HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/09/2008
Port Angeles, Washington
December 9, 2008
Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5 :30
Members Present:
Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Attorney Bloor and Human Resources Manager Coons.
Mayor Braun announced the need for an Executive Session for one-half hour under the
authority of RCW 42.30.11 0(1 )(g), to evaluate qualifications of applicants for public
appointment. The Executive Session convened at 5:30 p.m.
The Executive Session concluded at 6:00 p.m., and the Council convened in regular open
session. No action was taken.
The special meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:05
p.m., announcing this is ajoint meeting with the Board of Commissioners of the Port of
Port Angeles.
Members Present:
Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Osterman, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, N. West,
S. Sperr, T. Pierce, S. Roberds, and J. Seniuk.
Port Commissioners
Commission President Calhoun and Commissioner McIntyre.
Port Staff Present:
B. McChesney, D. Hagiwara, and S. Oliver.
Public Preseni:
O. Campbell, P. Gagnon, J. Michalczik, A. & M. Williams,
J. Hendricks, T. Ahlgren, S. Zenovic, J.Ford, S. Nixon, C.
Byrnes, E. Strickland, J. LeBer, and K. Beirne. All others
present in the audience failed to sign the roster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Wharton. Mayor Braun
welcomed the Port Commissioners, and Commission President Calhoun formally opened
the special meeting ofthe Board of Commissioners. Councilmember Rogers reported that
she invited Elwha Tribal Chair Frances Charles to the meeting, but Ms. Charles was
unable to attend due to the death of a Tribal member. President Calhoun reported that
Commissioner Schoenfeldt could not attend, as he underwent surgery this afternoon.
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December 9,2008
History of Formation of
Port Angeles HarborW orks
Development Authority
History of Formation of Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority:,
Attorney Bloor informed those present that he and Community & Economic Development
Director West would make a presentation to provide the context of what led up to the
formation of the Port Allgeles HarborWorks Development Authority. Councilmember
Williams clarified this is not a task force, and he requested that the local media make the
appropriate correction in its reporting.
Attorney Bloor used PowerPoint slides to discuss the May 20, 2008, creation of the
HarborW orks PDA, indicating that many ideas, alternatives, and options were considered
before the Public Development Authority concept was pursued. At the time, there were
three parallel, but separate goals: the tank on the Rayonier site related to the City's CSO
Proj ect, Harbor Planning, and Remediation and Redevelopment ofthe Rayonier mill site.
Attorney Bloor summarized the first goal related to the CSO Project, providing the
regulatory background, information on how to deal with CSOs, and information related
to the first suite of projects. He provided a review of the options on dealing with CSOs
and the relationship to the tank on the Rayonier site.
Director West provided a synopsis of the second goal related to Harbor Planning, and he
provided background information on the need for a review of the 1989 Harbor
Management Plan, and the City's ultimate decision in 2007 to take the lead on Harbor
Planning. The third goal, as discussed by Director West, relates to the closure of the
Rayonier Mill, the cleanup process, and discussions held between the City and Rayonier
concerning remediation and redevelopment of the Rayonier site. Director West provided
a brief chronology of discussions that took place from 2005 to early 2007, noting there
was a paradigm shift in the approach taken to assure cleanup of the site. In 2007, Phase
I Rayonier Reuse and Planning commenced, resulting in stakeholder meetings, as well as
public visioning meetings that addressed a concept and critical path analysis. By late
2007, the City and Rayonier had resumed discussions on the cleanup ofthe site, and how
the City might assist in that process.
The parallel goals were combined, and the various options considered. Attorney Bloor
reviewed the potential role of the City, the statutory authority expressly given to cities that
can be exercised by the City Council, the potential creation of a separate City department,
or the creation of a public development authority. Ultimately, the HarborW orks Public
Development Authority was created in May, 2008, to meet the deadline for the
preparation of a Biennial Budget Proposal for the Department of Ecology. Director West
indicated that the City, in partnership with the Port, has the opportunity through
community stewardship to create an innovative and community-based approach to solving
one of the community's biggest issues. He emphasized the importance of partnering with
all stakeholders in this endeavor.
Mayor Braun opened the meeting for discussion, and Port President Calhoun responded
to a question raised as to the Port's goals. He indicated the goals are outlined in the PDA
Charter, but the Port Commission, as early as five years ago, discussed its role in the
Rayonier cleanup by virtue of the Port's role in economic development and water-related
issues. The Port made an early decision to reposition some of the Port properties and to
purchase other properties that might better contribute to their purpose of economic
development. The Rayonier property was one under consideration, so the partnership
with the City provided them the opportunity to contribute to the goal for cleanup and
redevelopment. The Port feels there should be broad consensus on this in the community.
President Calhoun indicated the Port is interested in redevelopment of the site to provide
jobs and to contribute to the economy. He addressed the priorities of environmental
clean-up, human health and safety, identification and protection of Native American and
cultural sites, restoration of Ennis Creek to contribute to the overall goals of the Puget
Sound Partnership, the provision of a link to the Olympic Discovery Trail, and the
accommodation of the City's CSO needs. Commissioner McIntyre agreed, adding there
is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the circumstances and future of the property.
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History of Formation of
Port Angeles HarborW orks
Development Authority
" ~ .
December 9, 2008"
However, Rayonier, as the property owner, has certain rights and obligations of property
ownership in terms of its future. Every effort must be made to reduce the level of
uncertainty in order to attract private capital. He felt the property is in no productive use,
and it is time to reach a conclusion regarding the future of the property and return it to a
productive use while improving habitat, protecting cultural resources, and the like.
