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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
73 ~
December 11. 19..51)_
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The City Commission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were:
Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, and Clerk Law. '
Minutes of the previous session ,were read and approved:
Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted:
Paul Kesler
Paul Kesler
W. E. Johnston
Nailor Lumber Co.
Remodel Decking on Used Car Lot; Yot 12, Blk. 17, Thompson & Goodwin Add.
Build Dining Room on Existing Dwelling; Lot 7, Blk. 297, TOlmsite
Move House; Lot 13, Blk. 375, Townsite
Construct Addition to Existing Bldg.; Lot 4, Blk. 268, Townsite
Under the head of unfinished business, the bids submitted to furnish a rock crushing plant and accessories
for the Street Department were again oonsidered. The Engineer reported that the best bid for crusher
adapted to available material was by Cl,yde Equipment CompaIJO' for one 36S Telsmith Gyrasphere @ $10,904.25,
F .O.B. factory. To \'lashington Machinery and Storage CompaIJO' for channel frame @ $2,030.00, conveyor,
18"x40', @ $995.00, feeder, $585.00, vibrator screen, $1,320.00, four screen cloths, $189.00. Commissioner
Taylor explained that although the bid by Clyde Equipment CompaIJO' is not the low bid, advantages of this
particular type warrant the difference over the low bid, which was not accompanied by certified check as
required by specifications. y~. Taylor also cited consultation with ~le Iverson, Deputy State Auditor,
who advised him that if material offered was the best bid and no labor involved, the City is not required
to accept the low bid. Commissioner Taylor also informed that although the 6lyde Equipment bid was not the
low bid, it would best meet specifications required with this type of rock. Also that after observing
equipment in operation the State Highway Department at Olympia has been consulted and that department has
approved specifications. That the City has purchased rock at $1.97 per yard, but he feels sure the same
can be produced for $1~00 and be available to contractors if emp~oyed, thereby saving more for the City.
S. A. Payette, Manager 'of P. U. D. presented a letter informing that the said District is willing to extend
its three phase service to the gravel plant with provisos. Rate to be negotiated by special contract,
having in mind savings to the City on an off peak basis. That the service be not before March 1, 1951, and
at least 30 days notice be given.
I It was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that the crusher could be operated for approximately $8.00 per
day for power and that within six or eight years would pay for itself. Also that County Commissioner
, O'Brien has agreed to furnish rock to the City at cost until the City plant is in operation.
j Engineer Ahlvers advised that the crusher can be in operation by March 1st, if motors are available for
, delivery and that bhe total cost would be approximately $21,000.00 inclusing motors, installation to be by
I City labor. Mayor Feeley questioned ,as to amount of ,gravel available. The Engineer r,:plied that the
I present site is two or three acres, forty feet deep.
Commissio~er Robinson inquired as to investigation regarding capacity of plant, cost to City and savings
. anticipated, quality of material, etc. Commissioner Taylor advised that all had been thoroughly investigat~d.
: Mr. Taylor then reconunended complete eliniination of the crusher project it the same cannot be in operaton
by March 1, 1951, also requesting that bids be awarded if motors will be available for power. He further
reconunended purchase of triple d<;ck screen for better operation which will warrant additional cost.
It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid for crusher by Clyde Equipment Company be accepted with
proviso that the City have one week in which to ascertain possibility of obtaining power equipment. Also
that the bid by Washington Machinery and Storage Company be accepted for conveyor, feeder, screens, etc.,
under the same condition, and certified'checks of other bidders be returned. Motion seconded by Commissioner
Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. '
I Bids to furnish a pick-up truck for the Park Department were again considered, and on recommendation by
the Park Board, it was moved by Mayor Feeley that the bid by Port Angeles Motors for a G.M.C. truck at
$1,503.00 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Bids to furnish insulated cable for the Light Department were opened as follOl'S:
, Anaconda Wire & Cable Co.: Item 1, $1,144.00 per M ft.; Item 2, $1,015:00 per M. ft.
i Maydwell & Hartzell: Item 1, $1,285.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, $1,173.00 per M. ft.
I John A. Roeblings Sons Co.: Item 1, $1,243.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, unshielded $996.00 per M. ft.
1 ' Item 2, shielded $1,357.00 per M. ft.
General Electric Co.: Item 1, by water $1,166.00 per M. ft.; 'Item 1, by rail $1,242.00 per M. ft.
I ' Item 2, by water $1,049.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, by rail $1,106.00 per M. ft.
,North Coast Electric Co.: Item 1, by rail $1,086.00 per M. ft.; Item 1, by water $1,026.00 per M. ft.
i Item 2, by rail $1,079.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, by water $993.00 per M. ft.
I General Cable Corporation: Item 1, $1,257.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, $1,527.00 per M. ft.
Alternate: Item 1, $2,003.00 per M. ft.
I Graybar Electric Co., Inc.:' Item I, $1,166.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, $1,049.00 per M. ft.
Home Electric Co.,: Item 1, by rail $1,242.00 per M. ft.; Item 1, by water $1,166.00 per M. ft.
Item 2, .by rail $1,106.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, by water $1,049.00 per M. ft.
Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.: Item 1, $1,243.00 per M. ft.; alternates: $1,257.00 & $981.00 per M. ft.
