HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/08/1948 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 8 19~ The CommissiDn met in regular sessiDn at 10sOO a.m. and was called tD order by Mayor Epperson. present were ~ Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous sessiDn were read a nd approved. Under the head of applications BUILDING PERMITSs George R. Lewis O.vD A.S. Jacobsen ~ nn,<) HarDld McLaughlin Ed AndersDn otto l"reelund Clarence Keller LICENSES :. xl ) & Modern Beauty ShDPJ'61\ l;l~ Holmers Ca fe Holmers Cafe DrDvdahl's FDuntain Lunch- Drovdahl's Fountain Lunch DrDvdahl's Fountain Lunch Brown Drug Co. for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Build 7 room dwelling, Lots 14 & 15, Block 9,P.S.C.C. Addition to existing dwelling, LDt 7,dlock 176, Townsite Build Garage, Lot 19, Dlock 160, Townsite . Build 1 car garage,Lot 5W2, illock 114, Carters Addition Build 1 car garage, Lot 9, Block 191, l'ownsite RemDdel,build porch on to present house, Lot 14, Bleck 519 Towns. $10,000.00 1,000.00 150 .00 500.00 550.00 150.00 Beauty Operator, e chairs Restaurant Soft Drink Restaurant Music Machine Soft Drink Soft Drink The report of Police Judge Taylor for the month Df OctDber showing n cases tried and $804.00 fines collected was approved and Drdered filed. The Commission discussed the condition of the Light fund and claims outstanding and included in the 1948 budget. After due consideration, it WaS moved by COIl'lllissioner Steele that an amount equivalent to the bond investments held by the Light Department be loaned by transfer from the Water Fund to the Light Fund, and that the cash in the Light Investment rund be transferred to the Light fun:!.. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , A petition requesting a street light at Sixth and F Streets was referred to the Light Superintendent. Claude Bradford. of the Chamber of Commerce requested that the city erect a platform and set a Christmas tree near r1rst and Laurel Streets to be used during the holidays. The Commission agreed to co-operate with the committees in charge of festivities. Under the head of reading and passage of ordinances, the following was passed third reading and adopted:, Ordinance No. 1205 AN ORDINANCE relating to dogs and cats; prohibiting their trespass upon private (Foperty under certain conditions; fixir.g license fees and repealing certain ordinances in conflict herewith. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and finally adopted.. Seconded "-' Commissioner Johnson. All voted aye. Motion carried. The Corrunission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: CURRENT EXPEIISE FUNDI Election expense. Election expense Election expense. Election expense. Election expense. Election expense. Ele c tion Expense. Election Expense. Election Expense. Election Expense. Election Expense. Election Exp''lllse Election Expense Election Expense. Election Expense. Elaction Expense. Election Expense. Election Expense. Election Expense. Election Expense. Election E'''l,ense. Election Expense. Election Expense Election Expense. Election Expense. Puget Sound Stamp Works City Treasurer . Jerry Nelson Agency Trick & Murray Olympic Stationers Angeles Radiator Shop Gi ty Treasurer Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. City Street Dept! Park & Shop l"itchards llIssociatedllSta. R.O. Ide Jerry NelsDn Agency Hazel's Cafe Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Allan Dist. Co. City Light Dept. City Treasurer Luvaas Firestone Se,vice Olympic Stationers ~ SS?;;li6' Precinct 110. 1 Precinct No. 2 Precinct No.. :5 Precinct No.4 Precinct No.5 Precinct No. 6 Precinct No. 7 Precinct No.8 Precinct. No.9 Precinct No. 10 Precinct No. 11 Precinct No. 12 Precinct No. 15 Precinct No. 14 Precinct No. 15 Precinct ND. 16 Precinct No. 17 Precinc t No. 18 Precinct No. 19 Precinct No. 20 Precinct No. 21 Precinct No. 22 Precinct 110. 25 Precinc t No. 24 Precinct No. 25 Bands for dates l"ire Hydrants, Street Lights Ins .Adj. Dec. 1, 1947 to Jan.l,1948 Election Supplies Blueprints Radiator Repa irs Light,Water,Sts. & Sewers Ser. # 5540. Gas Soap Lub.Oil, Battery Rent Car Mileage for Nav. iIns.Adj. Dec. 1, 1947 to Jan. 1, 1~47 Meals for Prisoners - Nov. Ser. 5206,5202,4540 Gas Radio Tec. Salary Lights Tire Reapair Office Supplies 102.50 99.50 99.50 .99.50 101..00 101.00 84.00 98.00 104.00 78.00 98.00 104.00 104.00 101.00 102 . SO 104.00 101.00 104.00 98.00 98.00 100.00 101.00 98.00 99.5G 99.50 1.95 1,584.20 3.62 202.81 .52 7.73 108.54 7.75 4.60 1.64 5.55 .20.50 2.50. 