Port Executive Director McChesney read a statement from Commissioner Schoenfeldt
that addressed his support of the Public Development Authority, the priority of the
Rayonier site cleanup, and the need to create new family wage jobs that were lost when
the mill closed. Commissioner Schoenfeldt has been clear about the Lower Elwha Tribe's
involvement, and he indicated the creation of the PDA was not intended to release
Rayonier from liability. He felt Rayonier must be held accountable to the community,
and he stressed the fact that success depends on an open public process. Director
McChesney responded to a question regarding authorities statutorily granted to the Port,
reviewing the mandate for economic development, the ability to issue bonds, experience
in the redevelopment of waterfront parcels, and a management agreement with the
Department of Natural Resources related to the tidelands. Port Attorney Oliver added
that Port Districts have a broader authority with acquisition and redevelopment for
industrial and commercial purposes, such as the John Wayne Marina. He also addressed
the potential for local control as relates to the filled harbor areas. President Calhoun
expressed the beliefthat community developments are best achieved through partnerships,
such as that with the City and the Port, and he supported the investment of economic
development funds from the settlement agreements in redevelopment that would serve the
public well.
The City Council and the Port Commissioners .engaged in discussion on such matters as
to whether the formation of a new entity is the answer, whether it is cumbersome to form
a new institution, and whether the new entity incurs risks and expenses and creates a
situation where the constituents are kept at arms length. The benefits of the City / Port
partnership were addressed, as was the desire to bring redevelopment and remediation of
the Rayonier site to conclusion. The opinion was expressed that the path forward is most
smooth when operating in a partnership with common goals. Discussion also centered
around the need to get all questions answered, the possible cornerstone for a campaign,
and the potential rallying of the community behind the process if all of the information
is provided. Attorney Bloor provided clarification regarding the formation of the PDA
as relates to Title 4 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Public Corporations. The
Ordinance that formed the PDA contained language that anything in the old Ordinance
would be overridden by the new Ordinance that was enacted. Lengthy discussion also
focused on the need for assurances that the City wouldn't be taking on any liabilities or
costs of cleanup, something that all citizens and taxpayers need to understand. Reference
was made to terms contained in a draft liability transfer agreement to acquire property and
clean-up, a document that was obtained through a public records request. Attorney Oliver
indicated that nothing has been finalized as yet, but the City and the Port would not be so
foolish as to accept liability and responsibility. He emphasized that negotiations are yet
to come.
" ,
In the ensuing discussion, individual Councilmembers emphasized that clarification must
be given to the public that Rayonier is totally responsible for cleanup costs and associated
liabilities. Further information was sought concerning the potential purchase of the
property, and Attorney Oliver indicated that something often overlooked in the
discussions is that, at the end of the process, whomever ends up with the property will
possess a very valuable piece of property. There will be some very pleasant capital gains
realized, and a substantial asset will be put to the beneficial use of the community.
Having said that, he further indicated there will be some up front cash flow needs
associated with the activity, such as legal, planning, and engineering for due diligence,
but the idea is to end up with a clean piece of property with a substantial economic value.
Attorney Oliver also reviewed the potential for grant funds to assist in the process.
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December 9,2008
History of Formation of
Port Angeles HarborW orks
Development Authority
President Calhoun noted the Port's willingness to develop infrastructure, if it results in
net positive gains to the community. He emphasized the City and the Port each have exit
points and will not support any provision of a deal that leaves either entity in a negative
position. There are exit points throughout the process. To provide further assurance,
Attorney Bloor indicated the concept is that the City will pay nothing for the land or the
clean-up. Director McChesney stated the City and the Port have agreed to contribute up
to $1 million in the form of loan agreements to the PDA for working capital, planning,
and the like. As the process moves forward towards implementation, there may be
transactional issues that can't be anticipated. Councilmember Williams stressed the fact
that the seed money is separate from taxpayer money.
Discussion ensued with regard to negotiations with Rayonier and the need to preserve the
City's and Port's ability to strike the best agreement. Discussion also focused on
allegations that the Public Development Authority was created in violation of the Open
Public Meetings Act. Attorney Bloor and President Calhoun stated that actions taken
May 20, 2008, were in compliance with the Act. Commentaries were forthcoming from
the City Council and the Port Commissioners that this undertaking will take time, that it
involves individuals with a great deal of integrity, and that staff members involved are
very qualified.
Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:42 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
7:54 p.m.
Mayor Braun requested closing comments, asking City Council members and Port
Commissioners to identify issues that needed further clarification or discussion. No one
raised any questions about the formation of the PDA, but other issues were identified as
needing further clarification at a future time. Those issues identified all related to
potential future actions. They included the need to address the timing of the process,
estimated costs, zoning, and legal responsibilities for broad clean-up. It was suggested
that the City and Port should meet with the Tribe to consider the Tribe's goals throughout
the process. The possibility of scheduling another City/Port meeting was discussed, but
no date was agreed upon at this time. Closing comments were made by President
Calhoun, who spoke in support of the Public Development Authority but expressed
concern that activities of the PDA had been somewhat suspended because of the
uncertainties related to the PDA.
Director West indicated it was always intended to involve the community in the process,
and he was confident that would occur as activities progress. He reiterated this entire
effort is about solving a community challenge for the benefit of the community as a
whole. Through the benefit of partnerships, he was certain much would be accomplished.
In closing, Mayor Braun thanked the Port Commissioners for their attendance, and he
indicated a future meeting could be held if necessary. It was noted that Mr. Pendowski
from the Department of Ecology had offered to come to Port Angeles to provide input
from DOE's perspective. Opinions were expressed that the PDA should not suspend it's
activities, but should move forward and proceed with the hiring of an Executive Director.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
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