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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
The Conunission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call
showed the follo.dng Officers present: Mayor Robinson, Conunissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston,
and Clerk Hawkins.
The Minutes of tho previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applications
Building permits:
Martha Possinger,
Peterson & Craver,
F. C. Waldron
J. F. W~oods
Mrs. H. M Aboott,
Al Goe rg
for building pennits aud licenses, the following were granted:
Remodel house, Lot 3, Blk. 1 Evan's Subd.,
Remodel House, Lot 14, Blk. 385, Townsite
Build Dr1811ing, Lot. 8, Blk. 121, Townsite
Build 2 houses, Lot 10, B~. 203, Townsite
Move house, Lot 1 - 2, Blk. l74, Townsite
Remodel & partition, Lot 1, Blk. 16, N.R. Smith,
>7 00,00
Harri,~ton & Giles
II 11
. It 1 ,00 '
The fila tter of the request of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company tilat an extension of sixty days I
be granted from January 1, 1946 to March 1, 1946, for filing applications and m3king returns of license tax
under the provisions of Ordinance #1148 creating a business Occupation tax come up for consideration. . I
After due considsration, it was moved ;,y Mayor Robinson that the above request be granted, and that the I
Occupation license tax collection period be advanced sixty days to March 1, 1946, on all business covered .,
by the Ordinance. Seconded by Conmissioner Beam. On roll call, all rr,embers voted Aye. The Mayor declared'
the ~otion carried.
3 Amusement Machines
7 Card tables
Soft Drink
Soft Drink
1 J.~usic 1.~chine
Pastime. Tavern
It appearing that the amplifier and automatic record changer phonograph at the Athletic Park Playfield
having become defective and cannot be satisfactorly used, it Vias moved by Corrunissioner Beam on the recom- i
mendlation of Street Comnissioner elect, Vim. S. Johmson, that the said equipment be replaced by the purchasel
of new equipment. Seconded by].'ayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared
the motion carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on the petition in the matter of the vacation of a strip,i
19 feet by 450 feet of Caroline Street, a;,utting on the South side of Bihock 33, Nonnan R. Smith's Subdivision
of the Tovmsite of Port Angeles then came before the Commission. The City Clerk reported no oljj..ctions had:
been made or filed. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner 1~sters that a strip 10 feet by .1
450 feet abutting on the South side of Block 33, Noman R. Smith's Subdivision of the Tovmsite of Port
Angeles be vacated, and the City Attorney be instructed to bring in an Ordinance vacating the same. Motion
seconded by Commissioner Beam. an roll call all members voted Aye. The l~ayor declared the motion carried..
Following is copy of notice of hearing and Affidavit of posting in the matter.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIMEN that on the 51st day of October, 1945, a petition was filed with the City Corrmissioni
of the City of Port Angeles to vacate 19' by 450' of Caroline street abuttingQ1 the South side of Block 33"
Noman R. Smith's Subdivision of the To-rmsite of Port Angeles, Claliam County, Washington. I
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 14th day of November, 1945, the City Commission of the ,City of Port
Angeles duly adopted a Resolution directing that a hearing on said petition to vacate said street be held
at the City Commission room of the City of Port Angeles in the Fire Hall, on Wednesday, the 12th day of
December, 1945, at the hour of eleven o'clock, A. ~.
Dated this 16th day of November, 1945.
In the Matter of the Vacation of that portion of;Caroline )
Street abutting on the South side of Block 33 Noman R. )
Smith's subdivision of Townsite of Port Angeles, Claliam r
County, Washington. )
I;. 11. Hawkins
City Cle~-----
H. E. Dodge being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he was at all times herein mentioned of full age,
a resident of fort Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington, and a citizen of the United States and of
the State of Washington; That on the 16th day of November, 1945, he posted true and complete copies of the
c original notice of hearing on petition to vacate certaL, Streets and Alleys described in the notice of
hearing hereto attached.
One copy was posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County, WasningtonJ one at the
i front door of the City Building at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles, one in a conspicuous place on each '
of the Streets and Alleys in the City of Port Angeles, Washington which is sought to be vacated in the
petition in the above entitled matter.
H. E. Dodge
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1945.
J. Iv'le Beam.
Notary Publ~c wand for the State of
Washineton, residulg at Port Angeles.
Under the Head of Introduction of Ordinances, the followi ng ordinance ?las introduced and passed the 1st
and second readings.