Item 2, $996.00 per M. ft.; alternates: $1,357.00, $1,527.00, $2,003.00, $1,103.00 per M. ft.
General Electric Supply Corp.: Item 1, $1,144.00 per M. ft.; Item 2, $1,015.00 per M. ft.
All bids were referred to the Light Suptl for checking. It was then moved by Commissioner Robinson that the
bid by North Coast Electric Company be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried:
. '
Under the head of new business, Attorney Conniff filed claim for damages by Margaret Godfrey of Sequim.
Claim was for injuries received by fall caueed by hole in the sidewalk near Second al'ld Lincoln Streets and
in amount of $2,832.24. It wae moved by Mayor Feeley that the claim be referred to the City Attorney.
Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The EiJg~neer filed estimates on contracts by Owens Brothers, Engineering & Construction Company as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission
Port Angeles, Washington
I herewith submit the first estimate (November) of work done and material furnished by
I Owens Brothers, Engineering and Construction Co., Contractor, on the construction of a channel
t- and jetty wi th rock Rap Rap at the Elwha River.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
December 11th, continued,
.."."AA......"',"..".".............. ....
6 acretl clearing@ $75.00
30,000 cu. yds. unclassified excavation @ .20~
10 hours additional tractor time @ $13.00 per hour.
24 hours additional tractor and carryall.time @ $24.00 per hour.
Less 15%
Amount Due Contractor
$ 450.00
Yours very truly,
Herman Ahlvers,
City Engineer
Dec. 9th, 1950
To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission
Port Angeles, Washington
I herewith submit the first estimate (November) of 1olOrk done and material furnished
by Owens Brothers Engineering and Construction Co., Contractor, on the construction of Pile and
Timber Plank Bulkhead on the northerly side of Ediz Hook.
2500 linear fest piling furnished @ .40~
70 piles driven in place @ $10.00
10,980 F.B.M. timber plank in place @ $120.00 per M.B.M.
Less 15%
Amount Due Contractor
Yours very truly,
Herman Ahlvers,
City Engineer
It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the estimate for Elwha River project be accepted and paid, and
that the estimate for work on Ediz Hook be held until an Emergency Ordinance has been passed providing
payment for the same. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
The Commission considered possibility of purchasing motors to operate the crusher plant. It was moved by
Commissioner Taylor that calls for bids be published for the said motors and opened December 26th. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
It was also moved qy Commissioner Taylor that bids be published to furnish for the water department steel
to be used in construction of a building to house the chlorinization plant, opening date as specified in
call. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Commissioner Taylor informed that the item for Renewal of Mains, Services, Meters, etc., in the 1951 Water
Budget had been placed in classification of Capital Outlay in error. Mr. Taylor was advised by
Mr. Graham of the Division of ~11inicipal Corporations that due to the apparent error, the Commission by
proper resolution may authorize transfer of the said item to the proper classification of Maintenance and
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C' f;"o;erves the right to
r~ of'all hids,
, }.;, I~A1Y, City Clerk,
r'Llbl - D<"cember 1,., 22, 10:.0.
Howard V. Doherty
'City Treasurer
Quick 'Print
Hooker Storage Garage & 'Serlf.
Richfield Oil Corp.
Fitchard's Ass. Service
Dobson Auto Electric
Headrick Repair Service
Willson Hardware Co.
Hazel's Cafe
R. O. Ide
Bussing Office Supply
Johnson & Bork
Attorney Fees, etc.
Light, Water, Garbage
Stn. Gas, tJU, Repairs
Motor Oil, Gas
Car Repair
Car Repai r
Car Repairs
Light Supplies & Hdwe.
Meals for Prisoners
Car Mileage for Nov.
1 Pen
Paint & Brushes
Automotive Parts Service
Dobson Auto Electnc
Olympic Stationers
Olympic Salvage
Tower Super Service
Angeles Machine & Welding Works
Willson Hardware Co.
Woodie's Harle,y Davidson
City Treasurer
Port Angeles Concrete Products Co.
Angeles Gravel & Supply Co.
Department of Highways
The Toggery
Auto Repair
Oxygen, Acetylene, etc.
Parts & Labor
Tools and Hardware
Duplicate Keys
Light, .later
Sewer Pipe, etc.
Cement, Sand
Tests, Analyses
Hip Boots, Coat, Hats, Gloves
WATER FUND: J 2, "os-. 'ZJ'I
Loop Auto Wrecking Co.
City Street Dept.
James l~. Caven
Western Utilities Supply Co.
J. P. Surace Construction Co.
Olympic Foundry Co.
Owens Bros. Eng. & Constr. Co.
Gas, Oil and Repairs
Toilet Bowl & Fittings
Copper Tubing
First Est. Elwha Job
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
---------D..e.cember 11th, continued,
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! LIGHT FUND: '~11,: 'leo/Ii?
Clallam County P.U.D. No. ,1
City Street Dept.
I J. J. McLean
Peninsula Fuel Co.
o 8< B Battery 8< Electric Stn.
\ Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.
1 Graybar Electric Co.
Tooker Motor Freight
J City Treasurer
Clallam County Humane Society
October Power
Gas and Repairs
Csr Expense
Furnace 011
Freight Chgs.
Excise Stamps
There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned.
Dog Licenses and Pound Fees
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1.c, "ur
City Clerk
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