HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/04/1990 1753 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 4, 1990 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 7:02 P.M. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by members of the Mini-Ha-Ha Campfire Adventure Group. Members present were introduced by Councilman Cornell: Shannon McWatters, Vanessa Ball, Carrie Dalton, Savabeth Anderson, Katie Gruver, Beth Cornell, Brieanne Richardson. III ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Cornell, Hallett, Lemon, Nicholson, Ostrowski, Wight. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, AttorneyKnutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, L. Glenn, B. Myers, K. Godbey, J. Pittis, B. Titus, K. Ridout, B. Coons. Public Present: J. Dochow, K. Noonan, S. DelaBarre, S. Walker, L. Beil, L. & B. Gregory, C. & A. Alexander, J. Grant, S. Zenovic, R. Wheeler, R. & M. Ruud, C. Cewinder, B. Gormley, J. Ulsky, E. Petersen, J. Pope, M. Holden, K. Dill, V. Frizzell. IV APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20~ 1990, AND SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 27, 1990 Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 20, 1990, and the special meeting of November 27, 1990, as presented. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion. Councilman Wight requested that the November 27, 1990, minutes reflect that Councilman Ostrowski served as Chairman Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Sargent and Deputy Mayor Hallett. The motion approving the minutes as corrected was voted on and carried with Councilman Lemon abstaining on the vote for both sets of minutes, and Mayor Sargent abstaining from voting on the minutes of November 27th, due to absences. V FINANCE 1o Consideration of final payment and acceptance of work on DelGuzzi Driva LID of $335.76 and retainage of $14.05 to escrow Councilman Hallett moved to approve and accept the work performed and to authorize the final payment of $335.76 to Lakeside Industries and $14.05 to retainage and release the retainage upon receipt of releases from the Department of Labor & Industries and the Department of Revenue. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cornell. Councilman Cornell asked for clarification as to the discrepancy between the original and the present contract amounts. Public Works Director Pittis explained the party paying the bill for the LID had submitted requests for various change orders, resulting in the difference. Councilman Ostrowski asked, for the benefit of the audience, that an explanation of the LID process be submitted. Director Pittis explained financing is obtained for LIDs through a short-term note process, with interest being charged against the project. An assessment roll for the LID is then presented to Council, after which time the property -1- 1754 CITY COUNCILMEETING December 4, 1990 owners are assessed and given notice as to required payments and a lien is then placed on the property. Ail costs incurred during the LID process are charged against the project. Director Pittis indicated the property owner may take a period of ten to fifteen years to pay the LID in total. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Request for progress payment to DelHur for Landfill construction of $361,480.60 and retainage of $17,581.75 to escrow A motion was made by Councilman Hallett to authorize the progress payment to DelHur Industries for Landfill construction in the amount of $361,480.60 with retainage to escrow of $17,581.75. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lemon. Mayor Sargent asked for a status report as to whether the Landfill construction is nearing completion. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the project is nearing 80% completion; the old cell is now closed and the new tipping area is being used. The new scale building is being used and it is anticipated the project area will be cleaned up in the near future and work will be finalized on the buildings and ponds. Some of the landscaping over the old cell must wait until springtime for completion. There is additional signage to be completed and a notice will be placed in the newspaper announcing the time the Landfill is again able to take recyclables. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. VI CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent Agenda, including: (1) Request for payment to Riddell, Williams of $1,279.97 for legal representation on WPPSS issues; (2) Request for Council approval of application to Mortgage Revenue Bond Program; (3) Request for authorization to sell surplus vehicles; (4) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (5) Vouchers of $2,655,894.04; and (6) Payroll of 11/25/90 of $270,371.18. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett. Councilman Hallett then referenced Item 2 on the Consent Agenda, pertinent to the application to Mortgage Revenue Bond Program. In response to Councilman Hallett's inquiries, City Manager Pomeranz indicated the purpose of the program is to provide the City the opportunity to offer its citizens a means to purchase homes they may not be able to purchase otherwise. A fee of $5,000 would be paid by the City in order to obtain $1,000,000 in financing. The loans would be granted at an interest rate of approximately 8.35%. In working with local banks, the loans would then be sold, but would be backed by the State. The $5,000 fee would be repaid to the City through the loan process or possibly repaid initially by the bank the City works with on this project. This is the first time the City has considered such an endeavor and Manager Pomeranz