HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/06/1977399 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Port Angeles, Washington November 14 - December 6, 1977 W?yr=~. ~.m Cp~~~••Oy my ~ a 4 ~ £ a~ O ,tnY _ ~^V _gr nd v v 2' B^ ~ ''0` o oa c t ~ p_~u PO,~ =m L nnpmZL LLiil DlN add. I~Wa'~61n tlf N~COL£tp: ~ OC P u >.~ ~ ZJJ and^-O-ani~a«3 w_ VJUa~~cLU A~~Egu m ° N ~ a OF 4 Z~Od~•~ON j ~Svar~oa~mn~ ~ t p a a The City Council held special meetings during November and December for the purpose of discussing the 1978 Budget. All the meetings started at 7:30 P.M. and were con- The November 14 meeting was chaired by Mayor Olson with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross and Wray in attendance. As Mayor Olson was unable to attend the November 15 meeting, Councilman Haguewood presided as Mayor Pro Tem by unanimous vote of the Council with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Hordyk, Ross and Wray in attend- ance. Members of the Staff present at both meetings were Manager Whorton, Finance Director prton, Public Works Director Flodstrom, and Deputy Clerk Caso. eluded by 10:00 P.M. The meetings were held according to the following schedule: NOVEMBER 14 AND 15, 1977: PUBLIC WORKS: During the two meetings, Public Works Director Flodstrom explained to the Council the proposed cost o£ operations for the Public Works Department for fiscal year 1978. Included in Mr. Flodstrom's presentation was the number of personnel and elements of costs associated with personnel services, non personnel services and capital outlay for each division within the Department, namely Administration, Engineering, Sewer, Solid Waste, Street and water. He reviewed the activities accomplished during 1977 and planned for 1978. NOVEMBER 16, 1977: DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT: In the absence of Mayor Olson, Councilman Hageuwood presided as Mayor Pro Tem by unanimous vote of the Council with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Hordyk, Ross and Wray in attendance. Manager Whorton and Deputy Clerk Caso were also present. Guests ' present at the meeting included W. Lindberg, B. Schuon, D. McLean, D. Murphy, D. Bragg, D. Thorpe, Mr. and Mr. B. Goldie. The first representative to address the Council was Mr. Paul Martin, who spoke - briefly concerning the development of the present Downtown Merchants Association and it's plans for future improvement of the downtown area. Mr. Martin pointed out that the Association is very much concerned about the short and long range revitalization of downtown Port Angeles, and will follow through and participate with any plans or projects until they are completed. Carole Boardman and Louise Broulliard then presented the Council with the results of a survey on downtown development which was distributed to merchants and property owners. Areas questioned included downtown development, waterfront development, beautification, traffic, parking, and financing. From this survey the Association established a list of priorities as follows: waterfront development; new commercial development; increased parking; better traffic flow; multi-unit residences adjacent to the business district; state, federal and local funding; beautification which would include streets, underground wiring, alley resotration, and a sign ordinance. The Council then heard a presentation from Mr. Bob Love concerning financing of a downtown redevelopment project. Mr. Love suggested that if grant money is not available, the project could proceed through an L.I.D., with an L.I.D. petition being circulated among property owners in the near future. Mr. Love also suggested the Council consider allocating funds in the City's 1978 Budget to pay for prelimi- nary engineering of the redevelopment project, plus appoint three Council members to serve with three Association members on a committee to interview engineering firms. There was then a lengthy discussion between the Council and various members of the Merchants Association regarding the financial aspects of a downtown redevelopment project. The Council also discussed with Mr. Clarence Fidler the need for a sign ordinance. Councilman Ross then moved the Council authorize the spending of $20,000 for pre- liminary engineering on a redevelopment project for downtown Port Angeles, and appoint three Council members to serve on a committee to interview various interested engineering firms. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Following this action, Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood appointed Councilmen Anderson, Hordyk and Ross as committee members. L~ ® o CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS November 14 - December 6, 1977 NOVEMBER 21, 1977: CITY MANAGER, CITY COUNCIL, PLANNING DEPARTMENT, CITY ATTORNEY, FIREMEN'S PENSION, G.O. BONDS, REVENUE SHARING, C.E. REVENUE The November 21 meeting was chaired by Mayor Olson with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross and Wray in attendance. Members of the Staff present in- cluded Manager Whorton, Deputy Clerk Caso, Attorney Walrath, Finance Director Orton, Planning Director Carr and Parks Director Frizzell. During the first part of the meeting, Manager Whorton discussed with the Council the Current Expense Revenues and Revenue Sharing Funds, which included recommended 1978 expenditures for