HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/05/197810~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 5, 1978 I CALL TO ORDER Councilman Buck moved the Council elect Councilman Wray to serve as ' Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. The meeting was then called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Wray at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Pro Tem Wray, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk. Members Absent: Mayor Haguewood. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso. P. Carr, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, J. Honnold, A. Rose, K. Rodocker. Guests Present: L. Sunny, C. Lundgren, P. Brady, R. Anderson, R. Veltkamp, F. Grinnell, W. Gwynn, H. Berglund, L. Torres, T. Weed. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the budget hearing minutes of November 10-11, 1978 and the meeeting of November 21, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and ' carried. IV LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. L.I.D. No. 203 Manager Whorton read a letter from Mr. Richard McLean, President of the Downtown Improvement Group, requesting the Council withdraw the LID No. 203 proposal from further consideration at this time because of delay and uncertainty regarding federal funding for the proposed LID. Attorney Walrath then advised the Council to schedule a specific date for the final public hearing on the proposed LID, and direct staff to notify the individual property owners that the proposed LED will be considered at that time. The Council dis- cussed this recommendation at length with Attorney Walrath, Mr. McLean and Manager Whorton. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council schedule the final hearing on LID No. 203 for the January 16, 1978 Council meeting, and direct the staff to noti€y the in- dividual property owners. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk moved the motion be amended to read the hearing be scheduled for the second Council meeting in January. The amended motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. On call for the question, the motion as ' amende, d~was:na~~d by the Council. Applicant: City of Port nto7e `.ity of Port Angeles ~ NgYICE 15 HEREBY Angeles. GIVEN That the Port Angeles Property owner: City of Por Ali interested fiearin9 and ty opened the public hearing on the City of Port City'COUncil will hold a Public Angeles. hea~n9 on Novembee Cou~cg appear at the root express their opinion on tnis to rezone four lots west of "A" Street on t e y „at r:00 P. M. h Street from PBP to RS-7, and requested comments Chambers, 134 West F of proposal. 1979. Date: November 10, Street, to consider atoe~. Marian C. Parrish the audience and staff. There were no comments four lots from PBP A„ Street ~CityGlerk Location: West of'~ltn-- to, 1878 ~sring was closed. on the north sitle on. Lots V, Pub.: November Legal Descrip' ~~_ _ 18, i9 and 40.. Block 340. T~P.A. D 4JOLq_l.~ ~~~ r ~.~~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Pozt Angeles, Washington December 5, 1978 I CALL TO ORDER Councilman Buck moved the Council elect Councilman Wray to serve as ' Mayor Pro Tem in the absence of Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. The meeting was then called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Wray at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Pro Tem Wray, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk. Members Absent: Mayor Haguewood. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso. P. Carr, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, J. Honnold, A. Rose, K. Rodocker. Guests Present: L. Sunny, C. Lundgren, P. Brady, R. Anderson, R. Veltkamp, F. Grinnell, W. Gwynn, H. Berglund, L. Tortes, T. Weed. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the budget hearing minutes of November 10-11, 1978 and the meeeting of November 21, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. IV LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. L.I.D. NO. 203 oh B. shpt, w 1n ~aea S 4pO~ a e5i. 1 e• ~Ogt Brter hom or after 1350 fl.. 5. 5 1272 N neW home cent(a~ B erAm Rene `rnn~aj c 9araTOr '~ ~+acuum~,Net+ bar.91o dal 4th. l 4P yptace, 564.4: 457-0°41~ 452'2 .. .fsy OW NFR ~.. Manager Whorton read a letter from Mr. Richard McLean, President of the Downtown Improvement Group, requesting the Council withdraw the LID No. 203 proposal from further consideration at this time because of delay and uncertainty regarding federal funding for the proposed LID. Attorney Walrath then advised the Council to schedule a specific date for the final public hearing on the proposed LID, and direct staff to notify the individual property owners that the proposed LID will be considered at that time. The Council dis- cussed this recommendation at length with Attorney Walrath, Mr. McLean and Manager Whorton. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council schedule the final hearing on LID No. 203 for the January 16, 1978 Council meeting, and direct the staff to notify the in- dividual property owners. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk moved the motion be amended to read-the hearing be scheduled for the second Council meeting in January. The amended motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. On call for the question, the motion as ' amended was passed by the Council. Rezone Request: City of Port Angeles Mayor Pro Tem Wray opened the public hearing on the City of Port Angeles' request to rezone four lots west of "A" Street on the north side of 11th Street from PBP to RS-7, and requested comments or questions from the audience and staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Mayor Pro Tem Wray then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2004 entitled, Ordinance No. 2004 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending ordinance No. 1709 by rezoning a portion of Block 320, Townsite of Port Angeles, from PBP to RS-7. ~o~ Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Pro Tem Wray, because the rezone to RS-7 is the same classification as other privately owned property in the vicinity and in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried unanimously. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Pro Tem Wray read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of November 29, 1978 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Conditional Use Permit: Eijkemans Mayor Pro Tem Wray opened the public hearing on Mr. Eijkemans' request for an extension to his conditional use permit for making orthodontic appliances as a home occupation, and re- quested comments or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation ' of the Planning Commission and approve a one year extension to Mr. Eijkemans' conditional use permit, subject to the same conditions as attached-to the original permit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. B. Conditional Use Permit:: F. Grinnell Mayor Pro Tem Wray opened the public hearing on Mr. Fred Grinnell's request for approval of two duplexes located on the north side of 11th Street west of "A" Street, and requested comments or questions from the audience and staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the request of Mr. Grinnell for a conditional use permit to construct two duplexes on Lots 18, 19 and 20, Black 320, on ~-- the condition that the duplexes be constructed so that they do not appear to be duplicates of each other. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. C. Final Plat: Samara Woods, Division I Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant Mr. Johnie Key an extension of time for approval of the final plat of Samara Woods Division I to May 15, 1979 because there is no apparent detrimental impact ' to the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. D. Councilman Anderson moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of November 29, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 1 O ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 5. • 171370A CALL FOR BIDS City of -ore Anp.l+s I Munklpol Pl.r ! Dat. 01 1b Op.ninp - }Jennory11,1979. ~ S.abd PropotaM for tF. construction of tM Pen Anp~ln Munkipol Piu wlll ~b. r.e.iv.d by eM Cly Manap.r, CITY o} Port ~Anpeln, Washington, UO ~W.at Front StrNf, Port ;Artp.itn, Wwhlnpton 94362. iunt112;00 p.m. local tim.. on I~ I ltfi day of Jonuary 1979, and that. will b. publicly opa»d and nod. TM work mnt.mplatad consists of construillon of a .multl•uw munklpol pi.r lo- icludlnp Amb.r dtidc ar.as, pav.d and lendtcaprd anat. porklnp ana, pavHion stnK• stun, vl.w taws trrutlun, trensi.nt moorop. Focilitl.t for pltawn va+t, and o con- cnt. pi.r approxinwuly 30'-0" wid. by 420'-0" loop. Ineludlnp, oll n.cassary m.chonkal and dMrtcal work, canpl.t.. Th. Contrail Dotum.nts may ~ I» .xaminaJ of the following lowtbns: 1.01}ic. of th. City Monoper, 140 W.d Front Stn.f, Port Anp.ls, I W athin ton ~9e362, (IS7-0411 2. Olfic• of AlAM~ Enpinkrt, Inc., 1177 Port of Tacoma Road, Tacoma.. W oshlnpton 9e421,~ (393.309eco}~ Chopt.r I~Ifin'~, o} tM Atsoclotai G.n.rall Centrocton of Am.rica. 3 4. S.attl. Chopetrr OHia o} tM AtsociotM t;sa~.ral Corttroctort'of Arturkca. I 5. Northvntt Plons Gnbr„ S.ettl., Wathinpton. j 6. Olympic Plan 5.rvk.~i Olympia. Wathinpton. CepNS of plans and' spadlkatlom may M ebtoin .d 'at th. aflln~of ABAM! Enplt+Nn, Int., upon pay-, ment of a non-r.fundabl• fNl of >i25.001ar oath t.t. Each proposal must b. sub• mltt.d M t11. pnuriba! form ` aril accomponl.d by a t.r• ` tNla! chock or bid bond .x-~ .cured on th.. prau:ribaJ form. Payabl. ro Nt. City of ~ Port Anpd.s, Wothinpron, and sub~.ct ro th. conditions I ---.u~.l 7n rti Inalruetient t0 3. LEASE AGREEMENT RENEWAL: HIGH TIDE SEA FOODS Mayor Pro Tem Wray read a letter from Mr. Ernest Vail, of High Tide Sea Foods, requesting a renewal of their lease agreement with the City for space on the old Owens Brothers Dock. This agreement, which was originally entered into in May, 1978, is in conjunction with a Temporary Use Permit which was approved by the Planning Commission and City Council for High Tide Sea Foods to process and pack ,fish for shipment and also operate a small retail shop for carvings. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council refer this matter to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Manager whorton discussed renewal of the lease agreement and whether it should be renewed prior to referring it to the Planning Commission. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 4. APPOINTMENT: NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY HOARD Councilman Hordyk moved the Council con€irm the County's appointment of Mrs. Francis Henneke to the North Olympic Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Robert Lea which expires December 31, 1984. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. MUNICIPAL PIER: FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Prior to a presentation on the final plans and specifications on the Municipal Pier, Mr. Kenneth Watkins, representing a veterans organi- zation, requested space on the pier fora flag memorial to former City Fire Chief Clay Wolverton. The Council discussed this matter briefly with Mr. Watkins, and then Mr. Birkeland of ABAM and Mr. Anderson of Makers gave their presentation on the present status and final plans for the pier. During the presentation, Mr. Birkeland outlined the bid schedule as follows: Call for bids -December 11th; building permit -December l7th; receive bids -January 11th; award bids - 3anuary 16th; and a tentative completion date of October 15, 1979. Mr. Anderson explained several revisions in the pier plans, including paving patterns, plant material selection, and site land- scaping. The presentation concluded with the Council requesting guidelines from Mr. Anderson for other uses on the pier such as the Winona bell, flag memorials, and sculptures. 1 1 Following Mr. Anderson's presentation, Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the final plans and specifications on the Municipal Pier. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. ;Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize the call for bids on the Municipal Pier. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. A motion was then made by Councilman Boardman, seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed by the Council to authorize Mayor Haguewood to . sign the Corps of Engineers Permit. REQEUST RE HOLIDAY MUSIC: KONP RADIO STATION Councilman Anderson moved the Council grant KONP Radio's request to play Christmas music over their loudspeakers from a van parked in various locations through-out the downtown business area, on the condition that the music is restricted to certain areas and the ' level of sound is kept moderately low. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. APPOINTMENT: NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council appoint Chester T. Walrath to serve as trustee on the North Olympic Library Baord of Trustees to replace Bart G. Irwin whose term expires December 31, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. ~~~~~ ~~ t~r~ ~~~t~~~t~~~~ ~~ ~~~~. ~~ ~ ~+t~~t~ v~r ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ r~~~# t ~~~~ vrr~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~r~~~ti~- ~~ i~ ~~t~s~~r ~~ ~~~~f~ n~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ r~~~ ~~~r ~ ~~ . t+Y~~ ~~ work ~~ ~ ~~r ~~r ~~ ~~a~~ ~~ , ~~~ ~~ ~~~f ~t~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ r~~s r ~ ~ ~~ ~n~r ~~ ~~~~t~ tt ~~- ~#1~ ~# ~~~~rrr~~ t~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~r~ts ~r ~n ~r~tt ~~~ ~n~~~~~r~~ ~~ t ~~~~ ~n~i ~~~~ ~ ~t~~~t ~~ ~~ ~~ stp ~h~ ~r~ ~f t~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ f ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ b ~~~~ ~t~~ ~~~ 17t IPI~~~~ir~~~~~ ~~~~ P~~ 1~rk~ ~~: ~~~: CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~ O December 5, 1978 V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Ms. Hattie Berglund addressed the Council to ask if City representatives will be present at the December 19, 1978 Peninsula College hearing and the December 20, 1978 Seattle hearing on removal of the Evans Amendment to the Coastal Zone Management Act. Manager Whorton advised Ms. Berglund and the Council that either he or the City Attorney will be attending those hearings. ' VT FINANCE. 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS: CITY SURPLUS PROPERTY Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Parks Director Frizzeli and award the bid for purchase of City property located at 1612 East Third Street to the sole bidder, Lawrence J. Doyle, with a total bid of $28,000, and rebid the re- maining properties with no minimum bid required. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $99,397.11 and Payroll of $125,001.69. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows: 1. Authorize payment of $509.91 to Donald Hoffman for the Walcott property basement and floor project (retained percentage). 2. Authorize payment of $5,481.56 as a progress payment to Del Guzzi Construction Company for work and equipment furnished on the Civic Field Projeet. 3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board that Charles L. Robinson DBA Robinson Foods, 210 North Oak Street, has discontinued licensed operations as of November 25, 1978. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT HEARINGS Councilman Duncan moved the Council provide a representative with testimony at the December 19 and 20, 1978 Coastal Zone Management hearings to be held at Peninsula College and in Seattle. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 2. ITT RAYONIER LITIGATION Attorney Walrath advised the Council that he has received word from the Clerk of the U.S. District Court in Seattle that Judge Voorhees has signed an order denying the City's motion for a preliminary injunction against ITT Rayonier's use of the cruise ship "Prince George" to house supervisory personnel. Mr. Walrath will be proceeding on the basis of a permanent injunction. VIX STAFF REPORTS ' 1. Councilman Hordyk: Commented that there is a piece of torn-up culvert on the outside of the fence at Civic Field on Washington Street and requested that it be removed. Moved the Council re- schedule the January Council meetings to the second and fourth Tuesdays, with a special meeting on January 16th to award the bids on the Municipal Pier. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Commented on the Western Public Power Council meeting which he attended in Portland on December 1st. ~~~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 1978 VIX STAFF REPORTS 2. Councilman Buck: Thanked Mr. Lundgren for pursuing the matter of the Erickson Playfield lights. 3. Mayor Pro Tem Wzay: Commented on the December i, 1978 Western Public Power Council meeting in Portland, and the lack of public power in Oregon. X ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. G~~ Gam' . ~~~d~ ~ City Clerk ~or C 1