indicated future consideration might be given to increasing the dollar amount. In response to an inquiry from Councilman Cornell, Councilman Wight indicated the program can be tailored in many fashions as desired by the City. Additionally, Manager Pomeranz reported the City Council will have another opportunity to consider this matter before making a final commitment. A vote was then taken on the motion accepting the Consent Agenda items as presented, which carried unanimously. VII ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA Mayor Sargent offered a proclamation for consideration as Item 10, and the reforming of the Equipment Audit Committee as Item 11 on the agenda. VIII LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. APPEAL OF WHEELER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP-90(10)18, Rhodes Road and Park Knoll Drive: Appeal of Conditional Use Permit to allow a duplex in an RS-9, Residential Single-Family District On October 10, 1990, the Planning Commission had recommended approval of a -2- 1755 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 4, 1990 Conditional Use Permit to allow a duplex to be located in an RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. The matter has since been appealed and is coming before the City Council for consideration. Councilman Hallett requested clarification in terms of defining a conditional use and where the burden of proof lies. Planning Director Collins explained the conditional use process, wherein it is initiated at the time a use not principally (outright) permitted in a given zone is proposed. Such requests need to be considered on a case-by-case basis as there is an assumption that some uses may be permitted with certain specified conditions. There is no assumption that all conditional uses will be permitted; the burden of proof rests with the applicant. The Planning Commission views a conditional use is a privilege and not a right. Director Collins continued that it must be proven the use will be compatible with the current uses and zone in place and must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:35 P.M. Jane Shefler, 3717 Park Knoll Drive, addressed the Council by opposing the approval of the Conditional Use Permit. Ms. Shefler referenced specific portions of the Zoning Code and expressed her opinion that approval of the duplex requested would be incompatible and hazardous, particularly due to the substandard street. Additionally, she informed Council the lot in question is low and maintains a high water table; the area should be allowed to continue its natural drainage. Ms. Shefler presented Council with short plat maps and photographs of the area to further explain her references to poor drainage. Ms. Shefler also addressed the matter of the undesired density increase that would accompany a duplex. She urged Council to deny the conditional use. Councilman Nicholson addressed Ms. Shefler and inquired as to the difference between a duplex of given square-footage and a single-family residence of identical square-footage that is not subject to the same type of approval. How would drainage be any different? Ms. Shefler felt the density is a key factor in terms of increased traffic, additional parking requirements, and the like. Mayor Sargent indicated she had visited the site which appeared to have no standing water at the time. Steve Zenovic, 111 East Third Street, spoke on behalf of the applicant by indicating there is a substantial drainage problem in the vicinity, but the lot is at a higher table. The area had not been previously developed due to lack of sewer, a matter which has since been resolved. In respect to drainage, the City has set forth a requirement of a drainage plan subject to the approval of the Public Works Department. The proposed duplex would not exacerbate the area drainage, and Mr. Zenovic felt the remaining issue to be resolved is whether the proposed duplex is a compatible use. Mr. Zenovic further explained that traffic should not be increased significantly with the addition of the duplex. Jack Stewart, 333 Rhodes Road, directed a question to Mr. Zenovic as to where the drainage water will go if this duplex is constructed. Mr. Zenovic responded the drainage problem will be resolved, based on the required drainage plan. Councilmembers briefly discussed what drainage requirements would be instituted for a single-family dwelling. Public Works Director Pittis responded an applicant for a single-family residence would have to provide drainage in a workmanlike manner, and would not be subject to the stringent requirements as set forth via the conditional use permitting process. Werner Quast, 3800 Park Knoll Drive, referenced a petition which had been signed by approximately 45 individuals representing 25 properties, wherein strong objection to the duplex has been stated. Mr. Quast submitted the argument that all properties in the area would be subject to severe depreciation should the conditional use be granted. It was his opinion that the City has not provided the necessary substructure in order to alleviate the drainage problem; and further, that Council should be committed to granting the conditional use subject only to the approval of the property owners and not the singular wish of a developer. He urged Council to protect the property and the property owners with the continuation of stability and predictability of the Zoning Code. Councilman Cornell referenced the Comprehensive Plan and inquired as to how properties will be decreased in value. Mr. Quast replied that certainly the potential is present for depreciation. Councilman Ostrowski related a similar -3- 1756 CITY COUNCILMEETING