Administrative Expenses, Public Safety, payment to Angeles Terminals for the CPR Dock, the Oilport contested case hearings, and capital projects or equip- ment. While discussing Revenue Sharing funds for the Oilport contested case hearings, Mayor Olson read a memorandum from Manager Whorton clarifying the need for these funds. After further discussion regarding Revenue Sharing Funds, Councilman Haguewood sug- guested several other possible areas in which Revenue Sharing Funds could be allocated. Presentations were then made by Planning Director Carr, Attorney Walrath, and Manager Whorton regarding proposed 1978 budget needs for their departments. During Planning Director Carr's presentation there was a lengthy discussion between the Council, Manager Whorton and Planner Carr regarding the need for a zoning ordinance and the problem of requests for water service to areas outside the City limits. The presentations concluded with Finance Director Orton explaining to the Council the proposed 1978 budget expenditures for the General Obligation Bonds and the Fire- men's Pension Fund. NOVEMBER 22, 1977: POLICE DEPARTMENT, FIRE DEPARTMENT, DISSOLUTION OF OLYMPIC HEALTH DISTRICT This meeting was chaired by Mayor Olson with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross and Wray in attendance. Staff present included Manager Whorton, Police Chief Kochanek, Fire Chief Cameron, Planner Carr, Parks Director Frizzell, and Deputy Clerk Caso. C. Boardman and D. Duncan were also present. ' Police Chief Kochanek discussed with the Council his need for two additional patrolmen and an additional patrol car. The additional patrolmen and car will be budgeted in the 1978 Revenue Sharing Funds. Law Enforcement within the City detoxification, personnel, and capital outlay items of cost were also discussed. The next area to be considered and discussed at length was the animal control function. Mrs. Norris explained the cost associated with operating the Humane Society, the costs for services provided to the City, and indicated that the Humane Society requires $13,660 as the City's share of their expenses for 1978. Fire Chief Cameron then discussed with the Council the 1978 budget for the Fire Department, pointing out that the only major change in 1978 will be that each fire- man be required to complete an Emergency Medical Technician Training Program. Chief Cameron also pointed out the need for an additional fireman in 1978. The additional fireman will be budgeted in the 1978 Revenue Sharing Funds. Other areas discussed included the Fire bepartment's cooperation with the local ambulance service, personnel, future needs of the Fire Department, and volunteer firemen. Mayor Olson then read a memorandum from Attorney Walrath concerning the dissolvement of the Olympic Health District. In his memorandum Attorney Walrath outlined the possible alternatives available to the City upon the dissolvement of the District. Councilman Buck then briefly reviewed the events leading up to the Olympic Health District's present situation, and the matter was discussed at length by the Council. The discussion concluded with Councilman Hordyk moving the Council send a letter to the Olympic Health District's Board of Directors stating the City's concern over the dissolvement and urging the District to reorganize. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion Councilman Buck informed the Council that the Board of Directors were scheduled to vote on the dissolvement of the District on November 23, 1977, which did npt Leave the Council enough time to send a letter. Councilman Hordyk then withdrew his motion and Councilman Wray withdrew his second. Councilman Buck was-.then directed by Mayor Olson to verbally state the Council's concern at the November 23, 1977 meeting. CITY COUNCIL MEETSNG ~i1 November 14 - December 6, 1977 NOVEMBER 28, 1977: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, WATER RATE ORDINANCE Mayor Olson chaired this meeting with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Ross and Wray in attendance. Councilman Hordyk was absent. Staff present included Manager Whorton, Finance Director Orton, City Treasurer Pat Rodman, Director of Public Works Flodstrom, Parks Director Frizzell, and Deputy Clerk Caso. Also present were C. Boardman, and D. Duncan. During the meeting Finance Director Orton briefly reviewed the proposed cost of operations for the Administrative Services Department in 1978. Included in Mr. Orton's presentation were major changes in certain divisions of Administrative Services, namely Administration, Accounting, the Court Section, Equipment Rental, and the Reproduction Facilities. Also discussed was changes in personnel, data processing, a new utility billing system, and the goals planned for 1978 activities. During the November 23, 1977 City Council meeting, the matter of a water rate ordinance was tabled until tonight's meeting in order to give the Council more time to review the proposed ordinance. The Council discussed at length with Manager Whorton, Director of Public Works Flodstrom, and Finance Director Orton the proposed rate increase of 36~ which would increase the residential flat rate by $1.80 from $5.00 to $6.80 and would also increase the monthly minimum metered rates by 36~. Councilman Haguewood stated at this time that he felt the proposed rate increase of $1.80 was too high and recommended the rate be decreased to $1.50. The rates could then be reviewed in the summer after the water meters have been installed. The discussion continued with Councilmen Anderson and Buck also voicing their opinions on the•rate increase. Both Councilman Anderson and Councilman Buck stated they felt the $1.80 rate increase was justified and is needed to meet the needs of the City in regard to the present unstable condition of the Water Fund. Mayor Olson then introduced and read in full Ordinance No. 1948 entitled, ' Ordinance No. 1948 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending and repealing certain sections of the City Code with reference to water service connections, rates and repealing Ordinance No. 1484. Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read in full by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. On called vote Councilmen Anderson, Buck and Wray voted "AYE" with Councilmen Haguewood and Ross voting "N0." The motion was denied since a majority of four votes was needed to adopt the Ordinance, and a majority plus one vote was needed to adopt it effective immediately. Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council adopt the Ordinance with a residential flat rate of $6.50 and adjust the other rates in the Ordinance to reflect this. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On called vote, Councilmen Haguewood and Ross voted "AYE" with Councilmen Anderson, Buck and Wray voting "N0." The motion was denied. Following further discussion between the Council and Manager Whorton regarding metered rates and flat rates, Councilman Ross moved the Council adopt the Ordinance with a residential flat rate of $6.65 and amend the other rates in the Ordinance to reflect this. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Ross then moved the Council adopt Ordinance No. 1948, which provides for a residential monthly flat rate of $6.80, with a corresponding increase to the monthly minimum metered rate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. On called vote, Councilman Anderson, Buck, Ross, Wray and Mayor Olson voted "AYE" with Councilman Haguewood voting "N0." The motion carried. 4 0 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 14 - December 6, 1977 NOVEMBER 29, 1977: PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT The meeting was called to order and chaired by Mayor Olson. Councilmen present were Councilman Anderson, Buck, Haguewood and Wray. Councilmen Hordyk and Ross were absent. Staff present were Manager Whorton and Deputy Clerk Caso. Parks Director Frizzell explained to the Council the proposed cost of operations for the Park and Recreation Department for the 1978 fiscal year. Mr. Frizzell's presentation included review of each function, namely Administration, Pool, Parks, Recreation, Senior Citizen Center, and Cemetery. Areas discussed included 1978 actual expenditures, personnel, the Comprehensive Plan, costs associated with personnel and non-personnel services, and the 1978 activities for each function. Parks Director Frizzell also discussed with the Council the proposed areas in the Park Department which can be funded through the Revenue Sharinq Funds. Some of these areas included (1) repair and blacktop of the main road systems at Lincoln Park; {2) resurfacing of the Elk's Park Tennis Court; (3) tennis court lights at Shane Park; (4) automatic irrigation system at Central Park; (5) tennis court at Lions Park and (6} fencing of the Little League Complex at Lincoln Park. Following Mr. Frizzell's presentation, the Council and Mr. Frizzell discussed with various members of the audience the possibility of a skate-board facility. NOVEMBER 30, 1977: LIGHT DEPARTMENT, TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM STUDY, ITT RAYONIER ~( This meeting was chaired by Mayor Olson with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, and Wray present. Councilmen Hordyk and Ross were absent. Staff present included Manager Whorton, Finance Director Orton, Light Superintendent Honnold, and Deputy Clerk Caso. Guests included C. Boardman, L. Sunny, P. Brady, and S. Fahnestock. Mayor Olson introduced and read in full Resolution No. 31-77 entitled, Resolution No. 31-77 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles ' authorizing the conducting of a feasibility study on Public Transportation; authorizing the City Manager to sign the application to Washington Department of Transportation for financial assistance; and authorizing the firm of Clark and Associates to conduct the feasibility study. ~ ' Councilman Anderson moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read in full by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. The next subject to be presented and discussed was the Light Department's proposed 1978 budget. Light Superintendent Honnold pointed out to the Council two major factors which have influenced his 1978 budget: (1) State Legislation H.B. 335 which requires that all projects costing over $5,000 be done by contract, and (2) failure of the Peabody Substation and the decision to replace it rather than make repairs. The Council discussed these factors at length with Superintendent Honnold, as well as discussing revisions in the Light Department's Capital Improvement Program and anticipated 1978 projects. A presentation was then made by Ron