HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/07/1982 366 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 7, 1982 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast, and Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, D. VanHemert, R. Morgan, B. Jones, J. Merriwether. Public Present: S. Fahnestock, E. Tinkham, D. Price, R. Wells, T. Haley, P. Simpson, Mrs. W. Payne, C. Owens, H. Buchman, L. Western, G. Soule, A. Gladstone, G. Crawford, H. Berglund, T. Holm, G. Alexander, E. Hopfner. III MINUTES Councilman Polhamus moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the November 16, 1982 meeting, and Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Quast noted an amendment to register page 363 - use of the 'term "exotic dancing" instead of "male 1-' stripping". The motion to approve the amended minutes carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including (1) Payment to WSU for the Downtown Building Facade Study; (2) Progress payment #2 to DelHur for Old Mill Road project; (3) progress payment #6 to United Western Construction Co. for work on Downtown Improvement Phase II; (4) Correspondence from the Washington State Liquor Control Board; (5) vouchers of $350,321.20; (6) 11-14-82 payroll of $190,040.49; and (7) 11-28-82 payroll of $182,969.87. Councilman Quast seconded and after further discussion the motion carried. V FINANCE 1. Henkels & McCoy Street Light Conversion/Release Retainage Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with the Light Department's recommendation to release the 10% retainage, $2,299.87, of the Henkels & MCCoy, Inc., contract for the installation of sodium vapor street lighting on First and Front Streets, as the contract has been completed and all releases from the State have been received. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. 2. Landfill Recycling Contract - Request to Call for Bids Councilman Quast moved the Council grant Public Works I request for permission to call for bids on the contract for landfill recycling. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 1982 3. Transformer - Olympic Memorial Hospital - Request to Call for Bids In a memorandum to the Council, Light Director Cosens requested permission to call for bids for a transformer City Light will require for the Olympic Memorial Hospital expansion. Councilman Gerberding moved the Council grant permission to call for bids as requested; Councilman Whidden seconded, and after further discussion, the motion carried. VI 1. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mrs. William Payne, County resident, requested Council look into her concerns regarding a letter written by a member of City staff as respects her property. Manager Flodstrom indicated he would look into the matter further and report back to the Council. 2. ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Quast requested information from staff regarding the utility billing system, Conrad Dyer Fountain, and status of Farmer's Market request to locate Downtown. VII LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearing - Zoning Code Amendment Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Planner Carr regarding the Planning Commission's consideration of and subsequent recommendation to amend the Zoning Code to exempt the following from lot coverage requirements: (1) Sidewalks, driveways and uncovered off-street parking spaces I (2) The first 30 inches of eaves; (3) Uncovered swimming pools and hot tubsl (4) Uncovered and unenclosed concrete, brick and stone patios, wood decks and platforms not more than 30 inches above grade, provided however an open railing or grillwork not exceeding thirty inches in height may be constructed above any such patio deck or platform. She then opened the public hearing on the proposed Code amendment and requested comments or questions from the audience and/or staff. George Crawford, 414 South Francis, Port Angeles, noted specific concerns he had regarding some areas and/or problems he felt to be in non-compliance with the building/ zoning codes. Staff indicated these matters were all being looked into. planner Carr addressed questions raised by the Council regarding the proposed Code changes. No further comments were received and Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to amend the zoning Code to exempt the above-mentioned items from lot coverage requirements and instruct staff to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning Code for formal adoption at the next meeting. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 2. Planning Commission Minutes - November 17, 1982 Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Commission minutes of November 17, 1982 noting no action had been taken requiring Council consideration. