HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/06/1933 DecembA-r fith Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lIll -165 193.:L I I I I 10, The Comm1ssion met in regular Session. The meeting was called to order by Comm1ssioner Beam, Acting Mayor. Roll Call showed the following officers present; Conmdssioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hswkins. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Under the head of licenses: Applications were received and approved for the following licenses; Beer and Wine - Carl P.Weisse and George Davidson - 1241;, \'i.Front St. beer and wine to be consumed on the premises - $75.00 Beer and Wine - T.Benjamin - Tyee Cafe,ll6t E. First St., Beer and Wine to be comsumed on the Premi ses - $ 75.00 Police Judge Geisness filed his peport for November 1933 showing as follows 17 cases tried and $11l.g5 collected in fines. The Comm1ssion then examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants drawn in payment 0 f the eame : CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Fire Department Payroll for Extra Firemen " Wat er for Hydrants Street Department Water for Flush Tanks E.A.Thomas P.A.Concrete Products Co Repairs Pipe. Engineers Departmffit Crescent Securities Co Blue Prints Attorney Frank L.Plummer Supplie s WATER mID' Quick Print James Coyne &. Co James Hardware Co City Transfer Co -pt Townsend,Wn Central Machine Co Clyde Equipment Co Willson Hardware Co Supplies Rental fo r Compressor Materials Cartage Repairs SUpplies &. Rental Hardware LIGHT FUND, Johnson &. Bork Fobes Supply Co Northwest Plumbing Co Byron Winter Pacific Telephone &. TeJLegr-aph Co Graybar Electric Co Angeles CreameryCo Willson Hardware Co General Electric Supply Co Ci ty Treasurer H.E.stanley Elmer Stanley Cornie \V.Puhl QUick Print Crescent Securities Co Eubanks Drug Co S.Morrish Gehrke &. Johnson. Ci ty Treasurer Seattle Hardware Co Standard Stations Inc. Washington Pulp &. Paper Co Angeles Furniture Co Blackburn Printing Co C.E.Hammer Central Machine Co Lyaall Welding Works Sunset Electric Co Cli fford Cowling Zellerbach Paper Co O.E.Eddy Fobes Supply Co The Wedel Co Westinghouse Electric Co. P.A.Evening News Supplies S ervic es Wiring Services Mdse Supplies . Mdse Water Wood Wood Services Suppl+es Maps Suppli es Car Hire Gasoline Stamps Mdse Services Supplies . Repairs Mdse Car Hire 'Supplies Rent Mdse Mdse Trans format's Advertising -"\'1 LIBRARY FUND ! PARK FlJNJ Emergency Help Light &. Water Ethel Osterhourt Ci ty Treasurer M. W.Caskey Labor There being no further business the Comm1ssion then adjourned. , 71 ?n1huo~ Ci ty Clerll . 57.00 J 5'1 '!! 300.00 40.00 ,>' 29.05 'J'l- 3.00 I ~l 1.8g c' 10 - 10.00 22.20 110.00 14.77 EO.OO .73 58.95 5.52 g.70 74.3g 14. g5 33.18 18.65 420.40 5.g0 28.21. 106.75 1.g5 3.00 3.00 2.50 .50 3.75 2.40 15.00 51.g5 5.01 1.41 6.75 15.35 8.60 10.50 .75 3.50 .75 1.78 25.00 1.48 3.00 4.13 7.78 1358.31 3g.50 1.50 15.06 20.00 M'AVO,. " /fL{OY ,1 ').." ,... 9" ). -;.1} 'I -- !7 s''- ~V ,/ .;., ~. )(/ ~ r- 166 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Deoember 8th 193-3- ~ The Commission met pursuant to adjournment, the b~yor oalled the meeting to order. Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Filion, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. . Under the head of new bu~ines, the following resolution was introduoed. RESOLUTION Whereas, one Frank C.Raines of Port Townsend,Washington has filed a olaim with the City of port Angeles for the sum of $47.35 for damages to an automwbile owned by him alleged to have been oaused by defeative condition of a bridge on Front street over Ennis Creek, due ~o the n7gligence of the City of Port Angeles, and, Yfuereas, the members of the City Commission have carefully examined the olaim and investigated the faots and believe that the olaimant oould in all probabi~ity recover judgement for the ~mount alaimed in damages against the said City, and Whereas, it appea:rs for the bes t interests of the City to settle and a,llow the olaim, and oause the same to be paid from the Aoaident ~d. BE IT RESOLVED that the said olaim be and the same is hereby approved and allowed and the City Clerk authorized tO,draw a warrant on the Aocident Fund in full settle- ment of the same, taking the reoeipt of the claimant therefore. Signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk this 8th day of December,1933. ItwasnJdliliTed by Commissioner Filion that the foregoing Resolution be adopted and approved. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the Motion oarried. The following olaims were examined and approved and warrants ordered drawn in payment of t?e same. CURRENT EXP'ENSE FUND R.E.Davis City Treasurer George's Servioe Station Evening News Blaokburn Printing Co Paoific Telephone & Telegraph Co Gehrke & Johnson Willson Hdwe Co P.A.Concrete Products Co Mao Donald & Sons Western Tractor & EQuipment Co Conrad's Servioe Johnson & Bork Wm Sohraeder Angeles Gravel Supply Co Thos H.Guptill V.A.Samuelson & Co Lysall Welding & Forge Works Standard 011 Co Automotive Parts Co Ulmer Offioe EQuipment Co W.J.:Buhler Motor Co Walkling Motor Co B.G.Douglas. Lee Cafe Ivor Smi th . The Sanderson Safety Supply Co Hugo Olson . J.R.McDonald, Expenses L.I.D.Assessments Repairs Publications Supplies Services Gas & Oil Supplies Pipe Repairs Grader parts Kerosene Paint. eto Sharpening saws Lumber Signs Repairs Repairs Zerolene Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairs Special Polioe Meals for Prisoners Supplies supplies Extra Fireman Disposing of Dogs 15.85 14.55 2.89 58.17 94.60 18.30 301.35 23.54 29.00 10.15 19.65 .40 3.80 4.00 196;17 2.00 1.75 30.45 35.29 6.95 9.55 2.95 1.25 24.00 18.20 8.90 23.50 3.00 ..I 25.00 12S ~ WATER FUND . Ida J .Morse Washington ,state Bank Bandison's ~akery Mao Donald & Sons " n "n Rent Rent Window repairs Repairs " 10.00 45.00 1.00 5.10 4:95 1.25 5.28 13.00 122.28 128.98 33/;8!.. Central Maohine Works V.A.Samuelson & Co Clyde Equipment Co Angeles Gravel & Supply Co Seattle Plumbing SUpply Co LIGHT FUND . McHugh & Peterson puget Sound Navigation Co J.Lloyd Aldwell Byron Winter. Ulmer Office, Equipment Co Angeles Gravel Supply Co Line Material Co Paoific Lamp & Supply Co. City Treasurer Washington State Bank Westinghouse" Electrio Co Puget Sound Power & Light Co General Electrio Supply Co Fobes Supply' Co Graybar Eleotrio Co W.W.Ebbet' W.W.Ebbets Northwest Plumbing Co V.A.Samuelson & Co Repairs Repairs Supplies Cement Supplies Repairs Freight Rent & Insurance Supplies supplies Cross Arms & Concrete Supplies . Lamps Federal Tax & Stamped Env. , Rent Transformers Power Bill for Nov. Mdse Mdse Made Wgs Car hire Plumbing Repairs 19.55 7.48 93.06 2.77 25.14 ~311. 69 463.09 396.11 299.73 45.00 296.43 6,371.56 9.83 51.23 25.87 13.80 16.50 6.90 1.25 I I I I I~ . ':'~.f "" I I I I I ~)4,,,: Deoember 8th Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193~ "," f-.efl~i.T,:.~.:!:,~.t'"'m ,,,,, LIGHT FUND(CONTD) Harris & Sohuller The Pioneer, Ino. McGray'-Hill Publishing Co The Snell Manufacturing Co Mdse Supplies Services SUpplies LIBRARY FUND The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co Puget Sound News Co Junior Library Guild The Library Guild of America Verne Samuelson Paoker-Scott Co City Treasurer Herman Goldberger Agenoy Jenni1u Norris Servioes Books Books Books Books Supplies L.I.D.Assessment Books Supplies I PRRK FUl'ID G.L.MoDonald P.A.Conorete Produots Co Lysall Welding & Forge Works Gas Pipe Repairs The Following Resolution was introduoed. 1.40 50.40 10.00 'iJ,PDV 6.99 4.25 37.06 9.24 3.50 6.80 3.22 56.55 ,7 118.80 ?-~} .- 2.85 4.31 133.00 " ,l.gg )32/ RESOLUTION TO TillUjSFER CERTAIN ITE1~S WITHIN THE VARIOUS CITY FUllDS Whereas, it appears to the City Commission that unusual expenditures were necessary for the purchase of oonorete pipe, gas and oil, hardware and tools, repairs to maintainer and machinery, truck repairs ,extra telephone expense, insuranoe and other items .for the re ason of the umemployment situation in' the City and the necessity of furnishing all work possible on City projeots for the relief of the unemployed, and WH~R~AS, it becomes neoessary to transfer oertain sums to the funds thUs used from other funds from which the same oan be transferred without impairing the fundamental re~uirements of the said funds, and WHEREAS,the said oontingency could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparing the budget. THEREFORE,BE IT HESOLVED , That the following transfer of funds be made,to wi~: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Clerk's Department From Office Reoords & Supplies to Treasurer's Department From Office Records & Supplies rr n "n" to to Polioe De~artment From Meals for Prisoners " Supplies II Repairs to Jail " Repairs to Jail Fire Department From Insurance II n to to to to to to to to to II 11 n' Convention Expense 11 II Fuel Street nepartment From Road Gravel to to to to to " " II 11 II " II " " 11 Oil LIBRARY FUJllD Library Department From Rep~irs to PARK FUND Park Department From Flowers,Shrubs& seed 11 Repairs to Equipment n Tennis Court Equipment to to to Telephone Insuranoe Publioa tions Auto Operation Auto Operation Auto Operation Insurance Telephone Offioe Supplies Truok Operations Equipment Supplies E~uipment Supplies Cilmorete Pipe Gas & Oil Maint.& Mach.Repair Hardware & Tools Truck Repair Insuran ce $ 3.00' 15.00' 50.00 ~ 100.00- 15.00- 25.00- 50.00 - :.5.00 - 4.00' 8;00" 10JOO - 45.00 - 300.00 1100.00 ' 300.00 100.00 400.00 -~1t~ ~ 10.00 Gas & Oil 65.00 Recreational Deuelopt 50.00 n II 100.00 It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted Aye. . The mayor declared the motion oarried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~;. 1; m:JL~ Ci ty, C erk '- v&~ ~f ..(9", Mayor 167~ ......