HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/12/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 12. 1934 193_ ""IIIl 257 I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor uavis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous sessionwere read and approved. I Under the head of Applications for Building Permi ts, the following was granted: I Henry 'IIeller, Reljlodel residence, Lot 3, Blk. 9, P.S.C.C. SuM. $400.00 Under the head of New Business: 11; appearing that the title certificate to the Graham Truck turned in on new equipment for the Street department, February 1934, has been received from the State License Department. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the City Engineer be authorized to make the necessary transfer of title certificate to V. A. Samuelson &: Co. or to their assignee. Seconded by Commismoner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Unfinished Business,- The hearing of D. S. Lewis and the Washington MotuI' Coach Company for abatement of the buIlding at 133 East Front Street for operating a Dry Cleaning and PreSSing Plant in said. premises without complying wi th the requirements of ordinance No. 8?4, came up and was continued to December 19, 1934, ~t 11 a.m. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warr4llts drawn f'o r same: CURRENT EXPENSE The Pac. Tel &: Tel Co. ~illson Hardware Co. Harris & Shuller Lysall Welding &: Forge Works P.A. Auto Supply Co. Kissner Motor Parts Co. The Pac. Tel &: Tel Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell &: ~o. Western Tractor &: Equipment Co. Angel es Foundry Co. p.A. Concrete Products Co. Howard-Coop er Corp. V. A. Samuelson &: Co. P.A. Iron V10rks Garvin Auto -:0. Garvin Auto Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply -:0. Leader Department Store Angel as Gravel & Supply Co. Garvin Auto Co. Garvin Auto Co. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. S tandar,i Oil Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works Willson Hardware Co. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Garvin Auto (;0. Olympic Printery ~~:n~~~ ~:~s& Tel -:0. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer City Treasurer M. .'. silleman H. E. Dodge Lowman & Hanford Co. Luigi Casilio Standard Oil -:0. W. S. Darley Co. State Treasurer WATER FUND Seattle Plumbing Supply -:0. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Eckert Shoe Store Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. Uames Hardware Co. V. A. Samuelson & ~o. Q,uick Print ; Frank Macdonald &: 50ns Lysall Welding &: Forge Works McDonald. &: Nailor State Treasurer Burroughs Adding Machine Co. State Treasurer Hater Department EDIZ HOOK WATER EXTENSION FUND Frank Macdonald &: Sons Frank Macdonald &: Sons Service Supplies Radia tor >;;hields Weld Hot Water Tank Supplie 51 Fuses Service Insurance on House Grader Parts Inlet Cover Pipe, etc. Rubber Hose Repairs Repairs for grader Repairs on Fordson Grader Repairs on grader Sand & gra vel Supplies Gra vel Coal Oil Container Repairs on Essex Grader parts Gas Repairs Hardwar e Service Repairs Supplies Publica tion Service Servi ce Meals for Prisoners Car Licenses Lumber Expemse Account Supplies Labor Gas Sewer Suit Ind. Ins. &: Med.Aid 3;t \\'....0 1.25 1.5? 4.30 4.50 .95 .50 ?~5 6.05 69.72 2.50 32.30 135.6? 12.95 8.00 ~.34 3.49 IOB.61 .?O 9.10 1.25 4.?0 11.94 1?5.5? 1.?5 5.80 5.30 4.15 35.GO 6..51 4.05 4.00 .? 0 5.00 27.61 ?55 14.70 12.00 2?01 ?m 46.60 Pipe Pipe Boo ts Supplie s Supplies Supplie s ~epairs Supplie s Services Service &: ~upplies Tire & '!'ube Bus iness Tax for 1933 Servic e Ind. Ins, & Medj Aid Pay Roll ~... ,. I(;'~'" 36.66 145.52 40.25 21.86 6.05 1.19 16.23 26.85 1. 75 28.09 10.40 1,030.44 ??5 4?78 llG.OO Servi ces Servi ces "" ")"'1>,- 9.05 11.?5 ~ ,..- 258 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 12, 1934 193_ LIGHT FlJI'm QUick Print Brown's iladio Servi ce V. A. Samuelson & Co. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Kissner Motor 00. Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer Office Equipment Johns on & Bor k McHugh & Peterson Sta te Treasurer Light Department General Electric Supply Corp. General Electric S~pply Corp. City Treasurer State Trea-aurer LIBRARY Harry S. Brooks Herman GOldberger Agency F. C. Millington The National Geographic Society Doubleday Doran & Co. E. O'Brien The Pac Tel & Tel C. Verne Francisco Harry Dawkins R. C. Williamson Ed B. Taylor Post-Intelligencer Gaylord Bros. Inc. Malmo & Co. Bellingham Book Bindery Jenni:j.u Norris puget Sound News Co. Harris & Shuller Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Suppli es Condenser Repairs Supp li es Supplies Laffius Servi ce s Supplie s Varnish Repairs Business l'ax for 1933 Pay Ro 11 Supplies Supplies Supplies Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Landscaping Subscriptions II Books Books Wood Servi ce Labor Wood Vlood Installing Range Boiler Subscription Supplies .~ Shrubs Binding ~q ko Petty Cash Books Repairs Typewriter There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 11 ?!J)~ City Clerk. ... ;x:?~~ Mayor. }~ ~1'l I 28.00 1.25 ?30 2.35 <:.?5 124.94 12.80 3.00 1. 70 7 .50 l,2?9.44 55.50 11,84 16.61 2.00 20.21 I 12.00 130.40 9.00 5.00 3.40 30.00 4.~5 5.00 9.00 21.00 11.45 9.50 9.70 14.00 4? .9? 5.23 61. 68 2.00 102 . 50 1 'I I I