December 4, 1990 experience in his neighborhood where the property owners also opposed a similar development and to which he was an active participant. Cindy Witham, 3760 Hill Circle, addressed Council by agreeing with all comments made thus far by those opposed to the project. She referenced specific areas that are incurring severe drainage problems during this rainy season. She urged Council to deny the Conditional Use application. Jim Shefler, 3717 Park Knoll Drive, reported he had walked the property and found himself standing in nine inches of water. The property in question has a slope that contributes to the drainage problem. Further, Mr. Shefler expressed his understanding of the Zoning Code, which is to protect property owners. He found himself feeling very put-upon to have to protect the neighborhood in this matter. ~Robbie Mantooth, 2238 East~indberg Road, expressed the opinion this conditional use is not in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan and explained that future planning should be accomplished before the protection and character of neighborhoods can be allowed to change. Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 8:30 P.M. The Council examined the various issues presented pertinent to the Conditional Use Permit request and Councilman Cornell indicated he was not convinced drainage is an issue because a single-family dwelling could be built on the lot and could pose the same potential threat as that concerning the duplex. The duplex would be subject to the drainage plan requirements that would not be required of a single-family dwelling. Public Works Director Pittis stated either type of structure, single-family or duplex, would create more runoff than the current condition. It would be helpful to have a more specific condition, but Public Works would make every effort to assure the maintenance of drainage ways that exist today. Councilman Hallett felt the issue to be addressed is whether the construction of the duplex would aggravate the drainage situation and, if not, the argument cannot be supported, in that the duplex would be in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan in encouraging mixed uses. In response to a question as to whether the area would fall under the wetlands definition, Planning Director Collins indicated there have been no studies to reveal hydric soils or vegetation typical of wetlands. The area is functioning as a basin. Councilman Cornell felt depreciated property value could not be considered a valid argument; traffic would not be impacted greatly; and no matter what was constructed, the drainage problem would be an issue. He felt it significant that a drainage plan would be required for the duplex in the resolution of the matter. Councilman Cornell moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the appeal, citing the following Condition, Findings, and Conclusions: Condition: (A) Prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed duplex, the applicant shall submit a drainage plan to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. Prior to occupancy of the structure, all improvements required by the drainage plan shall be installed by the applicant and approved by the Department of Public Works; Findings: (1) The property is in a Residential Single-Family Zoning District (RS-9) which allows duplexes on 14,000 square-foot lots as a conditional use; (2) The property is 14,600 square feet in area, is located at the corner of Park Knoll Drive and Rhodes Road, and is currently undeveloped; (3) The surrounding area is zoned RS-9 and is currently occupied by single-f~mily dwellings and vacant land. Areas to the east are platted, while areas to the north, south, and west are unplatted or short-platted into larger lots; (4) The open space provided, aesthetic design, and parking of the proposed duplex are similar to and compatible with the single-family residences in the neighborhood; Conclusions: (A) The proposed duplex, as conditioned, is compatible with the intent of the RS-9 Zoning District and with the surrounding land uses; (B) The proposed duplex is in the public use and interest and is not detrimental to the public welfare. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wight. Councilman Wight discussed the ideal densities set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and concluded the proposed density for the given area would not violate the content or intent of the Comprehensive Plan. -4- 1757 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 4, 1990 Councilman Ostrowski was of the opinion that Council should support the rights of the petitioners opposing the project and be more sensitive to the needs of the people in the area; Council should favor the appeal. In response to an inquiry from Councilman Hallett, Director Collins stated in the instance of future development in the area, the City would do very little on a case-by-case or site-by-site basis, in terms of street improvements and the like. The more appropriate approach, in the event of larger scale development, would be to initiate the LID process. Lengthy discussion ensued and, upon input from City Attorney Knutson, agreement was reached that the City should not assure there will not be additional runoff because of this proposed duplex. A vote was then taken on the motion which carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Ostrowski voting in opposition. BREAK Council recessed for a break at 9:05 P.M. and reconvened at 9:14 P.M. B. PROPOSED 1991-92 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BIENNIAL BUDGET REVIEW: To receive public comment Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 9:15 