95.07 20.59 115.41 640.00 21.85 9.06 4.55 503 """"1 ! I 2.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 ,.. 504 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19JB.. December 8 continued Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Jerry Nelson Agency D & B Battery & Elec. Sta. Harris & Schuller City Light Dep t . City Treasurer CITY STREET FUND: Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. D & .J3 Battery & Elec .Sta. AHan Dist. Co. Radio Service Appliance Harris & Schuller Jerry Nelson Agency Angeles Radiator Shop Janish )Jator Go. .'/'r- Co. \ 1 1\ ?~ ' WATER FUND:, Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Angeles Radiator Service Shop Jerry Nels on Agency -'\ D & B Battery,. Elec. Stn f1.:S \ City Light Dept. ~./ Tidewater Associated Oil Co ~ " City Street Dept Wills on Ha rdware Co. Angeles Mach & fielding Wks LIGHT FUND s General Electric Company Don N. Poulsen MeMaham fuel Co. Samuelson Motor Co. Port Tie & Lbr. Co. Puget Sound Nav. Co. Wigson Hardware Co. Hansen & Rmvland Inc. Schreinar ~hevrolet Co. Truck & Equipment Co. City Street Dept. The Electric Co. Home Planning Service Maydwell &. Hartzell August Contesti LA. Jensen D & B Battery & Elec Stn Tooker Motor frt. General Ela ctric Supply Corp. Jerry Nelson Agency Allan Distributing Co. Line Material Co. SANITA TTON FU}UJ , City Treasurer Samuelson Motor.Go. Janish Motor Co. D &. B Bsttery &.. Elec. Sta. Luvsas Firestone Service Kenneth Owen LeRoy Jagger Janish Motor Co. Angeles Radiator Shop '2 /, q ,,\(,:-" 1~ ~ I S'~"\I LIBRARY" Olympic Ele c tri c <II I '1.';, <t 1 Starr Book Co. ~ "'d Marguerite P. De vis en R.L. Polk &. Co. T.S. Denison & Co. .A.C. McClurg & Co. Ernest Dean Demco Library Supplies Doubleday &. Co., Inc. Ernest S. Booth J.B. Mathews Glass Co. New Method Book Binder Inc. J91milu Norris I New Method Boo k Binder, Inc. Lee Hodson Jennilu Norris PARK: City Treasurer .II /17 City Street lJept. 7f' 1:!fI,? Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. City Treasurer City Street Dept. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. City Fuel Co. ~ Ser. 4408 -5255 Ins .Jl.dj .Dec. 1, 1947 to Jan 1, 1948 Condenser lunnell & Labor Radio Tee. Salary Light,l'fater, Garbage Sewer Pipe, Etc. Parts Oil Flashlight Batteries 2 bars Ins.Adj. Dec. 1, 1947 to Jan.l, 1948 Radiator Repairs Parts Pipe Repairs Ins. Premium Parts Radio mall Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Su pplie s Repeir Valve Controllers Planning fuel Repairs & Parts Lumber Fre ight Supplies Ins. Premium Repairs Parts Anti-freeze Supplies Servic e Pins Concrete work :FUel & anti-freeze Adj. lig hts Freight chgs. Wire Ins. Premium Gas & Oil Hardware Water Parts & Repair Brakes Adj. &. fluid Repairs Parts & Repairs Garage Rent Car Mileage -Nov. Panel Parts Fluorescent Lamps Book Book Book- City Directory Books Books Seattle Daily Times Book Be oks Book Bronze Metal Frames . Books Reboun:i' Postage, Fuse Plugs Books Traveling Expenses 1'ra veling Expense s Light, Water, Garbage Gas, Oil, etc. 5er. 5851 Light, Vfater, Garhage Gas", Oil Service 5288 Stove Oil 55.09 10.84 .50 9.27 320.00 27.05 50.70 14.13 501.26 1.84 2.36 3.37 10.81 6.95 1 758.04 6.95 27.45 .51 520.00 28.01 54.52 1.08 7.21 I 847.18 40.00 58.85 5.54 6.18 2.00 1.52 250.00 8.25 ll.56 3.00 7.75 87.75 85.05 55.47 655.50 1.29 515 .22 397.56 30.10 92.68 25.48 I 1.60 48.67 5.35 1.55 37.15 30.00 29.82 .39 3.58 5.6!7 1.00 5.92 56.05 4.47 21.15 18.00 6.45 8.:W 4.19 61.80 514.20 2.91 5.80 5.45 134.23 ,I I 51.97 15.45 5.00 54.56 4.45 7.57 24.57 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 505 " December 8 continued 19~ '_._...~'~m_~"...m ...""., PARKING METE~ & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUNrn~ q2,Li-~ ! City Water Dept. Lights, Gas. etc. M.H. Rhodes, Inc. Magic Links Janish Motor Co. Tail Lights, Mirrors Kanneth Owen Warehouse Rent 52.50 10.27 14.68 15.00 1 LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUNDs ~q t.-{? Antioch Bookplate Co. q, Johnson & Bork Puget Sound News Co. Memorial Bookplates Pic ture Fra 100 Books 4.00 5.00 90.45 There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. 1 g l law-. (J City Clark ~J1A.J ~ Mayor I I I