Rogstad, Manager of the local ITT Rayonier mill, regarding the 5$ service charge the City charges for the sale of Bonneville power to Rayonier. Mr. Rogstad commented on Light Superintendent Honnold's suggestion of a 0.3~ rate increase to Rayonier and Crown Zellerbach, stating that the charge has increased from $6,000 in 1974 to $18,000 presently and any further rate increase . would he unreasonable. The Council discussed this matter at length with Mr. Rogstad but took no action. CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 14 - December 6, 1977 ~.o~ DECEMBER 6, 1977: FENCE AT CIVIC FIELD, POLICY DECISIONS ON FINALIZING THE BUDGET This meeting was chaired by Mayor Olson with Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood,- Hordvn, Ross and Wrav in attendance. Staf£ present included Manager Whorton, Public Works Director Flodstrom, Finance Director Orton, Parks Director Frizzell. Clerk Parrish, Treasurer Rodman and Deputy Clerk Caso. Councilwomen Elect Boardman and Duncan were also present. The first item to be considered at this meeting was City Council authorization to moved the fence at Civic Field to within eight feet of the curb to allow for the expansion of activity area within the playing field. This subject was discussed at the December 9, 1977 meeting during BJSS's presentation on demolition of the Civic Field grandstand and the question was raised as to whether a variance would be required from the Board of Adjustment. Attorney Walrath determined that it is the responsibility of the City Council to make the decision on the final location of the fence at Civic Field. The Council discussed this subject at length with Manager Whorton, Public Works Director Flodstrom and Parks Director Frizzell. Following the discussion Council- man Hordvk moved the Council authorize the Civic Field fence to be moved within eight feet of the curbline. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and unan- imously carried. At the request of Councilman Buck, Mayor Olson read a letter which expressed Council- man Buck's dissatisfaction with the current budget review process. In Mr. Buck's opinion, effective budgeting cannot be done in single increments or years but must be done within the context of an overall game plan. Budgeting should dncompass helping the staff to search out alternative ways of doing a job at a lower cost rather than just looking for areas to cut in a proposed budget. Councilman Buck recommends a three-year budget program for each department be developed, with service levels being defined and cost effective methods of doing a job being examined. According to Mr. Buck the City Council should hesitate to fund programs if it is not clear where the revenue is coming from to continue supporting that program and the Council should be exploring for new revenues to support future basic operating costs and programs. Councilman Buck sought the assistance of Finance Director` Orton in the development of a financial forecast of projected revenues and expenditures for the year 1978 through 1981 for review by the City Council at tonight's meeting. Finance Director Orton then presented his analysis of the General Fund financial condition at this time. ~Mr. Orton's presentation pointed out that the City's General Fund financial condition is deteriorating and by 1981 will be in a deficit situation. This condition is caused by the fact that the cost o£ City government is increasing at a faster rate than the increases in income. Following Mr. Orton's presentation, the Council discussed the City's financial pic- ture with Manager Whorton and Finance Director Orton. During the discussion Councilman Buck suggested possibilities for generating new revenues, with Manager Whorton re- commending the Council schedule work sessions after the first of the year to discuss this Situation. Council dtcisions on the 1978 Preliminary Budget was considered next. The Council reviewed each fund with Manager Whorton and made the following changes: FTNAT~ TIFCTS Tf~NS CHANGES VARIANCE Revenue Sharing: Data Processing $180,000 Wheelchair Ramps 5,OOD Corporation Yard 12,000 CPR Dock Payment 35,000 Whites Creek Culvert at 5th Street. 50,000 $282,000 +$ 30,000 * Includes $30,000 Sewer Secondary Treatment Plant Land from 1977 Encumbered Funds. 4L"~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 14 - December 6, 1977 FINAL DECISIONS CHANGES VARIANCE it General Administration: Publicity Fund $ 3,000 - $ 400 Alcohol Referral 10,821 + 3,321 N.O. L.S. 207,215 - 3,635 Fire: Add One Fireman $ 16,650 + 16,650 Law Enforcement: Add Two Patrolmen $ 40,000 + 40,000 Animal Control $ 11,110 + 2,110 Parks & Rec: Add the following: Elks Park Tennis Court Resurfacing $ 15,000 + 15,000 Lincoln Park Roadway Repair 8,000 + 8,000 Central Park Irri- gation System 3,000 + 3,000 Civic Field Parking 50,000 + 50,000 Admin. Services: Municipal Court: Defender Services $ 11,978 + 3,978 Public Defender 12,000 - Following the City Council's policy decisions on finalizing the oper ating budget for 1978, the City Council directed Manager Whorton to determine if these changes were within the financial capabilities of the City's resources. Councilman Wray then moved that the Council accept a balanced budget for 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 1 ~CI/Zlsr~,tJ C~ , ~L/r/~c~ , ~.L%J~rf City Clerk Mayor ~~- 1