HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/09/1936 "'l ,44~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of ~ort Angeles, Washington December 9, 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 rt. 15. and was called to ordcr by !.layor Davis. Roll call showed the follo~ing officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Atcorney Conniff and Clerk Hav/Rins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Ralph Smythe. Police Judge. pro tempore, reported ten cases tried and ~45.00 collected in fines for the month of November, 1936, Report ordered filed. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances. the follov/ing ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed 011 its first readil1g.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ I "'d a III l>- :~..... m ""= 1.11 ~ (J.l ., () .....0 <I> (I) Ql 'l!l to It,j OJ ti t::l f.... ~. ti1 S"~ d-[;: ~o g:" In~ IG) (tI 0 :to\>':1lfl ~::;:"'rt~ ~<<:~d-d- ~ooP,S-;;- 1:J.....:il Il'l ro'"d......nc+ 00 .., 00 .~~1R~d- ::e..~ti :0 &l 0 ~ 5mo'~~ :. ..... CD .. 0 1R m a ~ . '1 '" m .... N ~ <> ~ m H f,i ~I:: ....p.:o>~ gt::"P'~ '" <> a g. Ii ~ 00 ~c+tdO g ~ l'J.a (tl l:I ~ 0 <+'1 o co tll Ol ..,,<+ t:I; ..~~o JJ (1' CD l:1 11 c+ 0" ~ " .... ~.. :1::; ~ ~ 0 OJ .Ii: m 'g ~ <<: :il <> (II (ll ttl 0 ... '1 m .~ ~ ... ~ ct ~ .... 0 >j l' >j ..... 'd (!) m <> ~ " a III ::::~B. <> The Commissi0N examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURR31'111 ~XPEl1S:E ii'UJ:.JD Pac Tel & Te 1 Cu City Treasurer Hillson Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & Jupply Co. Marshall ~ells Co. V; A. Samuelson ~ Co. Pine Hill Shop Service Associated Oil Go. Lysall Walding & Forge "orks ~illson Hardware Go. Department of Labor & Industries Servi ce Cash Advanced Jani tor 's Suunlies Cement, Lumber, etc. Hdwe. ileuairs - " 1.25 1.00 5.25 58.80 1?88 :,L5(, 10? . '70 25.74 6.00 10.9? 25.18 I Gasoline Repairs Ha"'dware Ind Ins & Med "id 8. ).~? '.7ATS'l FmlD James Hardware Co. James Hardware Co. HersevMfa. Co. Lysali ~eidtng & Forge ~orks Light /Dept. ~illson Hardwar~ Co. Getchell & ~agnon Ci ty Light Dept. Pac Tel & Tel Co. C. H. McDonald E. A. Thomas S. A. Thomas Angeles Gravol & Supply Co. ~illson Hardware Co. Eppers on & Sons Departmen~ of Labor & Industries Va Ive Flashlight Meters Shop ','Iork Gas Bill Supplies Lubrication Light at Reservoir Servi ce Kerosene Repairs II 2.?0 .9? 152.88 10.?4 13.15 5.e.;9 1.<:5 3.7<.. 4.<:5 1.0<:; 1. 06 3.19 4.5<:; ?93 '>:!:,. .64. ,41 <:;7.89 Ma tel' ials Supplies Lumber Ind Ins [;; Hed .\.id I 1-,IGHT Ft!!lI!. LY5all ':lelding & ?orge .Iorks Graybar Ele c tric Co. Square D Co. Getchell & Gagnon ,'later Department Pac Tel & Tel Go. Jillson Hardware Co. Automotive Parts Co. Byron ,'in ter McHugh & 1>etersOll City Treasurer Jillson Hardware Co. C. H. Feach Department of Labor & Industries .i:.>hOp ;"{ork Tools !.Ie t'Jr TroucllS Tire Repair ','/a ter Rent 3ervi ce Bo It s Lamps Ma tCl' ial Repairs Cash Ad'lanced Material & Jupplies Truck Repair Ind Ins & Med Aid 4.12 11.61 ?5.. .50 2.01 16.91 l.iJ? 2?45 3.~1 7.9,5 20.4? 4.0? 2:3.6? 