P.M. Carl Alexander, 1712 West Fifth Street, spoke to Council regarding the preliminary discussion of possibly establishing the budget on an annual basis. He discouraged the pursuit of this change as he felt there is real value in using the off year for purposes of reviewing such matters as the Capital Improvement Program. The biennial budget was intended to save time and Mr. Alexander felt this is being accomplished. Further, Mr. Alexander requested that Council consider increasing the budget for the Public Information Program. Funds dedicated to the program have not been increased since its inception and Mr. Alexander noted there are several issues deserving attention from the Public Information Officer. He expressed the need to have the newsletter published on a monthly basis and to double the time allotted for the Public Information Officer in order to appropriately address current issues and to accomplish some of the original goals established for the program. Darrell Peterson, 939 Strait View Drive, spoke to Council about property he owns located at First and Chambers Streets. During heavy rains, his property and others in the immediate vicinity have experienced severe flooding and back-up in the sewer system. The budget references storm drainage resolution in the 1993-94 time frame. Mr. Peterson asked that Council arrange to resolve this problem on a more immediate basis, as it causes very serious problems for the area businesses. Bill Clevenger, 1220 East Fifth Street, who is an owner of Angeles Furniture, also referenced the flooding due to poor storm drainage and indicated he would appreciate the Council's consideration of an immediate resolution. Council discussed a memorandum recently distributed to Councilmembers from the Public Works Department concerning drainage problems and concerns along First Street. The problem of drainage has existed for a number of years but has gotten worse over the last few years. In the memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis, the May, 1990, Stormwater Management Plan identified a long- term solution for the storm system problem and as part of the permit for the sewer treatment plant, it is required that an extensive program be undertaken for removal of storm water from the sanitary sewer system. The first step in such a program is to inventory all parts of the systems and then analyze the data for cost-effective solutions. The projected schedule for construction of the solutions was originally planned to occur after the year 2005. It was Director Pittis' recommendation in the memorandum that since we have an on- going water problem in a specific area and design and construction of a $600,000 system is beyond our current financial capacity, the following strategy to progress to a solution in a timely manner be initiated: To inventory existing systems in this drainage basin as the first priority; determine the type of solutions possible from the inventory data; determine a scope of work for the solution; and hire a firm to design the solution. The projected earliest start of construction would be the summer of 1992, with financing resolved at the time the estimated value of the project is known. Director Pittis acknowledged that a potential source of financing might be the Public Works Trust Fund. -5- 1758 CITY COUNCILMEETING December 4, 1990 Joan Ulsky, 739 West Fourth Street, spoke"in support of the budget request as presented by the North Olympic Peninsula Visitors and Convention Bureau. Ms. Ulsky indicated a majority of the members of the Port Angeles business community benefit by the support given to the VCB. She reaffirmed that the Board is committed to actively focusing its long-range plan on attracting visitors to this area. Funding cuts in the past have resulted in the curtailment of certain services to Port Angeles businesses which are of extreme importance to the community. She asked that Council support this effort by granting funding in the full amount of the request. Sharon DelaBarre, 136 Matriotti Lane, Sequim, addressed the Council as a board member of the Visitors and Convention Bureau. Ms. DelaBarre is a professional meeting planner and felt it important to impress upon Port Angeles how vital it is that meeting planners have one source available to contact in order to find out the available resources in the community in terms of facilities, transportation, and the like, to fulfill all of the requirements of planning successful meetings and conventions. She urged CouncilWs return to full funding for the Visitors and Convention Bureau. Jackson Smart, 219 North Oak Street, addressed Council concerning the mural project, which is a joint effort with the Port Angeles Downtown Association and the Visitors and Convention Bureau. He explained the nature of the project and the distribution plan for a promotional brochure for the mural project. Mr. Smart urged CouncilWs full funding of the VCB's request. The public hearing was closed at 9:48 P.M. Discussion followed, with Councilmembers addressing the need for an additional work session on the 1991-92 budget. Accordingly, a special work session will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 1990, at 6:00 P.M. It was requested that an agenda for the meeting be prepared and Mayor Sargent asked that one of the agenda items be a reconsideration of the allocation of Hotel/Motel tax funds. Additionally, it was requested that the unfunded Capital Improvement Program be a matter of discussion. To be added to the agenda is the subject of the Public Information Program, as referenced by Mr. Alexander during the public hearing. Any additional items should be submitted to the City Manager. 