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning Comdmission minutes of November 17, 1982. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 3. Northern Tier Pipeline - Discussion of Mitigating Measures Council had requested staff to compile a draft list of mitigating measures as respects the Northern Tier Pipeline Project in anticipation of Northern Tier's filing a second application with EFSEC. Mayor Duncan summarized the Council's position with regard to identification of economic and environmental mitigating measures in the event the Governor and EFSEC grant Northern Tier's request for site certification notwithstanding the City's opposition to the project. Councilman Quast moved the Council engage Attorney John Keegan to review the list of n"'" vU t- 368 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 1982 mitigating measures and prepare it in a legal format acceptable to EFSEC1 and to represent the City of Port Angeles at the December 9, 1982 EFSEC meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilmen Whidden and Haguewood recommended the motion be amended to limit Mr. Keegan's expenses to $1,500. Councilmen Quast and Gerberding concurred to amend the motion. Councilman Hordyk noted his opposition to retaining Mr. Keegan due to Mr. Keegan's previous dealings with EFSEC, that being in total opposition to the project. After further discussion, the amended motion carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". J 4. Clallam County EDC Request for City Representative on Board Councilman Quast moved the Council designate Mayor Duncan as the City Representative to the Clallam County Economic Development Council. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 5. Community Relief Fund Councilman Polhamus addressed the Council regarding a letter received from Reverend David Storm suggesting implementation of a system whereby utility customers could include an extra amount with their utility payment to be deposited in a "Community Relief Fund". These funds would be dispersed to assist low income individuals with their utility bills. Council referred the suggestion to staff for their recommendations regarding implementation of the proposed progr~_. ~_. 1 1123 6. Public Hearing: NOTICE OF FILING OF PREliMINARY BUDGET \ AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELb l A. 1983 Preliminary NOTICE 15 HERE8Y GIVEN thot the City Monoger of Port Angeles Angeles hos filed ,he P,eliminory Budge1 lor ,he yeor 19t3 - with 1he Ci1y Clerk. Copies 011ne p,opo,ed budget moy be 0 . toined from the City Clerk during normal bUSiness hour-so ot 0 Manager Flodstrom briefly review, cO~~~'b~~9~ ~:~,f~~~~r 1he City of Port Angele, will be hel,d Budget for the City of Port Angc Tuesdoy.December7,19B20t7:00P.M.in'heCom~IS,'one" I hearing and requested comments ( meeting room ot the Clollom County Cou,thouse. c"lZe~s moy c ear and pro....ide written and oral comments ~nd as ques.- staff. No comments were recei v~ ti~~s concerning the entire budget and the questions conc&.rn-- .. h . . Ing the entire budget and the relations.hip 01 revenue shanng ear1ng. entitlement funds 10 the entire budget. . . . ~ The City intends to utilize its Revenue Shar!ng ontll::lpated ., . adjusted entitlement of $224,741 for debt ser'-:lce on t~e EOA B. 1983 PrelJ.m~nary C loon _ $IB,333: DolO Processing ConversIOn Prolect - . $62015' Word Proces.sing - $6,973: Corporation loon fr?m , 'd $39.366' end miscellaneous department caplral Mayor Duncan opened the public h~ Woter Fun - , . , outloy item' - $98.054. . . Port Angeles Budget and requested The following summo,y shows the propofsehd Of PIP I ro~"octl~n I ' Sh ' entitlement in support 0 t e 0 oWing I Y and/or staff. Manager Flodstrom 0 Revenue o"ng departments. CURRENT TOTAL services in the 1983 Preliminary ADMIN. WATER I EXP APPROP. 5VC5 GENERAL SEWER . taken by the C1allam County con. PROJECT DEPT' ADMIN. FUND HIND RIATION . . $18.333 serv~ces. Carol Owens, Clallam EDA Loan $18,333 $62,015 identified and presented funding Doto Process. $62.015 $ 6,973 Wo,d Process. $ 6.973 $98054 $98054 Agencies requesting funds from b CapitolOutloy , $39'366 requested to submit one request I Corp. Yd. Loon _ _ $39,366 = TOTAL 2 1 evaluated and prioritized with f APPRO, $68,988 $18,333 $39,366 $98.054 $2 4,74 coordinated between the City and 1 Marian C. Parrish case loads . Presentations were al City Clerk following special agencies in supp Pub.: Nov. 23. 