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Port Angeles, Washington
December 10, 1991
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 5:39 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Lemon, Nicholson,
-- Ostrowski, and Schueler.
Members Absent: Councilmen Hallett and Wight.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey,
J. Pittis, B. Titus, and M. Campbell.
Public Present: G. Braun, F. Eoff, G. Pettit, and B. Haselton.
Senior Center - Consideration of Ordinance authorizing issuance and sale of Unlimited Tax General
Ordinance Authorizing Obligation Bonds for the Port Angeles Senior Center
Issuance and Sale
of Unlimited Tax Fred Eoff, of Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood, addressed the City Council with regard to
General Obligation the issuance and sale of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds for the Senior
Bonds - Center. He reported this bond issue is particularly notable in view of the fact it has
Ordinance No. 2659 been over six years since the City has had a general obligation bond issue. This
bond issue has been on a fast-track in order to get the bonds on the market as quickly
as possible. The bends need to be sold quickly so the tax levy for 1992 can be
For the first time, the financing has been insured which is due, on a large part, to
the fast-track approach. The issue is rated AAA by Moody's and because of this
rating, the bonds were priced with a better interest rate. Mr. Eoff related that
certain questions were raised about the impact of the spotted owl issue and the timber
industry on the local economy; however, it has been pointed out that the peninsula
has experienced a great deal of diversification over recent years. Further, the City
has evidenced a solid financial position. Interest quoted slightly exceeds 6.5 % which
is a ten-year low; the timing is excellent for the favorable sale of the bonds.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, providing for the issuance and sale
of Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds of
the City in the principal sum of $2,460,995 for
the purpose of providing funds to finance the
construction and equipping of a Senior Services/
Community Complex; providing the date, form, terms
and maturities of said Bonds; providing for the
disposition of the proceeds of sale of the Bonds;
providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay
the principal of and interest on the Bonds; and
providing for the sale thereof.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by rifle,
authorizing publication by summary. The morion was seconded by Councilman
Mayor Sargent noted the attendance of George Pettit at this meeting, and extended
the Council's appreciation for his commitment and hard work in the Senior Center
project. At this time, Councilman Ostrowski inquired as to the next step in this
endeavor. Manager Pomeranz responded that the next matter of consideration will
be the selection of an architect, to be followed by design work. Hopefully,
construction will commence during the summer months.
December 10, 1991
Senior Center - A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
Ordinance Authorizing
Issuance and Sale Councilman Nicholsun moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the Bond
of Unlimited Tax Purchase Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ostrowski and
General Obligation carried unanimously.
Bonds -
Ordinance No. 2659
1991-1992 Mid-Biennial Review of 1991-92 MM-Biennial Budget
Budget Review
Members of the City Council continued their review of the 1991-92 Mid-Biennial
Budget by proceeding through the department budgets and receiving clarification on
certain matters.
The Council had previously expressed concern with budget requests pertinent to
Clallam County Health Services, as well as Human Services, and Councilman
Nicholson reported on the outcome of a meeting held Monday with the County
Commissioners. It was the City's opinion that the County might wish to reconsider
its decision to discontinue funding to the Port Angeles Senior Center. The
Commissioners indicated they would respond to the City's request at a later date.
During the budget review, it was noted that, in many cases, certain sizable items are
made a part of the *Contractual Services~ category. It was suggested that, in some
cases, it might be easier to monitor these items if they were made a part of a
separate line item. Specifically cited in this consideration were such items as jail
expenses and Humane Society expenses.
City Manager Pomeranz distributed and reviewed a financial forecast for the period,
1991 through 1995, noting the forecast is particularly important due to the City's
consideration of possibly returning to an annual budget. The financial forecast will
be a valuable tool to the Council members in its efforts to maintain balanced budgets
in the future.
Discussion was held about the rapidly escalating costs in the health care insurance
category; the City Council will soon be receiving the results of a recent study
conducted by consultants. It was agreed this issue needs to be given prompt
attention, in addition to educational efforts to take place at the employee level.
The City Council then directed its attention to the Capital Improvement Program for
the years, 1991 - 1997. Lengthy discussion was held on the matter of yard debris
composting, the equipment required for such an effort, and the fact that this issue
must be a top priority of the Recycling Committee. Consideration was given to
funded versus non-funded items, and Planning Director Collins reviewed for the
Council the requirements set forth in the Growth Management Act relating to a
Capital Facilities Plan which must be adopted and funded by July 1, 1994.
Public Works Director Pittis reported the next Capital Improvement Program will be
formulated during the month of June, 1992, during which time public input will be
solicited through a public hearing. It is also intended that City-wide prioritization
on the CIP will be accomplished with the assistance of the City Council.
Manager Pomeranz indicated the Ordinance for the budget adoption would be on the
agenda for the December 17 City Council meeting ....
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.