12.83 </-1 14k- LIB'URY FUND Pac Tel & Tel Co. Ci ty Treasu"'er Sneddon Rebuilt Furn;ture Shop Ci ty rrreasu:-er J. R. McDonald Bellingham B66kbindeFj Packer-Scott Co. Jenni11O. Norl'is Gaylord Bros. The McMillan Co. Jashington Publishing Co. Treasure Nook The ~. J. dilson Co. The H. ';1. '/ilson Co. Lesli e Spier Herman Goldberger Agency The Commonwealth Book Co. Ind. The Puget Sound News Co. Servic e Light & Via ter Hepairs L.I.D. ASG8SSment Garbage Service Binding Supplies Supplies Supc,lies Books " ,1.25 12.97 3.00 4b.58 6.00 109.52 10. ?O 1.? 0 14.00 20.85 :5.00 18.01 8.00 3,<:5 1. 63 138.85 33.96 124.25 I I Pel'iodica Is BolJks $1 5~ 1/'" PARK FUND Marjor:Le Brooke Shrubs 31. 20 Tne CO!':lmissi~n then adjourned to meet at 3 P.T!. The Commission met pursuant to adjonrnment at :, p.n., all members bein'3 present. .... ,.. 450 Proceedings of the City Commission ~f tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington December g, 19.36 193_ ,,"0. .. "'~''''. ..>TTU. ."T'~""n'" """HC.". .>0.. Under the head of Unfini~hed Business ~~~ followin~ resoluti~n Wus introdu0ed: R<:SOLUTION WlIEREAS, on the 18th day of November, 1936, Benj. N. Phillips filed his application with the Citv. Commission 0::' Port Angelos, ~"Jashin;s"uon, requesting- a permit to construct a service' station on all or a portion of Lots One and Two of Block Two Hundre1. Ninety-one (291), Government Tovlllsite of Port An;;eles, Clallam County, ,Jashington, and Whereas, said lots are vii thin the. zone es';~blished by Ordinance No. 911, as amended by Ordinance No. 987 0: the City of Port "ngeles. prohibit-ing the construction of buildings for busineoo purposes wi thln said zone, ll.nle!ss th,; consent 0: the property owners therefor as provided Jor in sairl ordinances was first obtained af'er due. notice for -that purpose given by the City Clerk in the mRnner provided :or in 8,dd or.jinance, and Vm]<~jmAS, on the 18th day of November, 1936, thc Gity Clerk o~' Port Angeles, :Iashington, gave notice to the owners of property within a rHdius of t\"!o hundred (200) feet of said lots that the said appliuation of the said Benj. n. Phillips had been made to the City Comtniss ion of the Gi ty Glf Port Angeles, and \mERl!;A3, less than sixty per cent (60%) of the owners of said proI'erty within said two hundred (~OO) foot radius have filed their protests against said app:ication for said permi t, NOI'I, TH1:RSFOR3, BE IT ',ESOL'TED, that the said Benj. n. Phillips be and he is hereby granted 8 pwrmit to construe"'; n service station on all or a !,!o::,tion of Lots One and Two of Block TriO Hundred Ninety-one (291) of the Government To"/c1si te of Port fngeleo, Clallam County, ',lashLL3ton, upon the approval of his plans and specifications for the same by thc Ci t;! "ngineer of the Ci t;/ of Port Angeles and won the issuance by ;;lIe City Clerk of thc usual buildin,-; pm'mi t issueJ by the Ci t"' in suuh cases. It was moved by Commis~ioner Masters that the foreg6in~ resolution be approved and adopted. Secondod by Commis.-ioner Beam. On roll CR II all memoo rs voted ayc. 'l'he Mayor declared thc motion earried. Under the head of Applications for Buildin" Permi ts tho followin{': was gl'an";ed: Benj.. Y. Phillips, Service Station, Lots 1 and ~, Blk. 291, To~nsite )4, (100. on There being no further busines., the ~ommission thcn adjourned. / \C oO~ /r\: , . 7) (/V)..j'~1~ J ' City Clerk Mayor / li... I I I I I