2. Planning Commission minutes of November 28, 1990 A motion was made by Councilman Cornell and seconded by Councilman Hallett to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of November 28, 1990. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. 3. Setting a public hearing date for consideration of an appeal of an extension of Conditional Use Permit - CUP-88(09)19 HO - Williams: Beauty shop in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District Planning Director Collins reported the applicant had submitted a letter to the Planning Department asking the matter be postponed beyond the December 18th meeting. Accordingly, this matter will be placed on the agenda of December 18, 1990, for the purpose of setting a public hearing date. A motion was made by Councilman Hallett and seconded by Councilman Nicholson to complete the remainder of the agenda. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of becoming member of Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization The City Council had met in joint session with the Planning Commission on November 28, 1990, and subsequently a meeting was conducted on November 29, 1990, at which time the formation of the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization was discussed further with representatives of Clallam County and the Cities of Port Angeles, Forks, and Sequim. It had been the consensus of Councilmembers present at the November 28, 1990, meeting to support the concept of forming a regional transportation planning organization. At this time, a question was raised by Councilman Cornell with respect to the content and formation of the by-laws. He asked whether Council should proceed with notice of intent to become a member without having reviewed the by-laws. Attorney Knutson responded that action to establish intent to become a member of the RTPO would not obligate the City to any particular form of agreement or by-laws. The City would be eligible to receive funding for the RTPO as long -6- 1759 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 4, 1990 as it establishes intent to become a member. Attorney Knutson continued that it would be advisable to defer authorization to execute the interlocal agreement until the form of agreement is finalized and approved by City Council. A motion was made by Councilman Nicholson and seconded by Councilman Ostrowski for the City of Port Angeles to express its intent to become a member agency of the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization and to defer authorization to execute the interlocal agreement until the form of the agreement is finalized. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 5. Request to Council to send letter of protest concerning the Office of Management and Budget's proposal to raise electrical rates Mayor Sargent referenced a proposed letter to be sent to the President and the Secretary of Energy protesting the recent Office of Management and Budget proposal to eliminate public preference to federally produced power. City Light Director Titus reported wholesale power rates could increase to almost double the current levels and there is the possibility that power needed in the region could be sold outside the region, leaving BPA and regional utilities in search of replacement power or curtailing loads. Director Titus thoroughly reviewed the possibilities should this proposal be adopted. A motion was made by Councilman Nicholson and seconded by Councilman Hallett for all Councilmembers to sign a letter to be submitted to the President and the Secretary of Energy opposing the Office of Management and Budget proposal; and further, that a paragraph should be added with regard to current economic/ timber issues facing the Peninsula at this time. After brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of Tennis Court Development in cooperation with the School District Councilman Nicholson reported on behalf of the Tennis Court ad hoc Committee which has been meeting since this past spring, concerning the possibility of the City and the Port Angeles School District jointly pursuing the expansion and addition of some school facilities which are used extensively for both the School District and a multitude of community activities. More specifically, discussions have related to upgrading parking lots and tennis courts at the High School. Over a period of months, several meetings have been held in an effort to determine actual costs involved in such a project. Councilman Nicholson referenced past cooperative efforts between the City and the School District, many of which date back prior to 1980. Cost estimates at the present time reveal a project total of $231,992. The City's share of participation would involve $12,500 cash; $44,000 in lighting for the tennis courts, which would be repaid to City Light via the General Fund over a period of seven years; and $38,996 of in-kind labor, which would involve assistance from the Public Works Department. Revenue totals of $386,992, representing City and School funds, could be used toward this project, with surplus resources to be applied to local tennis court renovation projects. In the ensuing discussion, it was noted the cost figures are much higher than anticipated, particularly due to the cost of lighting. It was the feeling of the Committee members the tennis courts must be lighted in order to truly provide a community facility. Councilman Hallett inquired as to whether anyone else is participating in this effort, such as the County. The response was negative; that this effort at this point strictly involves the School District and the City, in spite of the fact many County residents