Mayor and the City Attorney
attend this meeting.
Following further discussion, Councilman Quast suggested that the City of
Port Angeles insist that ferry fares be allotted in accordance to the
economic cost of each ferry run.
5. Washington State Energy Office - Contract Amendment No. 3 Authorized -
William Shore Memorial Pool
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 3 to
WSEO contract No. 82-025B providing for extension of the contract comple-
tion date. Councilman Whidden seconded for the sake of discussion. During
discussion, Parks and Recreation Director Marsh indicated that he had no
objections to the contract amendment; that this was a situation where there
was really no choice. Councilman Gerberding noted that the delay was a
result of the special electrical system at the Pool and not a delay of
staff or of the local contractor. On call for the question, the motion
6. Community Memorial Policy Adopted
Councilman Whidden reported on a meeting of the Community Memorial Policy
Commi ttee, consisting of himself, councilman Gerberding and Councilman
Schermer. The Council then reviewed the Policy. The Committee had added
item No.7 under Policy and Procedures which states: "Existing facilities
should not be considered for renaming except in most unusual circumstances.
Original names and designations tend to remain when facilities are renamed,
resulting in lack of recognition for the new name." Items Nos. 5 and 6
under Criteria had been amended with verbiage changes, and item No. II had
been added under Criteria which states: "This is a general memorial
policy. It is our intent that a large community memorial, on which names
be added, will be created. On this community memorial, names will be
placed as per these procedures and every attempt should be made to limit
the number memorialized. In addition, there should be formed through the
Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission and administered by them,
donated memorials such as trees, drinking fountains, benches, etc., where a
small bronze memorial plate is placed at or near the donation. The dona-
tion should cover procurement and installation cost and take maintenance
into consideration." City Attorney Knutson then suggested amending this
wording to state: "In addition, there should be formed through the Parks,
Recreation and Beautification Commission and administered by them, a
process for the donation of memorials. . ." Glennis Stamon inquired as to
the source of the funds for this memorial. Manager Flodstrom indicated
that there was a one-time allocation in Revenue Sharing funds in the 1985
budget for the memorial.
Following further discussion, Councilman Quast moved to adopt this Policy
as amended. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
December 4, 1984
7. Report on Arterial Roadway Improvement Funds
Following discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to table further decision
on this matter until a full Council was present. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
8. Review of Letters of Interest for City Council Vacancy
For the sake of discussion, Councilman Quast proposed that all seventeen of
the petitioners for the position be placed in nomination. He then outlined
a possible process which would proceed as follows: The Council would
nominate all seventeen applicants who have submitted a letter of interest
by the prescribed December lst date. The Council could then set a date for
interviewing all seventeen candidates. Following that, there would be a
ballot prepared containing the names of all seventeen candidates. Space
would be provided on that ballot for additional nominees from Councilmem-
bers. The Council would then begin voting, through a secret ballot. The
second ballot would contain only the names of those candidates receiving at
least one vote. This process would continue until one candidate received a
majority vote. Councilman Quast asked Attorney Knutson for legal opinions
on the process. Attorney Knutson stated that there would be no problems
with con- ducting the interviews before the December l8th meeting and that
a tentative appointment could be made prior to December 31st, with the
understanding that the appointment would become legally binding only after
the effec- tive date of Mayor Duncan's resignation, with a formal vote
taken after January 1, 1985. Manager Flodstrom stated that if an addi-
tional nomination occurred prior to the date of the interviews, he would
attempt to schedule an interview for the nominee, but that if the nomina-
tion occurred at the time of final balloting, there would probably be no
Councilman Schermer then moved to schedule Thursday, January 3, 1985, as
the first regular January meeting, in lieu of January 1st, New Year's, as
this is a legal holiday. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion
carried. (This date was subsequently changed to January 2, 1985.J
Councilman Schermer then moved that the Council place in nomination the
following seventeen names for Council appointment: James D. Hallett, Jerry
Cornell, Lucia McPhee, Roger E. Reidel, Robert E. Philpott, Donna L.
