HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/07/1949 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 607 December 7, __I9~ " I I I I I _._",_..~_.__.,,,...,,. -. :1 The Commission ",et in regular session at 10 :00 A .1'., and was called to order by Mayor ~'eeley. Officers , present were' Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. , I Under the head of applications , 1''.! : I,iargaret 's Beauty Shop Ii LaPeti te Beauty Shop II Peninsula Plbg. & Heating Co. Kenny 1 s Second Hand Store I Port Angeles hotel Pinto Barber Shop A.L. Kerchenberg Club Billiards Cafe lioderne Beauty Shop for licenses, the following were granted: Beauty Opera tor Beauty Opera tor Master Plumber See ond Hand Dealer Hotel Operator clarber Shop Operator Peddler, 1 Day Restaurant Operator deauty Opera tor 1.00, 1.00 I 25.00 I 15.00 ' 29.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 2.00 I The application of Sea view Cottage for license to operate a nursing home by Bertha Jacobs was also approved l bu~ will not be issued ur~il evidence of State licenee approval. I under the head of unfinished business, Light Supt. McLean reported that after checking transfoJllW' bids, the I bid submitted by R. E. Uptegraff Mfg. Company appeared to be the lowest and best bid, and recommended 'acceptance of the same. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid as recommended be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Pursuant to calls for bids to furnish fuel oil to City buildings, the following were submitted: Peninsula Fuel Co., Standard light fuel oil, posted price at time and place of delivery, blt not to exceed ~3.2B6 I per bbl. Standard furnace oil, posted price at time and place of delivery, not to exceed $.119 per gallon. ItcMahan Fuel Co., Heavy fuel oil, price in effect at date of delivery or 1i3.286 per bbl. .urance oil (Diesel), price in effect delivery date or ~.1l9 per gallon. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid by Peninsula 'Fuel Company be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted (;ye. Motion carried. The Engineer reported that the thirty day period since completion of contract by Callow and Larson, or tr'ench for water main on Lauridsen Dlvd. has elapsed, and no defects have appeared. Also recommended that the 15% retained, or ~99.20 be paid. It was regularly moved and seconded that the amount retained be paid I the Contractor. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor reported on request by Moford Smith that the City purchase property for driveway near ,Second and Cherry Streets. It was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that if property owners need the driveway, those benefitted by the same should purchase property, as the City ba s no money budgeted for such purpose. The City could then grade, gravel and maintain for use by the public. The Commission discussed proposed leasing of meter standards for advertising. The Attorney advised that he ,had not drawn Ordinance, pending receipt of opinion regarding legality of such lease. A letter by Chiarelli and Kirk instructing Brazier Construction Company to proceed with repair of defective ceiling in the Fire Hall was read and ordered filed. Under the head of new business, the Park Board requested in writing that the following budget transfer be made: Cemetery Dept,: from Water to Insurance, $11.00, ,'elix Gallacci also requested that the following I transfer be made in the Parking lieter Budget: Fro", lieter Parts &. Repairs to Gas, Oil, Car Expense, $75.00. I It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the transfers be made as requested. Seconded by Commissioner 'Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Request for pemission to operate a dine and dance at the 1'ugboat Cafe,22\J West ~J.rst Street, was presented I and, on recommendation of Chief Ide, it was moved by lJayor Feeley that the request be granted. Seconded by I' Commissioner Robinson. Taylor voted Nay. Motion carried. ' I thel'rl. ,A c~ntract and agreement between the Bonneville Pav,er Administration and the City for water service at 'sub-station was considered by the Commission, and after inspection and reoommendation by the Attorney, the 'contract was approved and signed. 