would enjoy this facility. Councilman Nicholson indicated the Parks and Recreation Department would be charged with the responsibility of scheduling the tennis courts; the School District would be held responsible for maintenance. Councilman Ostrowski inquired as to whether the School District had considered this matter. School Superintendent John Pope said a levy is being collected at the present time with funds specified for this particular project. It would need to be -7- 1760 December 4, 1990 accomplished within the next two years. The parking lot project is also part of the figure submitted for the total project cost, as the parking lot is used for the auditorium which is used for many community activities. Further, the parking lot is in close proximity to the tennis courts and would be utilized in that respect, as well. Mayor Sargent relayed the fact that some of the Councilmembers were under the impression that such a project would cost approximately $20,000, so it is somewhat of a surprise to receive the true scope of the project. She inquired as to the impact on scheduling with the Public Works Department donating in- kind labor. Public Works Director Pittis responded the Public Works Department would be able to work the project into its schedule without seriously jeopardizing the success of other City projects. Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the recommendation regarding the cooperative agreement between the School District and the City of Port Angeles on the proposed tennis courts and parking lot improvements, with the financial obligations for the City being $12,500 cash; $44,000 in lighting for the tennis courts to be repaid to City Light via the General Fund over a period of seven years; and $38,996 of in-kind labor to involve assistance from the Public Works Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett. Superintendent Pope addressed certain concerns as set forth by Councilman Lemon, specifically relating to the timing of disbursement of City funds and the possible need for a maintenance contract. Further, Councilman Lemon inquired as to other possible utilization for that property should the School deem it necessary to expand its facilities. He inquired as to the possibility of the formulation of an agreement that the School District would not use this property for any other purposes. Craig Miller, President of the School District, responded that no such language has been implemented in previous cooperative agreements, and he felt it unnecessary at this time. It was reported the tennis courts can conceivably be used for competitive tournaments, which should make the project even more successful. Councilman Cornell expressed his reservations because of an unfunded Capital Improvement Program, as well as the fact that many County residents will be using the facility without sharing in the cost. Lengthy discussion followed with regard to the City's level of commitment previously made, and Councilman Lemon subsequently echoed the concerns of Councilman Cornell. After limited discussion, the motion was voted on and carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Lemon voting in opposition. 7. Discussion and suggestion concerning scheduling of Executive Sessions Councilman Lemon had requested this matter be placed on the agenda for discussion, and he expressed his concern that Council reconvenes for executive session so late in the evening that it is difficult to give proper attention to various serious matters at such a late hour. He made a motion to conduct - executive sessions at 6:00 P.M., before the City Council regular meeting is convened at 7:00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nicholson. Discussion followed concerning requirements of the City Clerk to submit notice on special meetings 24 hours in advance. Council was of the opinion the executive sessions should be treated as special meetings and publicized accordingly. Should it be necessary to go beyond 7:00 for the executive session, this would be acceptable. In addition, Council could opt to continue executive session matters until after the regular Council session. The vote was then taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of acceptance of letter of resignation from Park Board member Barbara Carts Council considered a letter of resignation submitted by Barbara Catts from the Parks Board because of health reasons. 1761 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 4, 1990 A motion was made by Councilman Hallett and seconded by Councilman Lemon to accept Barbara Carts~ resignation with a letter of regret and express appreciation for her contributions; and further, that advertisement for the vacancy should be placed in January and interviews scheduled at the second meeting in January. The motion was voted on and carried unanimously. 9. Consideration of appointment of Councilmember to new Information Systems Steering Committee Manager Pomeranz indicated the committee structure of the Integrated Finance System Steering Committee is to be streamlined somewhat and reorganized into one permanent Information Systems Steering Committee. It is desirable to have input from City Council, and as such, Manager Pomeranz recommended that the three current members of the Integrated Finance System Steering Committee continue their membership in the Information Systems Steering Committee. By consensus, Council agreed that Councilmen Cornell, Hallett, and Wight would continue City Council participation in automation planning by participating in the Information Systems Steering Committee. 