30.1982 > _~_ ~u~ -.:-...1;Y' 'IUnQ~n for the year 1983: Juvenile Diversion - T. Holm1 Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Council - RSVP and Adult Action Program - P. Simpson; Family Planning Council - G. Soule; Retired Senior Volunteer Program - L. Western; Umbrella Community Service Agency - A. Gladstone; Clallam County Museum - G. Alexander; Chamber of Commerce - G. Shannon; and Clallam County Humane Society - B. Norris. H. Buchman indicated she would submit _ a written request for Juvenile Diversion. During the presentations, Council discussed with the speakers their programs, the funding requests ~ and the human services levy which failed by a narrow margin this fall. G. Alexander, a utilizer of RSVP and Juvenile Diversion, and Ed Hopfner, utilizer of the Adult Action Program, spoke in support of City funding for these programs. G. Crawford, 414 South Francis, Port Angeles, requested information on the City's animal control program. Councilman Quast noted the instability of local funding available for human services 368 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 1982 mitigating measures and prepare it in a legal format acceptable to EFSEC; and to represent the City of Port Angeles at the December 9, 1982 EFSEC meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilmen Whidden and Haguewood recommended the motion. u_ -~~- ---- _......~---.........;",....- M___ . .u~^.rs""^q""'a'p'f^!p p-~ expenses to $1,500. Councilmen QI l(aaM. Il JO} lno l! ilmll!.'I 'AI11lp II! 1IU)l(~ aJe nOA 'alleJa~ the motion. Councilman Hordyk nc uo 'lllqM.lnO a.mil!.>l'l-Illq:> a!.lojll:> e lall nOA 'l!OPO,1 'l~ Keegan due to Mr. Keegan's previo alJole;) lllqllll]M. l-Illls Gl aAllq no,\; 'ase;) ~elll UI 'lIlI!l\ , . . MOU aJe nOA leqM. uo awllS aql lIuJAIllS S! lqll!aM. ml tot~l oppos~ t~on to the pr~)ect., 'alLll S! AIlS nOAll1ljM. II 'a;)npaJ lllllUjA.Il S! oqM. uosJad aj mot~on carr~ed, w~ th Counc~lman H al{TI ~sn! 'UII!;)!lllmaq~llm II amo;)aq ol aAeq nOA '~! op 0,1- '~F>!J' Clallam County EDC Requ e aq III aA!a;)Jad nOA ~llqM JO '~!;)uap e l:>aJJo:> ue:> ni llllll os 1I1I!sn a.lll no,\; UIIIll sajJojll:> il.lOm II! al(lll Gllue no A 'l1l1 se pa.lllls snld.ms alll }O pjJla::l ue;) aq os SUJI aq lI1Il['l sa!.lO!lI:> JilMa} lea o~ SlUIIM aU 'aldwexa S!q MOrl ue;) nOA lnq S,JillalP alll}o ill!soddo alll S! llialqo.ld Jn~ 'Jlo palSnp l! aAl1lj o~ aAllq AlqeqO.ld PlnoM. no,\; lnq '.\.ieJ~, .InoA OJ lq::l,.},\!. ::lujUJ1l::l UO l{ooq e pUlJ PIllO;) DOA aJns m,I '::ru - 'JaM.sue mOA JOJ J!U!1.(;)lllM aq n!M 'lsOn leqM l{JI UJ1l::l ol waas l. uop ~nq 'amaddll poo::l 11 aAeq I .stUalqo. au p3le;)!pu! dnl{;)aq;) IIljllaq lllil;)aJ AW 'll/J!laM J!UlUlll::l1 ua~).l4!. ::lUJ1llAull aas OllilA <lAlIq I 'l, ue;) Hnq 'l{;)eq lqll!. ~eql 1I!1I::l Ol ~UIIM I '~qJl!aM lSO( I 'eaqJJIl!]l 10 asue;); 'sl{aaM (IlJaAaS JO} uo luaM ~elll ssaull! UII pado(ahl I o::le sl/~uom aAU amas ::3HHONOO '}fa lIV:3<H lspmmloa jlla!pam (1IUDni :!InHQNOO'\) '!fWd "\lU i, J 4. Councilman Quast moved the Counc Representative to the Clallam C Councilman Whidden seconded and t 5. Community Relief Fund Councilman Polhamus addressed t~ from Reverend David Storm suggesi utility customers could include! payment to be deposited in a "co! be dispersed to assist low incom Council referred the suggestion regarding implementation of the I lq~!aM ~U!U!e~ JO, .. 6. Public Hearing: A. 1983 Preliminary Revenue Sharing Budget for City of Port Angeles Manager Flodstrom briefly reviewed the 1983 Preliminary Revenue Sharing Budget for the City of Port Angeles. Mayor Duncan opened the public I hearing and requested comments or questions from the audience and/or staff. No comments were received and Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. ~ B. 1983 Preliminary City of Port Angeles Budget Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing on the 1983 Preliminary City of Port Angeles Budget and requested comments or questions from the audience and/or staff. Manager Flodstrom commented on the allocation for human services in the 1983 Preliminary Budget and summarized recent actions taken by the Clallam County Commissioners in their support of human services. Carol Owens, Cla1lam County Human Services Coordinator, identified and presented funding requests for human services programs. Agencies requesting funds from both the City and County had been requested to submit one request for funds. The requests were then evaluated and prioritiz.ed with funding requests for the programs coordinated between the City and County based on percentage of client case loads . Presentations were also made by representatives of the following special agencies in support of their request for City funding for the year 1983: Juvenile Diversion - T. Holm; Clallam/Jefferson Community Action Council - RSVP and Adult Action Program - P. Simpson; Family Planning Council - G. Soule; Retired Senior Volunteer Program - L. Western; Umbrella Community Service Agency - A. Gladstone; Clallam County Museum - G. Alexander; Chamber of Commerce - G. Shannon; and