AN ORDINANCE vacating certain portions of an alley in the City of POrt Angeles, described as follows, I
That portion of' the alley running through Block Thirty~five of the Townsite of Port Angelec, ~rg..
aril being between Lots Nine and Ten on the North of said alley and Lot Eleven on the south of said alley
in said Block Thirty-Five Tmvnsite of Port Angeles.
Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
np.~p.mhp.l"'J 12J
The Commission examined the following claims, and ordered wa rTants draom in payment of the same:
Current Expense Fund.
P. A. Evening Nelrs,
P. A. Evenirlg News
H. E. Dodge
City Treasurer-
Willson Hardware Co.
QiJ:z stre~ FUnd:
James Hdwe. CO.
II Automotive Parts Service
D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta.
J Bhnson & Bork
I Standard Oil Co.
Willson Hdwe. CO.
,I Western Tra.ctor &. Equipment
I Water FUnd:
Samuelson Motmr Co.
Palmer Supply Co.
Federal Pip8~& Tank Co.
D. & B. Battery & Elec. Co.
Automotive Parts Ser.
Hooker Electrochemical Co.
Light Fund ::
The Electric Co.
, Westinghouse Elec. Supj!Ily
D. &. B. Battory & Elec. Co.
Automotive Parts Ser.
Gelleral Elec. Supply Corp
Associatee. Oil Co.
P. A. Evening News
Radio Station K 0 N P
Chas. E. lJeam-
Graybar Electric Co.
, Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co.
Line Material Co.
Gemeral Electric Co.
Radio Ser. & Appliance
Sanitary Fundt
Montgomery Vlard Co.
D. &. B. Battery & Elec. Sta.
P. A. Auto Supply Co.
P. A. Evening Nemt
James Hdwe. CQ>.
Ii ~.""?r;r
Library FUnd:
Ci ty I:reasurer
Park fund:
City Treasurer
War Liquor Tax FUnd:
City Treasu rer
I P. A. Auto Supply Co.
willaon Hdwe. Co.
Hoare & Headrick
, Owih Drug Co.
I Automotive Parts Ser.
Ernie Kohler
I Thos H. Guptill
I Mclean Shoe Store
i, D. & B. Battory& Elec Sta.
I Johneon & Bork
Mexican Chili Bowl
L.I.D. Revolving Fund:.
City Treasurer
L.I.D. Guaranty Fund:
Oi ty Treasurer -
Publications, $ 34.96
Election Supplies 83.44
Expense Ace ount 12.31
Light & Water Dept' s. 1429.76 IS{PC,~y
Lamp .17
Bolt Cutters 4.58
.Idse. 15.76 I
Motor Parts 11.51
Oil 1.90
Bas & Oil 284 .46 ,.
Sack Neeillle, Spoons 56.55 52&,./:2
Tra cto r Parts Ji.E3.46
Truck Repairs 7.60
Slilpplies 27.70
Wood Pipe 62.83
Truck Repairs 9.73 I
Truck Repairs 4.28 I J:4 7, II
Chlorine 14.97
Wire, :i1tartsrs, Batteries 766.74
Trans formers & Supplies ll\7.87
Truck repairs 1.00
Truck repai rs 6.84
Meters & Sockets 199.59
Gas 50.00
Adv. 15.60
Ser. Nov. 50.00
Car Exp. Nov. 19.85
Mat erials 30.36 I
Paper 44.50 I
Materials 58.76 I
St. Light fixtures 16.50 i 12"il,Jr
Ba tteries 5.76 I
Buzzers - Chains 55.06
Bat tery 9.95
Truck Parts 15.3n
Display Edv. 2.75 '-'9,Q'l
4 tubs 8.05
Lt. Water & Garbage 10.58
Light Water Garbage 66.56
Light 12.80
Cheese Cloth .51
Paint Brush .26
Service & Parts Ji9.18
Sponges - Tape 1.63
Truck parts Jl7.15
Radio Ser. &: Parts 57.35 ,
Signs 27.81
Galoshes 3.88
Battery - Svdtch 19.85
Paint - Brush 9.17 15:9./ b
Meals for prisoners 3.71
Taxes, Lot 7, Blk. 175, Townsite 82.57
Assessments paid as per vouchers 1 to 12. 1875.48
There being no further .business, the meeting was ~djourned.
/1, 17Y~
City Clerk