HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/08/1981 , "" ~~"'<,.""C~.....-"""-;.,.~ ," ......~-\...,-~^' . ''', " ,~,.., 21-'''!.'1::''".':~ ..:,,,;~it.';:.,~. ;,<;;.~..:'"~~~~~ ~~~'!; ;<<:;:ITY"COUNCIL.MEETING "'It...." ']J:t~ -f ~ ~~-.; ~.... ....j;j,:........ -~ ,- ~~~~.. h. , '" -,' . .',.;...: ;:;'..<;"~~":"'e'~::."~.~ort Angeles, Was :U:,~:m , . ",.d," . .~,' '~;!..~'~;;n.~~"'.,':'-:;:'1~~.,;-December 8, '1981';~.,':i: ' -~C_,.~ -';'1~"'~~~~_;"... ~:f:'::i~t',~"t'.....ti~~4;~'" -. ....-.,'.""':"~l-7'!~~!, . } '... .... ~).Jt<i. ",'~ ~ ~ ..:...... .-'~. ,,1 'J:'-.r, --':;1: ...7!:..~..- . ~.~~~'~ . ~:'Ne1 - . ," ~~.~~~. 7..1:"'". . :.:~~~;~;:~:. .,,~p'.iH' I CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7,05 P:M. The purpose of this meeting was to provide the public with the most up to date information regarding those ;proposed improvements for the 2nd phase of the Downtovffi Improvement Project and also to obtain public comment regarding those proposed improvements. II ROLL CALL Nembers Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. I Nembers Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Fladstram, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr and D. Frizzell. public Present, Park Recreation and Beautification Commission Members G. Thomson, S. NCLaughlin, D. Nudd, J. Ralston, R. Hesselman, J. VanOs and R. Ames; G. Hansmire & E. Anderson of Makers, Inc.; J. & B. Montgomery, D. Bragg, B. NCCrorie, B. Graves, J. Pogany, C. Friedman, L. Leonard, B. Greene, M. Phillips, T.. Serr, D. Rudolph, N. Johnson, L. Hurd, G. Cortez, E. Webster, P. Buck, G. Crawford, J. Larue, N. Folk, P. Saxton, J. Larue, D. Bettger, J. LaBadie, G. Mattson, B. Love,. L. Western, M. Bishop, E. Sturgess, D. & N. Doerr, M. Montroy, L. Sunny, H. Patterson, B. & C. Philpott, I. Smith, R. Gerberding, B. Leach, K. Sweeney, J. Harvey, D. & P. Dole, S. Taylor and H. Garrett. III LEGISLATION 1. 2nd Phase Downtown Beautification/Improvement Project I Manager Fladstrom reviewed the background of the 2nd Phase af the Downtown Improvement Project highlighting the efforts of the Downtown Impravement Group which led to the 1st phase of the project, L.I.D. 203. The Economic Development Administration subsequently granted $800,000 in matching funds far the accomplishment of the 2nd phase 'Of the Downtown Beautification Project. Director of PUblic .Works Pittis explained funding for the project and out- lined the stipulations EDA had attached to the use af the, granted funds. The fWlds must be expended by August of 1982 and be used far sidewalk work, street resurfacing, and other related improvements to the Downtown Central Business District. Mr. Gerald Hansmire, of Makers, Inc., then explained the elements of the proposed improvements, indicating the finn's overall objectives for the completed project were to: 1.) attract people to. the downtown area; 2.) develop a specific image for downtown Part Angeles.,- 3.) unify proposed improvements with the improvements made in the l~t phase of the project, L.I.D. 203, and 4.) create high visibility with the improvements. He then summarized the ',proposed improvements to be made; those include: 1. ) informational kiosks, 2.} downtown directaries, 3.) entry pylons, 4. ') decorative banners,S.} painted light poles, 6.) Laurel Street landscaping, 7.) developments of a ~urel Street feature attractian at the existing site of the Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain, 8.) resurfacing of the downtown streets; and 9.) additional landscaping throughout downtown areas. Mayar Haguewoad then opened the public hearing and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. I Throughout the course of the hearing, several s.uggestions were made for alternative uses af the funds; many requested additianal downtown parking; "natural improvements", an information center and use of the funds for the Canvention Center. B. Graves suggested a stage for live performances to. attract tourists; L. Western and J. EaBadie suggested seniar volunteers greet taurists disembarking from the Coho Ferry; C. Friedmann suggested the money be used for advertising; S. MCLaughlin praposed "low maintenance" impravements and when Jim LaRue advised that the planting of cherry trees on Laurel Street hillside may be unsuccessful, M. Jahnson.suggested the use df ferns and salal bushes and additianally, the constructian of trails ..-4Q' _ ,l;.-fr :'" (', ... .',0. lJ-~,~.:J. ~'~~..;. :- . ,. ..'"-< ~ I I I ~l:t~if~~~~,,, ~"o,'~~~t~~1"~~4~l~~~i;~~;~~~' ..r;:-.-....,J.,b" ."'_ . . ',,'io.!"" ." III LEGISLATION' (cont.:.) :.~ thru the valley to the Library and museum. In additional comments, Jack LaRue advised the public to be patient and allow time for the landscaping of L.I.D. 203 to mature at which time the beautifying effects would truly be demonstrated; he also protested the vandalism to the trees. S. Taylor addressed the Council regarding Mrs. Dyar Roberts" wishes for the Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain and Flag Pole. Those speaking mainly in opposition to the 2nd phase of the Downtown Beautification Project were p. Buck, L. Leonard, L. Sunny, G. Crawford, I. Smith, P. Saxton, E. Taylor, D. Bettger, L. Hurd, J. pogany, T. Serr, C.. Freidman,. S. McLaughlin, D. Rudolph, G. Mattson, N. Doerr, E. Tinkham, p. Dole and N. Folk. The major objections ra~sed were directed to .1.) the change proposed to the Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain, 2.) lack of down- town parking, and 3.) the use of artificial banners to beautify Port Angeles in lieu of natural improvements. Major proponents of the project, G. Cortez, J. Montgomery, B. Love, B. McCrorie, and J. Fairchild urged the Council to proceed with bidding for the 2nd phase of the project; Though appreciative of the many suggestions raised, they pointed out that the use of funds was restricted as per the terms of the original grant and cited several previous meetings in which public input had been solicited. Citing the excellent work done by Mak~rs on the City Pier, the proponents urgeQ, the Council to consider the expertise behind the consultants' proposals and place their confidence in them. Mayor Haguewood closed the public hearing and requested COmments from the COuncil. councilman Quast then addressed his concerns regarding the 2nd Phase of the r!~ J DowntoWn Beautification Project. He requested-clarification of Mrs. Conrad o.~\ pi'" Pyar _Roberts' position. regardin-g-the 'proposal .for.the Conrad Dyar Me1l\Orial- ,,, Foun.tain-and-coIl1Il\ented on maintenance costs for the 1st and 2nd phases of the-Downtown Beautification project, stressing that.he hopes. the improvements wi~ll-be- maintained. After further Cbuncil discussion, Mayor Haguewood suggested the Council postpone action until the December 15, 1981 meeting and adjourned the meeting at 9:55 P.M. ~~.~ City Clerk d~~"( \ .~- .......~~J"-"1";:;...r..... ~ .4t7 .. -