Clallam County Humane Society - B. Norris. H. Buchman indicated she would submit . a written request for Juvenile Diversion. During the presentations, Council discussed with the speakers their programs, the funding requests ~ and the human services levy which failed by a narrow margin this fall. G. Alexander, a utilizer of RSVP and Juvenile Diversion, and Ed Hopfner, utilizer of the Adult Action Program, spoke in support of City funding for these programs. G. Crawford, 414 South Francis, Port Angeles, requested information on the City's animal control program. Councilman Quast noted the instability of local funding available for human services 369 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 1982 and urged everyone to lobby federal and state officials to firm up funding for these programs. No further comments being received, Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing. 1 7. Budget Work Session A budget work session was scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, 1982 in the City Council Chambers from 6:00 - 10:00 P.M. An executive session will be held from 6:00 - 6:30 P.M. 8. Master plan - White Creek Park PRD This item was tabled at the November 16, 1982 Council meeting. Planner Carr noted that the master plan before the Council was required as a condition of the annexation agreement. Johnie Key, previous owner of the White Creek Park PRO, introduced the new owner, William Huizinga, to the Council. Councilman Whidden moved the Council schedule the December 21, 1982 Council meeting for removal from the table and consideration of this item at that time; Councilman Horydyk seconded. During discussion of the motion the Council determined a public hearing would not be scheduled as all required public hearings have previously been held. On call for the question the motion carried. 9. Resolution - Residential Weatherization Contract with BPA The Council had approved implementation of BPA' s Zero Interest Loan Weatherization Program, effective January 1, 1983 at the November 2, 1982 Council meeting. Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 39-82 by title, entitled: x RESOLUTION NO. 39-82 .1 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor to execute Amenda- tory Agreement No. 10 to Contract No. DE-MS79-81BP90811 between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 10. Resolution - Increased Fees for Concealed Weapons Permits The Council had approved increasing fees for Concealed Weapons Permit at the November 16, 1982 Council meeting. Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 40-82 by title, entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 40-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing fees for the issuance of pistol permits, and amending Resolution No. 2-81. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. I 11. Amendment to Sidewalk Obstruction Ordinance Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis regarding recommended changes to the sidewalk obstruction ordinance and read Ordinance No. 2237 by title, entitled 370 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 1982 ORDINANCE NO. 2237 AN ORDINANCE of-the City of Port Angeles establishing permit requirements for building facades as street obstructions, waiving a permit renewal fee for privately constructed landscaping which is also a street obstruction, and amending Sections 11.12.070 and 11.12.130 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Polhamus moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title and Councilman Gerberding seconded. Council discussed with staff aspects of uniform enforcement of the sidewalk obstruction ordinance. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council table further consideration of this item for a complete review of the entire ordinance; councilman Hordyk seconded. In deference to a request from a property owner to construct a building facade which would currently not be permitted under the existing ordinance, the motion to table was withdrawn. On call for the question to adopt the ordinance as read by title the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". Council requested staff bring this item back before them in January for further review. f 12. Resolution requiring advance notice from WPPSS of all action and/or meetings Council had considered this item at the November 16, 1982 Council meeting. Mayor Duncan read Resolution No. 41-82 by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 41-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, establishing minimum time periods before the City Council of the City of Port Angeles may consider necessary and formal actions in regards to the City's contracts with the Washington Public Power Supply System, including the portions of those contracts relating to the Participants' Committee. Councilman Whidden moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title and Councilman Polhamus seconded. Attorney Miller noted a typographical error in the resolution. On call for the question the motion carried. 13. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting A Utility Advisory Committee Meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, December 14, 1982 at 5:00 P.M. VIII LATE ITEMS Mayor Duncan read a letter advising the Council of Manager Flodstrom's recent nomination to the Board of Directors of the Washington City Management Association. 1. HB5162 - National Park System Protection and Resources Management Act of 1982 Mayor Duncan referred the Council to a letter from the "Friends of Lake Crescent" requesting Council consideration of HBS162. The Council concurred to take no position on the bill at this time. I I .1 . .. I J c. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 1982 2. Clallam County Comprehensive Plan Council discussed the Clallam County Comprehensive Land Use Plan currently before the Clallam County Commissioners and Councilman Quast moved the Council go on record as supporting Commissioner Feeley in his deliberation of the Land Use Plan and urge passage of the Plan prior to year's end; Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Gerberding indicated he was not comfortable with City Council advisement to the County Commissioners. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Gerberding voting "No". IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Evelyn Tinkham requested information on plans for the Solid Waste Utility in the 1983 preliminary budget. The Council congratulated Councilman Polhamus on his 60th birthday. Councilman Quast noted the Council's appreciation for the participation of Mr. McCullough, Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bialous, representing the Citizen Review Committee of the Uptown/Downtown Business Associations in the December 3 and 4, 1982 budget hearings. X ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 9:50 P.M. City Clerk ~ft~ ~u6~ Legals ORDINANCE NO. 2237 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles estoblishing perrni1 requirements for building facades as street obstructions, waiving a per. mil renewal fee tor privately constructed landscaping whkh is olso 0 street obslru(;- 1.0n, and amending Sections 7 ,and 13 of Ordinance 2229. and Sections 11.12.070 and 11.12.13001 the Port Angeles Municipal Code. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI. TY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as lollaws: Se<:tion 1. Section 7 of Or- dinance No. 2229 and Section 11.12.070 of the Port Angeles Municipol Code ore eocn I amended to reod os fallows: . Section 7 - Ob-s.truction of Sidewalks - Exceptions By Permit. NotwHhstondtng the provisions of Section .4 of this Ordinance. the following obstructions of sidewalks or planting strips moy be per. mitted. if a permit therefor is obtained from the City. under the procedures of Section 10 of this ordinance: A. Public morkets. street . fain. exhibitions or corni\lols, for whicll 0 permit has been issued under Section 3(B) of this. OrdirlOr'lCG. B. Construc:t~on C. Benches D. Litter receptables E. Newspoper dispensers F. Clocks G. Bicycle racks H. Telephone booths. I. Private planters and other londscaplng J. Any other obs1lUc:tioll souqht to be pieced upon a Legals sidewalk by ihe City lor a pubric purpose., t K. Additions to the focodes of buildings existing On the effective dote at this or- dinance. which buildings ore built up to the right.of.way line of the public street. pro- vided thot such addition ,hall no' exceed six inches in width. Section 2. Section 13 of Or- dinance No. 2229 and Section 11.12_13001 the Port Angeles Muoicfpat Code ore each amended to read as follaws: . Section 13-Renewal Fee. A. Upon i'Ssuan-ce of 0 per- mit under this ordinance, the opplicant sholl poy the annual fee therefor, provided, that if the permit i$ for .0 private planter or other landscaping, thi:s. annual fee. and renewals thereof, shall be waived. 8. Permits for obstructions shall be renewed on an on. nual basis, in acc.ordance with the fee schedule adopted by the City Council by resollJtion. C. The procedure for pay- ment of the annual fee shall be 0$ $et forth for business licenses in Section 5.04.240 o. the Port Angeles Municipal Code. PASSED by the City Council af the City of Part Angeles ot o regular meeting of the Council held on the 7th doy of December, 1'982. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Marian C. Porrish. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Milfer, City Attorney I Pub.: Dec. 17. 1982 --- - ---- 311 .. ~..~