'Communication from Chas. J. Bartholet was read before the Commission regarding memorandum concerning I'drainage project at Ocean View Cemetery as prepared by Lars Langloe, Asst. Flood Control Supervisor. The Memorandum cited Acts establishing State policy for control of flood areas and recolluuended that the ,application by the City for State aid to control erosion at the Cemetery not be approved. The Commission lordered communica tion filed. IMr., G. L. Geisinger, Consulting lingineer, who has been making survey for rehabilitation of the water system as authorized by ths Commission, reported Monday that he has finished preliminary survey of the ,water system and will have written report with recommendations within the next week. ,Mrs. Hampton cited Ordinances governing issuance of building permits and approval of the same, citing 'certain Sections in Ordinances No. 898 and 1134 which require tha t permits must be submitted to the ICorrnnission for approval. The Attorney was instruoted to ascertain if it is necessary to submit building 'permits for approval at regular sessions. I The Corrnnission examined and approved the following olaims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: -'-'I I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: " 'f S:; - County Treasurer ,Dando Equipment Co. IOlymPiC Tribune 101ympic Printe r:\' ~ll'Ioodie 's Harley Davidson Johnson and Bork ICity Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Hazel's Cafe IWillson Hardware Co. Hooker Storage Garage & ~jervice Stn. Habit Cleaners Ir"'ilion Jewelers Smith Insurance Service Oi ty' s Share of Count,' Health Pool Safe bxpert Services & Traveling Exp. Legal Publications Supplies Keys Paint, Brushes Fire Hyd., St.Lites, Sts. &. Sew., L.W.G. Phone Services ~eals for Prisoners Supplies Parts & La bor 8 Jackets Repaired & 61eaned llepair Badge Insurance (Fire) 4,490.00 ,: 67.261'1 .78 I 83.08 i 1.96 6.95 1,533.59 28.72 , 125.86 3.85 1.85 5.46 1.03 102 .90 ~ ,.. 608 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 7th, continued, 19~ J CITY STREET FUND: U'I- : Eklund Lumber Co. 'Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Dobson Auto Electric Allan Dist. Co. ,Richfield Oil Corp. 1 Smith Insurance Service 07 WATER ,:iUND, if/(J- Angeles Building Center ID & B Battery & Electric Stn. ,Rensselaer ValY8 Co. Hooker Electrocrillmical Co. 'James W. Caven i Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. iCa110w /;: Larsen IWillson Hardware Co. Richfield Oil Corp. IMcMaban Fuel Co. 'The Texas Co. Angeles Gravel &. Supply Co. OIvens Bros. Smitb Insurance Service I~ LIGHT .1JlID:,(, Iff 3 - City Fuel Co. Port imgeles Auto Supply Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. D &. B Battery &. Electric stn. Richfield Oil Corp. ,Willson Hardware Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. : l,ine ~'aterial Co. 'Smith Insurance Service i'SANITATION .\JND: '1/;<, I, Tower Super Service liSchreinar Cbavrola t Co. ,l13rl Davidson i1Ci ty 1.'reasurer 70 50 3c,C, - LIBRARY FUND: City Treasurar Olympic Electric Co. R. 1. Ferrell Doubleday /;: Co., Inc. Tha Personal riook Shop 'J. B. Lippincott Co. New Method Book dindery, Inc. Herman ~oldberger Agency, Inc. Pacific Northwest Library Assn. 3"1 '(I' Pacific Tel. /;: Tel. Co. !Jobson Auto E.lectric Co. iJoss Stationery City Treasurer clallam ~rein Co. I Smith Immrance Service PARK FUND: i PARKING METER &. TRAF'Jo'IC CONTROL FUND: Ii Lannoye & JJavidson Motor Go. I'FitChard's Ass. Service :'Johnson and Bork " ,L. I. D. REVOLVINU FUND: City 'j'reasurer 'ff- LIBRJlltY 1IEM0RIAL FUND: Puget Sound News Co. I rl I - CURRENT EXPENSE CU1lULATIVE RESEIlVE V. J. Neale Lumbe r Sewer Pipe, etc. Truck Mirror 1'obilfuel liiesel Gasoline, lltr. Oil) ete. lire Insuranc e Paint Pa rts Hydrant Parts Chlorine Pipe Sewer Pipe Ditching Tools Gas and Oil B IS Coal Grease Cable, etc. Cable Fire Insurance Fuel Pa rts Repairs Repa irs Gasoline Lamps and Tools Wire, Meters and Light. Fixtures Hardy/are Jo'ire Insuranc e Tire s Set Toe-in Car Mileage for Nov. Wa ter Light, Water, Garbage Flourescent Lamps Waxing Library Floors, etc. nooks dooks dooks Rebinding, etc. Magazines Institutional Dues Phone 3851 Uasket Letter File Light, Water, Garbage Gypsum Fire Insura nee /7 Jf'f:..1- Parts and llepair Parts and Lallor Paint, Brushes 'faxes and Costs; Lots 10 and 11, Blk. 284 Books 00 FUND: ;;;~- Hepair Floor, Old hre Hall There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. 55.43) 23.07 .70 67.69 , 590.60 I, 106.85 I B.56 i 28.15 : 20.71 I 54.04 8.29 24.10 ' 99.20 5.84 50.26 2.55 I. 44 I. 73 32.34 117.88 45.35 .81 26.74 14.75 54.24 62.32 683.44 150.56 464 . 94 372 .90 1.03 37.17 1.60 . I 9.85 I 40.11 I 12.00 : 5.90 49.16 7.04 10.49 225.95 6.00 3.09 .20 2.54 89.JilI 15.00 259.51 15.97 ll.38 I ll.07 , I I 49.17 18.87 25.00 _,!f:aLd /:f ">"C : l G,~ (I City Clerk ..... I I I I I )