Davison, Glennis L. Stamon, Paul Breitbach, Michael G. Morrish, Stephen R.
Vorous, Scott Harland Lewis, Curtis G. Johnson, Glenn D. Gallison, John N.
Hubbard, W. E. "Bill" Prentiss, Betsy Warder, George T. Mattson. Council-
man Quast seconded. Councilman Whidden discussed with Manager Flodstrom
residency requirements of candidates. On call for the question, the motion
to nominate candidates then carried.
Councilman Quast then moved that the acceptance of public self-nominations
be closed at this time. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion
Councilman Quast then asked if there were any further nominations from
Councilmembers at this time. There were none. Councilman Quast reiterated
that a person nominated by a Councilmember might not be afforded the inter-
view process and would appear as a write-in vote on the ballot, if the
nomination occurred immediately before the final balloting took place.
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Attorney Knutson had reviewed
the City Code which requires that a regular Council meeting be set on the
business day prior to or immediately following a legal holiday. Councilman
Schermer then moved that a substitute motion be offered to set the date for
January 2, 1985, in order to comply with the City Code. Councilman Quast 1
concurred and this motion carried. January 2, 1985, was set as the date
for the first regular City Council meeting in January.
Following further discussion, Councilman Quast moved that staff schedule
interviews with the seventeen applicants on either Saturday, December 15,
1984, from 9:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. or Monday, December 17, 1984, from
6:00 P.M. until all applicants had been interviewed. He further moved that
it be the option of an applicant to excuse himself or herself from inter-
view if he or she so desired, without prejudice. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Quast then moved that the Council begin balloting on Tuesday,
December 18th, as the first item on the agenda under Legislation. Council-
man Schermer seconded. Attorney Knutson requested clarification on the
December 4, 1984
purpose of this balloting. Councilman Quast then reworded the motion that
on December l8, 1984, balloting begins and the balloting will continue
until one candidate remains. However, that one candidate is not considered
elected nor seated until January 2, 1985, when either the appointment will
be confirmed or additional nominations can once more be made by Councilmem-
bers only. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Gerberding opposed
narrowing the selection down to one candidate prior to January 2nd. Fol-
lowing further discussion, the motion carried, with Councilman Gerberding
voting "No".
Manager Flodstrom stated that he would prepare the ballot for December 18th
which, at this point, included seventeen names and arrangements for write-
in candidates.
Donna Davison asked if other contenders would be allowed to sit in during
the interviews. Following discussion, Councilman Quast moved that candi-
dates be invited on an individual basis to the interview and cannot sit in
during interviews of other candidates prior to their own. Councilman
Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
Manager Flodstrom stated that he would arrange interviews in l5 or 20
minute segments I contact applicants in the order in which letters of
interest were submitted, and fill the times based on preference of the
9. Proclamation - Aware Designated Drivers Week - December 9 through 15,
Mayor Duncan proclaimed December 9 through 15, 1984, as Aware Designated
Drivers Week.
10. proclamation - DWI Awareness Week - December 9 through l5, 1984
Mayor Duncan proclaimed December 9 through 15, 1984, as DWI Awareness Week.
Manager Flodstrom presented to the Council copies of the notice of
withdrawal of the application for a liquor license for the proposed tavern
at Eighth and "c" Streets.
Councilman Whidden commended Risk
appreciation recently received by
Committee of the City of Camas.
fortunate the City of Port Angeles
Manager Vince Clay on a letter of
Vince from the Health Care Advisory
Councilman Whidden commented on how
is to have such an outstanding staff.
Councilman Whidden also discussed with staff the status of the bond on
Civic Field. Manager Flodstrom indicated that Parks and Recreation
Director Marsh and Attorney Knutson were pursuing the matter.
Councilman Whidden also discussed with staff the number of banners
displayed on Front Street.
Councilman Quast discussed ,with staff progress on the acquisition of a
telephone for Civic Field.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 8:40 P.M.
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