HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/05/1945 168 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December. 5-+---_ _..~_19~5_ 'IThe Commissicn met in regular sessicn at 10 A.M., and was called to order by JI.ayor Robinscn. Roll call showed the fcllowing Officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston, and Clerk Ha1'lkins. I' The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge W. F. Phillips reported HJ9 cases tried and $D70.00 collected in fines for the month of November, 1945. Report ordered filed. !Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the follmving were gr2nted: Building permits: R. J. Avery, Frank Vannausdle IL. . lcenses: Olympi c Ainus ement Co. Swindland 1 S Music and Radio, Lake Crescent Club Peninsula Electric Co. ;Kenneth L. James Remcdel dwelling, reshinele, Lot 7, 3lk. 266 Build concrete block fumigating cha'llber, Lot 17, Elk. 286, Townsite, $ I 200 .00 300.00 Dist~butors Amusement games, License for 60 Machines, Master Electrician 1 W.usic Ma chine lI.aoter Electrician Peddler, Dec. 5, lS45 at 11 A.M. to Dec. 6, 1945, 11 A.M. 2500 .00 10.00 9.00 llO.OO . ]0.00 I Under the head of new business: a petition signed by Edward J. Rapp and others was. read before the Cowmission, petitioning the Commission to vacate that portmon of the alley running through Block 42, Norman R. Smith Subdivision of the Tovmsite of Port Angeles, lying between Lot l"on the North side of said alley, .and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 lying on the South side of said alley. I' After due consideration, the following resolution was inili:i'oduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the City Cormnission of the City of Port Angeles by all of the property ovmers of the abutting property on the alley hereinai'ter described requesting that said alley be vacated, AND WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Commission fix a time and place where said petition should be heard and determined, !AND WHEREAS, the alley sought to be vacated is the alley running westerly through Block 42 of Norman R. Smith's SUbdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles froel the point of intersection of said alley with Vine Street westerly to the point where the same intersects Victoria Street. NOW, THEREroRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGElES, that a hearing on said petition to vacate said alley be held in the City Cowmission room of the City of Port Angeles, on Wednesday, 'the 26th day of December, 1945, at the hour of eleven o'clock A.M. I Seconded by Comrnissiorl.er I .~ I It was moved by Mayor Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. 'Beam. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The l'~yor declared the motion carried. The following persons and firms having made request in writing fo r transfers of their business licenses, there being no objections, the Clerk was instructed to make said transfers as requested: Miller's Recreation (Jack Miller), to Al Hoover and Lester Eichhorn:. Pool and Billiard License No. 5636, 6 Bowling Alley License No. 5636, 2 Amusement Ma chine Licenses No. 18 - 19. and:1 I :ILittle Brick Tavern, E. W. Ernst to O. H. Holden:- Soft Drink, License No. 5519, 1 Music Machine, License No. 5519, 2 Amusement Machines, License No. :U9 - 2. Merlcan Chili Bowl: Opal Langen to Hazel Coole,;' & Babe Thie: Restaurant, License No. 5554, Soft Drink, License No. 5555, 1 Music 1~chine, License No. 5556. Frank C. Barton, representing the General Maintenance Safety Committee of Rayonier Inc., appeared before the I Commission and requested that Front Street as an arterial road be extended to Ennis Street,'and"that:a'~\op Sign be placed:;on Front Street where it enters Ennis Street, and all streets J!eaditlg"into Front Street. ~ . It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the above request be granted, Seconded by Commissioner Beam. ,On roll call, all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. II Under the head of new business: A. T. Dennis having transferred his: interest in Lots 13 & 14, Block 354, .Tovmsite of Port Angeles, Washington to Link Dennis, requested in writing, that the deed when issued, be made to Link Dennis. There being no objections, the Commission ordered deed made as requested. the following claims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same: I The Commission 'examined Current Expense Ii\md: Olympic Stationers, City Light Dept. Associated Oil Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. ,Po A. Concrete Products ,State Treasurer Co. .Water FUnd: Federal Pipe & Tank Co. D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. City Treasurer City Fire Dept Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. City Street Dept. "~Po A. Concrete Products 'Co. 'City Light Dapt state Treasurer Ofnc e Supplies Rant for Nov. Gas - Solvent Ser. 361 W Concrete Pipe Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 1\ 11.03 50.00 160.30 4.75 101. 61 j ~S,?~ 8.05 I Wood Pipe Collars Truck Repairs Freight on Materials Light Plant t Ser. 111450 Gas & Oil Materials Rent & Light fot Nov. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 6.49 2.96 2.09 400.00 13.85 44.95 16.07 32.85 17.43 s'~~ ~ 7 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,.... '_'.H..~n.~,..,~...no _ __.___IlS_CArnhA"", S, Sanitary ~: Roy. Pike state Trea surer Libra ry FUnd: J ennilJ! Norris Ma rian Cline Ethel King Mildred Eaton Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Park Fund. Mt.Pleasant Shingle Co.: Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. State Treasurer : State Aid Thnd: ,J. H. Emerson Co. D. W. Onan & Sons Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. War Liquor Tax Fund: Mexican Chili Bowl Pacific Tal. & Tel. Co. A. 1. Thompson Thos. H. Guptill ! State Treasurer Firemen I S Pension Fund :; City Treasurer Income Tax I'und: Tax withheld in Nov. ~ Street Fund: State Treasurer Transformers - Meter Covers If", terials & Supplies Power for Nov. 1945 Freight Expense Acct. Water For Nov. Car Expense, Nov. Service Supplies Ind. llins. & Med. Aid Car Mileage, Nov. IUd. Ins. & Med. Aid Petty C~sh Ext ra La tor Extra Labor Extra Labor Service # 467 Shingle s Ser. # 15:30 11 Ser. # 1051 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Gaskets Ligh t Plant Ser. # 800 - 872 Meals fo r Pris oner s Service 126 - 1332 - 1627 Enlarge & Print Sign Ind. Ins. & I,'ed, Aid Purchase of Bonds City Treasurer Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid I There being no further business, the raeeting was adjourned. 11,?111~ ~ City Clerk 19~ $ 171.21 151. 82 14,484 .00 1.64 12.12 1.90 5.75 24.00 21.32 17.68 1'1, '61/, if'! 22.40 2>"~ 12.94 5.85 10.25 10.50 3.00 ~;"~$' 4.25 10.30 2.88 5.00 7,'/.~1I. 6.24 13.67 460.00 J./~7:;,2 13.65 73.54 12.66 l.OS 5.92 / ;0 ;z.y'{29. 29 5,180.00 1,881.60 29.46 ~Jo,~ 169 -, ~