10. Proclamation: December 9 - 15 as Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week Mayor Sargent declared the week of December 9 - 15 as Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week by reading the following proclamation into the record: WHEREAS, each year intoxicated drivers continue to needlessly kill and injure citizen of Port Angeles, causing sorrow and pain to family and friends as well as the victims: and WHEREAS, the economic burden resulting from alcohol and other drug related accidents severely impacts each and every citizen, resulting in higher taxes, insurance rates, health care costs and other expenses; and WHEREAS, there are alternatives and actions that can be taken by groups and individuals to prevent such tragedies; and WHEREAS, the Clallam County DWI Task Force and other groups in the community are working to reduce the number of deaths, injuries, and accidents caused by intoxicated drivers; and WHEREAS, the increased awareness and education of citizens regarding the problem and its solution is a very desirable condition; and WHEREAS, the holiday season is a particularly appropriate time to focus local attention on this critical issue, because more drivers are on the roads, more social functions are attended and more traffic collisions occur; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joan Sargent, Mayor of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do hereby proclaim that the week of December 9-15, 1990, be officially designated as DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING AWARENESS WEEK in Port Angeles. I further urge and invite fellow citizens to join me in local activities and events in observance of the aforementioned week and remind everyone that proper and consistent use of safety belts and child safety seats can save lives and reduce injuries. 11. Appointment of Audit Committee Mayor Sargent reported the need to appoint an Audit Committee for the purpose of reviewing the list and timing of scheduled purchases for proposed rental equipment. Councilmen Lemon, Cornell, and Ostrowski were appointed to serve on this Committee. Councilman Hallett requested the Committee review the list and the timing of scheduled purchases and bring a report back as soon as possible. He noted that in the past, a list had been submitted in February or March; the Audit Committee reviewed this information, and then returned to Council with a recommendation in April or May. He felt it important that the Audit Committee review the list for the entire year as soon as possible, so prompt action can be taken when equipment purchases are necessary. -9- 1762 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 4, 1990 IX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS/LATE ITEMS Councilman Lemon asked for clarification with respect to previous discussion of an ad hoc committee to discuss multi-family housing or other affordable housing. Councilmembers offered clarification to Councilman Lemon in that it was their intent he serve as chairman of this committee, which will be working in concert with the Housing Advisory Subcommittee and that Councilman Lemon is free to add individuals to the Committee membership as he so desires. There was a request for the Real Estate Committee to conduct a meeting. The Committee members agreed to meet Thursday, December 6, 1990, at 4:30 P.M. to consider a lease with ITT Rayonier on Ediz Hook; to discuss whether or not the City has interest in obtaining a leasehold interest in harbor area lands abutting Railroad Avenue; and the matter of the utilization of old City Hall. Mayor Sargent reported on her attendance at an emergency meeting of the Economic Development Council on Monday, December 3, 1990, to discuss a presentation to be made to the Governor's timber team on Wednesday in Forks, and at 2:00 P.M. in Port Angeles at the Port office. The Mayor distributed copies of a draft proposal for a forest products development center to be submitted, as prepared by Dorothy Duncan, County Commissioner, and Jim Rumpeltes, County Administrator. The Mayor requested that Council review the proposal and be aware of what might be the last opportunity to provide input to the means by which the timber problem will be mitigated. Limited discussion followed, with some Councilmembers expressing the intention of attending the meeting; however, it was noted a quorum of Council would not be present so a public meeting notice would not need to be published. Councilman Lemon referenced the information on the cable television rate increase made a part of the Information Agenda. He requested a status report regarding the consultants' accomplishments with the cable television franchise and subsequently requested a presentation at the December 18th City Council meeting in this regard. Councilman Hallett referenced the report in the Information Agenda on the overgrown lot program. He felt it appropriate the subject be placed on the agenda for discussion for the first or second meeting in January and Councilman Lemon added it would be helpful to review the overgrown lot/nuisance ordinance for possible revision. Any questions in this regard should be directed to Public Works Director Pittis. BREAK Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 11:25 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 11:35 P.M. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Sargent adjourned the meeting to executive session at approximately 11:36 P.M. to discuss matters of litigation and labor negotiations for 25 to 30 minutes. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The Council returned to open session at approximately 12:50 A.M. XII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:55 A.M. Clerk ~-i <~ - 1- - M CC.193 -10-