HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/05/1957 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Dece!!!!lltr 5 19_~ n,.. """"", "m.., "...,,,"., ,,,m.., no.. .... The City Council met in regular session a t 7:'30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor sman. Roll can. of officers revealed the following present: Councilmen Brollm, Sandison, Mattnieu, Wolfe, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by (;ouncilman Maxfield that minutes of the previous meeting b! approved. Seconded by Council- man Sandison and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, fixed estimate claims for local improvement dist ricts were approved as follows: L.1.D. No. 171: Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, legal services, .$1,508.01; North Pacific Bank Note Co., printing bonds, $150.09. L.I.D. No. 173: City Treasurer, postage, $1.80; Peninsula Herald, publication, $6.12 and.City Treasurer, interest on warrant, $88.78. L.I.D. 174: City Treasurer, interest on warrant, $90.61. L.I.D. No. 175: Peninsula Herald, publication, $4.32. It was moved by Councilman Brown that fixed estimate clai. ms be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. ,'Council considered previous request by Terry D. Munkeby for sewer connection a t Ninth and Jones Streets and agreement for same between the City and Terry D. Munkeby and Dorothy Haller Munkeby, his wife, providin~ for payment to the City of $20.00 as cost of sewer, $1.00 inspection fee and $5.00 connection fee, and become subject to all Ordinances, relating to said sewer now in effect Or may hereafter be adopted, relat- ing to sewers and sewer charges. It was moved by <':ouncilman Brown tha t agreement be approved and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute the same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. ~ayor Smith read letters from numerous citizens commending appointment of Rev. Robert Lieby as member of the Civil Service Commission. Also notice of acceptance from Rev. Lieby. Under the head of new business, claims paid November 25 and December 4 were approved in total ""ount of $50,026.96. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that claims be approved as p;ti.d. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Manager Vergeer showed special report of light and power rates comparable to othe r utilities in c OIItemp.. !ation of changes in certain rates charged by this Utility. It.was moved by Councilman Wolfe that special reports be acCepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Mattnieu and carried. r I Lloyd MoGlenn of McGlenn's Grocery filed petition signed by property owners requesting vacation of the Sotlth three (3) feet of the alley in Block 167, Townsite of Port Angeles, extending from Lincoln street Westerly to Laurel Street. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that petition be tabled until the nexy meeting after Council will have had opportunity to investigate requested vacation, Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. I Blanche Headrick Waldron, having sold her intere~t in Blanche's Luncheonette to Fred and Rose Kilmer, re- quested in writing that the City License be transferred to th<jnew owners, place to be known as "The Coffee Cup". It was moved by Councilman MCFadde1that the transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman I Brown and carried. One cequest for transfer of beverage license was received, Rose's Place from Ira R. fisher to Arthur W. Brooks and Guy O. Brooks. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that transfer be approved. Seconded by I Councilman Brown and carried. Clifford Seat having asked that m1n1Jllum price be set on Lots 5 thllough 10 and Lots 11 through 15, all in Block 314, Townsite, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that request be tabled until proper appraisal can I be determined. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. 'I Council accepted petition signed by property owners opposing improvement of area East of Lincoln street , and South of Eighth Street to Peabody Creek at present time. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that , petition be tabled and filed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. The following reports were presented for Council approval: Police, Water and Light Departments. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison aM carried. The Planning Commission having considered petitions filed for improvements, r t\J orted as follows: Eighth : Street from C Street to I Street and establishment of permanent grades on Eighth Street from I to L Streets. Agreed that further study be given until shortly after first of year. Second Street from Lincoln Street to Race Street. Decided to give further study until after first of year. i Grading, draining and paving from alley 5th and 6th to alley 8th and 9th East of Race Street. Decided to defer action at this time and include area with improvement North to First Street. Application for Doctor's Clinic at N.E. corner of Race and lleorgiana. Recommended regular request for variance from zoning code be pursued. Mayor Smith informed of communication from Pollution Control Commtssion stating they will meet as soon as said meeting can be arranged and reports are ready which should be after first of the year. Council authorized that call for bids be published to furnish gasoline and diesel fuel for City Deputments during the year 1958. L. A. Wallace, minister from Portland, Oregon, read letter by R. Robert Crawford of the Apostnlic Faith Mission Headquarters at Portland, stating that Rev. Robert Lieby is no longer affiliated with that organi- zation and they still hold ti tie to all local property. Wm. H. Smith, 531 West 15th Street, told ~ouncil about sixteen organizations represented requests for re- appointment of Murray Randall to the Civil Service Commission and knew of no others opposed except Council. He took exceptions to remarks made at previOUS mee~ng and considered the present form of government the most abominable thing that ever hit Port Angeles. If the City Manager did not remove himself, the Council should fire him. Mr. Smith cited cases such as appointment of Police Chief at time of Mr. Ide's retirement, car accident and firecracker incident at Lincoln Theatre and accused Mr. Vergeer of requesting apologies from Patrolmen and not working in harmony wi th the Civil Service Commission. Also cCIIUT1endcd Pire Chief Wolverton and Assistant Chief Thompson for service and ability and considered recent suspension of Mr. Thompson without approval of the Council. Mayor Smith assured that an investigation had been held and they were well informed as to procedure. Mr. Vergeer declared that he is being falsely accused. At no time did he demand apologies from any officer. That he reported the car accident, took responsib- ility and paid fin~ as required of any citizen. Mr. ~mtth assured that he woule! not falsely accuse anyone and offered apolog1es. He then presented the press w1th letter requesting that same be published. , 571 " --olIIIIl ,... 572 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington n...r.PJllhPr 5, 1()57 c:ontinuprl 19_ ""'~"''''''''M'',"'''''"""""",,,_ Wm. H. Gwynn asked Council whm he could expect an i'Ilswer. to questions as previously recorded. The Mayor assured that all questions will be answered iQ due time. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced and read: RBSOLUTION NO. 29-57 A RESOLUTION holding over for the year 1958 current budget appropriations in the sum of $500.00 in the department of Sanitation entitled Maintenance of Dump and providing for the expenditure of sum remaining balance during the year 1958., It, was moved by Councilman.MoFad4en. that, the foregoing "esolution be adopted. Secollded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 30-57 A RESOLUTION authorizing the issuance of warrants on Local Improvement District No. 174 in the sum of $1,611.11; said warrants bearing interest at the rate of 4t% per annum, warrant nUll:er 1 to be in the sum I of $111.11 and warra:t; 2 to 16 inclusive to be in 1he Sill of $100.00 each, said $100.00 warrants to be in the total sum of $1,500.00; and authorizing said warrants to be~able to the Firemen's Pension Pund of the City of Port Angeles; said warrants to be utilized for the redemption of construction warrants issued I against Local Improvement District No. 174. ":i It was moved hy Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Resolution be approvv and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full: , ORDINAl'CB NO. 1407 ,AN ORDINANCE relating to the sale of certain class of electric energy by the municipal Light and Water SystCl1l and adopting an electric rate schedule to be known as industrial rates and to be termed Schedule Six of light and power rates of the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman McPadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. SeCOnded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. There being no further business. the meeting was adjourned. 0, e. (J 7h.l..-~. Mayor ~(2.?(/ City Clerk C."-LL .FOR Bms Bid!'; will be r(>('clveCl up Ul 5;()() o'clock 1.... M., .Tlllluar:r 2, 1958, <it the office of lhe City Cl{'rk:. 140 '\V1l8t FrrJflt Street, Port Angelf>~. '\Ynrhlngton, on One only 1!158 Mooel Ilh; tr'll trl1c"k, cab and chassl!l whh' b5~;~J;;~~CC~'a~~:CE~;~\~C ;i~,~OOOl \;~.; than L~O nOTsCllOWCI', equipped Wltll 1.\\;U l'!Ul'ed rear akJe, fotlr 8peefl.. t.ral1;;ml~>ij.on . ll.nd Dower LIlJw-off. itllul r...ar wheel and sJlal'e wheel, ~ll f"luJIJP<cd with II x 22';h - 8 ply tll~1~f1V to lie 1"(lulp1led with auxll~ ':try !'elOlr'i<prilli('l'< anu vacuttm 1)00':- er bC::II:N!, filred)olla.l stgnals, 011 filti'l' d\,l~l nll'f'tl"l{~ wiper/!, ,reclrcu- 1atol" t3-'Jw hc'n t 1')' and defnJl>tl:l' and Lwo ()t]t1'll(llC mlrrllT'R.~ Body to' he, thirteen ff'el long. se- ven and one-hili! feet wldr' with t-ltcel' undf'l' frame. SIze of Imily tll he 51:!:: re,.t high, :).[arlne Pl~'wllud COl1~truGtioo '}.I." thickness sleel 1''''- 'n~~~~~ild cha:'l:'JIf> t('J- be palntl'ld ren"j !lod\' Lo he pa,lnt{'/l grey 111 color. e t~Ra:~ s ~~v~n b{e.,j'~;ll~ :;('l~C~U: ~t~~~~ ()~ ~f:t~ '1f~('k of body tl'J be not leffs than m;'J aud thT~C (1ll.<1.1"ters (1 %,", inch l"Ir or Apitong tl\m~ Rnrt C:r.)o...'e. ; ga~~)(::;llgtl~lg l:J~le I'f~~it~~fowW:~~ d~\~. of booy. T:lil gale /j).. be :I x 7~ Wl1~1 c:;;~~ ~~~~\st~~\~"_ the tradeln allowance of one 1~42-11h t<)on trlld~ I 'boX tr:lck) ll(}W (}wned by the S:1.ni- , t;a~~rc('D~~~~~~~lt7{ :;~c r~.\~:' Fort I ~fe~~par~\~G:I~~~~:;ate'lllS~~t~rls~~i Tax nnl;,. El'Cl"l'111tion CI'rt1ft(,1.tro wlll be l":OlUed for F'ed(!ral Excise Tax City rC':"crvcs the right to accept or rejl"ct fillY proposaJs or lrregular- I W,=,s in l>IMa.. s. VE~gg~l~;lager irpubJi:;he:d: D<'c:~~...r:l:- a.1i.d -19, 1%7 ;-- - - C~~,T~C;:B ~~~; -.--- Notice 18 hereby given tbat ~ell.lerl b'ds will 1)0:: rccelycd by tht, Clty G1Cl'k of the Citv of' Port.. Angelelf, ~~fI~h:~cgiij; ~:a~..ob~~b~)til, ~19~i~. to fu.rni:;h Sor tQe .Cill-'S annual T..- q\1irem~nt-; dm1n, the year 195R, of ~~~J~ml':n~~;Ir.l~, r~~~O&~;~!~rt~: Diesel }<~UI'J. -4,0(18 gallons. Also '}Hlll.- ~~~n ~~~tl ~~tl~~~ ~t:Il~epr~ ,. to be eXclul'liv, t"f .l"ederal or any' other taxt's "bt,':l\.n.J1eal~l&18 .un~~1 cipal Corporatl.ons.rhe L'tty Council I ~ifeb;':;~ ~~e a~~~ ~re,:;~e~~p::tel; at theil' discretiOJ1. , - - J: E. I.AW, City Clerk Publl:,;hoo: D€cember 12 a~d 19, 19S7i ...... . ,.~, 't I I I I