HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/07/2010• • CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 7, 2010 Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: Councilmember Collins. Staff Present: Mayor Di Guilio stated that Councilmember Collins was out of town and had previously asked to be excused from tonight's Council meeting. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Kidd to: Excuse Councilmember Collins's absence from the December 7, 2010, City Council meeting. Motion carried 6 -0. Mayor Di Guilio led the PIedge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Port Angeles High School Football Team & Coach Mayor Di Guilio recognized Port Angeles High School Football Team Coach Tom Wahl and the team for their outstanding 2010 season. Coach Wahl thanked the community for their support. None. Councilmember Nelson spoke regarding her participation in the Day of Appreciation for First Responders. Councilmember Mania spoke regarding his appreciation for the City Manager and Department Heads, regarding their letter of agreement to forgo any cost of living increases for 2011. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance at the Port Angeles School District's Education Summit and his attendance at the Farmers' Market Council table. 1 Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T, Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, R. Bonine, J. DeFrang, R. Korcz, C. Delikat, S. Roberds, and L. Dunbar. 6774 6775 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2010 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: (Cont'd) WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: Resolution No. 25 -10 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding his attendance at the Fanners' Market Council table and asked that everyone participate in a moment of silence in remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day, Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding her pride for the Port Angeles Football team and their success this season. She also reminded everyone about the grand opening of Hurricane Ridge Road on December 17, 2010. Mayor Di Guilio had no report. 1. Planning Commission — Interview / Appointment Community and Economic Development Director West stated that David Miller was the only applicant for the vacant position on the Planning Commission and was here tonight to be interviewed. Council conducted the interview of Mr. Miller. Councilmember Mania expressed concern regarding the number of meetings Mr. Miller stated he was likely to miss in a calendar year. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to Appoint David Miller to the Planning Commission. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6 -0. None. Mayor Di Guilio moved Consent Agenda item F11 to Other Considerations 12, at the request of Councilmember Kidd. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Perry to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I.) City Council Minutes for November 9, 16, and 18, 2010; 2.) Expenditure Approval List: 11/6/10 to 11/26/10 for $3,386,133.19; 3.) Interlocal Agreement / Peninsula College, National Medical Education and Training Center, Inc.; 4.) Clean Check Valve Installation, Contract WW- 10 -24, Award; 5.) Consulting Agreement Amendment No. 1 — Farallon Consulting; 6.) 401 Deferred Compensation Plan for Volunteer Firefighters, Resolution No. 25 -10; 7.) Tourism Promotion Agreement — Blackball Transport, Inc.; 8.) Interlocal Agreement - Valley Creek Restoration Phase III; 9.) Ratify Declaration of Emergency; and 10.) Contract Renewal — Friendship Diversion Services. Motion carried 6 -0. None. None. 2 • • OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2010 1. Wayfinding Selection and Entry Monument Location Selection Director West described the voluminous and positive public feedback received regarding the City's Waterfront Transportation Improvement Plan (WTIP). He stated that the plan was on track and asked Council to make two critical decisions regarding the Wayfinding Sign designs and Entryway Monument locations so that the process could continue to move forward. He stated that the design of the Wayfinding sign designs had been narrowed to two choices and asked Council to determine the preferred design. Manager Myers stated that the consultants on the project would be ready to move forward once Council had chosen the design. He also stated that signs would be installed immediately, as well as numerous signs removed around town, Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded Kidd to: Approve Wayfinding Sign design Option B, including changing the pedestrian directional sign to a modular panel design. Motion carried 6 -0. Director West described the need to pick Entryway Monument locations for both the East and West entries into Port Angeles. He stated that the consultants were waiting to finalize the design until the locations were chosen. He introduced Assistant Planner Korcz who provided a brief presentation regarding staff's preferred location for the east entryway location. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Kidd to: Select Option A as for the east Entryway Monument location. Council discussion followed. Motion Carried 5 -1, with Councilmember Perry voting in opposition. Assistant Planner Korcz provided a brief presentation regarding staff's preferred location for the west entryway location. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Nelson to: Select Option D for the west Entryway Monument location and direct staff to work with the Public Works Department to coordinate the location with any future road expansion. Council discussion followed. Motion Carried 6 -0. Break: Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m. 3 6776 6777 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS — QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC H EARINGS- OTHER: Ordinance No. 341 7 Ordinance No. 3418 None. 1. 2011 Budget Manager Myers discussed the overall public hearing process for adopting the 2011 Budget. He stated that one personnel position had been added to the budget in the Electric Conservation Fund and that it was primarily funded by a grant through the Bonneville Power Administration. Finance Director Ziomkowski conducted a presentation of the 2011 Final Budget and discussed some of the changes to the preliminary budget. She stated that the operating budget was the majority of the budget, but that the capital projects did make up 29% of the overall budget. She stated that mostly loans, bonds, and grants funded the capital expenditures. Mayor Di Guilio read a letter submitted by Councilmember Collins regarding his opposition to the 2011 Budget. Councilmember Collins's letter stated that he could not support the 2011 Budget due to the increase in the electric utility base rate fee, the increase in the amount of capital projects, and his resulting lack of confidence in the proposed public works budget. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Mania concurred with Councilmember Collins, and stated that he could also not support the 2011 Budget due to the proposed public works budget. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 7 :40 p.m. Marilyn Harbaugh, 312 W. 5 St., spoke against the Combined Sewer Overflow project and asked Council not to adopt the budget with this project included. Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing at 7:44 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3417 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending the 2010 budget and adopting the 2011 budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2011. . It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 4 -2, with Mania and Kidd voting in opposition. 2. Medic I Utility Rate Adjustments Fire Chief McKeen discussed the proposed Medic I Utility rate adjustments and mentioned a new letter of support from Pam Tietz. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. There being no public comment, he closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS- Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, OTHER: (Cont'd) ORDINANCE NO. 3418 • Ordinance No. 3418 Ordinance No. 3419 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic 1 charges. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Perry to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title, Councilmember Kidd stated she would be voting against the motion because she was not in favor of raising the rates in the current economic climate. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 5 -1, with Kidd voting in opposition. 3. 2011 Recreation Fees Adjustments Recreation Manager Bonine corrected statements he had made at the previous Council meeting regarding the Recreation fee increases. He stated that the proposed fee increase is ten dollars per session. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. There being no public comment he closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3419 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Sections of Chapter 3.70, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Recreation Division fees. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 6 -0. 4. Drake / Vacation of Portion of 7 Street Director West provided background information regarding the proposed street vacation, including the location, property description, and names of petitioners. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. There being no public comment, he continued the public hearing at 7:57 p.m., to the December 21, 2010, City Council meeting. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, 5 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of 7 Street, Port Angeles, in Clallam County, Washington. 6778 6779 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2010 OTHER 2. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grant Application CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Councilrnember Kidd stated her reason for pulling this item from the Consent Agenda was because she was proud of the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Plan (WTIP), and wanted Director West to provide the public with an update on the process. FINANCE: INFORMATION: Director West provided an update on the WTIP process. He provided some timelines on different portions of the plan and stated that there would be a presentation for Council in January regarding the process schedule. He stated that the EDA grant application was being applied for to help with the WTIP project. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Mania to: Authorize staff to submit a grant application to the Economic Development Administration for the downtown waterfront development project, up to $2 million. Motion carried 6 -0. 1. HarborWorks Loan Retirement Manager Myers discussed the history of the loan with the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority. He stated that the loan was outstanding due to the dissolution of HarborWorks. He recommended that Council approve the retirement of the loan because the City was not expecting the loan to be repaid. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Kidd stated that she could not support the retirement of the loan because it was a default, and because she did not vote to approve the original loan. Director Ziomkowski explained why staff needed to write off the loan and that the term "retirement" could be used in place of the term "write -off'. Council discussion followed, Mayor Di Guilio discussed his position regarding the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority and his desire for its success so that the City would not have to write off their loan to HarborWorks. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Approve the retirement of the loan to HarborWorks of $570,449.99 that was made from the Economic Development Fund over the previous two years. Motion carried 4 -2, with Mania and Kidd voting in opposition. Manager Myers spoke regarding the Construction Status Report and the Grants and Loans Status Report. He complimented Council and staff for handling the Nippon Closed Record Hearing appeal process well, and addressed the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting on December 21, 2010. He also spoke regarding the free downtown parking during the holiday season, the City's holiday party, and the Civic Historic District Designation. 6 • INFORMATION: (Coned) • EXECUTIVE SESSION: Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler provided information regarding the City's new garbage trucks, and stated that they would be in service later this month and available to view at a later date. Council asked questions regarding the Nippon appeal and Attorney Bloor explained that the appearance of fairness doctrine rules still apply until the final appeal period is complete. None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:26 p.m. r t, Dan Di Guilio, Mayor - - Jan s . Hurd, City Clerk 7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 7, 2010 6780