HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/10/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 2oi" December 10 19~ '"", . _M". ","M. '''''_''. ,.'"".. ..... .... I T~e City Commission met in regular sessionat 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by Acting Mayor Robi~on. Offic.ers present were Vernon Robinson, Mayor Pro-Tem, Commission Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. ! Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. , Under the head of applications for building permits and license renewals, the following were. grante\!: I B~ILDING PERMITS: /~ -< "'''', ..... Wayne Williams Remodeling into offices-L2.!:<'t 9, Blk. 1, Tidelands East an:! West J; H. Loewen Construct dwelling,Lot :'''1' 1 & 2, Blk. 296, T ownsi te M, D. Rodgers To construct addition to existing dwelling, Lot 18, Block C, Glovers I LICENSES: ofJ, rtJ Fredericks Electric Master electrician DeLuxe Cleailing Dry Cleaning Taylor Heating and Plumb. Master Plumber I Harbor Tavern Amusement Machine Harbor Tavern Husic Machine Harbor Tavern Soft Drink Elk Drug Co. S oft Drink J. W. Caven Plb. & Ht. I'lIl.ster Plumber $ 5,000.00 6,000.00 Sub. 200.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 6.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 Under the head of unfinished business, Fred Strange, Chairman of the Planning Commission inforrr,ed.in writing that the Planning Commission has discussed possible remedy for the improvement of street arterial' system and' preliminary survey for the same. It was the unanimous opinion of the Planning Commission that every effort I s\Iould be made toward a pl'eliminary survey of Tumwater Valley from Ma.~ine Drive to intersection of Highway 9-A, also te Highway 101. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that' as much as the propoaed survey is now \ under way, the same be continued. Seconded by Co"missioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, A. W. Williamson of 1200 j'!estern Ave., Seattle! filed a claim for $22.00 . towing charge for removing his truck from soft ground caused by water main rep.Lacement. It was moved by iCOmmissioner Robinson that the claim be referred to the Attorney. Seconded by Commis~ioner Taylor. All i voted Aye. Motion carried. ' Romeo A. Bott, Secretary of the Emplcnyees Retirement System, informed that Clifford L. Finch must retire Feb. '1, 1952, unless time is extended by the Commission. It was ,moved by Commissioner Robinson that a resolution be prepared extending for two years the working time of Mr. Finch. Seconded by Commissioner taylor. - All. . voted Aye. Motion carried. .' Francis Woods appeared with a blue print of building he is constructing and requested that ithe permit be changed from sinide dwelling to dUl'l~}t was~moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be approved. All voted Aye. J Moti~n earned. - ~ c.,....,.~ ~rl-<' ;-,.~< T~e report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of October showing $1,762.50 fines 9011~cted, ~as approved and filed upon order. The Engineer informed that the electric motor at the Crown Zellerbach plant used for pumping liquor from tank wfien used on streets, is in need of rewinding ~r .replaced by a new.motor. It was moved by Commission<r Taylor that the IJlltt-er b, referred to the Engineer's .Department. - Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. MotiOll carried. E; Rt Gehrke, Jr.~ appeared regarding black-top. being broken up ~nd lack of dr~nage on MarineThDriye-in from. of his prop..rty. It appears tftat damage J.S belng done bT log trucks and heavy traffic. e Jmgineer was instructed -tl> look over the situation and ascertain if a plan to eliminate can be worked out. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CURRENT EXPENSE: 656, ,:)5" Bwreint Offioe SuPPlY Paper, engineer scales, office supplies Olympic Printery Election supplies, offlce supplies Eve~ New s Press Election ball&ts I1harleston Elec. Mtr. Repair electric motor C. A. Wolverton Plane ticket t.. Portland, Oregon The Seagrave Corp. Pump parts Harris and Schuller Radiator repairs Pen. Fuel Co. Fuel Oil , Filion Jewelers Repair badge , Larry Wint er Stolfsge Car repairs Pacific Tel. 8< Tel. Svc. 4340 Dobson Auto Electric 1 flasher Stewart Filion 1 five gal. can wax Fitchard's Assoc. Sere Car repair and 1 new tire G & W Fire Service lk qts. pyrene R. O. Ide November mileage City Shop Engineers, anti freeze 3.50, gas 9.07; Police, repairs 66.75 Olympic Stationers Office supplies CITY STREET FUND:./"~;7. ~ Western Tractor screws, nuts, spring, pivots Luvaas Tire ReTread 1 tire, 1 tube, lsection WOOdie's Harley Davidson Padlock, hasp, flashlite, etc. p. A. Concrete Prod. Sewer pipe, basins, etc. Wheeler Hdwre. Garbage can, etc. City Shop Gas 316; oil 17.00; diesel 44.95; kerosene 7.50; repairs 81.51 24.00 67.83 ~~:~~ l2.6O~ 2.574 3,06 g5BI28 1.03 7.211 10.39 2.36' 15.97. 30.75 1.811 23.91; fZ:a: I 10.38 133.05 11.69 64.11' 60.81' 767.01' I 9.63 26.32 I 4.43 ~:, ,~ , .' CITY SElOP FUND: Pacific Tel. and Tel. Schreiner Chevrolet Woodie's Harley David- i son D & B. Battery & Else. Luvaas Tire R'"'read Svc. 3540 Parts Bicycle tire and tube Check voltage regulator and auto parts Cap ,~. 202 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ll_ber 10, (continued) 19~.. '''0< . ''''''. """'. .,.,,~'" ."........... ..... CITY SHOP CONTINUED: / ;/.,j-, iL::J :'Aut~motive Parts Servo I . .WATER FUND: '/ if. 7 t, City Light Dept ~aal~~~n ~om'Parts Co. 'City Shop Dept. 'Western Utilities Suppl;y Co. Zellerbach Paper CG. Fred~ricks Electric Hooker Electrochemical Co. Wallace & Tiernan Seattle Pipe Suppl;y Co/ 'Grinnell C.. of the Pacific Palmer Suppl;y C0. rlund Lumber C0. LIGHT FUND: .30) 1Cff,S:<" Clallam County PUD No.1 I ' Bussing Office Suppl;y Pac. Tel. and Tel. Co. Gen'I Elec. SuPP17 Corp. City Shop Dept 'P. A. Evening News '!\ngeles Gravel and SUpJll;y Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Htg. .Middletol1SMotor Parts Co. ;Ma.ydwell and Hartzell 'Hayonier, Inc. Puget Sound Navigation Co. 'Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. .General Electric C0. j ;SANITATION: / 9' 'i.$ / 'City Shop G. & W. Fire Service 'Auto parts Service I PARK FUND: '1'1.<.0 Wheeler Hdwre. & Furn. 3 gal. Prestone. tools, etc. McMahan Fuel C... Stove oil Pacific Tel. & Tel. Services -Tbllrmador Electric Mfg. Air heater, etc. Angeles Pitts burg Paints Linoleum knife I PARKING METER AND TRAFFIC CONTROL FUBD: 0 i"/b.97 City Shop .Gas 9.07; anti freeze 2.25 ~eeler Hdwre. and Furn. Screwdrivers,.punch, etc. Bussing Offi ce SuPP17 Office supplies Current Ex:pense FUnd Balance budget appropriation 1951 ,City Light Dept. Counting ani wrapping money ,bEMETERY FUND: 1.:2 /. '1 (, City Shop De~t. Wheeler Hdwre. and Furn. j ERICKSON'S CHILDREN'S PLAYFIEID FUND: Wh~eler Hdwre. and Furn. Scr.....s, hasp, nails I . LID GENERAL FUND: The Ol;ympic Printery f Th~re being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Parts Elec. service ~~r:igs~mfi: ~as, oil an:! repairs ~h Supplies Switch Chlorine OfT solution Pipe Pipe Fittings Hardware, etc. Oct. pow~r Labor and material Lap and file Phone service Charger l!llllps Gas, oil and repairs Advertising Paint and sand Shop work Toels Hardware Connectors Freight charges Transformers, Fuses ~~~~9.94; oil 2.75 Parts Gas 15.68. oil 2.25 ~beelbarrow, grass seed, etc. Print bonds LID #155 0, !!. ;fcu-u. -1-'. City Clerk ~ \. ~~.6~~~ Mayor I ".'1 16.40 1~:69 195.52 13.88 17.85 . 2.28 .53.38 4.53 234.96 220.24 52.53 141.62 I 27,688.26 928.84 ,27.45 94.90 2.80 127.43 14.47 11.00 3.40 2.8:3 162.83 3.09 101. 76 1,230.58 98.88 I 152.69 9.89 31.93 I 37.46 16.49 17.19 15.79 7.27 I !l.Il:;! 4.43 1.22 7,120.00 280.00 , I 17.93 104.03 J 2.16' j ?i+.17 I I I I