HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/11/1940 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington ""IIIl 227 December 11, 1940 19_ I I I I I The Co~~ssion met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order U,y Mg,yor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor ]jeetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Per:nits and Licenses the following were granted: A. H. Knudsen, Build House, Lot 22, Block 1, Cain's Subd. of Sub. Lot 18 J. W. A1.stott, fuild addition to house, Lot 5, Block 284, To,vnsite \'1m. Gorgegnor, Remodel Building, Lot 10, Block 16, )1. R. Smith's Addition General Petroleum Corp., Build Service Stati on, Lots 8 & 9, Block 269, Townsite Sig Larson, Remodel Store, Lot 8 J Dlock 51, N. lL. -Smith's Addition Rome's ~hoe Shining Parlor, Amusement Ga~e Location License The Harbor Tavern, ;,,, Marine Drive Lunch, 2500 .00 550.00 1000 .00 SOOO .00 500.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first and second readings: AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of electric current furnished and distributed by the City of Port Ange1.es and preacribin~ and fixing charges and rates for the sale of same; prescribing certain duties of the Superintendent of Utilities; providing for the termination of service for non-payment of electric current used; authorizing the Superintendent of Utilities, subject to the approval of and confirmation by the City Commission, under certain circumstances, to make special rates to individual customers; repealing Qrdinance: No. 913" Grdinance No. 977, Ordinance No. 1028 and Ordinance No. 1056, and amending Sections 17 and 20 of Ordinance No. 890; providing for and declaring an emergency; placing this ordinance in ,full force and effect after its lawful publication. Under the head of Communications the following cCl!illunication wes read: Port Angeles, Washington December 2, 1940 The City Commission City 0: Port Angeles, Washington GentlemElIl' I hereby. sulznit my resignation as Superintende,nt of Utilities, to become effective January 1, 1941. It is ,vith much regret that I find this action necessary. I have endeavored to reconcile my ideas of the proper management of the Department with these of the City Commission but I find it imp6ssible to do so. You arepf oourse aware of these differences of opinion as we have discussed them at various times. I do not believe that the water and light systems can be properly operated under the present policy of the City Commission and with this feeling I cannot honestly re~~in in charge of them. I sincer.ely hope that this action will in no way be detrimental to the "ity of Port Angeles. I have a deep feeling for this city and I have taken much pleasure in my associations with my fellow-workers. Much has I been accomplished in the last seven years and much remains to be done and it is with sincere regret that I feel it necessary to leave this work at this time. Yours truly, S. H. White, SUpt. of Utilities It was moved by Comwissioner Beam that the fora going resignation be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted eye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for sane: CURRENT EXPE NS E FUND City Trsesurer Port Angelos Evening News N. M. Hawkins i City Treasurer II . Stamps and Card Publications Services as Secretary Ligh t. and Wa ter WPA Street Lights Searching Records Gas Professional Services Meals for Prisoners Light and Water Repilirs Gas Repair Parts Li&ht . nd Water City Barn Electric Fitting Ind Ins & Med Aid 15.00 49.56 20.00 22.56 1067.30 26.00 54.25 55.00 58.91 32.26 .77 42.44 52.69 4.85 l.88 19.58 Brumfield & lbvis Abstract Co. Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Gale E. .inson, !1.D. Larrick I s Cafe Ci ty Treasure r Harris & Schuller Tid~{ater lssociated Uil Co. AutomotiveParts Service Ci ty Treasurer The Electric Gompa~ State Treasurer ;J-...o t~ CITY STREET FJND City Treasurer Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Heating Ha rry LeGear I Automotive Parts Service Johnson & Bork The Texa s Company Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Standa rd Oil Go. State Treasurer Freight Pipe Insurance Parts, etc. Pai nt Brush Havoline Oil Gas Asphalt Ind L"lS & Med Aid 3 ) 3' t"-- 1.54 .45 20.64 12.58 1.02 53.60 205.55 28.05 15.91 WATER FU11D Ci ty Treasurer Clallam Goun~ Abstract Co. Car Licenses Maps 5.00 l.00 ~ r'" 228 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ McClellan Hardware Co. , Harris & SCQuller Epperson & Sons, Inc. Frank Macdonald & Sons Dempsey & Bounn Associated Oil Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Wallace & Tiernan Remington Rand, Inc. State Treasurer December ll, 19~ Hardwa re 15.71 Repair Truck 2.29 Lumber 2.05 Repairs 7.14 Gas & Oil 2.28 Ga soline 19.17 Pipe & Wedges 13.51 O. T . Solution 1.10 Billing forms J-/-"?- o>f 541, 29 , Ind. Ins. 15.74 Auto Licenses 5.00 Rope 11.11 Building material 10.25 " " 71,01 fir timbers 1,85 Freight 6.99 Wood 12.75 Cups 2.96 Prest one &011 20.20 Gasoline 21. 90 Battery 9.05 Meters 109.26 Billing forms 541. 29 Registers 15.50 Ind. Ins. " I 6.80 November Power Bill 1 /.f?-'f : 8778.55 Light & Water 9.97 Light & water 24.28 Light & water 31.25 Ind. Ins. t.1e 6.54 Bonds purchased 21691. 'JO Filing Fees 6.00 I lo.. LIGHT FUl<D- I City Tre asurer Montgomery Ward Co. Epperson & Sons Eppcrson & Sons R .M.Morgan P.S.Navigation Co. A. Spencer Angeles Co-oerative Creamery Shell Service Station Associated Oil Co. D. & B. Battery & Electric General Electric Co. Remington Rand Inc. II II" I State Treasurer P.S.Power & Light Co. LIBRARY FUND CITY Treasurer PARK FUND Ci ty Treasurer Ci ty Treasurer State Treasurer L.I.D. GUARAIfrY I1'1VESTI.'ENT FUND City Treasurer L.I.D.GENERAL FUND Ci ty Trea surer There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. /JM~ U:,:)J/~ City Clerk I I